166 research outputs found

    Prediction of Dental Morbidity in Workers in the Chemical Industry

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    The relationship of the high prevalence of non-carious lesions of the teeth, oral mucosa with such production processes as oil and gas production, metallurgy, chemical production, baking and confectionery production has been proven. Dental health contributes to the preservation of the working capacity of an important part of the country's population - workers of industrial enterprises, especially since a number of studies convincingly reveal the role of the dentition in the general state of the body []

    Modern sports and recreation technologies

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    The use of health saving technologies in the kindergarten helps to solve questions of preservation and strengthening of health of children of preschool age, to instill in children the habit of a healthy lifestyleИспользование здоровьесберегающих технологий в детском саду помогает решить вопросы сохранения и укрепления здоровья детей дошкольного возраста, привить у детей привычку к здоровому образу жизн

    Spill over effects of Geopolitical risk on the banking sector of CIS countries

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    This study examines the spill over effects of geopolitical risks (GPR) and extreme shocks on Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) economies, as result of the Russia – Ukraine war, with particular focus on financial institutions. Further, we investigate whether the performance of CIS banks has been impacted by economic sanctions imposed on Russia since the start of the conflict. Understanding GPR transmission mechanisms and consequences on Russia’s neighbouring countries allows policymakers and financial institutions to formulate and implement risk management strategies. For a global measure of geo-political risk, we employ the global GPR index from Caldara and Iacoviello (2022) and we use the Diebold-Yilmaz (2012) connectedness model to estimate the spill over effect. First, we investigate the spill over effect of the recent conflict on the returns of banks for a sample of CIS countries. Further, we examine the spill over effect on macro-economic indicators of our sample of countries. Our preliminary results do not show significant GPR transmissions in terms of returns and risk within the banking sectors of the CIS countries examined

    Principles of Formation in Modern Urban Sculpture

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    DergiPark: 799337bmsdModern forms of urban sculpture are so diverse that they no longer correspond to the typical features of the monumental and monumental-decorative type of urban art. In this regard, the article is devoted to the consideration and formulation of advanced principles in the shaping of modern urban sculpture: the principle of adaptation of the traditional form, the principle of abstract-conceptual modeling, the principle of using the finished form and the principle of creation non-material reality...Çağdaş kentsel heykel biçimleri, o kadar çeşitlidir ki artık tipik olarak sunulan anıtsal ve anıtsal ve dekoratif kentsel sanat türüne karşılık gelmezler. Bu bağlamda makale, çağdaş kent heykelinin şekillendirilmesinde modern ilkelerin dikkate alınması ve formüle edilmesine adanmıştır: geleneksel biçime uyarlama ilkesi, soyut-kavramsal modelleme ilkesi, bitmiş biçimi kullanma ilkesi ve somut olmayan gerçeklik yaratma ilkesi. Enstalasyonlar, arazi sanatı, eylemcilik, anıtlar ve anıtsal kent heykelleri gibi modern eğilimlerin ortaya çıkmasıyla artık türlerinde tek değiller ve kentsel sanatta, sonsuz sayıda yeni ve karmaşık olarak tanımlanmış kentsel heykel türleri vardır. Görev, başlangıçta çağdaş kent heykelinin eğilimlerini anlama probleminde oluşum ilkelerini formüle etmektir, çünkü ilkelerin kendileri bir kentsel nesnenin belirli bir imajını oluşturmak için kavram ve görevleri içerir

    Неравенство доходов, его субъективное восприятие и влияние на психосоциальное самочувствие населения

