2,565 research outputs found

    Dinamika Perberasan di Sulawesi Tenggara

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    The research aimed to know dynamics of rice related to rice system in South East Sulawesiwas done in September to Oktober 2004 in Kendari regency (Uepai, Amonggedo,Pondidaha and Abuki district). This research used survey methode involved 40 responden.The data used secundary data having the caracter of time series and primary data. Theresulth showed that wet paddy production was very fluctuantive. Their productivity wasrelated stable at 3,5 – 3,8 t/ha. Dry land paddy was wide enough used by farmer especialyin area that had poor paddy field, but wide area and its production had overtime trendwhile production increased. That productivity was still lower than national productivity of2,52 t/ha. Although main production more increase in the latest of 10 years, but thegovernment represented by Bulog still brought rice from out side South East Sulawesiespecially from South Sulawesi. Rice farming system was showed R/C > 1 value. Than,exchange value of benefict on cost, the use of cost was still dominated by labour. Thebenefict used for labour was 29 %. Rice farming system contributed around 75 % of totalhousehould income, besides that, farmer also obtained income from the other farmingsystem, livestock and off-farm

    The Effect of Oil Revenues and Monetary Stability Against Manufacturing Sector and Exchange Rates in Indonesia

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    This article focused on analyze (1) the effect of oil production, fuel consumption, oil prices, exports and imports of oil and the rate of inflation affects income in the Indonesian manufacturing sector, (2) the effect of manufacturing revenues, the money supply, rate interest, rate of inflation, exports and imports of oil and oil prices affect the rupiah. This research is descriptive and associative. While this type of data is the documentary data, the data source is a secondary data as well as data in the form of time series of quarter one 2000 to quarter four of 2012. This study uses a simultaneous equation model analysis tools in the form of least squares (LS). Endogenous variables in this study the manufacturing sector revenues and the rupiah whereas exogenous variable is oil production, fuel consumption, oil prices, oil exports, oil imports, inflation rates, interest rates and the money supply The study concluded that ( 1 ) the production of crude oil , oil exports and inflation rate is statistically significant and negative to earnings in the Indonesian manufacturing sector , fuel consumption and oil imports significant and positive impact on revenues statistically processing industry in Indonesia , whereas no significant effect on the price of oil and has a statistically positive direction to the manufacturing sector revenues in Indonesia . ( 2 ) the export of oil and oil prices and the negative effect is statistically significant against the rupiah . But the money supply effect is statistically significant and positive against the rupiah , oil imports , interest rates and income do not affect the manufacturing sector is statistically significant and negative against the rupiah , while the inflation rate has no effect is statistically significant and positive exchange Rupiah . Based on the results of these studies can be recommended policies include the government should reduce the consumption of fossil fuels by finding new alternative energy. Although this policy is not popular but the government must revoke the fuel subsidy, in addition to reducing the burden on the state will also have an impact on the reduction of congestion and air pollution. Indonesian government through the banks should maintain exchange rate stability, as the rupiah will reflect the state of the domestic economy

    Characterizations on microencapsulated sunflower oil as self-healing agent using In situ polymerization method

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    This paper emphasizes the characterization on the microencapsulation of sunflower oil as self-healing agent. In-situ polymerization method mainly implicates in the microencapsulation process. The analysis of microencapsulated sunflower oil via prominent characterization of yield of microcapsules, microcapsules characteristics and Fourier Transmission Infa-Red Spectroscopy (FTIR). The prime optimization used was reaction time of microencapsulation process in the ranges of 2, 3 and 4 h. The higher reaction time of microencapsulation process resulted in a higher yield of microcapsules. The yield of microcapsules increases from 46 to 53% respectively by the increasing of reaction time from 2 to 4 h. The surface morphology study associating the diameter of microcapsules measured to analyse the prepared microcapsules. It was indicated that microcapsules were round in shape with smooth micro-surfaces. It was discovered that the diameter of microcapsules during microencapsulation process after 4 h reaction time was in average of 70.53 μm. This size was measured before filtering the microcapsules with solvent and dried in vacuum oven. Apparently, after filtering and drying stage, the diameter of microcapsules specifically identified under Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) showing the size of 2.33 μm may be due to the removing the suspended oil surrounded the microcapsules. Sunflower oil as core content and urea formaldehyde (UF) as shell of microcapsules demonstrated the proven chemical properties on characterization by FTIR with the stretching peak of 1537.99 - 1538.90 cm-1 (-H in -CH2), 1235.49 - 1238.77 cm-1 (C-O-C Vibrations at Ester) and 1017.65 - 1034.11 cm-1 (C-OH Stretching Vibrations). It was showed that sunflower oil can be considered as an alternative nature resource for self-healing agent in microencapsulation process. The characterization of microencapsulated sunflower oil using in-situ polymerization method showed that sunflower oil was viable self-healing agent to be encapsulated and incorporated in metal coating

    Developing and Using Multimedia Effectively for Cirebonese Language Learning

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    Lab Learning on Electronics Industry is a must course. This is necessary for students so they have good skills. Lab Learning need practice equipment that enough to fit the quantities of students. But in fact the quantities of material and practice equipment are not being sufficient. In addition, there is no learning media that can support the courses. This study aims to develop lab learning media with technology based on game with android-base that can help the students to understand the lab course everywhere, all the time. This study using Research and Development Method (RnD) with Model of Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC). This study is done through six stage that is: 1. Concept; 2) Design; 3) Collection of material; 4) Assembly; 5) Testing; and 6) Distribution. The evaluation process feasibility learning media done by granting the survey to Media Experts, Lecture experts, and respondents trial use. Based on the assessment field test by students for Industrial Electronics they can get 88.27% counted as very good. Android-Based Elin Game as Learning Media in Industrial Electronics is very reasonable and effective for teaching.     Keywords: Game, Android, Learning Media, Industrial Electronics, Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC)

    Nanotechnology: Review on Emerging Techniques in Remediating Water and Soil Pollutions

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    Environmental Pollution is becoming a global challenge in both developing and the developed countries, pollutants discharge from oil and gas industries and or agricultural practices continue effecting the health of human and other animal in an ecosystem in one way or the other. This necessitated the development of a techniques to clean up of the polluted environment. Remediation of pollutants relies mainly on using varioustechniques like physical, chemical and or biological methods for the removal of contaminants from different environmental media be it soil, water, and or air. These techniques have their own limitations as the toxicity of the degrading agents, time consuming and the fate of the environment after remediation matters a lot. Therefore, nanotechnology is gaining interest in remediating pollutions as nanoparticles are relatively cost effective, sensitive and selective and can be used as sensors to monitor toxins, organic contaminants and heavy metals in land, water and or air. The enhanced properties and effectiveness of nanotechnology-based materials makes them suitable for nano remediation. This review provides an overview of the nanomaterials: Organic based nanomaterials (Dendrimers), inorganic (TiO2, nZVI), carbon-based (Carbon nanotubes, (CNTs)), and composite-based materials) used in environmental remediation. These nanomaterials were reported to remediate different contaminants in theenvironment such as heavy metals, pathogens, pesticides, dyes, chlorinated organic compounds, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Keywords: Nanotechnology, nanoparticles, Nano remediation, pollutions and environments

    Properties of Polyurethane Foam/Coconut Coir Fiber as a Core Material and as a Sandwich Composites Component

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    This research focuses on the fabrication and characterization of the sandwich composites panel using glass fiber composite skin and polyurethane foam reinforced coconut coir fiber core. The main objectives are to characterize the physical and mechanical properties and to elucidate the effect of coconut coir fibers in polyurethane foam cores and sandwich composites panel. Coconut coir fibers were used as reinforcement in polyurethane foams in which later were applied as the core in sandwich composites ranged from 5 wt% to 20 wt%. The physical and mechanical properties found to be significant at 5 wt% coconut coir fiber in polyurethane foam cores as well as in sandwich composites. It was found that composites properties serve better in sandwich composites construction

    Regional validation of retracked sea levels from SARAL/Altika over the South China sea and adjacent seas

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    This paper focuses on assessing the quality of sea level anomaly (SLA) data from the new generation of Ka-band SARAL/AltiKa satellite altimetry over the continental shelf of the South China Sea. The region consists of peninsulas, shallow seas, and small islands that produce complicated altimetric waveform patterns. The improved-accuracy of SLAs data from the MLE4, Ice1 and Ice2 retrackers which are provided in the AVISO-Sensor Geophysical Data Records (SGDR) were optimized in this study. The quality of retracked SLAs is assessed by making comparison with tide gauge data from six stations. In general, the percentage of data availability of Ice-1 retracker is superior ( > 68%) to those of MLE- 4 and Ice-2 retrackers. The improvement of percentage (IMP) also shows that Ice-1 retracker improves the standard deviation > 12% better than those of Ice-2 retracker. Over complex areas of Lubang and Ko Taphao Noi, the temporal correlation of Ice-1 retracker is superior (r > 0.80) to those of MLE4 and Ice-2 retrackers (r 5.8) and lower RMS error ( < 34 cm) than those of Ice-1 retracker. It can be concluded that the Ice-1 and Ice-2 retrackers were superior for the coastal region of Maritime Continent

    Model and Effectiveness of Endurance Exercise to Increase Physical Fitness in Intellectual Disability Subjects with Obesity: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Aim: to design a model and assess the effectiveness of endurance exercise to increase physical fitness in intelectual disability (ID) patients with obesity. Methods: a randomized-controlled clinical trial was performed in ID patients with obesity aged 10-30 years old from all Special School in DKI Jakarta, which were randomly allocated into 3 groups and then given 3 different type of exercises: lower extremity muscles endurance exercise for 20 RM followed by cardiorespiratory endurance exercise for 24-25 minutes (type I), lower extremity muscles endurance exercises for 10 RM followed by cardiorespiratory endurance exercises for 26-27 minutes (type II), and threw a tennis ball with 10 m distance for 10 minutes as control (type III). These program was performed 3 times a week for 4 months. Assesment of the exercise effectiveness was done by measuring maximum load that can be lifted and six-minutes walking test on rectangular track which was converted with the VO2 max prediction formula. Analysis was perfomed with Kruskal Wallis test. Results: two hundred and twelve (212) subjects were included in the study, randomly allocated into three types (I, II, and III) of exercises groups. The type II of endurance exercise model was proved to be more effective in increasing lower extremity muscles endurance level compared to type I and III for ID patients with obesity (p<0.05). Meanwhile, type I of endurance exercise model was proved to be more effective in increasing cardiorespiratory endurance level compared to type II and III for ID patients with obesity (p<0.05). Conclusion: lower extremity muscles endurance exercise followed by a cardiorespiratory endurance exercise can be used to increase physical fitness in ID patients with obesity. Key words: intelectual disability patient, obesity, lower extremity muscles and cardiorespiratory endurance exercise, lower extremity muscles endurance level, cardiorespiratory endurance level