55 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kenaikan Harga Solar terhadap Usaha Penangkapan Nelayan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi

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    The government of Indonesia establish a policy to stabilize the fuel price according to the price fluctuation In global market by using Mid Oil Platts Singapore (MOPS) as a standard.The aim of this policy is to Improve fishermen financial capacity. One way to Implement this Is through provide gradual subsidy to the targeted fishermen. The government increases fuel price every month since January until December 2002. This condition promotes positive Impacts to all sectors, Include fisheries specially fish catch Industry. This fishing activity Is a part of fisheries Industries which depend on fuel. Consequently, fisherman Income In PPN (National Asherles Port) Palabuhan Ratu decreases. On financial side, the industries that use vessel 5-10 GT are not suitable If fuel price Increases until 36%

    Pengaruh Kenaikan Harga Solar terhadap Usaha Penangkapan Nelayan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi

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    The government of Indonesia establish a policy to stabilize the fuel price according to the price fluctuation In global market by using Mid Oil Platts Singapore (MOPS) as a standard.The aim of this policy is to Improve fishermen financial capacity. One way to Implement this Is through provide gradual subsidy to the targeted fishermen. The government increases fuel price every month since January until December 2002. This condition promotes positive Impacts to all sectors, Include fisheries specially fish catch Industry. This fishing activity Is a part of fisheries Industries which depend on fuel. Consequently, fisherman Income In PPN (National Asherles Port) Palabuhan Ratu decreases. On financial side, the industries that use vessel 5-10 GT are not suitable If fuel price Increases until 36%

    Strategi Pemasaran Ekspor Ikan Tuna Beku (Studi Kasus di PT Danaumatano Persada Raya Jakarta)

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    The research was conducted to examine the marketing strategic to find the alternatif solution that can be applied to solve the problem. The reserch to catod at PT Danaumatano Persada Raya Jakarta.The method is case study, with SWOT analysis to solve the problem.The result of SWOT  analysis indicated that strategic were:SW : new market segmen, develop the product and new market.ST : market research, resuorse efficiency and training of the human resourcesWO : recruitment of the marketing expert, human resurc e efficiency and promotion.WT : basic price selling and market breakthrough.The altematif strategic : to develop the new market, resource efficiency recruitment of the marketing expert and market breakthrough

    Peran fintech dalam pengembangan usaha budidaya udang vaname

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    Komoditas ekspor andalan Indonesia pada sektor perikanan adalah udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei). Hambatan yang dihadapi dalam kegiatan budidaya diantaranya yakni akses permodalan yang terbatas dalam pengembangan usaha akuakultur. Fintech memiliki  peranan yang penting karena dapat meningkatkan akses finansial pembudidaya, salah satunya adalah Infishta. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni menganalisis peran pendanaan fintech dalam pengembangan dan keberlanjutan usaha budidaya udang vaname. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menggali fakta terkait manfaat pendanaan fintech terhadap usaha akuakultur dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendanaan yang diberikan  fintech senilai 30%  dari total biaya,  memberikan tambahan modal untuk penambahan luas lahan produksi dari 26,8 ha menjadi 41,4 ha. Akibatnya produksi yang dihasilkan meningkat menjadi 45,11 ton dari 32,24 ton Berdasarkan aspek finansial, usaha budidaya udang vaname sesudah pengembangan usaha  layak untuk dijalankan karena memiliki nilai NPV (1.539.637) > 0,  net B/C (1,67) ≥ 1, dan IRR (23,99%) > discount factor serta sensitif terhadap penurunan tingkat kelangsungan hidup dan kenaikan harga pakan. Pendanaan fintech dapat berperan dalam pengembangan dan keberlanjutan usaha budidaya udang vaname melalui penambahan lahan produksi budidaya serta layak dikembangkan.

