290 research outputs found


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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui serta menganalisis pengaruh iklim organisasi terhadap intention to stay pada PT Musla Trans Utama dengan employee engangement sebagai variabel intervening. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini dengan menggunakan teknik proportionate random sampling dengan jumlah sampe sebanyak 98 karyawan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis jalur dengan program Smart-PLS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa iklim organisasi tidak berpengaruh terhadap intention to stay, iklim organisasi berpenagruh positif dan signifikan terhadap employee engangement, employe engangement berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap intention to stay, iklim organisasi berpengaruh secara positif fan signifikan terhadap intention to stay dengan employee engangement sebagai variabel intervening


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    Background Oriented Schlieren (BOS) estimates the flow behaviour that exists between the camera and background from the shift in the background image features due to the change in the transfer channel function. The current optical flow techniques used to find the deflection vectors of the change in background images rely on two main assumptions: global constant value of intensity and continuity of local motion. The global intensity invariance assumption hardly works for BOS technique when imaging a self luminous flow. In this thesis, an optical flow equation which takes the change in intensity into account and an estimation motion model that considers both translational and rotational deflections were developed. The results showed that for a transparent gas jet all the tested optical flow algorithms worked well. However the proposed model gave better results for BOS images taken through natural gas flames and smoke from a fog generator. The developed deflection vector estimation algorithm and optical tomography served as a tool to extract the index of refraction of the gaseous fields. The Gladstone-Dale relationship was used to show the direct correlation between the index of refraction and density of the flow. Three different types of axi-symmetric flows were used as gas sample media. These were a CNG injected fuel jet, an open methane flame and a hot air jet. Based on the measured index of refraction the species mole fractions of CNG injected jet and methane flame were measured. In addition, the three dimensional temperature fields of the methane flame and the hot air were also measured and displayed. The other main contribution of this research was the use of Background Oriented Schlieren (BOS) technique for the measurement of the velocity field of a variable density round jet. The density field was further exploited to extract the axial and radial velocity vectors for six different jet-exit temperature values with the aid of the continuity and energy equations. Results of the measured temperature and velocity vector fields were compared with thermocouples and hot wire anemometry readings respectively and showed good agreements


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh gambaran serta hubungan productive pedagogies guru dengan cognitive load peserta didik. Productive pedagogies diukur berdasarkan tiga dimensi yaitu kualitas intelektual, relevansi, dan penguasaan lingkungan kelas pada empat orang guru SMA dalam pembelajaran materi sistem ekskresi. Productive pedagogies diukur menggunakan angket, lembar observasi, integrasinya pada RPP, dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Cognitive load diukur berdasarkan tiga komponen yaitu usaha mental untuk menggambarkan extranous cognitive load (ECL), kemampuan menerima dan mengolah infomasi menggambarkan intrinsic cognitive load (ICL), serta kemampuan penalaran sebagai hasil belajar untuk menggambarkan germane cognitive load (GCL). Usaha mental diukur dengan angket subjective rating scale menggunakan skala Likert, kemampuan analisis informasi diukur melalui soal sistem ekskresi berdasarkan komponen information processing, dan hasil belajar diukur melalui soal penalaran berdasarkan dimensi penalaran. Data penelitian menunjukkan bahwa productive pedagogies guru memperoleh nilai yang berbeda-beda, yaitu masih terdapat guru yang tidak secara menyeluruh memperhatikan productive pedagogies dalam menyusun RPP maupun pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Guru yang memperoleh productive pedagogies dengan skor tinggi, cenderung memperhatikan productive pedagogies dalam strategi pembelajaran efektif di kelas dengan menciptakan suasana belajar kondusif. Data penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa productive pedagogies guru dari yang tinggi ke rendah adalah Guru D, A, B dan C. Cognitive load peserta didik terendah ke tinggi berdasarkan korelasi antar komponen cognitive load terdapat pada peserta didik SMA A, D, B, dan C. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin tinggi productive pedagogies dapat menekan cognitive load peserta didik dalam pembelajaran. Kata Kunci: cognitive load, pembelajaran biologi, productive pedagogies, sistem ekskresi. This research was conducted to obtain an overview of productive pedagogies as well as it’s relationship with student’s cognitive load. Productive pedagogies are measured based on three dimensional: intellectual quality, relevance, and the control of classroom environment on four high school teachers in learning material of excretion system. Productive pedagogies is measured by using the question form, sheets of observation, its integration to the RPP, and the implementation of learning process. Student’s cognitive load was measured based on three components: mental effort to describe extranous cognitive load (ECL), the ability to process received information which describe the intrinsic cognitive load (ICL), and the ability of reasoning to describe germane cognitive load (GCL). Mental effort is measured based question form by using the Likert scale, the ability of information analysis is measured by questions of excretion system based on components of information processing, and the results of the study measured by question of reasoning based on the dimensions of reasoning. Research data shows that the productive pedagogies of the teachers acquire different values. There are still teachers who do not thoroughly observing the productive pedagogies in making up the RPP as well as the implementation of learning. Teachers who obtain productive pedagogies with high score, tend to pay attention to the productive pedagogies in effective learning strategies in the classroom by creating a conducive learning. Research data shows that the productive pedagogies of the teachers from high to low is teacher D, A, B and C. the lowest cognitive load students to high based on the correlation between the components of the cognitive load is present on the student’s of high school A, D, B, and C. So that it can be concluded that the higher productive pedagogies can suppress the cognitive load of student’s in learning process. Keywords: biology learning, cognitive load, excretion system, productive pedagogies


