522 research outputs found

    The Unemployment Volatility Puzzle: The Role of Matching Costs Revisited

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    Recently, Pissarides (2008) has argued that the standard search model with sunk fixed matching costs increases unemployment volatility without introducing an unrealistic wage response in new matches. We revise the role of matching costs and show that when these costs are not sunk and, therefore, can be partially passed on to new hired workers in the form of lower wages, the amplication mechanism of fixed matching costs is considerably reduced and wages in new hired positions become more sensitive to productivity shocks.unemployment volatility puzzle, search and matching, matching costs

    The Unemployment Volatility Puzzle: The Role of Matching Costs Revisited

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    Recently, Pissarides (2008) has argued that the standard search model with sunk fixed matching costs increases unemployment volatility without introducing an unrealistic wage response in new matches. We revise the role of matching costs and show that when these costs are not sunk and, therefore, can be partially passed on to new hired workers in the form of lower wages, the amplication mechanism of fixed matching costs is considerably reduced and wages in new hired positions become more sensitive to productivity shocks.unemployment volatility puzzle, search and matching, matching costs

    Studying educational inequality: effects of school differentiation on multiple inequalities and school segregation

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    This dissertation explores the relevance of the measurement of inequality in education, in terms of the theoretical and methodological decisions involved and the consequences of these decisions for research. Specifically, this dissertation investigates the correlations between several measures of inequality in achievement and social categories indicators, exploring how research on the effects of school differentiation is affected by the particular measurement of inequality. The main thesis is that the term inequality hides several conceptualizations, each implying different theoretical and normative frameworks with different sets of metrics, leading to different empirical results. The conceptualizations and measurements of inequality are divided into three categories: dispersion inequality, social inequality, and adequacy. I also study social segregation across schools, offering it as an alternative outcome to the common focus on achievement. This dissertation is composed of five articles divided into two parts. In each article, I make use of international large-scale assessments and present comparative analyses. The first part of the dissertation explores the concept of social inequality, offering more detailed analysis of its measurement and the relationship between socioeconomic, immigration, and gender inequalities. The second part of the dissertation explores the effects of between-school tracking on several measures of inequality, and on segregation. The dissertation offers further insights regarding challenges and limitations, such as effect identification, doing low-N analyses, and working with international data. Overall, the dissertation illustrates how the measurement of inequality and related concepts affects results. Each concept of inequality and segregation requires different evaluation frameworks, with low correlation across conceptualizations and different results depending on the inequality measurement studied. Researchers should rationalize and explicitly identify the framework underlying their studies of inequality and segregation

    Causes of the different behaviour against erosion: Study case of the Benidorm Beaches (1956–2021)

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    Coastal erosion is a natural phenomenon that is becoming a growing problem along coastlines around the world. In this research, the evolution of two beaches located in Benidorm (Spain) has been studied: Poniente Beach and Levante Beach. Both have similar characteristics, but present a different morphological behaviour. An analysis of shoreline evolution has been carried out using aerial images. Then, waves and incident storms were studied and, finally, a sedimentological analysis was performed. From the results obtained, the eastern zone of Poniente Beach presents higher rates of erosion than the western zone. This erosion trend disappeared in the last analysed period due to a change in the incoming wave regime. A decrease in the frequency of waves coming from the east caused the erosion and tilting suffered by this beach. In Levante Beach, the intensity of the waves was reduced, making erosion rates lower. Furthermore, important differences were found from the sedimentological study, such as the lack of homogeneity in sediment grain sizes and a worse wear behaviour on Poniente Beach compared to Levante Beach, which means that these two beaches behave differently facing erosion. This accurate knowledge of the factors mentioned will provide adequate tools for its future management.This work was supported by the European Commission through the project “Smart Control of the Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities” (SCORE)

    Formulating Automated Responses to Cognitive Distortions for CBT Interactions

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    One of the key ideas of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is the ability to convert negative or distorted thoughts into more realistic alternatives. Although modern machine learning techniques can be successfully applied to a variety of Natural Language Processing tasks, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, the lack of a publicly available dataset makes supervised training difficult for tasks such as reforming distorted thoughts. In this research, we constructed a small CBT dataset via crowd-sourcing, and leveraged state of the art pre-trained architectures to transform cognitive distortions, producing text that is relevant and more positive than the original negative thoughts. In particular, the T5 transformer approach to multitask pre-training on a sequence-to-sequence framework, allows for higher flexibility when fine-tuning on the CBT dataset. Human evaluation of the automatically generated responses showcases results that are not far behind from the overall quality of the ground truth scores

    Tribunales especiales administrativos y tribunales arbitrales institucionales para la resolución de controversias originadas en la contratación pública. Propuesta normativa de tribunal arbitral institucional para la provincia del Chaco en esa materia.