    Analisis Hubungan antara Karakteristik Sosial Ekonomi Pembudidaya dengan Produktivitas Budidaya Ikan Lele di PT Ikan Bangun Indonesia Bogor

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    Permintaan ikan lele yang terus meningkat di Indonesia mendorong pembudi daya untuk meningkatkan produksinya. PT Ikan Bangun Indonesia merupakan salah satu perusahaan rintisan akuakultur yang menerapkan skema kerja berupa kemitraan inti plasma. PT Ikan Bangun Indonesia sebagai inti yang bekerja sama dengan investor, dan pembudi daya sebagai plasma. Perusahaan dengan kegiatan budidaya ikan lele ini menghasilkan tingkat kelangsungan hidup rata-rata ikan lele hanya 67% dan produktivitas budidaya rata-rata hanya 6,53 kg/ m2 pada awal tahun 2022. Hal ini menjadi masalah karena dapat mengakibatkan kerugian bagi perusahaan, inverstor, dan pembudi daya. Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Februari – Maret 2022. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan karakteristik sosial ekonomi pembudi daya, sistem kompensasi, kinerja produksi, dan menghitung produktivitas pembudi daya, serta menganalisis hubungan karakteristik sosial ekonomi pembudi daya dengan produktivitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus yang menggunakan data primer dan sekunder.Data primer yaitu data karakteristik pembudi daya, sistem kompensasi, dan kinerja produksi digunakan sebagai variabel independen yang dikumpulkan dengan melakukan wawancara dan pengisian kuesioner oleh pembudidaya selaku responden. Data sekunder yaitu data produktivitas budidaya ikan lele digunakan sebagai variabel dependen yang bersumber dari data perusahaan. Data tersebut dianalisis secara deskriptif dan statistik menggunakan analisis korelasi Pearson dan analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa semua variabel memiliki hubungan dan berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas budidaya ikan lele kecuali karakteristik pembudi daya. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan agar dapat diwujudkannya sosialisasi bagi para pembudi daya terkait teknis budidaya yang baik dan benar oleh pemerintah sektor perikanan dengan tujuan mewujudkan pembangunan perikanan budidaya berkelanjutan dan menghasilkan profitabiltas yang tinggi bagi perusahaan akuakultur lainnya di Indonesia.Title: Analysis of the Relationship between the Socio-Economic Characteristic of Fish Farmers and The Productivity of Catfish Farming at PT Ikan Bangun Indonesia BogorThe increasing demand for catfish in Indonesia encourages farmers to increase production. PT Ikan Bangun Indonesia is one of the aquaculture startup companies that implements a work scheme in the form of a plasma core partnership, PT Ikan Bangun Indonesia as the core working together with investors, and fish farmers as plasma. Companies with catfish farming activities produce an average survival rate of catfish of only 67% and an average farming productivity of only 6.53 kg/m2 at the beginning of 2022. This is a problem because it can result in losses for the company, investors, and fish farmers. The research was conducted in February – March 2022. This research aims to describe the socio-economic characteristics of fish farmers, compensation systems, production performance, and calculate farmers productivity, as well as analyze the relationship between the socio-economic characteristics of farmers and productivity. The type of research is non-experimental with a case study method. Data on fish farmers characteristics, compensation systems, and production performance used as independent variables were analyzed descriptively and statistically using Pearson correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the analysis show that all variables have a relationship and influence the productivity of catfish farming except for the characteristics of the farmer. This research recommends that socialization can be carried out for farmers regarding good and correct farming techniques by the government in the fisheries sector to realize sustainable aquaculture development in Indonesia

    Pengembangan Pendederan Ikan Kerapu melalui Peningkatan Kapasitas Kelompok untuk Penguatan Komoditas Unggulan Kabupaten Administratif Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta

