2,361 research outputs found

    Regional specialization and trade patterns in Europe.

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    In the present paper we will study the effects of the construction of an internal market in Europe in 1992. The question to be answered is whether some regions in Europe have improved their positions in the internal EU trade from a better exploitation of their comparative advantages (productivity, factors endowment,...) and scale economies, as far as regions have two main reasons for trade: specialization in those activities they do the best and the exploitation of scale economies. The evolution of inter industrial trade will reveal whether the expectations of some qualified economist of a deeper specialization of northern European regions in human capital-intensive industries and in labour-intensive industries in the southern regions were correct. Besides, the development of intra industrial trade in this decade will prove if the benefits of scale economies were bigger in the south, where they were less exploited at the outset. Finally, we will also analyse the role of foreign direct investment (which can be observed as another way of exports and shares with trade the causal factors) in the reinforcement of specialization patterns across Europe. In this connection, we identify and analyse the evolution of trade patterns in Europe in the 1990´s through the utilization of Grubel-Lloyd index. Secondly, we utilize several indicators of comparative advantages (sectors average productivity, labour costs, human capital endowment, etc.) and of firms size to study whether they have also undergone some changes as a result of the internal market formation. Although the lack of regional data can make us formulate this analysis for countries rather than for regions, whenever necessary we will supplement it with the patterns of regional specialization within the countries, as far as the regional location of export industries can shed some light on this issue.

    El perfil del profesor de español como lengua extranjera: dimensión formativa, dimensión técnica y dimensión afectivo-emocional

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    In this article we will reflect on the three dimensions that constitute key areas in the professional development of teachers of Spanish as a foreign language (ELE): the formative dimension, the technical dimension and affective-emotional dimension. We focus on the context of educational practice, an area from which we can invite reflection, to analyze the beliefs of teachers or change the direction of their work in the classroom.In this article we will reflect on the three dimensions that constitute key areas in the professional development of teachers of Spanish as a foreign language (ELE): the formative dimension, the technical dimension and affective-emotional dimension. We focus on the context of educational practice, an area from which we can invite reflection, to analyze the beliefs of teachers or change the direction of their work in the classroom

    Hacia la resignificación de la pedagogía salesiana en los contextos actuales

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    Don Bosco nunca escribió como teórico de la educación. Han sido otros los que se han dedicado a analizar su estilo intentando explicar su actuar pedagógico. Él es, tal como dice Braido: “(...) Un hombre de acción, con espíritu de iniciativa, con intuición de las exigencias de la práctica, irrefrenable en la acción, osado en las realizaciones, con amplitud de miradas, con una interioridad que todo lo inspira, mueve y unifica: humana, cristiana y sacerdotalmente” (2009, p. 180). Sus Memorias lo demuestran y las cualidades en sus acciones lo ponen de manifiesto. Sin embargo, es reconocida la relevancia de la pedagogía de Don Bosco. No obstante, las preguntas irrumpen y nos convocan. ¿Cómo puede reactualizarse el Sistema Preventivo? ¿Qué características son esenciales a la identidad salesiana? ¿Quiénes son los pobres en los con- textos actuales? ¿Cómo se piensa al joven en nuestras obras

    Fluorescence study of tetracaine–cyclodextrin inclusion complexes

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    The steady-state fluorescence emission from the local anaesthetic tetracaine (TCA) in water-solvent mixtures and in the presence of α-, β- and γ-cyclodextrin (CD) was investigated at various pH values. Emission was observed from the locally and the intramolecular charge transfer excited states. The TCA-CD system was found to be characterised by 1:1 associate in every case. The association constants of each complex were determined.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia; CTQ2005-07428/BQUMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación; CTQ2008-04429/BQ

    Potentiometric characterisation of cyclodextrin inclusion complexes of local anaesthetics

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    The complexation of several local anaesthetics by β and γ-cyclodextrins was studied by potentiometry with glass electrode. Tetracaine and dibucaine complexation constants were determined at 25°C in the presence of 0.1 M of NaCl. It was found that prilocaine and lidocaine complexes cannot be detected.Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia; CTQ2005-07428/BQUMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovacion; CTQ2008-04429/BQ

