31 research outputs found

    Postoperative pain after endodontic treatment of necrotic teeth submitted to large apical preparation using oscillatory kinematics

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    Regardless of the technique applied for chemomechanical preparation, postoperative pain is a very relevant matter in endodontics. Objective: To evaluate postoperative pain after endodontic treatment of necrotic teeth submitted to large apical preparatio


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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a precisão e eficiência de dois processos de subamostragem com unidades primárias de tamanhos desiguais, em um povoamento de Eucalyptus grandis em regime de alto fuste e plantio com semente, localizado no município de Mogi Guaçu, no Estado de São Paulo, pertencente a International Paper do Brasil Ltda. Trabalhou-se com as informações das medições realizadas pela empresa, envolvendo talhões com idade entre 6 e 8 anos. Os dois processos de subamostragem testados foram: Processo I - unidades primárias selecionadas com probabilidades iguais – estimador tendencioso por índice em relação ao tamanho do talhão e processo II - unidades primárias selecionadas com probabilidades proporcionais ao tamanho do talhão – estimador não tendencioso. Constatou-se que o Processo I foi superior ao Processo II, com uma eficiência relativa de 75,83%, implicando na obtenção de intervalos de confiança mais estreitos para a média e total. SUB-SAMPLING WITH UNEQUAL SIZE PRIMARY UNITS APPLIED TO INVENTORIES OF Eucalyptus grandis FOREST STANDS Abstract This study assessed the precision and efficiency of two sub-sampling processes with unequal size primary units in one Eucaliptus grandis stand in managed clear-cut regimes, located in Mogi Guaçu municipalitie, in the State of São Paulo, belonging to International Paper do Brasil Ltda. The study died use of measurements performed by the company in the Eucalyptus grandis stand, involving 6 and 8 year’s compartments. The two tested sub-sampling were: Processe I - selected primary units with equal probability–biased estimator ratio to size and Processe II - selected primary units with probability proportional to size – unbiased estimator. By comparing them regarding their relative efficiency, it was verified that the process of sub-sampling I showed the best result when compared to the process II, with relative efficiency of 75,83%, with smaller confidence intervals for the means and total

    Oral conditions and salivary analysis in HIV-uninfected subjects using preexposure prophylaxis

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    New prevention strategies have been advocated to control the progression of HIV/AIDS, such as preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP). The aim of this study is to evaluate the potential changes in the oral and salivary conditions of HIV-uninfected subjects using PrEP. Subjects were evaluated before beginning the medication (T0), at the first follow-up (T1), and at the second follow-up (T2). Xerostomia, presence of untreated cavitated caries, oral hygiene habits, taste, gingival and plaque index, stimulated salivary flow rate (SSFR), and salivary concentrations of calcium, glucose, urea, and total proteins were evaluated. Data obtained were analyzed using statistical tests (p0.05), except for the salivary calcium concentration, that increased at T2 compared to T1 (p=0.02). There was significant difference between taste and xerostomia at T1 (p=0.017), and the need to drink to swallow at T2 (p=0.015). There was significant correlation between the reported amount of saliva and taste (p=0.039, r=-0.378) at T1. The prolonged use of PrEP seems to be associated with reports of dry mouth and worsening of taste, possibly associated with increased salivary calcium concentration

    Radiographic study of relative bone density of the retromolar region in pixels and aluminum equivalent milimeters

