24 research outputs found

    The comparison of sports coaches’ pre-season, in-season and post-season leadership behaviours in terms of sport psychology

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    This research aimed to compare sports coaches’ perceived leadership behaviours during a season (pre-season, in-season and post-season) in terms of sports psychology. A total of 232 permanent and contracted sports coaches who work for Provincial Directorates of Youth Services and Sports voluntarily participated to the research. Leadership for Sport Scale-LSS was used for data collection. The scale was applied to sports coaches three times (pre-season, in-season and post-season). Data was analysed by descriptive statistics and variance analysis. If the variance analysis is significant at 0.05 level, Benferonni analysis was used as a post-hoc test. According to variance analysis there is a significant difference for democratic behaviour [F (2,462)=3.723;p<0.025], training and instruction behaviour [F (2,462)=6.523;p<0.000] and social support behaviour [F (2,462)=7.925;p<0.000]. Moreover, there was not any significant difference for autocratic behaviour [F (2,462)=1.765;p>0.166] and positive feedback behaviour [F (2,462)=2.671;p>0.086]. To sum up, it could be said that sports coaches leadership behaviours could differ among seasons

    Minimizing total weighted latency in home healthcare routing and scheduling with patient prioritization

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    We study a home healthcare routing and scheduling problem, where multiple healthcare service provider teams should visit a given set of patients at their homes. The problem involves assigning each patient to a team and generating the routes of the teams such that each patient is visited once. When patients are prioritized according to the severity of their condition or their service urgency, the problem minimizes the total weighted waiting time of the patients, where the weights represent the triage levels. In this form, the problem generalizes the multiple traveling repairman problem. To obtain optimal solutions for small to moderate-size instances, we propose a level-based Integer Programming (IP) model on a transformed input network. To solve larger instances, we develop a metaheuristic algorithm that relies on a customized saving procedure and a General Variable Neighborhood Search algorithm. We evaluate the IP model and the metaheuristic on various small, medium, and large-sized instances coming from the vehicle routing literature. While the IP model finds the optimal solutions to all the small and medium-sized instances within three hours of run time, the metaheuristic algorithm achieves the optimal solutions to all instances within merely a few seconds. We also provide a case study involving Covid-19 patients in a district of Istanbul and derive insights for the planners by means of several analyses

    The auto assist bar system for disabled people

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    This paper presents the development of the auto assist bar system to help the disabled people especially paralyzed in the legs where they have a problem to doing transaction stand-to-sit and sit-to-stand. An example the difficult movement of people with disabilities are from wheelchair to bed or from wheelchair to the toilet bowl. Many people with disabilities use the grab bars or assist bar are sold in the markets where it is too difficult and require a lot of energy to use which can cause them to fall and injured. Through this system, the disabled people can do the transaction stand-to-sit and sit-to-stand without assistance from other persons. The work will be performed during this project is testing performance of the sensors, design for the entire system either on mechanical parts and use the PID controller by using Arduino to control of dc motor. PID parameter values of Kp, Ki and Kd is obtained which is suitable to enable a dc motor rotates smoothly. The overall results obtained from this project found all managed to achieve the overall objectives of the system where the system is able to support people with disabilities to stand up and sit down

    Evaluation of the Drinking and Irrigation Quality of Groundwater in Basra, Iraq

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    This study assessed the quality of groundwater in south of Basrah governorate from three regions (Zubair, Safwan and um-Qaser), as well as its expediency for drinking purposes and irrigation. Fifty groundwater specimens from various locations were collected and their physical and chemical parameters were assessed. The WQI was used to measure overall water quality, and the results were displayed using GIS. The calculation of the Water Quality Index (WQI) took twelve physiochemical parameters into account, including pH, EC, TDS, TH, (Ca+2), (Mg+2), (Na+), (K+), (SO4-2), (Cl-), HCO3- and (NO3-). The groundwater in Basra was found to be of generally low quality, with significant levels of salinity, hardness, and TDS. The groundwater in the research region was not fit for human consumption, according to (WHO, 2011) standards for drinking water. Applying WQI revealed that, with the exception of two wells, the research area's ground water was classed as (very poor-unsuitable) type. The GIS analysis assisted in identifying places with the best water quality and those with the most serious issues. groundwater of research region for irrigation purpose was used Indices considered include SAR, SSP AND MH%. The groundwater from the study area is generally in good condition and may be utilized for irrigation, as shown by the estimated water indices when compared to accepted standards

    Impact of Metaheuristic Iteration on Artificial Neural Network Structure in Medical Data

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    Medical data classification is an important factor in improving diagnosis and treatment and can assist physicians in making decisions about serious diseases by collecting symptoms and medical analyses. In this work, hybrid classification optimization methods such as Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swam Optimization (PSO), and Fireworks Algorithm (FWA), are proposed for enhancing the classification accuracy of the Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The enhancement process is tested through two experiments. First, the proposed algorithms are applied on five benchmark medical data sets from the repository of the University of California in Irvine (UCI). The model with the best results is then used in the second experiment, which focuses on tuning the parameters of the selected algorithm by choosing a different number of iterations in ANNs with different numbers of hidden layers. Enhanced ANN with the three optimization algorithms are tested on biological gene sequence big dataset obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) repository. GA and FWA are statistically significant but PSO was statistically not, and GA overcame PSO and FWA in performance. The methodology is successful and registers improvements in every step, as significant results are obtained