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    Nursery needs to be developed to strengthen the grouper as a superior commodity for the Seribu Islands Administrative District, Jakarta. This effort is carried out through the development of human resources (HR) and appropriate technology (AT), and hoped that the grouper nursery will become a new business unit in this district, where most of the area is sea. This activity aims to develop HR and AT for grouper nursery through training, piloting, and mentoring. This activity was carried out to 23 community members who are members of the three fish farmer groups. The training materials including the technical and management aspects of the grouper nursery.  The piloting and mentoring of grouper nursery were carried out in parallel with the development of AT in the form of the application of garlic-meniran flour, and were carried out at the Sea Farming Center of PKSPL-IPB, Seribu Islands. The piloting includes preparing of cages, stocking of seeds, feeding, water quality and fish health management, sampling, harvesting, and post-harvest handling. The mentoring is carried out by serving participant visits to the center, interviews and meetings. After the training there was an increase in knowledge and skills of the participants, as well as the emergence of motivation to start a grouper nursery business. During the piloting and mentoring, the involvement and enthusiasm of the participants was relatively high and various aspects were discussed. The application of meniran-garlic flour in feeding on grouper nurseries can improve the feed conversion ratio, so that feed costs are more efficient. One of the participants has tried to run humpback grouper fish farming independently, and made a profit after two months of rearing.Nursery needs to be developed to strengthen the grouper as a superior commodity for the Seribu Islands Administrative District, Jakarta. This effort is carried out through the development of human resources (HR) and appropriate technology (AT), and hoped that the grouper nursery will become a new business unit in this district, where most of the area is sea. This activity aims to develop HR and AT for grouper nursery through training, piloting, and mentoring. This activity was carried out to 23 community members who are members of the three fish farmer groups. The training materials including the technical and management aspects of the grouper nursery.  The piloting and mentoring of grouper nursery were carried out in parallel with the development of AT in the form of the application of garlic-meniran flour, and were carried out at the Sea Farming Center of PKSPL-IPB, Seribu Islands. The piloting includes preparing of cages, stocking of seeds, feeding, water quality and fish health management, sampling, harvesting, and post-harvest handling. The mentoring is carried out by serving participant visits to the center, interviews and meetings. After the training there was an increase in knowledge and skills of the participants, as well as the emergence of motivation to start a grouper nursery business. During the piloting and mentoring, the involvement and enthusiasm of the participants was relatively high and various aspects were discussed. The application of meniran-garlic flour in feeding on grouper nurseries can improve the feed conversion ratio, so that feed costs are more efficient. One of the participants has tried to run humpback grouper fish farming independently, and made a profit after two months of rearing


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    Kegiatan pembenihan ikan patin, terutama dalam usaha skala kecil pada umumnya menggunakan kompor minyak tanah sebagai pemanas ruangan, agar tingkat kematian benih dapat ditekan. Kenaikan harga minyak tanah akhir-akhir ini, bahkan hilangnya minyak tanah di beberapa tempat, menjadi kendala dalam kegiatan pembenihan ikan patin ini. Oleh karena itu perlu dicari alternatif teknologi pengganti yang lebih efisien dalam penggunaan minyak tanah; dalam hal ini, menggunakan lampu petromak. Sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara finansial penggunaan lampu petromak sebagai pemanas ruangan pembenihan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa selama setahun dengan menggunakan kompor minyak tanah mampu memperoleh keuntungan sebesar Rp 52.996.455,56, nilai R/C sebesar 1,97 dan payback period selama 1,73 tahun. Sedangkan analisis usaha dengan menggunakan lampu petromak, diperoleh keuntungan sebesar Rp. 60.556.455,56, nilai R/C sebesar 2,28 dan payback period selama 1,52 tahun. Analisis finansial menghasilkan nilai NPV sebesar Rp 695.550.355,5, Net B/C sebesar 27,69% dan nilai IRR 457,26%. Usaha pembenihan ikan patin dengan menggunakan pemanas lampu petromak ini menjadi tidak layak untuk diusahakan jika terjadi kenaikan harga minyak tanah sebesar 1.161,87%, kenaikan harga pakan sebesar 1.228,65% dan penurunan harga benih sebesar 98,57%. Tittle: Financial Analysis of the used ‘Petromak’ as a Heater in Catfish HatcheryCatfish hatchery, especially in small-scale business is generally using primus stove as column heater in order to reduce mortality of seed produced. An increase in the price of kerosene recently, even the dissapearing kerosene in some place, has been becoming a constraint in this catfish hatchery. Therefore, an alternative technology by using ‘petromak’ in order to reduce the use of kerosene was taken into place. So that, this research was aimed to analyse financially the use of petromak lamp as room heater in hatchery. Results showed that the use of primus stove in hatchery enables to generate profit of Rp 52,996,455.56, a RC-ratio of 1.97 and payback period of 1.73 years. Meanwhile, the use of ‘petromak’ lamp enables to generate profit of Rp 60,556,455.56, a RC-ratio of 2.28 and payback period of 1.52 years. Financially, the latter produces NPV of Rp 695,550,355.5, net BC-ratio of 27.69% and IRR of 457.26%. The business will be loss whenever price of kerosene increases 1,161.87% or price of feed increases 1,228.65% or price of seed decreases 98.57%

