122 research outputs found

    Efectos de la pirenzepina sobre células parietales en regeneración

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    In this work, we have carrled out a stereological and ultrastructural study in order to verify the action of Pirenzepine on regenerating parietal cells. We have used a control group and operated or non-operated groups treated with 1, 5 and 25 mg/kg/day Pirenzepine. In operated groups an ulcer was provoked by cauterization with a metallic plate in the gastric fundus. Parietal cells in operated groups showed mitochondria with altered crests, a fine granular matrix and a large number of tubulo-vesicles. The comparative stereological analysis demonstrates a generalized decrease in the mitochondria, canaliculi and lisosomal volume density, and an increase in the tubulo-vesicle volume density. Changes detected in these cellular structures would originate a decrease in the production of CIHPara comprobar la acción de la pirenzepina sobre células parietales en regeneración, hemos realizado un estudio estereológico y ultraestructural. Para ello utilizamos grupos controles y de tratamiento con el fármaco a dosis de 1, 5 y 25 mg/kg/día, operados y no operados. En los grupos operados se realizó una úlcera por cauterización mediante una platina metálica a nivel de fundus gástrico. Morfológicamente, las células parietales de los grupos operados presentaban mitocondrias con alteración de crestas y una matriz finamente granular, así como gran cantidad de tubulovesículas. El análisis estereológico comparativo entre grupos controles y de tratamiento muestra un descenso generalizado en la densidad de volumen mitocondrial, canalicular y lisosomal, y un aumento de la densidad de volumen tubulovesicular. Los cambios detectados en estas estructuras celulares provocarían un descenso en la producción de ClH

    Efectos de la ranitidina sobre células parietales en regeneración : Estudio estereológico

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    In this work, we have carried out a stereological and morphological study in order to verify the effects of Ranitidine on regenerating parietal cells. We have used a control group and operated or non-operated groups treated with 2, 10 and 50 mg/kglday Ranitidine. In operated groups an ulcer was provoked by cauterization with a metallic plate in the gastric fundus. Groups treated with high doses of Ranitidine showed an increase in the connective tissue of the gastrlc mucosa. The stereological study in treated groups shows a decrease in the parietal voiume density, and an increase in the cellular profile. Changes detected in the parietal volume density would originate a decrease in the production of CIHPara comprobar la acción de la ranitidina sobre células parietales en regeneración hemos realizado un estudio morfológico y estereológico. Para ello utilizamos grupos controles y de tratamiento con el fármaco a dosis de dos, 10 y 50 mg!kg/día, operados y no operados. En los grupos operados se realizó una úlcera por cauterización mediante una platina metálica a nivel de fundus gástrico. Morfológicamente los animales bajo la acción del fármaco ofrecieron un aumento del componente conectivo de la mucosa fúndica a las mayores dosis utilizadas. El estudio estereológico en los grupos de tratamiento muestra un descenso en la densidad de volumen de células parietales directamente proporcional a la dosis utilizada, este descenso va aparejado a un aumento del área celular. La disminución de la densidad de volumen de células parietales podría provocar un descenso en la producción de CIH, y, por tanto explicaría, en parte, la eficacia de este fármaco en el tratamiento de la úlcera gástrica en regeneración

    Las voces de los agentes dinamizadores en la implementación de un PLC como clave para la transformación de un centro educativo

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    Este trabajo se corresponde con un estudio de caso llevado a cabo en un centro de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria de la provincia de Cádiz que opta, tras un proceso interno de diagnóstico, por la implementación de un Proyecto Lingüístico de Centro (PLC) como estrategia sistémica para afrontar una necesidad de cambio ante el bajo rendimiento escolar que presentaban sus estudiantes y la imagen negativa que proyectaba en el entorno educativo. Para comprender la realidad que se convirtió en objeto de estudio, se diseñó una metodología mixta, que combinó instrumentos cuantitativos (pruebas de dominio de la competencia lingüística de los estudiantes), y cualitativos (entrevistas semi- estructuradas) para dar voz a los agentes dinamizadores de la transformación: el coordinador del equipo de inspección educativa asignado al centro, la directora del IES y su asesora de formación permanente. Los resultados evidenciaron que el PLC se convirtió en una estrategia clave de cambio en la cultura de centro en pos de una excelencia educativa, entendida como la suma de la calidad y la equidad

