269 research outputs found

    A Strong Scalar Weak Gravity Conjecture and some implications

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    We propose a new version of the scalar Weak Gravity Conjecture (WGC) which would apply to any scalar field coupled to quantum gravity. For a single scalar it is given by the differential constraint (V″)2 ≤ (2V‴2 − V″V′′′′)Mp2, where V is the scalar potential. It corresponds to the statement that self-interactions of a scalar must be stronger than gravity for any value of the scalar field. We find that the solutions which saturate the bound correspond to towers of extremal states with mass m2(ϕ)=m02/((R/m)2+1/(nR)2), with R2 = eϕ, consistent with the emergence of an extra dimension at large or small R and the existence of extended objects (strings). These states act as WGC states for the scalar ϕ. It is also consistent with the distance swampland conjecture with a built-in duality symmetry. All of this is remarkable since neither extra dimensions nor string theory are put in the theory from the beginning, but they emerge. This is quite analogous to how the 11-th dimension appears in M-theory from towers of Type IIA solitonic D0-branes. From this constraint one can derive several swampland conjectures from a single principle. In particular one finds that an axion potential is only consistent if f ≤ Mp, recovering a result already conjectured from other arguments. The conjecture has far reaching consequences and applies to several interesting physical systems: i) Among chaotic inflation potentials only those asymptotically linear may survive. ii) If applied to the radion of the circle compactification of the Standard Model to 3D with Dirac neutrinos, the constraint implies that the 4D cosmological constant scale must be larger than the mass of the lightest neutrino, which must be in normal hierarchy. It also puts a constraint on the EW scale, potentially explaining the hierarchy problem. This recovers and improves results already obtained by applying the AdS swampland conjecture, but in a way which is independent from UV physics. iii) It also constraints simplest moduli fixing string models. The simplest KKLT model is compatible with the constraints but the latter may be relevant for some choices of parametersThis work has been supported by the ERC Advanced Grant SPLE under contract ERC-2012-ADG-20120216-320421, by the grants FPA2016-78645-P and FPA2015-65480-P from the MINECO, and the grant SEV-2016-0597 of the “Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa” Programme. E.G. is supported by the Spanish FPU Grant No. FPU16/0398

    Control visual basado en ROS de un robot de manipulación UR10.

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    Robotics is a technological branch that is currently booming, especially in industrial applications and research. The industrial and collaborative robots appeared because the industry increasingly needs more robotic processes, such as performing repetitive movements with great precision or carrying heavy weights, to avoid physical problems in workers. Vision systems are used to control the robot in an unstructured environment, thanks to obtaining visual information from the environment in real time. These perception-based systems are more robust to imprecise calibrations. The main objective of the work is to perform various visual servoing methods for the UR10 robot, of the Campero robot, equipped with a realsense camera. In particular, we consider position-based, image-based and hybrid visual controller. The position-based visual controller, PBVC, needs good calibration and allows precise control in Cartesian space. The image-based visual controller, IBVC, is robust to imprecise calibrations, is computationally efficient and uses the image space. The hybrid visual controller, HVC, is partially based on position and on image, so it combines 2D and 3D information, and has the advantages of PBVC and IBVC, avoiding its drawbacks. The main result is the implementation of a set of algorithms capable of driving the robot in real time to the desired position by using vision-based information provided by the camera mounted on the robot hand. The visual servoing algorithms development involves the implementation of a control law to compute the velocity of the robot’s joints by using the inverse kinematic model. The controllers are developed both in simulation, using the Gazebo tool, and in the real robot and we verify them by conducting tests in both environments. We have used ROS, the MoveIt framework, Gazebo, Rviz, ArUco markers and the RGB-D Realsense D435 camera to achieve the objectives. The programming languages used are Python and C++. The visual servoing methods have been successfully developed and the controlled robot is capable of reaching a desired position by using the visual information provided by the ArUco markers detected within the camera field of view. The implementation has been validated with simulations and real experiments. The robot can perform additional tasks such as tracking and cyclic movements between different positions.<br /

