282 research outputs found

    Continuous Aerobic Training In Individualized Intensity Avoids Spontaneous Physical Activity Decline And Improves Mct1 Expression In Oxidative Muscle Of Swimming Rats

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Although aerobic training has been shown to affect the lactate transport of skeletal muscle, there is no information concerning the effect of continuous aerobic training on spontaneous physical activity (SPA). Because every movement in daily life (i.e., SPA) is generated by skeletal muscle, we think that it is possible that an improvement of SPA could affect the physiological properties of muscle with regard to lactate transport. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of 12 weeks of continuous aerobic training in individualized intensity on SPA of rats and their gene expressions of monocarboxylate transporters (MCT) 1 and 4 in soleus (oxidative) and white gastrocnemius (glycolytic) muscles. We also analyzed the effect of continuous aerobic training on aerobic and anaerobic parameters using the lactate minimum test (LMT). Sixty-day-old rats were randomly divided into three groups: a baseline group in which rats were evaluated prior to initiation of the study; a control group (Co) in which rats were kept without any treatment during 12 weeks; and a chronic exercise group (Tr) in which rats swam for 40 min/day, 5 days/week at 80% of anaerobic threshold during 12 weeks. After the experimental period, SPA of rats was measured using a gravimetric method. Rats had their expression of MCTs determined by RT-PCR analysis. In essence, aerobic training is effective in maintaining SPA, but did not prevent the decline of aerobic capacity and anaerobic performance, leading us to propose that the decline of SPA is not fully attributed to a deterioration of physical properties. Changes in SPA were concomitant with changes in MCT1 expression in the soleus muscle of trained rats, suggestive of an additional adaptive response toward increased lactate clearance. This result is in line with our observation showing a better equilibrium on lactate production remotion during the continuous exercise (LMT). We propose an approach to combat the decline of SPA of rats in their home cages. This new finding is worth for scientists who work with animal models to study the protective effects of exercise.7Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo - FAPESP [2011/16222-7, 2012/20501-1, 2014/10336-9]Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior - CNPq [305650/2009-2]Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Pengaruh Strategi Green Marketing, Corporate Social Marketing dan Environmental Behavior terhadap Green Purchasing Behavior

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    Kepedulian dan kesadaran akan lingkungan dan kesehatan, telah merubah cara pandang dan pola hidup manusia dalam mengkonsumsi makanan dan minuman. Hal ini ditunjukkan pada Perubahan pola pendekatan bisnis yang mulai mengarahkan USAha dengan pendekatan aktivitas bisnis berbasis kelestarian lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh strategi green marketing, corporate social marketing dan environmental behavior terhadap green puchasing behavior pada Bali Green Spa Kuta. Jumlah sampel penelitian dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 135 responden dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah dengan faktor konfirmatori dan regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat dinyatakan bahwa strategi green marketing, corporate social marketing, dan environmental behavior berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap green puchasing behavior


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    Kabupaten Buleleng yang memiliki luas wilayah secara keseluruhan sebesar 136.588 hektar (ha) sangat potensial menjadi sentra pengembangan talas. Oleh sebab itu, dipandang perlu dilakukan eksplorasi dan karakterisasi sumber daya genetik talas, sebagai dasar untuk pengembangan varietas unggul talas di kabupaten Buleleng. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada beberapa desa yang tersebar di empat kecamatan di Kabupaten Buleleng. Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai bulan Juni – November 2020. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksploratif dengan sistem jelajah dan wawancara. Pengambilan sampel karakterisasi menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Analisis data kuantitatif menggunakan analisis statistik, sedangkan untuk analisis kemiripan menggunakan software NTSYSpc 2.02i. Hasil analisis kemiripan ditampilkan dalam bentuk dendogram. Berdasarkan hasil eksplorasi dan karakterisasi tanaman talas di kabupaten Buleleng ditemukan enam belas aksesi yaitu BK 1, PD 1, SM 1, SM 2, PB 1, PB 2, PS 1, PS 2, WG 1, WG 2, WG 3, WG4, WG 5, PA 1, MD 1 dan MD 2. Hasil uji kekerabatan menunjukkan nilai koefisien kemiripan 0,80 – 1,00, yang artinya tingkat kemiripan pada aksesi yang ditemukan sebesar 80% sampai dengan 100%


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    Lahan kering masam perlu dikelola secara intensif untuk mengatasi kendala inheren sifat fisik dan kimia tanahnya. Penelitian pengaruh formula pembenah tanah organik granul terhadap sifat kimia tanah dan pertumbuhan tanaman pada tanah kering masam telah dilakukan di rumah kaca Balai Penelitian Tanah. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas formula pembenah tanah organik granul yang telah diperkaya senyawa humat sebagai pengganti kapur untuk memperbaiki sifat kimia tanah dan pertumbuhan tanaman. Penelitian dilakukan dengan percobaan pot menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan 10 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuannya adalah 3 jenis pembenah tanah yaitu kapur, formula pukan ayam plus dan formula pukan sapi plus, masing-masing dengan 3 level dosis. Tanaman kacang hijau digunakan sebagai indikator yang ditanam dalam pot masing-masing dengan 3 tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembenah tanah kapur pertanian dengan cepat meningkatkan pH tanah dan menurunkan Al- dd. Sedangkan formula pembenah tanah pukan ayam plus lebih unggul dalam peningkatan karbon organik tanah. Pembanah organik pukan ayam plus juga dapat meningkatkan pH tanah dan menurunkan kadar Al-dd, namun intensitasnya lebih rendah dari kapur. Formula pembenah tanah pukan sapi plus, kurang berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan pH dan menetralisir Al-dd. Pembenah tanah pukan ayam plus dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman kacang hijau. Produksi biomas kacang hijau meningkat 60% dan produksi biji meningkat 56% dibandingkan dengan perlakuan kontrol. Pertumbuhan dan produksi kacang hijau dari perlakuan pukan ayam plus lebih baik dibandingkan dengan perlakuan kapur. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembenah tanah pukan ayam plus dan pukan sapi plus dapat dipakai sebagai pembenah tanah pengganti kapur pada lahan kering masam

    Pengaruh Formula Pembenah Tanah Organik Granul Terhadap Sifat Kimia Tanah Dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Pada Lahan Kering Masam

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    Acid upland needs to be managed intensively to overcome the inherent constraints of the physical and chemical properties of the soil. Research on the effect of granular organic soil amendment formula to the soil chemical properties and plant growth on acid upland was carried out in the greenhouse.The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of granular organic soil amendment formulas that have been enriched with humic compounds as a substitute for lime to improve soil chemical properties and plant growth. The study was conducted with a pot experiment using a randomized block design with 10 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments are consist of 3 types of soil amendment, namely lime, chicken manure compost (CMC) and cow dung compost (CDC), each with 3 dosage levels. Mungbean plants are used as indicators planted in pots with 3 plants each. The results revealed that lime as soil amendment quickly increased soil pH and decreased exchangable Aluminium (Exch-Al). Meanwhile the formula CMC is superior in increasing soil organic carbon. The CMC also increase soil pH and reduce the exch-Al levels, but the intensity is lower than lime. The CDC soil amendment has less effect on increasing pH and neutralizing exch-Al. The CMC soil amendment can increase the growth and production of mungbean. Mungbean dry biomass increased about 60% and grain production increased about 56% compared to control treatment. The growth and production of mungbean from CMC treatment is better than lime treatment. It can be concluded that chicken manure compost and cow dung compost can be used to substitute of lime as soil amendment on acid upland. Keyword: acid upland, lime, manure, productivity, soil amendmen

    Perbandingan Pengaruh Beberapa Jenis Pupuk Mengandung Fosfat terhadap Kehilangan Hara Melalui Pelindian pada Tanah Gambut

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    Subiksa et al, 2018. Comparison Effect of Several Phosphate Contain Fertilizers to Nutrient Loss Trough Leaching on Peat Soil . JLSO 7(1):1-13. Peat soil have specific nutrient adsorption characteristics which are affected by soil pH dependent charge. Therefore, nutrient management on such soil should be done using different approach compared to mineral soil. Research on the comparison effects of several types of phosphate containing fertilizers to nutrient loss through leaching on peat soil has been carried out in greenhouse using coulom experiments. The objectives of this study was to evaluate the rate of primary macro nutrient loss and look for fertilization technology which can reduced leaching rate. The study used a randomized block design of 14 treatments with 3 replications. The treatments were complete control treatment, partial control and 4 types of P contain fertilizer, namely SP-36, NPK compound, Chrismast Island Phosphate Rock (CIRP), and Pugam each of them with 3 levels dose. The peat soil used was ombrogenous peat with hemic maturity level taken from OKI Regency, South Sumatra. Watering is done every 2 days with 350 ml ion-free water/pot. The results showed that N and K nutrients leaching, mostly due to aplication rate of those nutrient, whereas type of fertilizer was not revealed significantly different. Meanwhile, P concentration in leachate water was significantly different among treatments. Leaching of P in the control treatment was very low because of P content of peat soil was low. The highest loss of P trough leaching rate is shown by the NPK treatment because NPK compound is belong to fast nutrient release fertilizer. CIRP and Pugam treatments showed low P loss trough leaching rates due to the slow release of P on CIRP and Pugam. The low leaching rates of CIRP and Pugam are also because of high content of Al and Fe as polyvalent cation that can promote new soil positive charges as site adsorption of P. It can be concluded that fertilization with a slow release type of phosphate fertilizer and contain sesquioxide as source of polyvalent cations such as CIRP and Pugam can reduced the rate of phosphate loss trough leaching

    Rates of Decomposition and Nutrient Release from Biomass of Various Species of Tropical Legume Cover Crops in Dryland Soils of Eastern Indonesia

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    The contribution of various species of tropical legume cover crops used in the dryland tropics of Indonesia to increase organic matter and plant nutrients in the soils is generally unknown. A pot experiment arranged in the field were conducted to study the rates of decomposition and nutrient release from these cover crops. The factorial experiment was designed as a randomized complete block with two treatment factors and three replications. The first factor was species of legume cover crops viz. Centrosema pubescens L., Mucuna pruriens L., Crotalaria usaramoensis L., and Phaseolus lunatus L., and the second factor was methods of placement of biomass (in litter bags) either placed on the soil surface or embedded in the soils. The rates of decomposition and nutrient release were higher in biomass embedded in the soils which were 0.303 (2.76 year-1), 0.264 (2.41 year-1), 0.187 (1.71 year-1) and 0.104 (0.95 year-1) for C. usaramoensis L., P. lunatus L., M. pruriens L. and C. pubescens L., respectively. Nutrient release (N, P, K, Ca) from C. usaramoensis L. and P. lunatus L.embedded in the soils reached a half time (more than 50%) of 20 days while those from M. pruriens L. and C. pubescens L. did that of 30 days. Crotolaria usaramoensis and Phaseolus lunatus had the high, Mucuna pruriens had  the medium and Centrosema pubescens had the low biomass quality. It was concluded that the use of C. usaramoensis L. and P. lunatus L. embedded in the soil 10-20 days before planting, will be the apropriate methods to amend soil properties in the dryland tropics. Keywords: Legume cover crops biomass, The rates of decomposition and nutrient releas

    Persepsi Masyarakat Adat Terhadap Implementasi Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (Rtrw) Di Nusa Ceningan, Klungkung, Bali (the Indigenous Society Perception Towards the Reghional Spatial Planning Implementation in Nusa Ceningan, Klungkung, Bali)

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    Bali development areas are unseperated from trihita karana (parhyanga, palemahan and pawongan) terms, because since 10th century Balinese have had their own spatial planning which applied on the traditional housing. The emergence of government idea's on spatial planning have implicated the spatial pattern conversion management and natural resources exploitation that damage the indigeneous society, including the physical, socio-economic and socio-culture aspects. Nusa Ceningan constitutes Nusa Penida developing areas in this research is purposively chosen with the spatial planning dichotomies concideration. The conflict of the spatial users consists of the elite government, elite economic (nongovernment) and elite society (indigenous) are caused by the both dichotomies interest of the indigenous society and government idea's on spatial planning respectively. The indigenous society are seen as the object (subordinate) as opposed to the government because its authority are always become a subject (dominant) of spatial planning, so that the indigenous society interest are negated and finally be marginalized. The research method applies the combination of both qualitative and qualitative approaches with triangulation principle. The qualitative and qualitative data were both collected by survey method, depth interview, focused group discussion and document over view. Data were analyzed quantitatively by single frequency table to find out the fenomena, expression and dominant variable are explored through qualitative data and be analyzed by qualitative description. The spatial pattern conversion and natural resources management have influences the physical structure of traditional space conversion and socioculture shifting among the parhangan, palemahan and pawongan components
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