221 research outputs found

    Spectrum of Uropathogens and its Antibiotic Susceptibility in Pregnant Women with Symptomatic Urinary Tract Infection in a Nigerian Teaching Hospital. Running headline: Urinary Tract Infection in Pregnancy

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    Background: Urinary tract infections (UTI) are the most common bacterial infections in pregnancy and associated with maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality.Objectives: To determine the current uropathogens and their antibiotic susceptibility pattern and to compare the pregnancy outcome among clinical UTI and non clinical UTI cohorts.Patients and methods: This was a prospective matched cohort study carried out between 1st January, 2012 and 30th June, 2012 at the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria. The study population was made up of 200 pregnant women with clinical signs and symptoms of urinary tract infections and 200 pregnant women without clinical signs and symptoms ofurinary tract infection as control matched with maternal age group, parity and gestational age.Results: Of 3442 obstetric patients seen 200 had clinically diagnosed UTI in pregnancy giving a rate of 5.8%. Age bracket 21- 30years and multipara had highest frequency of significant bacteriuria. Low social status and third trimester of pregnancy were identified risk factors for UTI in pregnancy. Frequency of maternal anaemia (p=0.02) and hypertension (p=0.03) were significantly higher among subjects than control. The common bacterial uropathogen isolated were Escherichia coli (46.7%), Staphylococcus aureus (17.9%), Proteus spp.(13.3%) and Klebsiella spp. (11.1%). The antibiotics with highest coverage included Co-amoxyclave (81%), Gentamicin (68.8%) and Cefuroxime (54.4%).Conclusion: Maternal anaemia and hypertension were significantly higher among subjects than control. Gram negative isolates were predominantand E. coli was the most common isolated bacteria. Co-amoxyclave had highest coverage against the bacteria. Therefore, co-amoxyclave is  recommended for empirical use for urinary tract infection in pregnancy in this locality.Keywords: Uropathogens, urinary tract infection, pregnancy, antibiotic sensitivity

    Predicting factors of organizational citizenship behavior in Indonesian nurses

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    This present study investigates the relationship between transformational leadership, learning culture, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior. In addition, it also examines the mediating role of learning culture and job satisfaction on transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior. This study utilized online questionnaires to collect data from nurses in a public hospital in Indonesia. Partial least square (PLS) was used as an analysis tool for 205 collected data. The findings indicated that transformational leadership did not significantly affect organizational citizenship behavior, but this has substantial implications for learning culture and job satisfaction. Both learning culture and job satisfaction significantly and positively predict organizational citizenship behavior. In addition, learning culture and job satisfaction act as perfect mediators between transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior. This study suggests leaders to maximize a systematic learning program and to pay attention to the nurses’ job satisfaction rate to improve organizational citizenship behavior. The findings also provide learning culture and job satisfaction as critical factors, directly and indirectly, in motivating employees to perform organizational citizenship behavior

    Simple, effective and economical explant-surface sterilization protocol for cowpea, rice and sorghum seeds

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    Three different surface sterilization methods were evaluated using seeds and excised embryos of cowpea, rice and sorghum as explants: Method 1: Ethanol alone in concentrations of 95, 90, 85 and 70% at different time intervals and observed at different days. Method 2: Locally produced bleaching solution (JIK® -Reckitt and Benckiser (Nig) Ltd) containing 3.5% Sodium hypochlorite) at different time intervals, observed at different days. Method 3 (The control): The routinely used two step sterilization procedure using 90% ethanol for 3 min followed by sodium hypochlorite 3.5% for 30 min. This is commonly used in most laboratories. However, neat concentration of the locally produced bleaching solution of JIK® (-Reckitt and Benckiser (Nig) Ltd) containing 3.5% sodium hypochlorite was used instead of the pure sodium hypochlorite solution. Our results showed that Method 2 produced the highest reduction in bacterial and fungal contamination (0%) at time intervals between 20 - 45 min. The search for a simple, rapid and economical method of sterilizing explants for tissues culture, instead of the orthodox two-step -two reagent - technique, necessitated these experiments; we would, therefore recommend this technique due to its simplicity and economy

    Evaluasi Tata Letak Komponen Daya Gardu Induk Sistem Outdoor 150 Kv di Kabupaten Blora

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    Substation is a vital part of the power system, other than that substation must be able to distribute electric power safely and reliably. The emergence of large-scale industry and small and also the population growth in Blora district cause the transformer load exceeds the capacity of the normal working system of a transformer at the 150 kV Substation of Blora Regency. In my research this, will be done several methods, among others, the first step to find the literature and references related to the title of the writer is the analysis of the design of outdoor 150 kV outdoor system in Blora District. The second step collecting data in the field in this case the authors chose Substation in Blora regency in accordance with the title of discussion. Then the third step will be calculated the components - components in the substation of 150 kV Blora District to find out the components - the components are selected can actually and is able to distribute electricity properly and safely according to the standards IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)

    Implementasi Pengoperasian Bus Trans Mataram Metro Di Kota Mataram (Studi Kasus Di Dinas Perhubungan Kota Mataram)

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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan kemacetan transportasi perkotaan yang diakibatkan tingginya jumlah kendaraan dari para pengguna alat transportasi itu sendiri. Menanggapi permasalahan tersebut Kementerian Perhubungan mencanangkan program pengembangan angkutan umum berbasis jalan salah satunya pengadaan Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) untuk wilayah Kota Mataram dan sekitarnya. BRT Kota Mataram yang disebut juga Bus Trans Mataram merupakan salah satu jenis model angkutan umum yang efisien, aman, nyaman dan terjangkau dengan daya beli masyarakat. Bus Trans Mataram ini mulai beroperasi pada tanggal 21 November 2016 yang memiliki 4 rute. Pertama, di dalam kota, kedua dari pinggiran timur kota, ketiga dari pinggiran utara kota dan keempat, sayang-sayang hingga jalan Lingkar Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Penelitian Kualitatif merupakan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dan mendeskripsikan peristiwa maupun fenomena yang terjadi di lapangan dan menyajikan data secara sistematis, faktual, dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta atau fenomena yang terjadi di lapangan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan Teknik Observasi, Wawancara, dan Dokumentasi. Peneliti menggunakan Triangulasi sumber untuk mengecek keabsahan data penelitian. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan tiga komponen yang terdiri dari Reduksi data, Penyajian data, dan Penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan ini menunjukan bahwa implementasi kebijakan pengoperasian bus Trans Mataram Metro di Kota Mataram belum berjalan secara efektif. Hal ini berdasarkan dari kurangnya sosialisasi, tidak konsistennya implementor, tidak adanya ketegasan pemerintah daerah, tidak tersedianya anggaran operasional yang memadai dalam mengimplementasikan program, dibutuhkannya kontribusi dari Dishub Kota Mataram di bidang angkutan. Sedangkan untuk indikator, besarnya biaya yang dibutuhkan dalam pemenuhan biaya operasional, terjadi penurunan jumlah penumpang, dan masih terdapat ketidaksesuaian kualitaas pelayanan pada bus Trans Mataram Metro. Oleh karena harus adanya pembenahan dari lembaga-lembaga terkait mengenai pengoperasian Bus Trans Mataram Metro sehingga berjalan sesuai dengan rencana yang telah ditetapkan. Abstract This research is motivated by the problem of urban transportation congestion caused by the high number of vehicles of the users of the transportation itself. Responding to the problem, the Ministry of Transportation has launched a road-based public transportation development program, one of which is the provision of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) for the City of Mataram and surrounding areas. The Mataram City BRT, also called the Trans Mataram Bus, is one of the types of public transportation models that is efficient, safe, comfortable and affordable with people's purchasing power. The Trans Mataram Bus starts operating on November 21, 2016 which has 4 routes. First, in the city, second from the eastern suburbs, third from the northern suburbs of the city and fourth, unfortunately to the South Ring Road. This study uses a qualitative method. Qualitative research is research that aims to describe and describe events and phenomena that occur in the field and present data systematically, factually, and accurately about facts or phenomena that occur in the field. Data collection is done by Observation, Interview, and Documentation Techniques. Researchers use source triangulation to check the validity of research data. Data analysis in this study used three components consisting of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this research indicate that the implementation of Trans Mataram Metro bus operating policies in Mataram City has not been effective. This is based on the lack of socialization, the inconsistency of the implementor, the lack of firmness of the local government, the unavailability of an adequate operational budget in implementing the program, the need for contributions from the Transportation Department of Mataram in the field of transportation. As for the indicators, the amount of costs needed to meet operational costs, a decrease in the number of passengers, and there are still mismatches of service quality on the Trans Mataram Metro bus. Therefore there must be improvements from relevant institutions regarding the operation of the Trans Mataram Metro Bus so that it runs according to the plan that has been set

    Kerelevanan wakaf dalam mengurus tanah terbiar di Malaysia

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    Sejak sekian lamanya tanah terbiar menjadi isu yang penting diperingkat nasional. Pelbagai usaha telah dijalankan bagi membolehkan tanah-tanah ini diusahakan serta dimajukan. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membincangkan pendekatan alternatif yang sesuai dalam mengurus tanah terbiar. Ia dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan wakaf yang sesuai dalam mempertimbangkan cara mengurus tanah terbiar. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan data sekunder yang diperoleh daripada dokumen rasmi dan serta kajian lepas. Dapatan kajian mendapati fokus diberikan terhadap faktor dan usahan kerajaan untuk menanganinya. Hal ini menjelaskan bahawa usaha untuk merungkai tanah terbiar bukanlah satu penekanan yang perlu diperhatikan tetapi fokus paling penting adalah bagaimana tanah-tanah terbiar ini boleh diuruskan dengan baik. Terdapat banyak kajian yang telah menyentuh faktor dan sebab berlakunya tanah pertanian terbiar. Namun, kajian yang menumpu kepada jalan penyelesaian dalam mengurus tanah pertanian terbiar masih kurang dijalankan. Oleh yang demikian, fokus terhadap kaedah wakaf dalam mengurus tanah terbiar telag diperincikan. Pendekatan wakaf dilihat rasional dalam mengurus tanah-tanah terbiar milik orang Melayu khususnya. Ini kerana wakaf bukan sahaja nerupakan satu bentuk amalan yang memberi fokus terhadap agama, namun ia juga memberi penekanan terhadap pembangunan ekonomi ummah. Hal ini jelas apabila wakaf mempunyai kaedah-kaedah yang tertentu dalam membantu menyelesaikan isu yang berkaitan dengan pengurusan harta

    Low documentation of chronic kidney disease among high-risk patients in a managed care population: a retrospective cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Early detection of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is sub-optimal among the general population and among high risk patients. The prevalence and impact of major CKD risk factors, diabetes (DM) and hypertension (HTN), on CKD documentation among managed care populations have not been previously reported. We examined this issue in a Kaiser Permanente Georgia (KPG) CKD cohort.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>KPG enrollees were included in the CKD cohort if they had eGFRs between 60 and 365 days apart that were <90 ml/min during 1999-2006. The current analysis is restricted to participants with eGFR 10-59 ml/min/1.73 m<sup>2</sup>. CKD documentation was defined as a presenting diagnosis of CKD by a primary care physician or nephrologist using ICD-9 event codes. The association between CKD documentation and DM and HTN were assessed with multivariate logistic regression models.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 50,438 subjects within the overall KPG CKD cohort, 20% (N = 10,266) were eligible for inclusion in the current analysis. Overall, CKD diagnosis documentation was low; only 14.4% of subjects had an event-based CKD diagnosis at baseline. Gender and types 2 diabetes interacted on CKD documentation. The prevalence of CKD documentation increased with the presence of hypertension and/or type 2 diabetes, but type 2 diabetes had a lower effect on CKD documentation. In multivariate analysis, significant predictors of CKD documentation were eGFR, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, congestive heart failure, peripheral artery disease, statin use, age and gender. CKD documentation was lower among women than similarly affected men.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Among patients with an eGFR 10-59, documentation of CKD diagnosis by primary and subspecialty providers is low within a managed care patient cohort. Gender disparities in CKD documentation observed in the general population were also present among KPG CKD enrollees.</p

    Hygienic characteristics of radishes grown in soil contaminated with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia

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    Background: Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is a plant growth-promoter. This bacterium is also implicated in human diseases. Thus, after the use of this bacterium in agriculture, the safety of the final products has to be verified. Due to the ubiquitous presence of S. maltophilia in soil, in this study a massive contamination was simulated to evaluate the growth and safety of Raphanus sativus L.. Results: Different inoculums and soil treatment conditions were tested. Soils were analysed weekly and the radishes at harvest for their microbial loads and presence/persistence of S. maltophilia LMG 6606. The concentration of the bacterium added in the different trials decreased during the first week, but increased thereafter and determined a significant increase of growth parameters of radishes. Conclusions: The addition of S. maltophilia LMG 6606 to non-autoclaved soil enhanced the productivity of radishes. The bacterium did not internalize in the hypocotyls, but colonized the external surface ensuring the safety of the products. Thus, a sanitizing bath of hypocotyls before consumption is necessary