11 research outputs found

    Estimation of residential building evelopes' energy performance using the infrared thermography method.

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    Енергетске перформансе зграда представљају резултат утицаја више различитих фактора током њиховог животног века: од закона и прописа према којима су пројектоване и грађене, преко квалитета извођења и употребљених материјала па све до одржавања, односно евентуалних унапређења. У циљу формирања стратегија газдовања грађевинским фондом базираних на постулатима одрживог развоја и енергетске ефикасности неопходно је испитати стање и, нарочито, утврдити реалне енергетске карактеристике зграда. Предмет докторске дисертације представља истраживање структуре и енергетских перформанси омотача вишепородичних стамбениих зграда Србије изграђених у периоду после Другог светског рата. Полазиште рада представља анализа материјално конструктивних карактеристика зграда као и регулативе релевантне за ову област уз установљење одговарајуће периодизације. За сваки дефинисани период утврђени су карактеристични фасадни склопови који су детаљно истраживани проучавањем техничке документације, прорачунавањем енергетскких перформанси и истраживањем на терену применом методе термовизијског снимања. Специфичности коришћене методе су детаљно истражене и описане како на теоретском тако и на практичном плану. Идентификовани су релевантни утицајни фактори, могућности примене у архитектури и назначена ограничења са објашњењима најчешћих грешака и неодговарајућих тумачења. У циљу правилне примене методе дефинисане су процедуре и дате одговарајуће препоруке. Истраживање енергетских перфоманси је остварено прорачуном релевантних параметара на основу важеће законске регулативе, применом симулационих метода и термовизијским снимањем. Извршена је компарација добијених резултата уз одговарајући коментар и формиран је каталог карактеристичних случајева...Energy performance of a building is a result of various impact factors throughout its whole lifecycle: from laws and codes regulating its design and construction, build quality and materials application all the way to the occupant behaviour, maintenance and potential upgrades and adaptations. Establishing the current condition and real energy performance of buildings is necessary in the process of creating strategies for building fond management based on the postulates of sustainable development and energy efficiency of buildings. The subject of this dissertation is research of structure and energy performance of Serbian multifamily housing built after the World War II. The starting point of the research is the analysis of material characteristics of these buildings as well as relevant codes and regulations with establishing appropriate periodization. Typical façade assemblies are determined for each period, to be explored in detail by studying the technical documentation, calculating and simulating energy performance and on-site explorations using the infrared thermography method. The specifics of infrared thermography method are thoroughly researched and described both through theoretical and practical aspects. All relevant input factors are identified and explained, the possibilities for application in architecture are determined and explored, including the constraints and the most common mistakes and misinterpretations. The adequate procedures are determined and a set of recommendations is defined in order to provide proper application of the method. Energy performance of buildings is explored by calculating relevant parameters based upon current regulations, by computer simulations and by infrared thermography. The results are cross-compared and thoroughly interpreted, and a catalogue of typical cases is provided..

    Uloga hepatičnih zvezdastih ćelija (HSCs) u razvoju fibroze jetre mačaka sa policističnim bubrezima (PKD)

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    Hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) play a significant role in hepatic fibrogenesis. In the following study we described the distribution of cells that express alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and desmin in the cat liver with various degrees of fibrosis, as well as the significance of hepatic stellate cells and portal myofibroblasts in the genesis of fibrosis in cats with polycistic kidney disease. Liver samples from 15 necropsied Persian cats were examined microscopically, using H&E and Masson-trichrom methods and immunohistology for α-SMA and desmin. Liver fibrosis was confirmed in cats with terminal stage of chronic cholangiohepatitis and it was characterized by connective tissue septa which divide the liver parenchyma into irregular lobuli. Inflammation in the cat liver is connected with the activation of periductal myofibroblasts. The intensity of immunopositivity of perisinusoidal HSCs to α-SMA and desmin varied depending on the degree of fibrosis and was the strongest in livers of cats with cirrhosis.U ovom radu je opisana distribucija ćelija koje eksprimiraju α-glatkomišićni aktin (α-SMA) i dezmin u jetri mačaka sa različitim stadijumom fibroze, kao i značaj ovih ćelija u razvoju fibroze, kod mačaka sa policističnim bubrezima. Mikroskopski su ispitani uzorci jetre od 15 obdukovanih persijskih mačaka, korišćenjem HE i Mason-trihromnog bojenja i imunohistohemijski na α-SMA i dezmin. Fibroza jetre potvrđena je kod mačaka sa terminalnim stadijumom hroničnog holangiohepatitisa i odlikovala se prisustvom vezivno-tkivnih septi koje dele parenhim na nejednake lobuluse. Inflamacija u jetri mačaka u vezi je sa aktivacijom periduktalnih miofibroblasta. Intenzitet imunohistohemijske reakcije perisinusoidnih HSCs na α-SMA i dezmin razlikovala se od stepena fibroze i bio je najjači u jetri mačaka sa cirozom

