283 research outputs found

    FPGA Implemetation of Acquisition phase of the GPS Receiver using XSG

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    In the past it was usual to exert a huge effort in the design, simulation, and the real time implementation of the complicated electronic and communication systems, like GNSS receivers. The complexity of the system algorithms combined with the complexity of the available tools created a system that is difficult to track down for debugging or for redesign. So, the simulation and educational tools was different from the prototyping tools. In this paper the parallel search acquisition phase of a GPS receiver was simulated and implemented on FPGA using the same platform and through a graphical programming language. So this paper introduces the fruit of integrating the prototyping tools with the simulation tools as a single platform through which the complicated electronic systems can be simulated and prototyped


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    AbstrakKelurahan Rong Tengah mempunyai letak yang sangat strategis yaitu berada di tengah Kota Sampang. Kelurahan Rong Tengah Kecamatan Sampang Kabupaten Sampang. Kelurahan Rong Tengah merupakan daerah yang sering mengalami banjir ketika musim hujan. Banjir di daerah tersebut disebabkan oleh meluapnya sungai Kemoning yang berada tidak jauh dari pemukiman. Seiring berjalannya waktu dari tahun ketahun selalu mengalami banjir, akan tetapi masyarakat Kelurahan Rong Tengah Kecamatan Sampang Kabupaten Sampang tetap memilih untuk bertahan di tempat tinggal mereka. Sehingga peneliti tertarik untuk mengatahui penyebab masyarakat tetap memilih bermukim pada daerah rawan banjir di Kelurahan Rong Tengah Kecamatan Sampang Kabupaten Sampang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi masyarakat di Kelurahan Rong Tengah yang tetap memilih bermukim di wilayah rawan banjir dilihat dari segi faktor ekonomi, faktor non ekonomi, dan adaptasi.Jenis penelitian ini adalah Deskriptif Kuantitatif dengan metode Skoring. Prosedur data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan subjek penelitian ini adalah warga Kelurahan Rong tengah Kecamatan Sampang Kabupaten Sampang. Objek dari penelitian ini adalah faktor ekonomi, faktor non ekonomi, dan adaptasi masyarakat ketika banjir.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Kelurahan Rong Tengah Kecamatan Sampang Kabupaten Sampang mampu beradaptasi dengan sangat baik. Dengan dilihat masyarakat yang sudah meninggikan tempat tinggal mereka dengan tujuan dapat mengantisipasi dampak banjir yang berlebihan. Masyarakat Kelurahan Rong Tengah Kecamatan Sampang Kabupaten Sampang juga memiliki keterampilan dan penyesuaian diri dengan lingkungan yang berubah, hal ini dilihat dari masyarakat yang sudah memindahkan barang barang berharga pada bagian rumah yang lebih tinggi dan masyarakat berinisiasi menyimpan air bersih dalam skala besar dengan tujuan untuk beradaptasi pada lingkungan sekitar yang berubah.Kata kunci : Banjir, Adaptasi, Kelurahan Rong Tengah Kecamatan Sampang Kabupaten Sampan

    Genetic engineering of cell wall melanin biosynthesis in the emerging human pathogen Lomentospora prolificans

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    The dematiaceous (melanised) fungus Lomentospora (Scedosporium) prolificans is a life-threatening opportunistic pathogen of immunocompromised humans, resistant to anti-fungal drugs. Melanin has been shown to protect human pathogenic fungi against antifungal drugs, oxidative killing and environmental stresses. To determine the protective role of melanin in L. prolificans to oxidative killing (H2O2), UV radiation and the polyene anti-fungal drug amphotericin B, targeted gene disruption was used to generate mutants of the pathogen lacking the dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN)-melanin biosynthetic enzymes polyketide synthase (PKS1), tetrahydroxynapthalene reductase (4HNR) and scytalone dehydratase (SCD1). Infectious propagules (spores) of the wild-type strain 3.1 were black/brown, whereas spores of the PKS-deficient mutant ΔLppks1::hph were white. Complementation of the albino mutant ΔLppks1::hph restored the black-brown spore pigmentation, while the 4HNR-deficient mutant ΔLp4hnr::hph and SCD-deficient mutant ΔLpscd1::hph both produced orange-yellow spores. The mutants ΔLppks1::hph and ΔLp4hnr::hph showed significant reductions in spore survival following H2O2 treatment, while spores of ΔLpscd1::hph and the ΔLppks1::hph complemented strain ΔLppks1::hph:PKS showed spore survivals similar to strain 3.1. Spores of the mutants ΔLp4hnr::hph and ΔLpscd1::hph and complemented strain ΔLppks1::hph:PKS showed spore survivals similar to 3.1 following exposure to UV radiation, but survival of ΔLppks1::hph spores was significantly reduced compared to the wild-type strain. Strain 3.1 and mutants ΔLp4hnr::hph and ΔLppks1::hph:PKS were resistant to amphotericin B while, paradoxically, the PKS1- and SCD1-deficient mutants showed significant increases in growth in the presence of the antifungal drug. Melanin was shown to play no role in the protection of the pathogen from immune cell recognition and killing by alveolar macrophages, with similar degrees of engulfment, and spore viabilities, of mutant and wild-type strains after phagocytosis. Contrary to expectations, the albino PKS-deficient mutant was significantly more virulent than the melanised wild-type strain during pathogenicity studies in the invertebrate infection model Galleria mellonella, with levels of virulence restored to near wild-type levels in the complemented strain ΔLppks1::hph:PKS. Taken together, the results presented in this thesis show that melanin protects L. prolificans from UV radiation and from oxidative killing by H2O2, consistent with its survival in extreme environmental habitats. However, melanin was 3 not found to play a role in the resistance of the pathogen to the antifungal drug amphotericin B, to protect the fungus from immune cell recognition or killing by alveolar macrophages, or to its pathogenicity.Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research/Ira

    Total ear reconstruction: The role of bilateral triangular post-auricular flaps for creation of the cephaloauricular sulcus

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    Introduction: Auricular reconstruction of congenital or acquired ear defects can provide a realistic good-looking ear and functional cephaloauricular sulcus especially for those who wear eyeglasses. Over the past few years, refinements in the techniques of elevating the buried ear framework in the second stage of ear reconstruction have shifted from simple skin grafting to the use of flaps and cartilage blocks for creation of the cephaloauricular sulcus. Objective: The aim of the study was to describe useful simple modification using bilateral triangular flaps and full thickness skin graft to create adequately functional cephalo-auricular sulcus especially for patients wearing eyeglasses during the second stage ear reconstruction.The study design: The described technique was carried out between June 2010 and January 2014, for 37 patients (24 patients with congenital microtia grade III, 7 patients with post-burn ear deformity, and 6 patients with post-traumatic ear defects). During the second stage of total ear reconstruction, the ear framework is separated substantially from the side of the head and positioned at the desired angle by means of a block of cartilage covered with a fascial flap. Then, two local triangular flaps from the adjacent non-hairy skin are created (one is superiorly based and the other is inferiorly based) and inset into the created cephaloauricular sulcus. The rest of the post-auricular defect is covered with a full thickness graft.Results: The technique was simple and effective with no post-operative complication regarding flaps viability. Patients requiring glasses have worn frames soon after the tie-over was removed and no sulcus problems have resulted

    Strongly Rickart Rings

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    Let R be a ring with identity. In this paper we introduce a strongly Rickart ring as a stronger concept of a Rickart ring. A ring R is said to be strongly Rickart ring if the right annihilators of each single element in R is generated by a left semicentral idempotent in R. This class of rings is proper class in right Rickart rings, p.q.-Baer rings, reduced rings and semiprime rings. The relation between strongly Rickart and strongly regular are studied. We discuss some types of extension of strongly Rickart ring such as the Dorroh extension and the idealization ring. Key words: strongly Rickart ring, Rickart ring, right annihilator element, semicentral idempotent element, Dorroh extension, idealization of a module

    Facial rejuvenation: Serial fat graft transfer

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    Autologous fat transfer is a century-old method for both aesthetic and reconstructive purposes. It is considered by many plastic surgeons the ideal body filler. The only disadvantage is its variable degree of resorption, which ranged from 45% to 80%. Various groups have studied the effects of cryo-preservation for fat storage, the advantage being that fat harvesting need only be performed once, and thereafter fat injections can be performed using stored fat as an outpatient service. This a clinical study carried out to test the aesthetic outcome of serial injection of the cryo-preserved fat cells for both aesthetic and reconstructive purposes.Methods: Clinical evaluation was performed under standardized condition for serial lipofilling between October 2003 and May 2012, and 364 autologous fat transfers were performed in 104 patients ranging in age from 18 to 69 years (mean age 34 years).Results: The postoperative clinical results favored the use of serial fat transfer because the aesthetic and structural results were stable up to 90% of the initial volume more than a year after initial transfer.Conclusion: Our data suggest that serial transfer of the cryo-preserved fat leads to better cosmetic results on the basis of outpatient service without increasing the financial burden for our patients


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    This study aims to determine the financial records have been done according to the understanding of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Surabaya. This research method using qualitative methods. Data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis. The sample used in this study is the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Surabaya as many as five (5) business actors. This study used convenience sampling to determine the sampling technique. The results of this study showed that of the five informants who were interviewed have been doing financial records in a simple and can explain the definition of the accounts in the financial statements were applied in their business financial records that have reached the level of understanding of the translation. In addition, the five informants had been classifying the transaction as accounts that are in the financial statements is seen by financial records made in its business so it can be said to be able to achieve the level of interpretation, but the fifth informants no one has reached the level of extrapolation since the fifth informants only do financial records in simple shapes. Keyword : Financial Records, SMEs and Understandin

    Study Scientific Methods for Small Project Selection in an Iraqi Environment

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    يهدف البحث إلى دراسة الأساليب العلمية لاختيار أفضل مشروع في بيئة محددة. إن اختيار أفضل مشروع صغير هو خطوة مهمة لأي سلطة تنفيذية أو مقاول وهو ضروري لتحقيق هدف محدد (سواء كان ربحًا أو توفيرًا لبعض السلع أو أي هدف آخر). من أجل الحصول على اختيار حقيقي، سيكون تقييم المشروع هو أساس الاختيار. إنه الجمع المنهجي للمعلومات حول الأنشطة المميزة ونتائج النشاط أو الإجراء، من أجل تحديد قيمته أو جدارة. يمكن أن يوفر العديد من المعلومات الهامة عن نتائج المشروع؛ إنها طريقة منتظمة للتأمل وتقييم قيمة ما يجري (أي مشروع أو برنامج أو حدث). عادة ما يتم تفسير التقييم على أنه منتج نهائي أو نشاط يجري في نهاية المشروع. ومع ذلك، ينبغي اعتبار التقييم بمثابة عملية، تحدث في جميع مراحل المشروع، وتستخدم لتحديد ما حدث وما إذا كانت الأهداف الأولية للمشروع قد نفذت وحققت. تهدف هذه الورقة إلى دراسة الأساليب والخطوات العلمية لاتخاذ قرار لاختيار أفضل المشاريع الصغيرة في بيئة محددة للتنفيذ ضمن قيود المستثمر والخطة الاستراتيجية للمحافظة.The Research aims to study the scientific methods of selecting the best project in a specific environment. The selection of the best small project is an important step for any executive authority or contractor and it is essential for achieving a specific goal (whether it is a profit or provision of certain goods or any other objective). In order to have a true choice, the project evaluation will be the basis of choice. ؛ Project evaluation defined as the an organized assemblage of data about the activities characteristic and results of actions or activities, for determining its value. It can afford a plurality of significant information project's outcomes; it is a systematic method of reflecting on and calculating the wealth of what is being done (i.e. project, events, and program). Evaluation is usually understood as a product or an activity taking place at the end of a project. However, evaluation should be considered as a process, occurring across all phases of a project, used for determining what does occurred and if the early project objectives have been achieved. The aim of this paper is to study the scientific approaches and steps to make a decision to select the best small projects in a specific environment for implementing within the constraints of the investor and the governorate strategic plan

    Female Reproductive Age Mortality in in Kassala (Role of Malaria)

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    Objectives : To determine the mortality rates ,causes and contributing factors in women in reproductive age in Kassala Province. Setting: A refuge ,acute internally displaced people (IDP) camps, a town slums and an urban area, of total population of 214.100 in Kassala Province, East Sudan. Method: Community –based retrospective study ,using reproductive age mortality Survey (RAMOS) and verbal autopsy . Data was processed using SPSS for Windows Version11. Results: 121 deaths of female aged15-45 years, in four population sectors (refugees, IDP, slum dwellers & urban population) were identified. Slum dwellers show the highest reproductive age mortality rate 314/100,000women in reproductive age, while urban sector shows the lowest rate 199per 100,000WRA. Malaria is the major cause of death in three sectors with exception of IDP sector where pregnancy related causes contribute to 70% of death . Maternal mortality rate is highest in IDP population and slum dwellers(168&126 per100,000WRA)and lowest in urban population(47per 100,000WRA). Maternal mortality ratio is very high in slum dwellers, IDP and refugee population (1207,1192&914 per 100,000 live birth respectively),and 376 per100,000 live births in urban population. Malaria was found to be the major cause of indirect maternal deaths in all sectors. &nbsp