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    Balita usia dua tahun seharusnya sudah menerima toilet training, namun kenyataannya masih banyak ibu yang belum mengajarkan sehingga balita masih belum bisa mengontrol BAB dan BAKnya. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui gambaran pola asuh orang tua tentang penerapan toilet training pada anak usia 2-5 tahun di Dusun Kemalangan RT 05 RW 03 Wonoayu Sidoarjo. Jenis penelitian menggunakan desain deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua ibu yang memiliki anak usia 2-5 tahun sebanyak 20 responden. Sampling yang digunakan non probability sampling dengan tehnik total sampling. Besar sampel sejumlah 20 responden. Variabel penelitian pola asuh orang tua tentang penerapan toilet training pada anak usia 2-5 tahun. Instrumen menggunakan kuesioner dan dianalisis secara statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 20 responden didapatkan hampir setengah 8 (40,0%) ibu memiliki pola asuh otoriter, sebagian kecil 2 (10%) ibu memiliki pola asuh demokratis, hampir setengahnya 6 (30%) ibu memiliki pola asuh permisif, sebagian kecil 4 (20%) ibu memiliki pola asuh campuran. Dari penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pola asuh orang tua tentang penerapan toilet training pada anak usia 2-5 tahun hampir setengah ibu dengan pola asuh otoriter. Oleh karena itu orang tua sebaiknya menerapkan pola asuh yang baik yaitu demokratis dimana orang tua selalu memprioritaskan kepentingan anak dan memberikan kebebasan kepada anak agar bisa melakukan toilet training sesuai dengan usianya


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    The objective of this study were to analyze and identify the reading comprehension questions using tree level of higher order thinking skill (HOTS) of Bloom’s taxonomy revised in the English textbook “When English Rings a Bell” 8th grades of junior high school namely analyzing level (C4), evaluating level (C5), and creating level (C6) and classify the reading comprehension hots into four knowledge dimension. Using content analysis and descriptive qualitative method, this research explored the questions in the activities of reading comprehension to identify which reading comprehension questions regarding involvement in higher order thinking skill. The result of the research analysis showed that 41 HOTS question in reading comprehension exercises were found in the textbook, and the most dominant HOTS questions was analyzing level 48 reading questions, followed by evaluating level 13 questions and creating level only 8 reading questions. Furthermore, the result found that the most used knowledge dimension in reading questions was conceptual knowledge 29 questions

    Determination the concentrations of heavy metals in silver catfish (pangasiussp.) from Sungai Semantan and Sungai Tembeling / Dur Iffa Saparuddin

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    This study conducted to determine the concentration of heavy metal such as Cu, Zn, Ni and Cd in the muscle of silver catfish (Pangasius sp.) collected from Sungai Semantan and Sungai Tembeling. The fish feed and water samples were taken from both sites that act as additional sources of metal accumulation in fish and to assess the transfer factor.. The heavy metals in silver catfish and fish feed were analysed by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) while the level of heavy metals in water was analysed by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (lCP-MS). The highest and lowest concentrations of heavy metal from both sites were zinc and nickel respectively. The concentration of heavy metal in the fish from both site were in the increasing order for nickel, cadmium, copper and zinc. Estimated daily intake (EDI) for selected heavy metal was below the reference dose (RfD) for fish and the level for each heavy metal was below the permissible limit set by FAO/WHO except cadmium. The values of transfer factor indicate that the accumulated metal in fish is from water

    Application of Rain Intensity Dependent Rain Admittance Factor (RAF) in Hygrothermal Performance Assessment of Wall Systems