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    Purpose of research. The work is devoted to the study of socio-economic differentiation in Russia and its impact on the financial situation of the population, its subjective perception, as well as on the psychosocial well-being of individuals. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are to be solved: clustering of regions of the Russian Federation, based on socio-economic indexes; studying the interrelation between the level of socio-economic development of the region and the financial situation of residents; studying the interrelation between the level of socio-economic development of the region and the subjective perception by individuals of their financial situation; studying the interrelation between the level of socio-economic development of the region and the psychosocial well-being of individuals.Materials and methods. The information base of the study includes: regional data, published by the State Committee on Statistics in the digest “Russian Federation Regions”, household survey data “Russian monitoring of the economic situation and health of the population HSE” (RLMS-HSE). Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of Higher School of Economics is a representative socio-economic survey of Russian households, in which the content structure of the used questionnaires meets the standard, adopted in the world practice.The study uses the following methods: cluster analysis (k-means method), statistical groupings, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney statistical tests.Results. The study showed that:– the Russian Federation regions are very heterogeneous in terms of socio-economic development – specific indicators for the regions may differ significantly. It should be taken into account in the study of any social and economic problems, including the problems of income inequality;– Russian regions can be divided into four clusters. Analysis of the petal diagram of clusters made it possible to reveal their features and give them generalized characteristics. The first cluster includes regions with very high investment, fixed assets and GRP per capita. The second cluster includes regions with an average level of development. The third cluster includes regions with a high level of development. The fourth cluster includes depressive regions;– There is a clear correlation between the level of socio-economic development of the region of residence and the objective financial situation of residents: the incomes of respondents, living in the leading regions are significantly higher than the incomes of respondents of other clusters; the incomes of respondents, living in depressed regions are lower than the incomes of respondents of other clusters;– Individuals’ perception of their financial situation and their concerns are practically the same in all clusters and do not correlate with the level of socio-economic development of the region of residence;– The level of economic development of the region of residence does not have a significant direct impact on psychosocial well-being – individuals from different clusters feel almost equally satisfied with life and almost equally happy.Цель исследования. Работа посвящена исследованию социально-экономической дифференциации в России и ее влиянию на материальное положение населения, его субъективное восприятие, а также на психосоциальное самочувствие индивидов.Для достижения поставленной цели последовательно решаются следующие задачи: кластеризация регионов России по социально-экономическим показателям; изучение взаимосвязи между уровнем социально-экономического развития региона проживания и объективным материальным положением жителей; изучение взаимосвязи между уровнем социально-экономического развития региона и субъективным восприятием индивидами своего материального положения; изучение взаимосвязи между уровнем социально-экономического развития региона и психо-социальным самочувствием индивидов.Материалы и методы. Информационная база исследования включает: данные по регионам, публикуемые Государственным комитетом по статистике в сборнике «Регионы России», данные обследования домохозяйств «Российский мониторинг экономического положения и здоровья населения НИУ ВШЭ» (RLMS-HSE). RLMS-HSE – репрезентативное социально-экономическое обследование российских домохозяйств, в котором содержательная структура используемых вопросников отвечает стандарту, принятому в мировой практике. В исследовании используются следующие методы: кластерный анализ  методом  k-средних,  статистические  группировки, статистические тесты Крускалла-Уоллиса и Манна-Уитни.Результаты. Проведенное исследование показало, что:– регионы РФ очень неоднородны по уровню социально-экономического развития – удельные показатели по регионам могут отличаться в разы, что необходимо учитывать при исследовании любых социально-экономических проблем, в том числе и проблемы неравенства доходов;– с использованием кластерного анализа регионы РФ удалось разделить на четыре кластера. Анализ лепестковой диаграммы конечных центров кластеров позволил выявить их особенности и дать им обобщенную характеристику. Первый кластер – регионы, с очень высокими показателями инвестиций, основных фондов и ВРП на душу населения. Второй кластер – регионы со средним уровнем развития. Третий кластер – регионы с высоким уровнем развития. Четвертый кластер – депрессивные регионы;– сравнительный анализ материального положения жителей регионов с разным уровнем развития показывает, что существует четкая корреляционная связь между материальным положением населения и уровнем развития региона: доходы респондентов, проживающих в регионах-лидерах, существенно выше доходов респондентов других кластеров; доходы респондентов-жителей депрессивных регионов ниже доходов респондентов других кластеров;– восприятие индивидами своего материального положения и обеспокоенность им практически одинаковы во всех кластерах и не коррелируют с уровнем социально-экономического развития региона проживания;–  уровень  экономического развития региона проживания не оказывает существенного прямого влияния на психосоциальное самочувствие – индивиды из разных кластеров чувствуют себя практически одинаково удовлетворенными жизнью и практически одинаково счастливыми