    Financial analysis of pond area extension in Pacific white shrimp culture at Cantigi Indramayu

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    Pacific white shrimp is one of the primadona of fishery commodities. This shrimp is superior as it resists to diseases and also high productivity. Jati Hasil Diri (JHD) located in Cantigi Indramayu is one of the pacific white shrimp culture company. In order to develop the business, this company planned to extent their pond area from 26 to 42 Ha. This plan was therefore needed to be financially analyzed to confirm its feasibility. There were two different scenarios of area extension, first scenario was to extent pond area without any technical improvement, and the second scenario was to extent pond area with technical improvement. The result of the study shows that the pond area extension was feasible with NPV of Rp7.221.427.150,00  and  Rp29.867.006.067,00, the net B/C of  2,62 and 7,7  and  also the  IRR of 47,84%  and 146,55% for the first and second scenario, respectively. Sensitivity analysis indicated that the business is still feasible to be operated at a maximal of feed price the increase of 38,84% for the first scenario and 119,36% for the second scenario or if the shrimp price decrease with a maximum decrease of 18,81% and 41,12% at first and second scenario, respectively. The first business scenario is more sensitive as compare to the second scenario. Key words: Pacific white shrimp, Cantigi Indramayu, pond, technical improvement, sensitivity analysis   ABSTRAK Udang vaname merupakan salah satu komoditas perikanan yang menjadi primadona, karena keunggulannya yaitu tahan terhadap penyakit dan menghasilkan produktivitas yang cukup tinggi. Usaha Jati Hasil Diri (JHD) di Cantigi Indramayu adalah salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam usaha budidaya udang vaname. Dalam rangka mengembangkan usahanya, perusahaan berencana untuk menambah  luas lahan tambaknya dari 26 Ha menjadi 42 Ha. Sehingga perlu dikaji melalui analisis kelayakan finansial, apakah penambahan luas lahan ini layak atau tidak untuk diusahakan. Pengembangan ini menggunakan dua skenario yaitu skenario pertama adalah perluasan lahan   tanpa ada perbaikan teknis dan skenario ke dua adalah   perluasan lahan yang disertai dengan perbaikan teknis. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan luas lahan  pada  Usaha JHD layak untuk diusahakan  dengan  nilai NPV  pada skenario 1 dan 2 masing-masing sebesar  Rp7.221.427.150,00 dan  Rp29.867.006.067,00, net B/C sebesar 2,62 dan 7,7 dan IRR sebesar 47,84% dan 146,55%. Analisis sensitivitas menunjukkan bahwa usaha masih layak dijalankan jika terjadi kenaikan harga pakan udang  pada skenario 1 maksimal sebesar 38,84%  dan skenario 2 sebesar 119,36%, sedangkan penurunan harga jual udang  vaname  maksimal pada skenario 1 sebesar 18,81% dan skenario 2 sebesar 41,12%.  Pengembangan usaha pada skenario 1 lebih sensitif dibandingkan skenario 2. Kata kunci: Udang vaname, Cantigi Indramayu, tambak, perbaikan teknis, analisis sensitivita

    Kajian Penerapan Manajemen Mutu Terpadu di CV Banyu Biru, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan

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    In recent years, export of ornamental fish from Indonesia increased for every year in quantity and value. There are thirty eight companies with the ornamental fish export business. In this global competition era, the product quality stimulates company´s competitiveness. This research has aim to see how far the TOM concept has been applied to improve the business performance of CV Banyu Biru. CV Banyu Biru hold a customer´s satisfaction strategy for competing with competitors. The strategy is to fill up the customer´s demand and satisfaction by serving and keeping product quality. We can see the problems of TOM and how far the TOM have been applied in this company by observing the company´s quality management in relation with the indicators, principles, and the basic elements of TOM. In identifying the existing problem, the research use the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method by making hierarchy. The results of this research shows that there are five main problems. That the company always put in priority. These problems are product quality, product delivery timing, production continuity, product amount and production costs. The alternative for improvement are teamwork, training, benchmarking, information system, technology, product variation, and also the improvement in management info administration system. The priority of joined management perception to elements of TOM are company vision and mission, standardization, internal auditing, organization, facilities, human resources and training