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar a densidade óssea relativa da região retromolar em pixels e em milímetros equivalentes de alumínio (mmEq/Al). Para a mensuração dos níveis de cinza em mmEq/Al na referida região, utilizou-se uma escala de alumínio constituída por 16 degraus, com 0,3mm de espessura entre cada um deles. Utilizou-se 5 mandíbulas humanas secas, as quais foram tecnicamente radiografadas, na região anteriormente citada, com filmes Agfa, tempo de exposição de 0,5 segundos e distância focal de 25cm. Estas radiografias foram processadas, em uma câmara escura, pelo método de tempo e temperatura e, posteriormente escaneadas com 300 dpi. As imagens digitalizadas foram medidas por meio da ferramenta histograma, do programa Image Tool, versão 3.0 (UTHSCSA, USA). Inicialmente, foram manipuladas através da função automática de alteração de brilho e contraste e em seguida, foram selecionadas para as medições nas regiões ósseas, áreas de 32X32 pixels, evitando-se regiões excessivamente radiopacas ou radiolúcidas, bem como, de estruturas anatômicas, para que não houvesse alterações no valor da densidade óssea relativa. Já nas imagens dos degraus da escala, foram medidas áreas de 20X50 pixels, com a mesma ferramenta. A análise dos resultados, pelo teste estatístico T de Student, mostrou valores semelhantes entre a densidade óssea da região retromolar e o degrau de número 16 da escala de alumínio (p>0,05). Concluiu-se que a densidade da escala de alumínio, utilizada neste estudo é semelhante a densidade óssea relativa da região avaliada, podendo ser utilizada como unidade de medida referencial na análise dos níveis de cinza mandibulares.The objective of this research was to compare the relative bone density of the retromolar region, in pixels and aluminum equivalent milimeters. It was used an aluminum stepwedge to measure the gray levels in this region; this stepwedge was formed by 16 degrees with 0,3mm between each one. Five human dried mandibles were used, which were technicaly radiographied on the region previously mentioned, using Agfa film, 0,5 seconds of time of exposition and focal distance of 25cm. These radiographics were processed by the time and temperature method, and later digitalized with 300 dpi. The digital images were measured by the histogram resource of the Image Tool software, version 3.0 (UTHSCSA,USA). Initially the mandibles were manipulated using the bright and contrast automatic change function called stretch. Then areas of 32X32 pixels were selected for the measures in bone regions, avoiding those excessively radiopaque or radiolucent, as well as anathomic strutures, so that no alterations interfere in the levels of bone density. For the images of the aluminum stepwedge, areas of 20X50 pixels were measured using the same histogram resourse. Using the Student-t test, similar values were shown between the retromolar bone region density and the degree number 16 of the aluminum’s scale (p>0,05). It was conclude that the density of aluminum’s scale, used in the research is similar to the relative bone density of analised regions, showing that it can be used as an unit of referencial measure in the analysis of mandible gray levels

    Fluoretação das águas de abastecimento público e cárie dentária: estudo comparativo das iniquidades encontradas no SB Brasil 2003 e 2010

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    Objetivo: Comparar os levantamentos epidemiológicos nacionais em saúde bucal (SB Brasil) de 2003 e de 2010, quanto aos fatores associados à fluoretação de águas e cárie dentária aos 12 anos de idade, evidenciando possíveis iniquidades.Materiais e métodos: Utilizaram-se dados de 57.388 habitantes dos 50 municípios coincidentes em ambos os levantamentos. Com dados do SB Brasil 2003 o ponto de corte da existência de fluoretação foi 1990 e as variáveis independentes foram de 2000; para o SB Brasil 2010, esse corte foi 2004 e as variáveis independentes foram de 2010. Foram variáveis explanatórias: macrorregião, porte populacional, Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal (IDH-M) e acesso à água encanada. Aplicou-se o teste de Qui-Quadrado (p<0,05) para identificação de associações entre as variáveis explanatórias e os desfechos de interesse.Resultados: Macrorregiões menos favorecidas, com menos habitantes, menor IDH-M e menos acesso à água encanada, foram as que menos receberam água fluoretada ou se a receberam, isso se deu tardiamente, também com impacto no aumento da experiência de cárie dentária.Conclusão: Não houve melhoria, no período, quanto à redução de iniquidades e na relação entre fluoretação e cárie dentária.Objetivo: Comparar os levantamentos epidemiológicos nacionais em saúde bucal (SB Brasil) de 2003 e de 2010, quanto aos fatores associados à fluoretação de águas e cárie dentária aos 12 anos de idade, evidenciando possíveis iniquidades.Materiais e métodos: Utilizaram-se dados de 57.388 habitantes dos 50 municípios coincidentes em ambos os levantamentos. Com dados do SB Brasil 2003 o ponto de corte da existência de fluoretação foi 1990 e as variáveis independentes foram de 2000; para o SB Brasil 2010, esse corte foi 2004 e as variáveis independentes foram de 2010. Foram variáveis explanatórias: macrorregião, porte populacional, Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal (IDH-M) e acesso à água encanada. Aplicou-se o teste de Qui-Quadrado (p<0,05) para identificação de associações entre as variáveis explanatórias e os desfechos de interesse.Resultados: Macrorregiões menos favorecidas, com menos habitantes, menor IDH-M e menos acesso à água encanada, foram as que menos receberam água fluoretada ou se a receberam, isso se deu tardiamente, também com impacto no aumento da experiência de cárie dentária.Conclusão: Não houve melhoria, no período, quanto à redução de iniquidades e na relação entre fluoretação e cárie dentária

