2,959 research outputs found

    Induced gravity on intersecting brane-worlds Part I: Maximally symmetric solutions

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    We explore models of intersecting brane-worlds with induced gravity terms on codimension one branes and on their intersection. Maximally symmetric solutions for the branes and the intersection are found. We find new self-accelerating solutions. In a 6d spacetime, the solutions realize the see-saw modification of gravity where the UV scale of the modification to 4d gravity is determined by 6d Planck scale given by M6∼10−3M_6 \sim 10^{-3}eV and the IR scale of the modification is determined by M62/M4∼H0∼10−42M_6^2/M_4 \sim H_0 \sim 10^{-42} GeV where H0H_0 is present-day Hubble scale. We find that it is increasingly difficult to construct phenomenologically viable models in higher-dimensional spacetime due to the necessity to have the lower value for the fundamental Planck scale to realize the late time acceleration. It is found that the system also admits self-tuning solutions where the tension at the intersection does not change the geometry of the intersection. The induced gravity terms can avoid the necessity to compactify the extra dimensions. Finally, we discuss the possibility to have ordinary matter at the intersection, without introducing any regularisation, using the induced gravity terms.Comment: 16 pages, some mistakes in the identification of the higher codimensional singular structure corrected. Main results unchange

    Dielectric Characterization of Non-Conductive Fabrics for Temperature Sensing through Resonating Antenna Structures.

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    Seamless integration of electronics within clothing is key for further development of efficient and convenient wearable technologies. Therefore, the characterization of textile and fabric materials under environmental changes and other parametric variations is an important requirement. To our knowledge, this paper presents for the first time the evaluation of dielectric characterization over temperature for non-conductive textiles using resonating structures. The paper describes the effects of temperature variations on the dielectric properties of non-conductive fabrics and how this can be derived from the performance effects of a simple microstrip patch antenna. Organic cotton was chosen as the main substrate for this research due to its broad presence in daily clothing. A dedicated measurement setup is developed to allow reliable and repeatable measurements, isolating the textile samples from external factors. This work shows an approximately linear relation between temperature and textile's dielectric constant, giving to fabric-based antennas temperature sensing properties with capability up to 1 degree Celsius at millimeter-wave frequencies

    Graphene Inkjet-Printed Ultrawideband Tapered Coplanar-Waveguide Antenna on Kapton Substrate

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    This paper presents an ultra-wideband graphene antenna with tapered coplanar-waveguide feed. The proposed antenna covers the 2.7-8.2 GHz bandwidth (2.6-10 GHz measured), with two main resonance frequencies at 3.1 and 5.5 gigahertz (3.1 and 5.8 measured). Simulations show a radiation pattern that looks quasi-omnidirectional with a maximum gain limited to 3.15 dBi and efficiency above 84.7%. In order to post-process the graphene ink and to provide flexibility, Kapton Polyimide is used as a substrate. The flexibility, as well as the lightweight and ease in the fabrication of accurate designs, turns this antenna into a suitable candidate for wearable and flexible wireless applications

    Cell-autonomous inhibition of alpha 7-containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptors prevents death of parasympathetic neurons during development

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    Neurotrophic molecules are key retrograde influences of cell survival in the developing nervous system, but other influences such as activity are also emerging as important factors. In the avian ciliary ganglion, half the neurons are eliminated between embryonic day 8 (E8) and E14, but it is not known how cell death is initiated. Because systemic application of alpha7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) antagonists prevents this cell loss, we examined differences in receptor densities and responses of intracellular calcium to nicotine using the calcium-sensitive dye fura-2. In addition, we determined whether cell-autonomous inhibition of alpha7 activation in neurons prevented cell death. E8 neurons are heterogeneous with respect to alpha7-nAChR density, which leads to large increases in [Ca2+]i in some neurons; E8 neurons also exhibit a slower rate of Ca2+ decay after nicotinic stimulation than E13 neurons. Expressing alpha-bungarotoxin that is tethered to the membrane by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol linkage (GPIalpha btx) in ciliary ganglion neurons with the retroviral vector RCASBP(A) blocks increases in intracellular calcium induced by nicotine through alpha7-nAChRs and prevents neurons from dying. Expression of GPIalpha btx in surrounding non-neural tissues, but not in neurons, does not prevent cell loss. Furthermore, the GPIalpha btx is not efficiently expressed in the accessory oculomotor neurons, eliminating preganglionic inputs as another site for action of the antagonist. These results support the hypothesis that cholinergic inputs facilitate cell death in the developing autonomic nervous system by activating alpha7-nAChRs, possibly by leading to increases in intracellular calcium that exceed the threshold for cell survival

