579 research outputs found

    The flaring HI disk of the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 2683

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    New deep VLA D array HI observations of the highly inclined nearby spiral galaxy NGC 2683 are presented. Archival C array data were processed and added to the new observations. To investigate the 3D structure of the atomic gas disk, we made different 3D models for which we produced model HI data cubes. The main ingredients of our best-fit model are (i) a thin disk inclined by 80 degrees; (ii) a crude approximation of a spiral and/or bar structure by an elliptical surface density distribution of the gas disk; (iii) a slight warp in inclination; (iv) an exponential flare; and (v) a low surface-density gas ring. The slope of NGC 2683's flare is comparable, but somewhat steeper than those of other spiral galaxies. NGC 2683's maximum height of the flare is also comparable to those of other galaxies. On the other hand, a saturation of the flare is only observed in NGC 2683. Based on the comparison between the high resolution model and observations, we exclude the existence of an extended atomic gas halo around the optical and thin gas disk. Under the assumption of vertical hydrostatic equilibrium we derive the vertical velocity dispersion of the gas. The high turbulent velocity dispersion in the flare can be explained by energy injection by (i) supernovae, (ii) magneto-rotational instabilities, (iii) ISM stirring by dark matter substructure, or (iv) external gas accretion. The existence of the complex large-scale warping and asymmetries favors external gas accretion as one of the major energy sources that drives turbulence in the outer gas disk. We propose a scenario where this external accretion leads to turbulent adiabatic compression that enhances the turbulent velocity dispersion and might quench star formation in the outer gas disk of NGC 2683.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Potassium: a new actor on the globular cluster chemical evolution stage. The case of NGC 2808

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    We derive [K/Fe] abundance ratios for 119 stars in the globular cluster NGC 2808, all of them having O, Na, Mg and Al abundances homogeneously measured in previous works. We detect an intrinsic star-to-star spread in the Potassium abundance. Moreover [K/Fe] abundance ratios display statistically significant correlations with [Na/Fe] and [Al/Fe], and anti-correlations with [O/Fe] and [Mg/Fe]. All the four Mg deficient stars ([Mg/Fe]<0.0) discovered so far in NGC 2808 are enriched in K by ~0.3 dex with respect to those with normal [Mg/Fe]. NGC 2808 is the second globular cluster, after NGC 2419, where a clear Mg-K anti-correlation is detected, albeit of weaker amplitude. The simultaneous correlation/anti-correlation of [K/Fe] with all the light elements usually involved in the chemical anomalies observed in globular cluster stars, strongly support the idea that these abundance patterns are due to the same self-enrichment mechanism that produces Na-O and Mg-Al anti-correlations. This finding suggests that detectable spreads in K abundances may be typical in the massive globular clusters where the self-enrichment processes are observed to produce their most extreme manifestations.Comment: Accepted for publication by ApJ, 5 pages, 3 figure

    Faint, moving objects in the Hubble Deep Field: components of the dark halo?

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    The deepest optical image of the sky, the Hubble Deep Field (HDF), obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in December 1995, has been compared to a similar image taken in December 1997. Two very faint, blue, isolated and unresolved objects are found to display a substantial apparent proper motion, 23+/-5 mas/yr and 26+/-5 mas/yr; a further three objects at the detection limit of the second epoch observations may also be moving. Galactic structure models predict a general absence of stars in the color-magnitude range in which these objects are found. However, these observations are consistent with recently-developed models of old white dwarfs with hydrogen atmospheres, whose color, contrary to previous expectations, has been shown to be blue. If these apparently moving objects are indeed old white dwarfs with hydrogen atmospheres and masses near 0.5 M_Sun, they have ages of approximately 12 Gyr, and a local mass density that is sufficient, within the large uncertainties arising from the small size of the sample, to account for the entire missing Galactic dynamical mass.Comment: 6 pages, using emulateapj, including 2 colour figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Tracing Galaxy Formation with Stellar Halos I: Methods