    Capital social e acesso aos serviços de saúde em uma população de adultos

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    Objetivo: Investigou-se a associação entre capital social e acesso aos serviços de saúde geral e odontológica de moradores do Distrito Ferraria, Campo Largo, Brasil. Materiais e métodos: Participaram 373 adultos que responderam a um questionário contendo informações sociodemográficas, socioeconômicas e de hábitos. Definiu-se o capital social a partir das dimensões: confiança social, apoio social, controle social informal, eficácia política e ação social. O acesso aos serviços de saúde foi avaliado pelo atendimento médico nos últimos 30 dias e última visita ao dentista. Foram exploradas associações entre as variáveis explicativas e as referidas dimensões (Teste do Qui-quadrado), seguida da regressão logística multinominal. Resultados: Indivíduos com idade mais avançada, não fumantes e com melhor autopercepção da saúde geral buscaram mais serviço médico nos 30 dias anteriores à pesquisa. A visita ao dentista nos últimos seis meses esteve associada de modo significativo aos jovens, aos casados ou em união estável, e que autopercebem melhor a condição de saúde bucal. Quanto às dimensões do capital social, apenas a eficácia política na categoria moderada aumentou a chance de o respondente acessar o serviço médico. Conclusão: O acesso ao serviço médico foi influenciado pelo capital social por meio da eficácia política

    Assessment of awake bruxism in undergraduate students, using Ecological Momentary Assessment, through WhatsApp

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    This study assessed awake bruxism (AB) in undergraduate students using WhatsApp and examined the association of this behavior with quality of life and anxiety. The sample was composed of 36 healthy young adults of both genders, with an average age of 20.74 years. AB behaviors (teeth contact, teeth clenching, teeth grinding and mandible bracing) and relaxed jaw muscles were reported with Ecological Momentary Assessment, through WhatsApp, 15 times a day, for 7 days, between 8:00 am and 7:00 pm. Quality of Life (QoL) and anxiety were assessed using the SF-36 and GAD-7 questionnaires, respectively. The Mann-Whitney U non-parametric, Pearson and Spearman correlation and Pairwise non-parametric multiple comparisons 2- to-2 tests were used. The frequency of AB was 40.7%. The most frequent AB behavior was teeth contact (23.1%). Higher frequency of AB occurred on weekdays (42.3%) compared to the weekend (35.5%) (p&lt;0.05). There was a negative correlation of AB behaviors and mandible bracing with the QoL - emotional aspects domain (p&lt;0.05) and positive correlation of mandible bracing with anxiety (p&lt;0.01). There was no difference between genders for QoL, anxiety and AB behaviors (p&gt;0.05). This study highlights the importance of AB and anxiety control to improve undergraduate students’ quality of life.This study assessed awake bruxism (AB) in undergraduate students using WhatsApp and examined the association of this behavior with quality of life and anxiety. The sample was composed of 36 healthy young adults of both genders, with an average age of 20.74 years. AB behaviors (teeth contact, teeth clenching, teeth grinding and mandible bracing) and relaxed jaw muscles were reported with Ecological Momentary Assessment, through WhatsApp, 15 times a day, for 7 days, between 8:00 am and 7:00 pm. Quality of Life (QoL) and anxiety were assessed using the SF-36 and GAD-7 questionnaires, respectively. The Mann-Whitney U non-parametric, Pearson and Spearman correlation and Pairwise non-parametric multiple comparisons 2- to-2 tests were used. The frequency of AB was 40.7%. The most frequent AB behavior was teeth contact (23.1%). Higher frequency of AB occurred on weekdays (42.3%) compared to the weekend (35.5%) (p&lt;0.05). There was a negative correlation of AB behaviors and mandible bracing with the QoL - emotional aspects domain (p&lt;0.05) and positive correlation of mandible bracing with anxiety (p&lt;0.01). There was no difference between genders for QoL, anxiety and AB behaviors (p&gt;0.05). This study highlights the importance of AB and anxiety control to improve undergraduate students’ quality of life