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    Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Derecho Administrativo Iberoamericano. 5013V01[Resumen] El motivo esencial de esta tesis ha sido, dilucidar cuales son las mejores vías para tramitar y resolver las cuestiones controvertidas que nacen derivadas de la contratación pública, para lo cual, fue necesario analizar su importancia y el impacto negativo de la corrupción; así como hacer referencia al fenómeno emergente del derecho global que la comprende, haciendo hincapié en los instrumentos para prevenir y luchar contra esa corrupción, pasando revista a los sistemas de contrataciones públicas en España y Argentina, ingresando asimismo en el estudio de sus respectivos sistemas de control y de rendición de cuentas. El otro propósito que motivó la redacción de este trabajo, consistió en presentar los dos modelos que se estimó más convenientes para poder resolver eficaz y eficientemente las cuestiones causadas por la contratación pública, como son los Tribunales especiales administrativos y los tribunales arbitrales, explicando y analizando en cuanto a los primeros a España e Inglaterra, mientras que para los segundos, los sistemas de Perú, España y Argentina, concluyendo con un proyecto de ley para la Provincia del Chaco sobre Tribunal Arbitral Institucional de Contratación Pública.[Resumo] A razón fundamental para esta tese foi a de elucidar cales son as mellores formas de procesar e resolver as cuestións controvertidas que xorden derivados de contratos públicos, para o cal era necesario analizar o seu significado eo impacto negativo da corrupción; e referíndose ao fenómeno emerxente da lei global que inclúe, enfatizando as ferramentas para previr e combater esa corrupción, revisión dos sistemas de adquisición en España e Arxentina, tamén entrar no estudo dos seus sistemas control e responsabilidade. A outra finalidade que motivou a elaboración deste traballo foi presentar os dous modelos estimados máis cómodo para resolver eficaz e eficiente problemas causados por contratos públicos, tales como juizados especiais administrativos e tribunais arbitrais, explicar e analizar en canto ao primeiro a España e Inglaterra, mentres que para os últimos sistemas Perú, España e Arxentina, concluíndo cun proxecto de lei para a provincia do Chaco sobre Institucional Tribunal Arbitral Procurement.[Abstract] The essential motive of this thesis has been to elucidate which are the best ways to process and resolve the controversial issues arising from public procurement, for which it was necessary to analyze its importance and the negative impact of corruption; as well as referring to the emerging phenomenon of global law that includes it, emphasizing the instruments to prevent and fight against this corruption, reviewing the public contracting systems in Spain and Argentina, also entering into the study of their respective systems of control and accountability. The other purpose that motivated the writing of this work, was to present the two models that were deemed most convenient to effectively and efficiently resolve the issues caused by public procurement, such as special administrative courts and arbitral tribunals, explaining and analyzing as for the first to Spain and England, while for the second, the systems of Peru, Spain and Argentina, concluding with a bill for the Province of Chaco on the Institutional Arbitration Tribunal of Public Procurement

    Streaming the Romance: Gendered Algorithmic Interpellation on Netflix

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    This paper broadens understanding of the relationship between algorithms and gender by examining how a group of women in Costa Rica relate to algorithmic recommendations on Netflix. Drawing on 25 interviews and an analysis of their Netflix profiles, we examine how this group of women made sense of algorithmic technologies that drew their attention to content associated with ideas of romantic love. We theorize this process as “gendered algorithmic interpellation” or the work embedded in algorithms to “hail” users in particular ways and offer them gendered subject positions. Our analysis centers on four dynamics: personalized interpellation (how users come to believe that they are being addressed in a personalized manner by Netflix); bundled interpellation (how traditional generic cues that guide interpellation have been repackaged in Netflix’s interface); ritual interpellation (the belief that recommendations are a product of past user behaviors); and calculated interpellation (the notion that recommendations are the result of sophisticated algorithmic calculation). We discuss how interviewees both responded to these four dynamics of interpellation and how they resisted them. In this way, we shed light on how algorithmic recommendations can become important means to exploit and worsen gendered structures.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Sociales::Centro de Investigación en Comunicación (CICOM