    Оцена енергетских перформанси омотача стамбених зграда методом термовизијског снимања

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    Energy performance of a building is a result of various impact factors throughout its whole lifecycle: from laws and codes regulating its design and construction, build quality and materials application all the way to the occupant behaviour, maintenance and potential upgrades and adaptations. Establishing the current condition and real energy performance of buildings is necessary in the process of creating strategies for building fond management based on the postulates of sustainable development and energy efficiency of buildings. The subject of this dissertation is research of structure and energy performance of Serbian multifamily housing built after the World War II. The starting point of the research is the analysis of material characteristics of these buildings as well as relevant codes and regulations with establishing appropriate periodization. Typical façade assemblies are determined for each period, to be explored in detail by studying the technical documentation, calculating and simulating energy performance and on-site explorations using the infrared thermography method. The specifics of infrared thermography method are thoroughly researched and described both through theoretical and practical aspects. All relevant input factors are identified and explained, the possibilities for application in architecture are determined and explored, including the constraints and the most common mistakes and misinterpretations. The adequate procedures are determined and a set of recommendations is defined in order to provide proper application of the method. Energy performance of buildings is explored by calculating relevant parameters based upon current regulations, by computer simulations and by infrared thermography. The results are cross-compared and thoroughly interpreted, and a catalogue of typical cases is provided...Енергетске перформансе зграда представљају резултат утицаја више различитих фактора током њиховог животног века: од закона и прописа према којима су пројектоване и грађене, преко квалитета извођења и употребљених материјала па све до одржавања, односно евентуалних унапређења. У циљу формирања стратегија газдовања грађевинским фондом базираних на постулатима одрживог развоја и енергетске ефикасности неопходно је испитати стање и, нарочито, утврдити реалне енергетске карактеристике зграда. Предмет докторске дисертације представља истраживање структуре и енергетских перформанси омотача вишепородичних стамбениих зграда Србије изграђених у периоду после Другог светског рата. Полазиште рада представља анализа материјално конструктивних карактеристика зграда као и регулативе релевантне за ову област уз установљење одговарајуће периодизације. За сваки дефинисани период утврђени су карактеристични фасадни склопови који су детаљно истраживани проучавањем техничке документације, прорачунавањем енергетскких перформанси и истраживањем на терену применом методе термовизијског снимања. Специфичности коришћене методе су детаљно истражене и описане како на теоретском тако и на практичном плану. Идентификовани су релевантни утицајни фактори, могућности примене у архитектури и назначена ограничења са објашњењима најчешћих грешака и неодговарајућих тумачења. У циљу правилне примене методе дефинисане су процедуре и дате одговарајуће препоруке. Истраживање енергетских перфоманси је остварено прорачуном релевантних параметара на основу важеће законске регулативе, применом симулационих метода и термовизијским снимањем. Извршена је компарација добијених резултата уз одговарајући коментар и формиран је каталог карактеристичних случајева..

    Estimation of residential building evelopes' energy performance using the infrared thermography method.