    D-branes and the Standard Model

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    We perform a systematic study of the Standard Model embedding in a D-brane configuration of type I string theory at the TeV scale. We end up with an attractive model and we study several phenomenological questions, such as gauge coupling unification, proton stability, fermion masses and neutrino oscillations. At the string scale, the gauge group is U(3)_color x U(2)_weak x U(1)_1 x U(1)_bulk. The corresponding gauge bosons are localized on three collections of branes; two of them describe the strong and weak interactions, while the last abelian factor lives on a brane which is extended in two large extra dimensions with a size of afew microns. The hypercharge is a linear combination of the first three U(1)s. All remaining U(1)s get masses at the TeV scale due to anomalies, leaving the baryon and lepton numbers as (perturbatively) unbroken global symmetries at low energies. The conservation of baryon number assures proton stability, while lepton number symmetry guarantees light neutrino masses that involve a right-handed neutrino in the bulk. The model predicts the value of the weak angle which is compatible with the experiment when the string scale is in the TeV region. It also contains two Higgs doublets that provide tree-level masses to all fermions of the heaviest generation, with calculable Yukawa couplings; one obtains a naturally heavy top and the correct ratio m_b/m_tau. We also study neutrino masses and mixings in relation to recent solar and atmospheric neutrino data.Comment: 42 pages, Latex2e, 6 figures, final version to be published in Nucl. Phys.

    Vibrational signature of broken chemical order in a GeS2 glass: a molecular dynamics simulation

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    Using density functional molecular dynamics simulations, we analyze the broken chemical order in a GeS2_2 glass and its impact on the dynamical properties of the glass through the in-depth study of the vibrational eigenvectors. We find homopolar bonds and the frequencies of the corresponding modes are in agreement with experimental data. Localized S-S modes and 3-fold coordinated sulfur atoms are found to be at the origin of specific Raman peaks whose origin was not previously clear. Through the ring size statistics we find, during the glass formation, a conversion of 3-membered rings into larger units but also into 2-membered rings whose vibrational signature is in agreement with experiments.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Grand Unification with Three Generations in Free Fermionic String Models

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    We examine the problem of constructing three generation free fermionic string models with grand unified gauge groups. We attempt the construction of G×GG\times G models, where GG is a grand unified group realized at level 1. This structure allows those Higgs representations to appear which are necessary to break the symmetry down to the standard model gauge group. For G=SO(10)G=SO(10), we find only models with an even number of generations. However, for G=SU(5)G=SU(5) we find a number of 3 generation models.Comment: 22 pages, latex. References added to original versio

    Complete set of Feynman rules for the MSSM -- ERRATUM

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    This erratum contains the full corrected version of the paper {\em Complete set of Feynman rules for the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model}, published in Phys. Rev. D41 (3464) 1990. The complete set of Feynman rules for the R-parity conserving MSSM is listed, including the most general form of flavour mixing. Propagators and vertices are computed in t'Hooft-Feynman gauge, convenient for perturbative calculations beyond the tree level.Comment: 46 pages, uses axodraw.sty. This is the "integrated" version of the erratum, i.e. full text of the paper with errors correcte

    Optimal sensors placement for detecting CO2 discharges from unknown locations on the seafloor

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    Assurance monitoring of the marine environment is a required and intrinsic part of CO2 storage project. To reduce the costs related to the monitoring effort, the monitoring program must be designed with optimal use of instrumentation. Here we use solution of a classical set cover problem to design placement of an array of fixed chemical sensors with the purpose of detecting a seep of CO2 through the seafloor from an unknown location. The solution of the problem is not unique and different aspects, such as cost or existing infrastructure, can be added to define an optimal solution. We formulate an optimization problem and propose a method to generate footprints of potential seeps using an advection–diffusion model and a stoichiometric method for detection of small seepage CO2 signals. We provide some numerical experiments to illustrate the concepts
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