    The ethnic voices in the Peace Agreement of Colombia: An ontological resistance

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    Este artículo explora, desde el concepto de resistencia ontológica, la movilización que los líderes indígenas y afrocolombianos realizaron para reclamar un espacio como pueblos colectivos autónomos en las negociaciones de paz entre el gobierno de Colombia y las FARC-EP. Fruto de este ejercicio de resistencia, las comunidades lograron incluir un Capítulo Étnico en el Acuerdo Final de Paz que representó una victoria simbólica para su autonomía. A través del análisis del discurso, argumentamos que la construcción de paz para los pueblos indígenas y afrodescendientes pasa por el respecto a sus ontologías relacionales, su autonomía y su autodeterminaciónThis article explores, from the concept of ontological resistance, the mobilization that the indigenous and Afro-Colombian leaders, as autonomous collective peoples, carried out to claim a space in the peace negotiations between the government of Colombia and the FARC-EP. As a result of their exercise of resistance, the communities managed to include an Ethnic Chapter in the Final Peace Agreement, which represented a symbolic victory for their autonomy. Through discourse analysis, we argue that the construction of peace for indigenous peoples and Afro-Colombians implies the respect of their ontologies, their autonomy and their self-determinationEste artículo fue posible gracias a la beca de doctorado 2015-2019 de la Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, número PD/ BD/113997/2015, y a la estancia de investigación en el Observatorio de Paz de la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano de Bogot

    Micellar effects on aromatic esters hydrolysis

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    The alkaline hydrolysis of two aromatic esters, 2-naphthyl acetate (2NA) and phenyl acetate (PhA) has been tackled in this work. The reaction has been followed in water and in the presence of cationic surfactants with different chain lengths: dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTABr), tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide (TTABr), and hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTABr) and the corresponding hydroxides (DTAOH, TTAOH and CTAOH) at 25. °C. The pseudo-first order rate constants increase with surfactant concentration in the presence of surfactants with reactive counter-ions, while a maximum is reached for bromide surfactants with a constant concentration of hydroxyl ion. Both, the association equilibrium constants of 2NA and PhA with micelles and the rate constant in this medium were determined. The degree of counter-ion association to micelles was considered as a variable parameter, using the adsorption equilibrium of bromide and hydroxide ions to the micelle.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia; CTQ2005-07428/BQUMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación; CTQ2008-04429/BQ

    A further study of acetylacetone nitrosation

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    The nitrosation of acetylacetone (AcAc) has been revised in an aqueous acid medium of perchloric acid and buffers of mono-, di-, or tri-chloroacetic acid. The results show that in the presence of buffers, under conditions of [nit] ≪ [AcAc] (nit = sodium nitrite) the reaction cannot be studied by UV-Vis spectroscopy, contrary to the recently published paper by García-Rio et al. (J. Org. Chem., 2008, 73, 8198). The present study also corroborates the previously published mechanism of AcAc nitrosation, where no base-catalysis was observed. Contrarily, the low effect of buffers was attributed to the formation of nitrosyl chloro-, dichloro- or trichloro-acetate salts that are new nitrosating agents.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; CTQ2008-04429/BQ

    Imaginando paz(ces) en Colombia. Entre negociaciones, políticas y narrativas de resistencia

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    Este artículo explora la pluralidad de significados de la paz y sus encuentros para comprender los desafíos futuros en la fase de consolidación de la paz en Colombia. A través del análisis del discurso y sistematización de los principales discursos sobre la paz en el debate público en Colombia, se muestran los puntos de proximidad y distancia entre ellos. En particular, el texto deconstruye las visiones hegemónicas de la paz al contrastarlas con las propuestas alternativas o críticas de paz. El documento concluye que las negociaciones de paz fueron una oportunidad para darle a la paz un significado compartido por la gran mayoría de la sociedad colombiana. Sin embargo, por el contrario, la discusión sobre lo que significa y conlleva la paz ha permanecido abierta después de la firma del acuerdo de paz y, por lo tanto, está afectando su implementación.This article explores the plurality of meanings of peace and their encounters in order to understand the challenges ahead in the peacebuilding phase in Colombia. By mapping and systematizing the main discourses around peace in the public debate in Colombia, it shows the points of proximity and distance among them based on discourse analysis. In particular, the text deconstructs the hegemonic visions of peace by contrasting them with the alternative or critical proposals of peace. The paper concludes that the peace negotiations were a window of opportunity to give peace a meaning that was shared by a great majority of the Colombian society. Rather, on the contrary, the discussion about what peace means and entails has remained open after the peace agreement was signed and thus is affecting its implementation.Fundação para a Ciência e a TecnologiaEuropean Social Fun