356 research outputs found
A strategic integrated healthcare facility management model
The requirement to reduce expenditure on “non‐core” activities, along with building's owners’ expectations for improved performance, are the main dilemmas with which a facility manager deals on a regular basis. The primary objective of this research was to identify the effect of defined parameters, such as the actual age of a building and its level of occupancy, on the performance of facilities and their systems. This study contributed to the development of a model capable of integrating these parameters into a Facility Management (FM) tactical and strategic decision‐making process, referred to as the Integrated Healthcare Facility Management Model (IHFMM). The model's guidelines may be outlined for the methodological design and operation of facilities from a life cycle perspective. The paper presents the architecture of the developed model, and four of the 15 procedures that comprise the heart of this model.
Strateginis integruotas sveikatos priežiūros pastatų ūkio valdymo modelis
Reikalavimas mažinti „neesmines“ veiklos išlaidas bei pastato savininkų lūkesčiai dėl geresnių rezultatų – su tokiomis pagrindinėmis dilemomis reguliariai susiduriapastatų ūkio valdymo vadybininkas. Šio tiriamojo darbo pagrindinis uždavinys yra nustatyti, koks yra apibrėžtaparametrų, tokių kaip realus pastato amžius ir jo užimtumolygis, poveikis pastatų ir jų sistemų rezultatyvumui. Šistyrimas prisidėjo kuriant modelį, kuris leidžia šiuosparametrus integruoti į taktinių ir strateginių pastatų ūkiovaldymo sprendimų priėmimo procesą ir yra vadinamas integruotu sveikatos priežiūros pastatų ūkio valdymo modeliu. Modelio rekomendacijas galima taikyti vykdantmetodologinį pastatų projektavimą ir eksploatavimą išgyvavimo ciklo perspektyvos. Šiame darbe pristatoma sukurto modelio architektūra ir keturios iš penkiolikos procedūrų, sudarančių šio modelio šerdį.
First published online: 18 Oct 201
Abstrak - Jalan Tlogosari Raya Kelurahan Tlogosari Kulon Kecamatan Pedurungan merupakan daerah komersial , jalan tersebut mempunyai permasalahan lahan parkir yang terbatas menyebabkan terjadinya parkir di badan jalan, sehingga menghambat kinerja lalu lintas dan akhirnya terjadi kemacetan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu meotode kuantitatif yang menekankan pada masalah pengaruh penggunaan ruang parkir pada badan jalan terhadap kinerja ruas jalan. Teknik pengumpulan data merupakan survei, pedoman yang digunakan yaitu manual kapasitas jalan Indonesia 1997 dengan variabel penelitian data volume lalulintas, kapasitas jalan, volume parkir, dan derajat kejenuhan (v/c). Hasil Analisa dapat disimpulkan bahwa parkir pada badan jalan mempengaruhi kinerja lalu lintas ruas Jalan Tlogosari Raya pada jam tertentu, yaitu pada jam masuk kerja atau sekolah maupun pulang kerja atau sekolah. Penurunan kinerja ruas jalan yang dipengaruhi kendaraan parkir di badan jalan terjadi pada sore hari pada pukul 16.00 – 17.00 dengan nilai v/c 0,56 yang dimana aliran konstan, namun kecepatan dibatasi oleh kapasitas, tingkat kepadatan sedang, jika tidak dipengruhi kendaraan parkir dibadan jalan nilai v/c 0,42 aliran konstan, tingkat kepadatan rendah namun kecepatan rata rata 46,55 km/jam.
