6 research outputs found

    Kinerja Pegawai dalam Pelayanan Logistik Pasca Bencana Pada Kantor BPPD Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan

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    This study uses a qualitative research type by focusing on the study of the performance of South Halmahera Regency BPBD employees in post-disaster logistics services. Qualitative research emphasizes inductive analysis, not deductive analysis. The data sources used are primary data and secondary data, with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. Based on the results of the study, it was shown that the performance of BPBD employees in South Halmahera Regency, seen from the productivity aspect of post-disaster logistics services, had not been maximally implemented. The aspect of the quality of logistics services has also not been maximally implemented, because the timeliness of logistics services is sometimes not timely when distributing them to villages, while the attitude of BPBD staff is very good. The aspect of employee responsiveness has been very good in post-disaster logistics services, employees are very responsive to various logistical issues and are not selective in providing logistics services

    The effectiveness of e-ID card services in subdistrict city North Ternate

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    This research is a descriptive qualitative study to analyze or explain the effectiveness of e-ID services in Ternate City District Office in improving the handling of service of e-ID; study descriptive aimed to explain something the object of research is relatively deep and focused on the object study. The research results show that the implementation of e-ID services in the District of North Ternate City began recording the mass until manually recording is currently not implemented effectively. This can be proven by several indicators of effectiveness measurement, namely the Achievement of Objectives in terms of the time target has not been achieved. In terms of the final goal, which is the concrete target of recording implementation for compulsory e-ID Card, only 92.49% have been recorded while the remaining 7.51 % have not been recorded. There is miscommunication between the sub-district government and the civil registry office of Ternate City so that for now, all recordings have been pulled in the civil registry office of Ternate City

    Implementation of government regulation concerning assignment of teachers as school principal

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    The research was conducted to analyze the implementation of the Socialization/communication of the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 6 of 2018 concerning the Assignment of Teachers as School Principals has not been carried out optimally by the Tidore Islands City Education Office. The research method used is descriptive qualitative by conducting direct interviews with selected informants. The results of the study found that the Socialization of Permendikbud Number 6 of 2018 concerning the Assignment of Teachers as Principals of Schools has not been comprehensive for all school principals, but is still carried out in a limited manner by inserting in the Education Regulation Socialization activities. Socialization of Permendikbud Number 6 of 2018 concerning the Assignment of Teachers as School Principals has not utilized the online network through communities that are members of the Whatsapp, Telegram, Facebook, and other application content

    Implementation of government regulation no. 53/2010 about civil state employees discipline in general and equipment of regional secretariat Halmahera

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    This study aimed to determine the implementation of Government Regulation no. 53 of 2010 on the Civil Servant Discipline I Division of General and Secretariat Supplies DaerahKabupaten West Halmahera. The results show that the implementation of Government Regulation No. 53/2010 in the general and equipment section has been running quite well, but some violate these rules. There are 5 violations of employee discipline towards working time efficiency in the general and equipment section, provided that 3 people are given light sanctions, and 2 people are given moderate sanctions. After a more accurate analysis was carried out, it turned out that several factors caused the violation, namely the lack of (1) communication, (2) resources, (3) disposition (attitude of the executor), and (4) bureaucratic structure. Communication between colleagues, both superiors and subordinates, is minimal, resulting in minimal human resources and work discipline knowledge in general and equipment. Besides, implementers or stakeholders' attitude towards the disposition of socialization activities regarding the implementation of work discipline for Civil Servants is not followed up

    The effectiveness of driving license services in police station traffic unit

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    This research was conducted to analyze the effectiveness of driving license (SIM) services at the Polres in Ternate City. The method is descriptive qualitative by conducting direct interviews with selected informants. The research found p procedure service in the Traffic Police. Ternate City is straightforward. It is because officers who carry out their duties know the standard of service they run. It And the existing operational standards at the Satpas Polres Ternate have been maximal, what meant is the maximum here is that the service here is to the existing operational standards in the regulations at the Traffic Police Office of the Ternate Police