    A Search for Planets Transiting the M Dwarf Debris Disk Host, AU Microscopii

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    We present high cadence, high precision multi-band photometry of the young, M1Ve, debris disk star, AU Microscopii. The data were obtained in three continuum filters spanning a wavelength range from 4500\AA to 6600\AA, plus Hα\alpha, over 28 nights in 2005. The lightcurves show intrinsic stellar variability due to starspots with an amplitude in the blue band of 0.051 magnitudes and a period of 4.847 days. In addition, three large flares were detected in the data which all occur near the minimum brightness of the star. We remove the intrinsic stellar variability and combine the lightcurves of all the filters in order to search for transits by possible planetary companions orbiting in the plane of the nearly edge-on debris disk. The combined final lightcurve has a sampling of 0.35 minutes and a standard deviation of 6.8 millimags (mmag). We performed Monte Carlo simulations by adding fake transits to the observed lightcurve and find with 95% significance that there are no Jupiter mass planets orbiting in the plane of the debris disk on circular orbits with periods, P 5\le 5 days. In addition, there are no young Neptune-like planets (with radii 2.5×\times smaller than the young Jupiter) on circular orbits with periods, P 3\le 3 days.Comment: accepted to MNRA

    Estudio epidemiológico sociocultural de las prácticas y visiones asociadas a la salud oral y el dolor, en pacientes odontológicas mujeres de un sector urbano vulnerable de la ciudad de Talca, año 2014.

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    136 p.El estudio se fundamenta en la alta demanda de las atenciones dentales de urgencia en el país, las que tienen el dolor como principal motivo de consulta. En Chile, más de la mitad de las atenciones odontológicas de urgencia anuales corresponden a tratamientos dentales y en su mayoría afectan a la población adulta. El sistema de salud público chileno, se compone por diversos establecimientos con diferentes grados de complejidad, siendo los centros de atención primaria los encargados de realizar la mayoría de prestaciones médicas y de disminuir las brechas de inequidad en cuanto a los niveles de salud y el acceso de atención de la población. El estudio trata esta problemática del dolor y atención dental en sectores urbanos desde la Epidemiologia Sociocultural, poniendo énfasis en las dimensiones de género y las visiones y prácticas que condicionan el proceso salud-enfermedad. Busca más precisamente: comprender las trayectorias de acceso a la atención odontológica y los motivos y problemas de acceso desde la visión de los actores y contextualizadas en su vida cotidiana. Se considera la población en estudio, como una subpoblación epidemiológica, ya que está determinada por sus condiciones socioeconómicas y culturales de vida. El fin del estudio es contribuir al desarrollo de estrategias preventivas y de acceso necesarias para mejorar la problemática en la atención odontológica que sufren las mujeres del Consultorio Carlos Trupp de la ciudad de Talca.MATERIALES Y MÉTODO: La estrategia metodológica cualitativa consideró un diseño exploratorio descriptivo que aplica entrevistas cualitativas semiestructuradas a una muestra intencionada de 12 mujeres que recibió o recibe atención dental primaria, pertenecientes al CESFAM Carlos Trupp de la ciudad de Talca. El plan de análisis está basado en los principios de la Teoría Fundamentada de Glasser y Strauss. La validez del estudio está dada por la saturación empírica y la triangulación. Este considera explicar por cada objetivo, que es lo que interesa como información y para qué. RESULTADOS: 1) El dolor dental es un fenómeno complejo multifactorial que permite el acceso a los servicios de salud. 2) La automedicación es la principal medida de control que culmina en la atención profesional. 3) Si bien desde la visión de las mujeres no existirían distinciones de género respecto a la experiencia del dolor, estas reportan acudir con mayor frecuencia a la consulta dental que los hombres. 4) Las prácticas preventivas en salud dental están más asociada a un problema de acceso a la atención, que de información. 5) Las Garantías Explícitas en Salud de las Embarazadas, determinan una de las pocas alternativas de acceso a la atención odontológica integral. 6) Las principales limitaciones para el acceso a la atención dental son: falta de información de los beneficios dentales; una mala experiencia dental previa; ansiedad o miedo; falta de dinero y precariedad de las condiciones de atención. CONCLUSIÓN: La asociación entre dolor y prácticas de salud oral, es un proceso multifactorial, dinámico, derivado de la cultura de los individuos y estrechamente relacionados e influyentes entre sí. Las mujeres acuden en mayor medida a los servicios de atención dental, determinado principalmente por el GES de las embarazadas. El acceso en atención dental es limitante en la contención del dolor dental, impidiendo su intercepción y evitando llegar a intensidades descontrolables e intolerables del síntoma.Palabras Claves: Dolor dental, cultura, prácticas de salud oral, acceso a la salud oral, epidemiologia sociocultural