Kata kunci : Parkir, Kapasitas, Kinerja, Kecepata
Path deviations outperform approximate stability in heterogeneous congestion games
We consider non-atomic network congestion games with heterogeneous players
where the latencies of the paths are subject to some bounded deviations. This
model encompasses several well-studied extensions of the classical Wardrop
model which incorporate, for example, risk-aversion, altruism or travel time
delays. Our main goal is to analyze the worst-case deterioration in social cost
of a perturbed Nash flow (i.e., for the perturbed latencies) with respect to an
original Nash flow. We show that for homogeneous players perturbed Nash flows
coincide with approximate Nash flows and derive tight bounds on their
inefficiency. In contrast, we show that for heterogeneous populations this
equivalence does not hold. We derive tight bounds on the inefficiency of both
perturbed and approximate Nash flows for arbitrary player sensitivity
distributions. Intuitively, our results suggest that the negative impact of
path deviations (e.g., caused by risk-averse behavior or latency perturbations)
is less severe than approximate stability (e.g., caused by limited
responsiveness or bounded rationality). We also obtain a tight bound on the
inefficiency of perturbed Nash flows for matroid congestion games and
homogeneous populations if the path deviations can be decomposed into edge
deviations. In particular, this provides a tight bound on the Price of
Risk-Aversion for matroid congestion games
Identifying trade-offs and reference points in support of ecosystem approaches to managing Gulf of Mexico menhaden
Gulf menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) support the largest fishery by yield in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) and are a key forage species for many marine predators. While menhaden stock assessments indicated that overfishing was not likely to have occurred in the past, concerns have been raised regarding the possible effects of menhaden fishing on their predators. In this study, we used a US Gulfwide Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) model to explore the predicted effects of increased menhaden harvest on the GoM ecosystem and focused our analyses on Gulf menhaden predators. Key menhaden predators identified included king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla), Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus maculatus), sea trout (Cynoscion spp.), red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus), and pelagic coastal piscivores [e.g., bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix)]. As expected, these predators exhibited reduced biomass in response to increased Gulf menhaden harvest, with a predicted 11% decrease in predator biomass at simulated fishing levels near historical highs. Our results indicate strong relationships between the effects of menhaden fishing and the predator fishing mortality for king mackerel and intermediate relationships for Spanish mackerel, blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus), red drum, large coastal sharks, and pelagic coastal piscivores. Biomass of predator groups such as demersal coastal invertebrate feeders [e.g., drums and croakers (Sciaenidae)] are more affected by menhaden harvest (through trophodynamics interactions and bycatch removal) compared to the isolated effect of their fishing mortality. For almost all the groups examined in the trade-off analysis, with the exception of sea trout, current biomass (2016) was higher than their target biomass representing 75% of their biomass at maximum sustainable yield. In comparison to the time series of fishing mortality rates estimated by the most recent Gulf menhaden stock assessment, the mean ecological reference point (ERP) of 0.862 was exceeded in all but 1 year from 1977 to 2007; however, neither the target nor threshold upper ERP value has been exceeded since 2008. The observed Gulf menhaden landings from 2003 to the present were generally within the range of the projected equilibrium landings (i.e., within confidence intervals) at both the ERP target and threshold values except for three recent years
Flexible and stretchable power sources for wearable electronics.
Flexible and stretchable power sources represent a key technology for the realization of wearable electronics. Developing flexible and stretchable batteries with mechanical endurance that is on par with commercial standards and offer compliance while retaining safety remains a significant challenge. We present a unique approach that demonstrates mechanically robust, intrinsically safe silver-zinc batteries. This approach uses current collectors with enhanced mechanical design, such as helical springs and serpentines, as a structural support and backbone for all battery components. We show wire-shaped batteries based on helical band springs that are resilient to fatigue and retain electrochemical performance over 17,000 flexure cycles at a 0.5-cm bending radius. Serpentine-shaped batteries can be stretched with tunable degree and directionality while maintaining their specific capacity. Finally, the batteries are integrated, as a wearable device, with a photovoltaic module that enables recharging of the batteries
Resonantly enhanced second-harmonic generation using III-V semiconductor all-dielectric metasurfaces
Nonlinear optical phenomena in nanostructured materials have been challenging
our perceptions of nonlinear optical processes that have been explored since
the invention of lasers. For example, the ability to control optical field
confinement, enhancement, and scattering almost independently, allows nonlinear
frequency conversion efficiencies to be enhanced by many orders of magnitude
compared to bulk materials. Also, the subwavelength length scale renders phase
matching issues irrelevant. Compared with plasmonic nanostructures, dielectric
resonator metamaterials show great promise for enhanced nonlinear optical
processes due to their larger mode volumes. Here, we present, for the first
time, resonantly enhanced second-harmonic generation (SHG) using Gallium
Arsenide (GaAs) based dielectric metasurfaces. Using arrays of cylindrical
resonators we observe SHG enhancement factors as large as 104 relative to
unpatterned GaAs. At the magnetic dipole resonance we measure an absolute
nonlinear conversion efficiency of ~2X10^(-5) with ~3.4 GW/cm2 pump intensity.
The polarization properties of the SHG reveal that both bulk and surface
nonlinearities play important roles in the observed nonlinear process
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