61 research outputs found

    The Effect of Incubation Temperature on Deviations of Pholidosis and Malformations in Grass Snake Natrix natrix (L. 1758) and Sand Lizard Lacerta agilis (L. 1758)

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    This paper considers morphological deviations of reptiles and the influence of incubation temperature on this phenomenon. 28 types of pholidosis deviations and 5 types of malformations were observed in juvenile grass snakes. Sand lizards demonstrated 26 types of deviations and 11 types of malformations. The most common malformations in both species were spine and tail deformations. Hatchlings which were incubated at extremely high temperatures were characterized by the largest spectrum and the highest frequency of deviations and malformations. Reptiles with spine deformations had a great number of deviant ventral scales

    Deviations in Pholidosis of the Grass Snake Natrix natrix (L. 1758) from the Tatarstan Republic

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    This paper is devoted to the consideration of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of pholidosis deviations in grass snakes and the intraspecific variation of these features. 35 types of deviations were observed: segmentation, incomplete separation, fusion, reduction of scales and the presence of an additional small scale. The frequency and values of individual and population spectra of deviations were higher in adult snakes. Minimal values of all indices were characterized for a sample from the Laishevsky region. Deviations observed in grass snakes occur in other species of snakes, mostly deviations of the ventral and subcaudal scales

    On a secondary construction of quadratic APN functions

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    Almost perfect nonlinear functions possess the optimal resistance to the differential cryptanalysis and are widely studied. Most known constructions of APN functions are obtained as functions over finite fields F27 and very little is known about combinatorial constructions in F2n. We consider how to obtain a quadratic APN function in n + 1 variables from a given quadratic APN function in n variables using special restrictions on new terms

    Mathematical methods in solutions of the problems from the Third International Students' Olympiad in Cryptography

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    The mathematical problems and their solutions of the Third International Students' Olympiad in Cryptography NSUCRYPTO'2016 are presented. We consider mathematical problems related to the construction of algebraic immune vectorial Boolean functions and big Fermat numbers, problems about secrete sharing schemes and pseudorandom binary sequences, biometric cryptosystems and the blockchain technology, etc. Two open problems in mathematical cryptography are also discussed and a solution for one of them proposed by a participant during the Olympiad is described. It was the first time in the Olympiad history

    The Seventh International Olympiad in Cryptography: problems and solutions

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    The International Olympiad in Cryptography NSUCRYPTO is the unique Olympiad containing scientific mathematical problems for professionals, school and university students from any country. Its aim is to involve young researchers in solving curious and tough scientific problems of modern cryptography. In 2020, it was held for the seventh time. Prizes and diplomas were awarded to 84 participants in the first round and 49 teams in the second round from 32 countries. In this paper, problems and their solutions of NSUCRYPTO'2020 are presented. We consider problems related to attacks on ciphers and hash functions, protocols, permutations, primality tests, etc. We discuss several open problems on JPEG encoding, Miller -- Rabin primality test, special bases in the vector space, AES-GCM. The problem of a modified Miller -- Rabin primality test was solved during the Olympiad. The problem for finding special bases was partially solved

    Significance of endometrial dysfunction markers in the pathogenesis of chronic endometritis in women with reproductive losses

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    The aim of the study is to identify the main discussed aspects of the management of patients with chronic endometritis, to determine promising diagnostic methods.Цель исследования — выделить основные обсуждаемые аспекты ведения пациенток с хроническим эндометритом, определить перспективные методы диагностики

    Коррекция алкогольных посткоматозных нарушений внутривенным лазерным облучением крови (клинико-экспериментальное исследование)