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on facial pain, anxiety, depression, quality of life, and awake bruxism in sleep bruxism patients, occlusal splint users

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic may lead to increased risk of developing or worsening bruxism and facial pain. Objective: To evaluate the influence of pandemic on adults with Sleep Bruxism (BS), both sexes, rigid occlusal splint users. Methods: Longitudinal observational study conducted in adults, both sexes, with Possible BS (n= 50), mean age 35.95 ± 10.35 years, before (T1) and during (T2) COVID-19 pandemic, in person and remotely, respectively. Presence and intensity of pain (Visual Analog Scale) in the masseter and temporal muscles and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) region, anxiety and depression (HADS), quality of life (QoL) (WHOQOL - Brief) and Awake Bruxism (AB) were assessed. Student's t- test, Mann-Whitney U-test, Wilcoxon, Pearson's chi-square and Mc-Nemar tests were applied (p&lt;0.05). Results: The frequency of subjects with masseter, temporal and TMJ pain was 72%, 22%, 42% at T1 and 44%, 26%, 60% at T2, respectively; AB was 78% at T1 and 70% at T2. At both times pain intensity was moderate, there was absence of anxiety and depression, and QoL was regular. At T2, the frequency of subjects with masseter pain decreased 28%, domains physical, psychological and QoL mean&nbsp;worsened (p&lt;0.05). The other variables showed no difference between times (p&gt;0.05). Conclusions: During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of rigid occlusal splints&nbsp;contributed to pain control in masseter muscle; anxiety and depression were absent, QoL worsened, and AB frequency remained high.Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic may lead to increased risk of developing or worsening bruxism and facial pain. Objective: To evaluate the influence of pandemic on adults with Sleep Bruxism (BS), both sexes, rigid occlusal splint users. Methods: Longitudinal observational study conducted in adults, both sexes, with Possible BS (n= 50), mean age 35.95 ± 10.35 years, before (T1) and during (T2) COVID-19 pandemic, in person and remotely, respectively. Presence and intensity of pain (Visual Analog Scale) in the masseter and temporal muscles and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) region, anxiety and depression (HADS), quality of life (QoL) (WHOQOL - Brief) and Awake Bruxism (AB) were assessed. Student's t- test, Mann-Whitney U-test, Wilcoxon, Pearson's chi-square and Mc-Nemar tests were applied (p&lt;0.05). Results: The frequency of subjects with masseter, temporal and TMJ pain was 72%, 22%, 42% at T1 and 44%, 26%, 60% at T2, respectively; AB was 78% at T1 and 70% at T2. At both times pain intensity was moderate, there was absence of anxiety and depression, and QoL was regular. At T2, the frequency of subjects with masseter pain decreased 28%, domains physical, psychological and QoL mean worsened (p&lt;0.05). The other variables showed no difference between times (p&gt;0.05). Conclusions: During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of rigid occlusal splints contributed to pain control in masseter muscle; anxiety and depression were absent, QoL worsened, and AB frequency remained high