    The BNO-LNGS joint measurement of the solar neutrino capture rate in 71Ga

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    We describe a cooperative measurement of the capture rate of solar neutrinos by the reaction 71Ga(\nu_e,e^-)71Ge. Extractions were made from a portion of the gallium target in the Russian-American Gallium Experiment SAGE and the extraction samples were transported to the Gran Sasso laboratory for synthesis and counting at the Gallium Neutrino Observatory GNO. Six extractions of this type were made and the resultant solar neutrino capture rate was 64 ^{+24}_{-22} SNU, which agrees well with the overall result of the gallium experiments. The major purpose of this experiment was to make it possible for SAGE to continue their regular schedule of monthly solar neutrino extractions without interruption while a separate experiment was underway to measure the response of 71Ga to neutrinos from an 37Ar source. As side benefits, this experiment proved the feasibility of long-distance sample transport in ultralow background radiochemical experiments and familiarized each group with the methods and techniques of the other.Comment: 7 pages, no figures; minor additions in version

    Структурный анализ безработицы в Российской Федерации

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    Research aim. The article analyzes the state of unemployment in theRussian Federation. Modern macroeconomic conditions and the state of the labor market necessitate identifying population groups, constituting unemployment risks. Both representatives of different schools of economic thought and modern Russian scholars devoted their work to studying unemployment problems and the need for government regulation of employment and unemployment. However, a more accurate characteristic of the level and state of unemployment requires a more thorough analysis.Materials and methods. In order to present the general picture of unemployment in theRussian Federation, structural analysis of the phenomenon is used with the help of corresponding indexes, which, in our opinion, make it possible to evaluate the level and state of unemployment in detail. Indexes of absolute structure changes, degree of absolute shift intensity were used for analysis, the level of concentration was determined etc.Results. The calculations revealed the most vulnerable groups in the structure of the unemployed, showing the necessity of searching for and applying new forms and tools of government policy for reducing the level of unemployment. According to the official statistics, the level of unemployment inRussia was 5.6 % in 2015. The labor market in theRussian Federation is characterized by a gender gap – unemployed men outnumber unemployed women by 7.8%. Besides, there is a consistent trend of increase in the number of university-educated unemployed people. According to the calculations, the percentage of women with higher and secondary education is higher than the share of men. The difference in the structure of the unemployed among women and men in regards to education is in average about 14% of the maximum possible. Quite a high level of youth unemployment (approximately 25%) describes the unstable position of the given group in the labor market.Calculations of Grofman, Kazinets and Ryabtsev indexes confirm it. Nevertheless, the level of concentration in distribution of unemployment among youth tends to decrease in recent years. Besides, there is a higher level of unemployment in the country as compared to the city. Unemployment in Russian regions is characterized by considerable irregularity, too. The level of unemployment amounts to 6–8% in the major territory of the country. The situation is worst in the Karachay-Cherkess andChechenRepublics, as well as in Ingushetia and Tyva. Conclusion. The analysis of unemployment revealed differences in the structure of the unemployed of different population groups. It suggests the reasonability of using new modern tools of government policy for solving unemployment problems. The most effective measures are the following: application of social partnership mechanism, stimulation of self-employment, small business support, personnel development, organization of public works, setting job quotas, economic support of employers, use of flexible employment forms of the population, information support of labor market, support of non-state services in the sphere of population employment. Цель исследования. В статье анализируется состояние безработицы в Российской Федерации. Современные макроэкономические условия и состояние рынка труда диктуют необходимость выявления групп населения, составляющих риски безработицы. Исследованию проблем безработицы, а также необходимости государственного регулирования занятости и безработицы посвятили свои работы как представители различных школ экономической мысли, так и современные российские ученые. Однако более точная характеристика уровня и состояния безработицы требуют углубления инструментария анализа.Материалы и методы. Для представления общей картины безработицы в Российской Федерации используется структурный анализ явления с помощью соответствующих индексов, которые, на наш взгляд, он позволяют всесторонне оценить уровень и состояние безработицы. Для анализа были использованы показатели абсолютного изменения структуры, степени интенсивности абсолютного сдвига, определен уровень концентрации и т.д.Результаты. Расчеты выявили наиболее уязвимые группы в структуре безработных, показав тем самым необходимость поиска и применения новых форм и инструментов государственной политики для снижения уровня безработицы. Согласно официальной статистике уровень безработицы в России составил в 2015 году 5,6%. Рынок труда в РФ характеризуется наличием гендерного разрыва – количество безработных мужчин превышает количество безработных женщин на 7,8%. Кроме этого отмечается устойчивая тенденция роста численности безработных с высшим образованием. Согласно расчетам удельный вес женщин, имеющих высшее и среднее образование, выше, чем доля у мужчин. Различие в структуре безработных среди женщин и мужчин по уровню образования в среднем составляет около 14% от максимально возможного. Достаточно высокий уровень молодежной безработицы (около 25%) характеризует нестабильное положение данной группы населения на рынке труда. Это подтверждают расчеты индексов Грофмана, Казинца и Рябцева. Тем не менее, уровень концентрации в распределении безработицы среди молодежи в последние годы имеет тенденцию к снижению. Кроме этого наблюдается более высокий уровень безработицы на селе по сравнению с городом. Безработица в регионах России также характеризуется значительной неравномерностью. На большей территории страны уровень безработицы зафиксирован на отметке 6–8%. Наихудшая ситуация сложилась в Карачаево-Черкесской и Чеченской Республиках, а также в Ингушетии и Тыве.Заключение. Анализ безработицы выявил различия в структуре безработных по разным группам населения. Это говорит о целесообразности применения новых современных инструментов государственной политики для решения проблем безработицы. Наиболее эффективными мерами зарекомендовали применение механизма социального партнерства, стимулирование самозанятости населения, поддержка малого предпринимательства, переподготовка кадров, организация общественных работ, квотирование рабочих мест, экономическая поддержка работодателей, использование гибких форм занятости населения, информационное обеспечение рынка труда, поддержка негосударственных служб в области занятости населения.

    New materials based on tubular nanodimensional structures 1. Synthesis, structural studies and determination of interproton distances in solutions of functionalized thiacalix[4]arenes according to NMR spectroscopic data (NOESY)

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    New derivatives of p-tert-butylthiacalix[4]arene were synthesized. The conformation of the macrocycles and interproton distances in the synthesized thiacalix[4]arenes in solutions were determined by NMR spectroscopy. p-tert-Butylthiacalix[4]arene distally disubstituted at the lower rim adopts the cone conformation, and the tetrasubstituted products are formed in the 1,3-alternate conformation. © 2004 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Variability of cost trajectories over the last year of life in patients with advanced breast cancer in the Netherlands

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    Objective In breast cancer patients, treatment at the end of life accounts for a major share of medical spending. However, little is known about the variability of cost trajectories between patients. This study aims to identify underlying latent groups of advanced breast cancer patients with similar cost trajectories over the last year before death. Methods Data from deceased advanced breast cancer patients, diagnosed between 2010 and 2017, were retrieved from the Southeast Netherlands Advanced Breast Cancer (SONABRE) Registry. Costs of hospital care over the last twelve months before death were analyzed, and the variability of longitudinal patterns between patients were explored using group-based trajectory modeling. Descriptive statistics and multinomial logistic regression were applied to investigate differences between the identified latent groups. Results We included 558 patients. Over the last twelve months before death, mean hospital costs were €2,255 (SD = €492) per month. Costs increased over the last five months and reached a maximum of €3,614 in the last month of life, driven by hospital admissions, while spending for medication declined over the last three months of life. Based on patients’ individual cost trajectories, we identified six latent groups with distinct longitudinal patterns, of which only two showed a marked increase in costs over the last twelve months before death. Latent groups were constituted of heterogeneous patients, and clinical characteristics explained membership only to a limited extent. Conclusions The average costs of advanced breast cancer patients increased towards the end of life. However, we uncovered several latent groups of patients with divergent cost trajectories, which did not reflect the overall increasing trend. The mechanisms underlying the variability in cost trajectories warrants further research

    The role of herpes virus infection in development of arrhythmias in children

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    ECG' peculiarities and titers of anticardial antibodies (ACAB) were studied in 44 children with herpes virus infection: 63% of patients were infected by herpes virus type IV, V, VI; the rest ones - herpes virus type I,II in addition. ECG has revealed dysfunction of sinus node, conductive disturbances and changes of repolarization in 1/3 of children, 20% of patients has signs of myocardial electric instability. Part of children has increased titers of ACAB to conductive system and cardiomyocytes