    Pengaruh Paritas Terhadap Litter Size, Bobot Lahir Dan Mortalitas (Pra-Sapih) Domba Ekor Tipis Compass Agrinak Di Balitnak Ciawi, Kabupaten Bogor

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Balai Penelitian Ternak (BALITNAK) Ciawi, Bogor. Menggunakan domba ekor tipis Compass Agrinak (DCA) pada bulan Mei 2021-Oktober 2021. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui paritas berpengaruh terhadap litter size, bobot lahir dan mortalitas pra-sapih pada domba Compass Agrinak (DCA) di Balai Penelitian Ternak (BALITNAK) Ciawi, Bogor. Domba Compass Agrinak merupakan hasil persilangan dari domba lokal Sumatera dengan domba Barbados blackbelly dan domba St. Croix. Domba hasil persilangan ini menurunkan 50 persen sifat domba Sumatera, 25 persen domba Barbados blackbelly, dan 25 persen domba st. croix. Persilangan tersebut dilakukan oleh Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan (PUSLITBANGNAK) dan Pengembangan Pertanian Materi yang digunakan adalah 102 indukan produktif berbagai umur. Hasil penelitian diharapkan mampu memberikan acuan dan evaluasi terhadap kemampuan domba Compass Agrinak (DCA) dalam bereproduksi dan menghasilkan keturunan yang unggul, menjadikan domba Compass Agrinak (DCA) sebagai plasma nutfah untuk dikembangkan kedepannya karena memiliki sifat prolifik. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan pengumpulan data primer. Data primer dari penelitian ini diperoleh dari hasil pengamatan langsung dilapang dan wawancara dengan petugas bagian teknologi reproduksi di Balai Penelitian Ternak (BALITNAK).diberikan pakan hijauan segar rumput gajah (Pennisetum purpureum) sebanyak 500 gram/ekor/hari dan konsentrat harian dengan kandungan protein 16 % yaitu sebesar 500 gram/ekor/hari yang diberikan secara rutin 2-3 kali sehari, diberikan asuapan air secara adlibitum. Paritas yang digunakan pada pengembangan bibit domba Compass Agrinak (DCA) adalah paritas 1 dan 2. Sistem perkawinan yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan sistem perkawinan alam karena dinilai lebih efektif dan tidak membutuhkan biaya dan tenaga yang besar. Perkawinan domba Compas Agrinak menggunakan kawin alam dengan perbandingan 1 jantan dan 6-7 betina. Kandang yang digunakan tipe kandang panggung dan model atap monitor. Sample yang diteliti dan diamati berupa jumlah kelahiran (Liiter Size), bobot lahir dan mortalitas (pra-sapih) apakah berpengaruh terhadap paritas setelah itu dilakukan perhitungan indeks peroduktivitas Induk (IPI) untuk melihat efektivitas dan efisiensi domba Compass Agrinak (DCA) yang dikawinakan secara alami.Pengambilan sampel sebanyak 102 ekor ternak yang bagi menjadi Paritas 1 (P1) 55 ekor dan Paritas 2 (P2) 47 ekor, Pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Data yang telah diperoleh ditabulasi dan dikelompokan berdasarkan paritas kemudian dianalisis secara kuantitatif. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji non para metrik menggunakan Mann Whitney (U-test) untuk mengetahui pengaruh paritas domba Compass Agrinak (DCA) terhadap litter size, bobot lahir, dan mortalitas pra-sapih. Hasil penelitian menunjukan paritas berpengaruh nyata terhadap litter size dan mortalitas pra-sapih. Rataan litter size domba Compass Agrinak (DCA) 1,14 ekor dengan jumlah kelahiran tunggal 88,26% dan kembar 11,84%; rataan bobot lahir domba Compass Agrinak (DCA) 2,31 kg dan persentase mortalitas pra sapih domba Compass Agrinak (DCA) 5,87% .Dapat disimpulkan paritas induk berpengaruh terhadap litter size dan mortalitas, namun tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap bobot lahir pada domba Compass Agrinak (DCA)

    Semi-analytical model of Hall resistance anomalies (overshooting) in the fractional quantized Hall effect

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    We predict resistance anomalies to be observed at high-mobility two-dimensional electron systems (2DESs) in the fractional quantized Hall regime, where the narrow (L < 10 μm) Hall bar is defined by top gates. A semi-analytic calculation scheme is used to describe the formation of integral and fractional incompressible strips. We incorporate the screening properties of the 2DES, together with the effects of perpendicular magnetic field, to calculate the effective widths of the current carrying channels. The many-body effects are included to our calculation scheme via the energy gap obtained from the well-accepted formulation of the composite fermions. We show that the fractional incompressible strips at the edges, assuming different filling factors, become evanescent and can co-exist in certain magnetic field intervals yielding an overshoot at the Hall resistance, similar to that of the integral quantized Hall effect. We also provide a mechanism to explain the absence of 1/3 state in Fabry-Perot type interference experiments. A gate defined narrow sample design is proposed to enhance the visibility of fragile effects like interference and overshooting based on our semi-analytical model