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    Енергетске перформансе зграда представљају резултат утицаја више различитих фактора током њиховог животног века: од закона и прописа према којима су пројектоване и грађене, преко квалитета извођења и употребљених материјала па све до одржавања, односно евентуалних унапређења. У циљу формирања стратегија газдовања грађевинским фондом базираних на постулатима одрживог развоја и енергетске ефикасности неопходно је испитати стање и, нарочито, утврдити реалне енергетске карактеристике зграда. Предмет докторске дисертације представља истраживање структуре и енергетских перформанси омотача вишепородичних стамбениих зграда Србије изграђених у периоду после Другог светског рата. Полазиште рада представља анализа материјално конструктивних карактеристика зграда као и регулативе релевантне за ову област уз установљење одговарајуће периодизације. За сваки дефинисани период утврђени су карактеристични фасадни склопови који су детаљно истраживани проучавањем техничке документације, прорачунавањем енергетскких перформанси и истраживањем на терену применом методе термовизијског снимања. Специфичности коришћене методе су детаљно истражене и описане како на теоретском тако и на практичном плану. Идентификовани су релевантни утицајни фактори, могућности примене у архитектури и назначена ограничења са објашњењима најчешћих грешака и неодговарајућих тумачења. У циљу правилне примене методе дефинисане су процедуре и дате одговарајуће препоруке. Истраживање енергетских перфоманси је остварено прорачуном релевантних параметара на основу важеће законске регулативе, применом симулационих метода и термовизијским снимањем. Извршена је компарација добијених резултата уз одговарајући коментар и формиран је каталог карактеристичних случајева...Energy performance of a building is a result of various impact factors throughout its whole lifecycle: from laws and codes regulating its design and construction, build quality and materials application all the way to the occupant behaviour, maintenance and potential upgrades and adaptations. Establishing the current condition and real energy performance of buildings is necessary in the process of creating strategies for building fond management based on the postulates of sustainable development and energy efficiency of buildings. The subject of this dissertation is research of structure and energy performance of Serbian multifamily housing built after the World War II. The starting point of the research is the analysis of material characteristics of these buildings as well as relevant codes and regulations with establishing appropriate periodization. Typical façade assemblies are determined for each period, to be explored in detail by studying the technical documentation, calculating and simulating energy performance and on-site explorations using the infrared thermography method. The specifics of infrared thermography method are thoroughly researched and described both through theoretical and practical aspects. All relevant input factors are identified and explained, the possibilities for application in architecture are determined and explored, including the constraints and the most common mistakes and misinterpretations. The adequate procedures are determined and a set of recommendations is defined in order to provide proper application of the method. Energy performance of buildings is explored by calculating relevant parameters based upon current regulations, by computer simulations and by infrared thermography. The results are cross-compared and thoroughly interpreted, and a catalogue of typical cases is provided..

    Potentials for improving energy performance of multifamily housing blocks connected to the district heating system

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    Developments conceived following the principles of Athens Charter were typical form of urban answer to the post-war housing shortage and during the decades of intense construction activity that followed. In city of Belgrade, multifamily housing in open city blocks built between 1961 and 1990 account for about 40% of current housing stock. The current ownership and operation of these housing blocks derive from their socialist legacy: home-owners rights relate only to the buildings, excluding any open spaces, even the ones immediately along the building’s perimeter. On the other hand, heating is supplied by district heating system. Management of open spaces as well as provision of district heating are subordinates to local municipality (the city of Belgrade). Energy efficiency related refurbishment options for these developments that would engage both the home-owners and the public companies may be the key for bringing ever-needed modernization, prolonged lifespan and a sustainable way of using this portion of housing stock. By applying simple architectural measures, energy demand for heating of these buildings can be reduced by 30-78%, which opens a pathway for effective use of renewable energy sources. Unlike solar energy, which can be managed at building level, geothermal energy can be exploited only at the district level due to the ownership rights. The presented research explores the effectiveness of using geo-thermal energy at a district level coupled with systematic approach to building refurbishment, taking the advantage of the repetitive use of the same building design and the formal and practical relations with local authorities

    Improving energy efficiency of kindergartens in Serbia: challenges and potentials

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    Kindergartens are probably the very first public buildings we actively use in our lives. Therefore, they can be considered as the physical structures that are providing for the very important educational and social function. Additionally, they can also be considered as the specific learning tool for future generations where they can encounter the ideas of green and energy-efficient buildings. One of the results of the research project “Energy efficiency in public buildings” has been formulated through the development of Serbian National Typology of Kindergartens which was conceived as a specific tool that can be used for improving this portion of building stock. The paper presents the methodology for identification of typical kindergarten buildings, covering various construction periods, building sizes and illustrates the type of analysis performed for model representatives. The potential for energy upgrades covering physical structure, installed technological systems, as well as expected impact on energy performance, has been estimated. The study presents results based on the analysis of the data derived from the National Typology, stressing out that energy retrofits of large and medium-sized kindergartens built during the 1970s and 1980s should be the primary focus of refurbishment activities. Accounting for almost 60% of total buildings and 69.59% of heated area, they are responsible for 75.97% of energy demands. Estimated energy savings of more than 60% indicate the effectiveness of their retrofit. The paper also presents the potential uses of National Typology as a retrofit tool on various scales, from single-building considerations to a strategic approach at the national level

    The impact of gender differences on mortality in elderly patients after hip fracture

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    Background/Aim. Hip fracture is one of the leading causes of death in elderly population. We evaluated the impact of gender differences on mortality rate in elderly patients with hip fracture. Methods. The study included all hospitalized elderly patients (aged over 65 years) with hip fracture during 2013. The patients were classified into four risk groups in accordance with institutional Şişli Etfal risk factor assessment scale ISERFAS to estimate postoperative mortality. Clinical, laboratory and risk score results were gender matched between survived and deceased patients. Hospital mortality was monitored as well as mortality at intervals of three and six months. The prediction effect of gender and overall risk variables on mortality rate were determined by univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. Results. The complete sample included 434 female and 163 male patients. Average age of men was 77.95 years and 79.18 years for women. Femoral neck fracture was more often seen in women (44.5%), but with no statistically significant difference (p = 0.57). Significant difference between the genders in relation to the risk score values was determined (p = 0.024). It was observed that the values of risk score was lower in the female patients and higher in the male patients. Cumulative mortality was 6% during hospital stay, 17.8% after three months and 25% after six months, respectively. In-hospital and six months after the hip fracture, the mortality rates were similar in both genders. The mortality rate was significantly higher in male patients (p = 0.035) three months after the hip fracture. The overall risk observed at all mortality intervals was a significant predictor by itself (p = 0.000). Independent gender prediction effect disappeared in joint effects of patients’ overall risk. Conclusion. Gender can be defined as a significant mortality predictor in patients with hip fracture. A risk assessment system to estimate postoperative mortality for hip fractures would be helpful in planning treatment for each patient. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. 175007

    Influence of different wild-garlic (Allium ursinum) extracts on the gastrointestinal system: spasmolytic, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties

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    ObjectivesAs there are no previous studies of the European wild-garlic (Allium ursinum) effects on the gastrointestinal system, despite its traditional applications in gastrointestinal disorders' treatment and regular use in the human diet, we have quantified and compared spasmolytic, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of its different leaf extracts. MethodsWild-garlic extracts were tested for spasmolytic activity on isolated rat ileum, antimicrobial activity on selected Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and fungi by microdilution method and antioxidant capacity by DPPH radical-scavenging assay. Key findingsWild-garlic extracts were found to decrease ileal basal tone. As the relaxation of K+-induced contractions was similar to one caused by papaverin, the observed spasmolytic effect was most likely mediated through Ca2+-channel inhibition. Ethanolic extract (with the highest phenolic and high alk(en)yl cysteine sulphoxides' levels) produced the strongest spasmolytic activity. In case of acetylcholine-induced contractions, only hydromethanolic extract showed no statistical difference in comparison with positive control. All samples exhibited certain antioxidant potential and strong antimicrobial activity against tested enteropathogenic strains (Salmonella enteritidis was the most sensitive, followed by Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and Enterococcus faecalis). ConclusionBesides other already established health-promoting effects, wild garlic could be useful in treatment of mild gastrointestinal disturbances

    Effects of antidepressants on serum concentrations of bone metabolism markers and major electrolytes in patients from routine psychiatric practice

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    Background/Aim. Data about effects of antidepressant on calcium, phosphorous and magnesium metabolisms are very scorce. The aim of this study was to investigate effects of antidepressants on serum concentration of bone metabolism markers and main electrolytes in patients from routine psychiatric practice. Methods. A prospective, before-and-after, time-series research included 9 males and 24 females, with average 53.3 ± 11.5 years-of-age, suffering from depression (n = 26) and neurotic disorders (n = 7), mostly taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. We measured analytes at baseline, and 4th, 6th and 12th weeks during the treatment and tested the parameter changes from baseline and the trends with appropriate statistics at p ≤ 0.05 significance level. Results. The age above 60 years was a significant factor for appearance of negative cumulative changes (in percent) of 25-hydroxyvitamin D – 25(OH)D concentrations from the base-line (OR = 11.4, 95% CI 1.2–113.1, p = 0.037). Serum concentrations of calcium significantly correlated with sodium (rs = 0.531, p < 0.001), with chloride (r = 0.496, p < 0.001), with magnesium (rs = 0.402, p < 0.001) and with osteocalcin (r = 0.240, p = 0.019). Significant correlations were among phosphorous with chloride (r = -0.218, p = 0.035); magnesium with sodium (r = 0.295, p = 0.004) and with potassium, (r = 0.273, p = 0.009); osteocalcin with C-telopeptide (r = 0.760, p < 0.001) with sodium (r = 0.215, p = 0.039) and with chloride (r = 0.209, p = 0.041); sodium with chloride (r = 0.722, p < 0.001). There were no statistically significant changes between antidepressant treatment and changes of absolute serum concentration of calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, 25(OH)D, osteocalcin, C-telopeptide, sodium, potassium and chloride. There were no statistically significant changes in frequency of disturbances in values of laboratory analytes (below/above lower/upper normal limits), too. Conclusion. Antidepressant treatment was not significantly associated with the changes in study analytes but some of them positively correlated with each other, suggesting the need for individual patient approach and further research in the field of bone metabolism in patients with mental disorders