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    If the favored hierarchical cosmological model is correct, then the Milky Way system should have accreted ~100-200 luminous satellite galaxies in the past \~12 Gyr. We model this process using a hybrid semi-analytic plus N-body approach which distinguishes explicitly between the evolution of light and dark matter in accreted satellites. This distinction is essential to our ability to produce a realistic stellar halo, with mass and density profile much like that of our own Galaxy, and a surviving satellite population that matches the observed number counts and structural parameter distributions of the satellite galaxies of the Milky Way. Our model stellar halos have density profiles which typically drop off with radius faster than those of the dark matter. They are assembled from the inside out, with the majority of mass (~80%) coming from the \~15 most massive accretion events. The satellites that contribute to the stellar halo have median accretion times of ~9 Gyr in the past, while surviving satellite systems have median accretion times of ~5 Gyr in the past. This implies that stars associated with the inner halo should be quite different chemically from stars in surviving satellites and also from stars in the outer halo or those liberated in recent disruption events. We briefly discuss the expected spatial structure and phase space structure for halos formed in this manner. Searches for this type of structure offer a direct test of whether cosmology is indeed hierarchical on small scales.Comment: 22 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Ap

    The kinematic footprints of five stellar streams in Andromeda's halo

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    (abridged) We present a spectroscopic analysis of five stellar streams (`A', `B', `Cr', `Cp' and `D') as well as the extended star cluster, EC4, which lies within streamC, all discovered in the halo of M31 from our CFHT/MegaCam survey. These spectroscopic results were initially serendipitous, making use of our existing observations from the DEep Imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph mounted on the Keck II telescope, and thereby emphasizing the ubiquity of tidal streams that account for ~70% of the M31 halo stars in the targeted fields. Subsequent spectroscopy was then procured in streamCr/p and streamD to trace the velocity gradient along the streams. For the cluster EC4, candidate member stars with average [Fe/H]~-1.4 (Fe/H_spec=-1.6), are found at v_{hel}=-285 km/s suggesting it could be related to streamCp. No similarly obvious cold kinematic candidate is found for streamD, although candidates are proposed in both of two spectroscopic pointings along the stream (both at -400 km/s). Spectroscopy near the edge of streamB suggests a likely kinematic detection, while a candidate kinematic detection of streamA is found (plausibly associated to M33 rather than M31). The low dispersion of the streams in kinematics, physical thickness, and metallicity makes it hard to reconcile with a scenario whereby these stream structures as an ensemble are related to the giant southern stream. We conclude that the M31 stellar halo is largely made up of multiple kinematically cold streams.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, accepted in MNRAS. High resolution version, with fig10 here: http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~schapman/streams.pd

    A proper motion study of the globular cluster M55

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    We have derived the absolute proper motion (PM) of the globular cluster M55 using a large set of CCD images collected with the du Pont telescope between 1997 and 2008. We find (PM_RA*cos(DEC), PM_DEC) = (-3.31 +/- 0.10, -9.14 +/- 0.15) mas/yr relative to background galaxies. Membership status was determined for 16 945 stars with 14<V<21 from the central part of the cluster. The PM catalogue includes 52 variables of which 43 are probable members of M55. This sample is dominated by pulsating blue straggler stars but also includes 5 eclipsing binaries, three of which are main sequence objects. The survey also identified several candidate blue, yellow and red straggler stars belonging to the cluster. We detected 15 likely members of the Sgr dSph galaxy located behind M55. The average PM for these stars was measured to be (PM_RA*cos(DEC), PM_DEC)=(-2.23 +/- 0.14, -1.83 +/- 0.24) mas/yr.Comment: 12 figures and 4 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS Main Journal; full PM catalogue (Table 3) at http://case.camk.edu.p

    The Stellar Halo Metallicity - Luminosity Relationship for Spiral Galaxies

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    The stellar halos of spiral galaxies bear important chemo-dynamical signatures of galaxy formation. We present here the analysis of 89 semi-cosmological spiral galaxy simulations, spanning ~ 4 magnitudes in total galactic luminosity. These simulations sample a wide variety of merging histories and show significant dispersion in halo metallicity at a given total luminosity - more than a factor of ten in metallicity. Our preliminary analysis suggests that galaxies with a more extended merging history possess halos which have younger and more metal rich stellar populations than the stellar halos associated with galaxies with a more abbreviated assembly. A correlation between halo metallicity and its surface brightness has also been found, reflecting the correlation between halo metallicity and its stellar mass. Our simulations are compared with recent Hubble Space Telescope observations of resolved stellar halos in nearby spirals.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. MNRAS Letters, in pres
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