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    Wind-driven rain (WDR) is one of the main moisture loading sources on the exterior enclosures. The direct impact of wind-driven rain on the hygrothermal performance of building envelope has been well documented. Rain admittance factor (RAF) and rain penetration values characterize the amount of water reaching the exterior surface and the exterior surface of the water-resistive barrier respectively based on measured horizontal rain intensity. In common RAF factor calculation from horizontal rainfall data procedures, such as ASHRAE 160, RAF values are not affected by the intensity of the rainfall. However, a previous study shows RAF coefficients are sensitive to the rainfall intensity. Thus it is important to investigate how the sensitivity of using horizontal rainfall intensity dependent RAF factors and the subsequent rain penetration relates to hygrothermal performance assessment of building envelope components. This study is based on five years of WDR and horizontal rainfall data collected at different orientations of façades at a two-story test building in a mild coastal climate. The data is categorized into two sets based on rain intensity. The correlation between the measured moisture content on the sheathing board of a building envelope at different points utilizing RAF values based on the proposed approach and the overall measured RAF values is studied using WUFI simulation. Results show that an average percentage difference between the moisture content values of a sheathing board using RAF values of the rain intensity dependent approach and the overall RAF measured value can be as large as 9 %


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    ABSTRACT The research of the study is to acknowledge the use of mind mapping as a way to improve students of class X Accounting 4 SMK N 1 Bantul's career maturity. This study based on classroom action research by using Kemmis & McTaggart model which consists of four stages, namely planning, action, observation and reflection. The subject in this study is students of class X accounting 4 SMK N 1 Bantul who have intermediate level on its career maturity according to pre-test result. Scale, interview, observation and documentation were techniques that used to collect the data. As the Instruments of the test, career maturity scale, interview guidelines, and observation guidelines were used. Career maturity scale tested using content validity and construct validity. Reliability test using Alpha Cronbach formula with 0,929 coefficients. Data analysis using SPSS program 23.0. The result of this study show that mind mapping method help the student to improve their career maturity. The significant increase of the student's score on the test, with average pretest 94,8, post-test I 128,7 and post-test II 133,5. The description of the process used in mind mapping is the first students invited to be able to know himself, ranging from interests, talents, advantages and disadvantages possessed, after that students are invited to seek information available by looking for information from various sources such as Ask teachers, Old and looking for information on social media. The next step is students are invited to build career planning and decisions after understanding the understanding of self-knowledge owned, after that students are directed to be able to know the overall activities that must be done to be able to support with career interests owned. The next step of the students at each meeting is directed to be able to use the mind mapping. Process steps to be taken to improve student career maturity. Keywords: mind mapping method, career maturit


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    Kematian ibu dan anak merupakan salah satu indikator kesejahteraan suatu bangsa. Penanganan masalah kematian ibu dan anak memerlukan keputusan yang cepat dan tepat, sehingga harus menggunakan data yang valid dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Pengolahan data kematian ibu dan anak Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Tengah masih dilakukan secara konvensional, sehingga menyulitkan pemantauan. Kendala yang sering dihadapi yang dapat menghambat kegiatan pemantauan kematian ibu dan anak antara lain sering terjadinya keterlambatan pengiriman laporan, pemborosan waktu kerja, dan kekeliruan pencatatan. Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi yang diintegrasikan dengan sisi geografis dapat menjadi solusi yang dapat mengatasi kendala-kendala tersebut. Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemantauan Kematian Ibu dan Anak dibangun menggunakan Scalable Vector Graphic, bahasa pemrograman PHP, dan sistem manajemen basis data MySQL, dan model prototype sebagai siklus hidup pengembangan perangkat lunak. Sistem ini menangani pelaporan dan penyajian informasi kematian ibu dan anak dalam bentuk peta digital dan grafik yang merepresentasikan trend kematian ibu dan anak di Provinsi Jawa Tengah


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    Background Oriented Schlieren (BOS) estimates the flow behaviour that exists between the camera and background from the shift in the background image features due to the change in the transfer channel function. The current optical flow techniques used to find the deflection vectors of the change in background images rely on two main assumptions: global constant value of intensity and continuity of local motion. The global intensity invariance assumption hardly works for BOS technique when imaging a self luminous flow. In this thesis, an optical flow equation which takes the change in intensity into account and an estimation motion model that considers both translational and rotational deflections were developed. The results showed that for a transparent gas jet all the tested optical flow algorithms worked well. However the proposed model gave better results for BOS images taken through natural gas flames and smoke from a fog generator. The developed deflection vector estimation algorithm and optical tomography served as a tool to extract the index of refraction of the gaseous fields. The Gladstone-Dale relationship was used to show the direct correlation between the index of refraction and density of the flow. Three different types of axi-symmetric flows were used as gas sample media. These were a CNG injected fuel jet, an open methane flame and a hot air jet. Based on the measured index of refraction the species mole fractions of CNG injected jet and methane flame were measured. In addition, the three dimensional temperature fields of the methane flame and the hot air were also measured and displayed. The other main contribution of this research was the use of Background Oriented Schlieren (BOS) technique for the measurement of the velocity field of a variable density round jet. The density field was further exploited to extract the axial and radial velocity vectors for six different jet-exit temperature values with the aid of the continuity and energy equations. Results of the measured temperature and velocity vector fields were compared with thermocouples and hot wire anemometry readings respectively and showed good agreements
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