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    The authors studied the impact of intravenous laser hemotherapy on the course of rat alcoholic coma caused by intragastric 40% ethanol administration. Intravenous laser blood irradiation promoted reduced mortality rates, diminished neurological deficit, earlier clinical recovery, and the optimized sympathetic/parasympathetic central nervous system ratio. Clinical and functional studies of changes in the central nervous system and retina were made in patients admitted for alcoholic coma. Intravenous laser blood irradiation as part of complex detoxification therapy positively affected the altered function of the higher nervous activity, contributed to earlier conscious recovery and emergence from coma, diminished neurological deficit in the early postcomatose period — alleviated brain edema, a drastic relief of pyramidal insufficiency and cramps, which was detectable in the visual assessment of electroencephalograms, their spectral coherent analysis, as well in the analysis of systemic and regional electroretinography. Исследовано влияние внутривенной лазерной гемотерапии на течение алкогольной комы у крыс, вызванной внутрижелудочным введением 40% этанола. Применение внутривенного лазерного облучения крови способствовало снижению летальности, уменьшению неврологического дефицита, сокращению сроков клинического выздоровления, оптимизации соотношения между симпатическим и парасимпатическим отделами вегетативной нервной системы. Проводили клинические и функциональные методы исследования изменений центральной нервной системы и сетчатки глаза у больных, поступивших в состоянии алкогольной комы. Внутривенное лазерное облучение крови, проведенное в комплексе детоксикационной терапии, оказывало положительное действие на измененную функцию высшей нервной деятельности, способствовало более раннему восстановлению сознания и выходу из комы, уменьшению неврологического дефицита в ранний посткоматозный период — уменьшение выраженности отека головного мозга, резкое сокращение пирамидной недостаточности и судорожного синдрома — что выявлялось при визуальной оценке электроэнцефалограмм, их спектрально-когерентном анализе, а также при анализе общей и локальной электроретинографии.


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    Reaction of oxygen with melts containing uranium(IV) chloride were studied by high-temperature electronic absorption spectroscopy at 550 oC. The experiments were performed in 3LiCl–2KCl, NaCl–2CsCl, NaCl–KCl–CsCl based melts. Reaction rates, reaction rate con-stants and order were determined

    The future is distributed: a vision of sustainable economies

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    “The Future is distributed: a vision of sustainable economies” is a collection of case studies on distributed economies, a concept describing sustainable alternatives to the existing business models. The authors of this publication are international Masters students of the Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management Programme at the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics at Lund University in Sweden. The aim of their work is to demonstrate that local, small-scale, community-based economies are not just part of the theory, but have already been implemented in various sectors and geographical settings

    The results of the study of pain in women with external genital Endometriosis

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    90 women of reproductive age, including 70 women with pain syndrome of varying severity in external genital endometriosis, were examined to identify the features of pain symptoms. Studied socio-demographic indicators, developed a questionnaire of pain, depending on the nature of pain and the severity of associated symptoms. The results of the study revealed that the intensity of the pain syndrome had no correlation with the localization of the process, the presence or absence of infiltrative growth of endometriosis, the number of endometrioid lesions, and the intensity of the pain syndrome is not related to the duration of the pain. But the duration of the pain syndrome is associated with the degree of prevalence of medium-strength external genital endometriosis correlation significant relationship (r=0.33; p<0.001). Conclusion: Pain syndrome in external genital ndometriosis is associated not only with the pathological process itself, but also with morphological changes in structures, the degree of prevalence of the focal process, forming directly the substrate of pain.Обследовано 90 женщин репродуктивного возраста, из которых 70 женщин с болевым синдромом различной степени тяжести на фоне наружного генитального эндометриоза, с целью выявления особенности болевой симптоматики. Изучены социально-демографические показатели, разработана анкета болевых ощущений в зависимости от характера боли и выраженности сопутствующих симптомов. По результатам исследования выявлено, что интенсивность болевого синдрома не имела корреляционную связь с локализацией процесса, наличия или отсутствия инфильтративного роста эндометриоза, от количества эндометриоидных очагов поражения, а также интенсивность болевого синдрома не связана с длительностью боли. Но длительность болевого синдрома связана со степенью распространенности наружного генитального эндометриоза средней силы корреляционной достоверной связью (r=0,33; p<0,001). Вывод: Болевой синдром при наружном генитальном эндометриозе связан не только с самим патологическим процессом, но и с морфологическими изменениями структур, степенью распространенности очагового процесса, формируя непосредственно субстрат боли