    The Q-Pass Index: A Multifactorial IMUs-Based Tool to Assess Passing Skills in Basketball

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    Despite being a key sport-specific characteristic in performance, there is no practical tool to assess the quality of the pass in basketball. The aim of this study is to develop a tool (the quality-pass index or Q-Pass) able to deliver a quantitative, practical measure of passing skills quality based on a combination of accuracy, execution time and pass pattern variability. Temporal, kinematics and performance parameters were analysed in five different types of passes (chest, bounce, crossover, between-the-leg and behind-the-back) using a field-based test, video cameras and body-worn inertial sensors (IMUs). Data from pass accuracy, time and angular velocity were collected and processed in a custom-built excel spreadsheet. The Q-pass index (0–100 score) resulted from the sum of the three factors. Data were collected from 16 young basketball players (age: 16 ± 2 years) with high (experienced) and low (novice) level of expertise. Reliability analyses found the Q-pass index as a reliable tool in both novice (CV from 4.3 to 9.3%) and experienced players (CV from 2.8 to 10.2%). Besides, important differences in the Q-pass index were found between players’ level (p < 0.05), with the experienced showing better scores in all passing situations: behind-the-back (ES = 1.91), bounce (ES = 0.82), between-the-legs (ES = 1.11), crossover (ES = 0.58) and chest (ES = 0.94). According to these findings, the Q-pass index was sensitive enough to identify the differences in passing skills between young players with different levels of expertise, providing a numbering score for each pass executed

    Synthesis and Characterisation of ASA-PEEK Composites for Fused Filament Fabrication

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    In this paper, a series of polymer composites made from acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate (ASA) and poly (ether ether ketone) (PEEK) were manufactured. ASA acts as a polymer matrix while PEEK is loaded in the form of micro-particles that act as a reinforcing filler. The composites were compounded by single screw extrusion and then, different specimens were manufactured either via injection moulding (IM) or fused filament fabrication (FFF). Two different types of PEEK (commercial and reused) in different concentrations (3 and 6 wt.%) were tested and their influence in the mechanical, structural, and thermal properties were studied. It was observed that reused PEEK enhanced the stiffness and tensile strength and thermal stability of the composites both, for injected and printed specimens. This evidences the suitability of these composites as potential candidates as novel materials with enhanced properties following an approach of circular economy

    Variability estimation in resistive switching devices, a numerical and kinetic Monte Carlo perspective

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    Acknowledgments The authors thank the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the FEDER program through projects TEC2017-84321-C4-1-R, TEC2017-84321-C4-3-R, and projects A.TIC.117.UGR18, IE2017-5414 and B.TIC.624.UGR20 funded by the Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidad, Junta de Andalucía (Spain) and the FEDER program. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUAWe have analyzed variability in resistive memories (Resistive Random Access Memories, RRAMs) making use of advanced numerical techniques to process experimental measurements and simulations based on the kinetic Monte Carlo technique. The devices employed in the study were fabricated using the TiN/Ti/HfO2/W stack. The switching parameters were obtained making use of new developed extraction methods. The appropriateness of the advanced parameter extraction methodologies has been checked by comparison to kinetic Monte Carlo simulations; in particular, the reset and set events have been studied and detected. The data obtained were employed to shed light on the resistive switching operation and the cycle-to-cycle variability. It has been shown that variability depends on the numerical technique employed to obtain the set and reset voltages, therefore, this issue must be taken into consideration in RS characterization and modeling studies. The proposed techniques are complementary and depending on the technology and the curves shape the features of a particular method could make it to be the most appropriate.Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the FEDER program through projects TEC2017-84321-C4-1-R, TEC2017-84321-C4-3-RConsejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidad, Junta de Andalucía (Spain) and the FEDER program, projects A.TIC.117.UGR18, IE2017-5414 and B.TIC.624.UGR20Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBU