190 research outputs found

    Perspectivas económicas: una visión empresarial

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    Desde la llegada del nuevo gobierno español en 1982 se analiza la actitud del empresariado hacia la nueva política, si se trata de asentimiento hacia la misma o de clara disconformidad. Se estudia la situación económica de estos años, el problema de la reindustrialización y los análisis económicos –financieros de la empresa española, sus previsiones de crecimiento… El verdadero balance de un ejercicio económico a escala nacional lo dan las cifras de inversiones y de empleo y también la medida en que se logra una economía más estable reduciendo el diferencial de precios y ganando en competitividad.Since the arrival of the new Spanish government in 1982 the attitude of entrepreneurs towards new policy is discussed. The economic situation of these years is studied, the problem of re-industrialization and the economic -financial analysis of Spanish companies... The true balance of a financial year comes from investment and employment. Also the search for a more stable economy by reducing the price differential and gaining competitiveness

    Circular troughs in Tessera Terrains: preliminary results from a global survey on Venus

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    Tesseras are highly deformed terrains characterized by two or more sets of tectonic structures crosscutting each other, which is indicative of a complex tectonic history [1]. Because these terrains mainly appear inside crustal plateaus, interpreting Tessera tectonic history can be related to their origin and evolution [2]. Detailed observations of radar images of Tessera terrains on Venus can be used to define a new tectonic structure characterized by a circular through that left inside a circular area with the average elevation of the surrounding tessera terrains.Concentric and radial tectonic lineaments appear associated to these structures. Often the circular troughs appear flooded by intra-tessera lavas, becoming more visible in radar images.These features are especially abundant in the internal areas of crustal plateaus characterized by basin and dome tectonic interference patterns,but also can be found at tessera inliers surrounded by volcanic plains. Since they can be found around Venus, these estructures are probably related to a geological process of planetary importance that needs to be studied. According to their main feature we propose to call them Circular Troughs (CT)

    Vinculaciones políticas en un régimen de banca libre: el caso de la crisis bancaria de 1878 en Chile

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    In 1878 Chile experienced a banking crisis which brought an end to the Chilean free-banking period based on convertibility initiated in 1860. Using monthly bank balance sheets and other primary sources, I analyze the period and argue that one important explanation for the crisis was the growing relationship between banks and government through state loans to finance fiscal deficits and privileges to the issuing banks. I claim that the crisis emerged from a large bank loan in late 1877 which induced over-issuance and depreciation expectations leading, logically, to a bank run. The Chilean case provides valuable evidence of an element frequently neglected by the free-banking literature: the links between banks and government.En 1878 un pánico bancario pone fin al periodo de banca libre basado en la convertibilidad metálica e iniciado en Chile en 1860. En este trabajo analizo el periodo apoyándome en los balances mensuales de bancos y otras fuentes primarias. Argumento que una causa importante de la crisis fue la creciente relación entre banca y gobierno a través de préstamos al Estado y privilegios a los bancos de emisión. Muestro que la crisis se asocia con un importante préstamo con los bancos a fines de 1877. Sostengo que éste inducía a la sobreemisión y a expectativas de depreciación cuyo resultado racional era una corrida bancaria. El caso chileno proporciona evidencia valiosa sobre un elemento que ha recibido relativa poca importancia en la literatura de banca libre: los vínculos entre bancos y gobierno

    ROV's Video Recordings as a Tool to Estimate Variation in Megabenthic Epifauna Diversity and Community Composition in the Guaymas Basin

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    Patterns in benthic megafauna diversity in littoral and intertidal zones in the Gulf of California have been associated with both habitat heterogeneity and substrate type. Current knowledge of invertebrate communities in hard bottom habitats at depths > 200 m in the Gulf is poor due to the methodological limitations inherent in sampling deep habitats. Using video imagery of benthic habitats coupled with environmental data from the Remotely Operated Vehicle Doc Ricketts, we documented variation in the diversity and community composition of the benthos from 849 to 990 m depth in the NW limit of the Guaymas Basin, in relation to dissolved oxygen and substrate characteristics. This depth range overlaps an oxygen minimum zone where oxygen drops to levels < 0.5 ml L-1 and strong gradients in a narrow depth range occur. Dissolved oxygen varied along our benthic survey from 0.200 to 0.135 ml L-1. We observed high taxonomic richness across an area of rocky outcrops through the lower transition zone. This megafaunal pattern differs from reports from other oxygen minimum zones characterized by a great abundance of a few species. Taxonomic richness diminished at depths with reduced dissolved oxygen in the lower boundary of the oxygen minimum zone with increasing soft sediment cover. We found that rocky outcrops and structure-forming organisms such as corals, sponges, and oyster aggregations supported a higher diversity (H' = 0.8) than soft sediment (H' = 0.7) as have been observed in other habitats such as seamounts. Environmental variables that explained most of the megafaunal variation were substrate type (18.4%), depth (1.14%) and temperature (0.9%). Salinity (0.45%) and dissolved oxygen (0.3%) were less important factors to explain the megafaunal composition variance. Substrate type played a key role in the diversity and composition of benthic megafauna. These results broaden our understanding concerning the potential roles of substrate characteristics in the community composition of the deep-sea benthic megafaunal assemblages in the Gulf of California and oxygen minimum zones in general

    The Political Economy of Productivity. The Case of Chile

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    This paper analyzes the political economy of productivity-related policymaking in Chile following a political transaction cost model (Spiller and Tommasi, 2003; Murillo et al., 2008). The main findings indicate that i) the Chilean policymaking process (PMP) was successful in the 1990s in implementing productivityenhancing policies, but as the country moved to a higher stage of development, the PMP grew less adept at generating the more complex set of policies needed to increase productivity at this stage; and ii) the Chilean PMP is less transparent than previously thought (Aninat et al., 2008), thus allowing political actors to favor private interests without being punished by the electorate. This has become apparent as the more sophisticated reforms needed at this stage of development require a deeper and more consolidated democracy.Economic policy, Institutional reforms, Productivity, Pensions, Education, Innovation, State modernization, Competitiveness, Chile

    How Does Financial Globalization Affect Government Size?

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    More open economies have larger governments because the public sector functions as a compensatory mechanism against risks associated with trade and financial globalization.York's Knowledge Mobilization Unit provides services and funding for faculty, graduate students, and community organizations seeking to maximize the impact of academic research and expertise on public policy, social programming, and professional practice. It is supported by SSHRC and CIHR grants, and by the Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation. [email protected] www.researchimpact.c

    Resurfacing on Venus

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    The resurfacing evolution of Venus has beene valuated through Monte Carlo simulations. Forthefirst time, the size sof volcanic flows in the models were generated using the frequency–size distribution of volcanic units measured on Venus. Anon-homogeneous spatial generation of volcanic units was included in the models reproducing the Beta–Alta–Themis volcanic anomaly. Crater modification is simulated using a 3 Dapproach. The final number of modified craters and randomnes sof the crater population were used to evaluate the successof the models, comparing the results from our simulations with Venus observations. The randomness of the crater population is evaluated using pair-correlation statistics. On the one hand, a catastrophic resurfacing event followed by moderate volcanic activity covering ≈40% of the planetary surface can reproduce the number of modified crater sand the pair-correlation statistics do not reject randomness. On the other hand, the pair-correlation test for equilibriums teady-state resurfacing models rejects ther and omness of the crater population when reproducing the observed frequency–size distribution of the volcanic units with a non-homogeneous spatial generation of volcanic units

    Diseño de un proceso industrial para la obtención de celulosa microcristalina a partir del Pennisetum purpureum mediante combinación de hidrólisis ácida y alcalina para la Asociación Agropecuaria “Maconta Arriba”.

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    El objetivo fue diseñar un proceso industrial para la obtención de celulosa microcristalina a partir del Pennisetum Purpureum mediante la combinación de hidrolisis ácida y alcalina, se caracterizó la materia prima de trabajo mediante métodos físicos-químicos según las normas de la Asociación Técnica de la Industria del Papel y la Celulosa (TAPPI), con resultados de: humedad 79.2%, ceniza 13.30%, hemicelulosa 29.75%, lignina 9.53%, celulosa 37.26% y sustancias extraíbles 20.61% en porcentaje de peso. Para la obtención de la celulosa microcristalina se propuso un diseño multifactorial de dos factores donde se varió las concentraciones de hidróxido de sodio de 10%, 20% y 30% en la hidrolisis alcalina con las concentraciones de hipoclorito de sodio (2% y 5%) para el blanqueo de la pulpa, tomando como variable de respuesta el rendimiento y pureza de celulosa. El tratamiento que presentó mayor eficacia en rendimiento (37.95%) y pureza de porcentaje de celulosa (74.74%) según los resultados del ANOVA y prueba TUKEY, fue el tratamiento de 20% de hidróxido de sodio y 5% de hipoclorito de sodio al 5%. Las propiedades físico-químicas del producto final son: ceniza 1.8%, pureza de celulosa 74.74%, humedad 4.3%, pH 6.8, el tamaño de partícula 0.1050 mm, insolubilidad en CH₃COOH 20%, NaClO 5%, H2SO4 15%, HCl 10%, etanol 98% y agua, según sus características no puede ser considerado grado alimenticio o farmacéutico, pero se deja abierta la posibilidad de estudio en campos industriales diferentes a los mencionados. El diseño del proceso se realizó en función de 500 kg/día, de tipo continuó, obteniendo 21.64 kg/día de celulosa microcristalina.The objective was to design an industrial process to obtain microcrystalline cellulose from Pennisetum Purpureum through a combination of acid and alkaline hydrolysis. The raw material was characterized by physical-chemical methods according to the standards of the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI), with results of moisture 79.2%, ash 13.30%, hemicellulose 29.75%, lignin 9.53%, cellulose 37.26% and extractable substances 20.61% in weight percentage. 2%, ash 13.30%, hemicellulose 29.75%, lignin 9.53%, cellulose 37.26%, and extractable substances 20.61% in weight percentage. To obtain microcrystalline cellulose, a two- factor multifactorial design was proposed in which sodium hydroxide concentrations of 10%, 20%, and 30% in alkaline hydrolysis were varied with sodium hypochlorite concentrations (2% and 5%) for pulp bleaching, taking cellulose yield and purity as response variables. The treatment that presented the highest efficiency in yield (37.95%) and cellulose purity (74.74%) according to the ANOVA and TUKEY test results, was the treatment with 20% sodium hydroxide and 5% sodium hypochlorite at 5%. The physicochemical properties of the final product are ash 1.8%, cellulose purity 74.74%, moisture 4.3%, pH 6.8, particle size 0.1050 mm, insolubility in CH3COOH 20%, NaClO 5%, H2SO4 15%, HCl 10%, ethanol 98% and water, according to its characteristics it cannot be considered food or pharmaceutical grade, but the possibility of study in industrial fields other than those mentioned is left open. The process design was carried out in the function of 500 kg/day, continuous type, obtaining 21.64 kg/day of microcrystalline cellulose

    Evaluation of the effect of cortisol caused by hypoxia on some immunological parameters of tilapia commercialization from the city of Sucua - Ecuador

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    Introducción. El organismo de los peces responde a cualquier efecto del estrés activando las hormonas corticosteroides, un aumento del cortisol en el organismo de los peces desestabiliza el estado de los factores de inmunidad celular y humoral, el agotamiento del sistema inmunológico, el estrés continuo en los peces puede acarrear consecuencias graves y perjudiciales en su salud, generalmente están relacionadas a las condiciones ambientales que existen en el entorno, en acuarios de comercialización de tilapias se observa que el más común es la hipoxia. Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto del estrés por hipoxia sobre algunos parámetros inmunológicos de tilapias. Metodología. La evaluación de los cambios en algunos parámetros del sistema inmunológico en la tilapia bajo la influencia del cortisol endógeno se realizó por efectos de hipoxia, experimentando con 10 peces, grupo control (5) y experimental (5) tomando muestras de sangre durante 3 días, la evaluación del estado de la inmunidad celular, se determinó mediante la actividad fagocítica de las células sanguíneas (eritrocitos, leucocitos y trombocitos). &nbsp;Resultados. Al analizar los cambios en la actividad fagocítica de las células sanguíneas de la tilapia, se observa un crecimiento de la actividad fagocítica en todas las células sanguíneas en los peces del grupo de control; en los peces del grupo experimental, la actividad fagocítica de los eritrocitos solo aumentó, mientras que los trombocitos y los leucocitos disminuyeron. Los niveles de cortisol en sangre aumentaban mientras se reducía los niveles de oxígeno en el acuario, en el grupo experimental. Conclusiones. Se encontró que, con un aumento en el nivel de cortisol, aumenta la actividad de la inmunidad celular en los peces, creada por los leucocitos, así mismo se determinó que algunos indicadores del estado inmunológico disminuyen con un aumento de esta hormona.Introduction. The fish organism responds to any effect of stress by activating corticosteroid hormones, an increase in cortisol in the fish organism destabilizes the state of cellular and humoral immunity factors, depletion of the immune system, continuous stress in fish It can have serious and harmful consequences on your health, they are generally related to the environmental conditions that exist in the environment, in tilapia commercial aquariums it is observed that the most common is hypoxia. Objective. To evaluate the effect of hypoxic stress on some immunological parameters of tilapia. Methodology. The evaluation of the changes in some parameters of the immune system in tilapia under the influence of endogenous cortisol was carried out due to the effects of hypoxia, experimenting with 10 fish, control (5) and experimental (5) group taking blood samples for 3 days, the evaluation of the state of cellular immunity was determined by the phagocytic activity of blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes). Results. When analyzing the changes in the phagocytic activity of the blood cells of the tilapia, a growth of the phagocytic activity is observed in all the blood cells in the fish of the control group; in the fish of the experimental group, the phagocytic activity of the erythrocytes only increased, while the thrombocytes and leukocytes decreased. Cortisol levels in the blood increased while oxygen levels were reduced in the aquarium, in the experimental group. Conclusions. It was found that, with an increase in the level of cortisol, the activity of cellular immunity in fish increases, created by leukocytes, likewise it was determined that some indicators of the immune status decrease with an increase in this hormone

    Evidenz und Entdecktheit als komplementäre Wahrheitsmodi: Eine Untersuchung zum Wahrheitsbegriff in der Phänomenologie

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    Es wird der Versuch gemacht die wichtigsten Wahrheitsbegriffe der Phänomenologie –die Husserlsche "Evidenz" und die Heideggersche "Entdecktheit"– in eine Einheit zu bringen. Dafür muss belegt werden, dass Evidenz nicht nur die Struktur einer Übereinstimmung hat und Entdecktheit kein von der metaphysischen isoliertes Konzept ist