21 research outputs found

    Aplicació mòbil per a l'organització dels voluntaris de APAN

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    En aquest projecte s'ha creat una aplicació per dispositius mòbils per tal de millorar l'organització dels voluntaris de la protectora APAN. A partir de la informació dels gossos, dels voluntaris i de la distribució dels gossos per les gàbies es creen unes llistes per tal d'organitzar els passejos

    Activation of r20-dependent recombination and horizontal gene transfer in Mycoplasma genitalium

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    In the human pathogen Mycoplasma genitalium, homologous recombination is under the control of r, an alternative sigma factor that boosts the generation of genetic and antigenic diversity in the population. Under laboratory growth conditions, r activation is rare and the factors governing its intermittent activity are unknown. Two r-regulated genes, rrlA and rrlB, showed to be important for recombination of homologous DNA sequences in this bacterium. Herein, we demonstrate that rrlA and rrlB code for two small proteins that participate in a feed-forward loop essential for r function. In addition, we identify novel genes regulated by r and show that several non-coding regions, which function as a reservoir for the generation of antigenic diversity, are also activated by this alternative sigma factor. Finally, we reveal that M. genitalium cells can transfer DNA horizontally by a novel mechanism that requires RecA and is facilitated by r overexpression. This DNA transfer system is arguably fundamental for persistence of M. genitalium within the host since it could facilitate a rapid dissemination of successful antigenic variants within the population. Overall, these findings impose a novel conception of genome evolution, genetic variation and survival of M. genitalium within the hos

    Distal Clavicle Osteolysis after Modified Weaver-Dunn's Procedure for Chronic Acromioclavicular Dislocation : A Case Report and Review of Complications

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    Distal clavicle osteolysis after acromioclavicular joint stabilization has only been described after the use of hardware for clavicle stabilization or synthetic graft causing a foreign body reaction. This paper reports a very rare case of distal clavicle osteolysis after modified Weaver-Dunn procedure for the treatment of chronic acromioclavicular joint dislocation. The paper also provides a comprehensive review of complications of this surgical technique and discusses a potential vascular etiology and preventive strategies aimed at avoiding clavicle osteolysis

    Alzheimer’s disease mutant mice exhibit reduced brain tissue stiffness compared to wild-type mice in both normoxia and following intermittent hypoxia mimicking sleep apnea

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    Background: Evidence from patients and animal models suggests that obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and that AD is associated with reduced brain tissue stiffness. Aim: To investigate whether intermittent hypoxia (IH) alters brain cortex tissue stiffness in AD mutant mice exposed to IH mimicking OSA. Methods: Six-eight month old (B6C3-Tg(APPswe,PSEN1dE9)85Dbo/J) AD mutant mice and wild-type (WT) littermates were subjected to IH (21% O2 40 s to 5% O2 20 s; 6 h/day) or normoxia for 8 weeks. After euthanasia, the stiffness (E) of 200-μm brain cortex slices was measured by atomic force microscopy. Results: Two-way ANOVA indicated significant cortical softening and weight increase in AD mice compared to WT littermates, but no significant effects of IH on cortical stiffness and weight were detected. In addition, reduced myelin was apparent in AD (vs. WT), but no significant differences emerged in the cortex extracellular matrix components laminin and glycosaminoglycans when comparing baseline AD and WT mice. Conclusion: AD mutant mice exhibit reduced brain tissue stiffness following both normoxia and IH mimicking sleep apnea, and such differences are commensurate with increased edema and demyelination in AD.This work was supported in part by Fundació Marató TV3 (20143231), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness—Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS-PI14/00004, FIS-PI14/00280) and SEPAR (139/2015). This work was partially funded by the CERCA Programme of Generalitat de Catalunya

    Case Report Distal Clavicle Osteolysis after Modified Weaver-Dunn's Procedure for Chronic Acromioclavicular Dislocation: A Case Report and Review of Complications

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    Distal clavicle osteolysis after acromioclavicular joint stabilization has only been described after the use of hardware for clavicle stabilization or synthetic graft causing a foreign body reaction. This paper reports a very rare case of distal clavicle osteolysis after modified Weaver-Dunn procedure for the treatment of chronic acromioclavicular joint dislocation. The paper also provides a comprehensive review of complications of this surgical technique and discusses a potential vascular etiology and preventive strategies aimed at avoiding clavicle osteolysis

    Els secrets per ser una espècie invasora d'èxit

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    Un estudi liderat per científics del CREAF, del CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) i de la UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ha desxifrat quines característiques té el cicle vital d'una espècie invasora d'èxit. Aquests investigadors han realitzat un estudi en el que afirmen que les espècies invasores que aconsegueixen colonitzar amb èxit un nou territori dediquen més temps a conèixer el nou entorn i són capaces d'adaptar el seu comportament a les noves condicions. Aquest treball ha demostrat que el procés d'invasió no depèn tan com es pensava de que l'espècie tingui una gran capacitat reproductiva. Les bones invasores reparteixen els esdeveniments reproductius en varis intents poc productius.Un estudio liderado por científicos del CREAF, del CSIC y de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) ha descifrado las características del ciclo vital de las especies animales que se convierten en especies invasoras de éxito. Estos científicso han realizado un estudio en el que afirman que las especies invasoras que consiguen colonizar con éxito un nuevo territorio dedican más tiempo a conocer el nuevo entorno y son capaces de adaptar su comportamiento a las nuevas condiciones. Este trabajo ha demostrado que el proceso de invasión no depende tanto como se creía de que la especie tenga una gran capacidad reproductiva. Las buenas invasoras reparten los eventos reproductivos en varios intentos poco productivos

    Baixem de les tarimes i connectem: recerca en història medieval i innovació docent

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    We would like to introduce our group of research, [CONTRA TAEDIUM], created by professionals from different fields, that have contributed in this article. Our purpose is to expose our reflections based on our own experiences, not only in research, but also in teaching. We propose new forms of writing history in order to understand the dairy life of the women and men of the past, from birth to death. We would like to point out that interacting all types of sources is essential to understand our history. But, what really makes sense is to bring our students in the historical methodology and involve them in their education. Moreover, it is necessary to design new teaching materials using the new technologies, although it requires team-work and a great, but satisfying, effor

    Prescription refill, patient self-report and physician report in assessing adherence to oral endocrine therapy in early breast cancer patients: a restrospective cohort study in Catalonia, Spain.

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    AIMS: To compare different methods in order to assess adherence and persistence with oral endocrine therapy in women diagnosed with breast cancer (BC) in Catalonia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study covered all women newly diagnosed with stage I, II or IIIa BC and positive hormone receptors at six hospitals in Catalonia (Spain) in 2004. Adherence was assessed on the basis of physician report and patient self-report using a telephone questionnaire. Persistence was measured by refill prescriptions. We used the Kappa index to compare adherence measures and logistic regression to evaluate adherence-related risk factors. RESULTS: The study covered a total of 692 women. Adherence ranged from 92% (self-report) to 94.7% (physician report), depending on the measure used; persistence was 74.7% at 5 years of follow-up. Low concordance between measures was observed (Kappa range: 0.018-0.267). Patients aged 50-74 years showed higher adherence than those aged <50 years. Adherence was also associated with: adjuvant chemotherapy and sequential hormonal therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Concordance between the different measures was remarkably low, indicating the need for further research. Adherence is an issue in the management of BC patients taking oral drugs, and should be assessed in clinical practice

    Distal Clavicle Osteolysis after Modified Weaver-Dunn’s Procedure for Chronic Acromioclavicular Dislocation: A Case Report and Review of Complications

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    Distal clavicle osteolysis after acromioclavicular joint stabilization has only been described after the use of hardware for clavicle stabilization or synthetic graft causing a foreign body reaction. This paper reports a very rare case of distal clavicle osteolysis after modified Weaver-Dunn procedure for the treatment of chronic acromioclavicular joint dislocation. The paper also provides a comprehensive review of complications of this surgical technique and discusses a potential vascular etiology and preventive strategies aimed at avoiding clavicle osteolysis