    AdS Swampland Conjectures and Light Fermions

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    We consider constraints on DD-dimensional theories in MDM_D, dSDdS_D and AdSDAdS_D backgrounds in the light of AdS swampland conjectures as applied to their compactification in a circle. In particular we consider the non-SUSY AdS instability conjecture and the AdS distance conjecture. For MDM_D and dSDdS_D vacua the results may be summarized by a light fermion conjecture which states that in theories with ΛD0\Lambda_D\geq 0 and a positive first non-vanishing supertrace (1)k+1StrM2k>0(-1)^{k+1}\text{Str} M^{2k}>0, a surplus of light fermions with mass mfΛD1/Dm_f\lesssim \Lambda_D^{1/D} must be present. On the contrary, the cases of MDM_D and AdSDAdS_D can be made consistent with the mild but not the strong version of the AdS Distance conjecture, since the KK tower in the lower dd-dim theory will scale as mΛdαm\lesssim \Lambda_d^{\alpha} with α=1/d\alpha=1/d. The above constraints also suggest that the Standard Model of particle physics would be inconsistent in Minkowski space but consistent in dS if the lightest neutrino is Dirac and lighter than the cosmological constant scale.Comment: Minor corrections. References adde


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    Modular Symmetries and the Swampland Conjectures

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    Recent string theory tests of swampland ideas like the distance or the dS conjectures have been performed at weak coupling. Testing these ideas beyond the weak coupling regime remains challenging. We propose to exploit the modular symmetries of the moduli effective action to check swampland constraints beyond perturbation theory. As an example we study the case of heterotic 4d N=1\mathcal{N}=1 compactifications, whose non-perturbative effective action is known to be invariant under modular symmetries acting on the K\"ahler and complex structure moduli, in particular SL(2,Z)SL(2,Z) T-dualities (or subgroups thereof) for 4d heterotic or orbifold compactifications. Remarkably, in models with non-perturbative superpotentials, the corresponding duality invariant potentials diverge at points at infinite distance in moduli space. The divergence relates to towers of states becoming light, in agreement with the distance conjecture. We discuss specific examples of this behavior based on gaugino condensation in heterotic orbifolds. We show that these examples are dual to compactifications of type I' or Horava-Witten theory, in which the SL(2,Z)SL(2,Z) acts on the complex structure of an underlying 2-torus, and the tower of light states correspond to D0-branes or M-theory KK modes. The non-perturbative examples explored point to potentials not leading to weak coupling at infinite distance, but rather diverging in the asymptotic corners of moduli space, dynamically forbidding the access to points with global symmetries. We perform a study of general modular invariant potentials and find that there are dS maxima and saddle points but no dS minima, and that all examples explored obey the refined dS conjecture.Comment: Minor Corrections. 41 pages, 4 figure

    Influence of the climate zone in the selection of thermal insulation materials from an eco-efficiency perspective

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    Comunicació presentada al XXII Congreso Internacional de Dirección e Ingeniería de Proyectos. CIDIP 2018 (Madrid, 11-13 de Julio 2018)The potential of thermal insulation materials in reducing the energy demand of buildings is key element in meeting the regulatory requirements for energy efficiency of buildings. Their thickness and thermal properties affect the thermal resistance of the building envelope, which depend on the climate zone where it is located. This communication presents a methodology that allows to identify, from the environmental and economic point of view, the eco-efficiency of the use of insulation materials to meet the regulatory requirements in terms of energy savings established by the CTE and to compare the results for the different climatic zones of the Spanish territory. The methodology is applied to a single-family house in which a total of eleven thermal insulation materials are compared, both conventional and emerging derived from natural products, and five climatic zones with different winter climate severity.El potencial de los materiales de aislamiento térmico en la reducción de la demanda energética de los edificios resulta clave para cumplir con las exigencias normativas en materia de eficiencia energética. Su espesor y propiedades térmicas condicionan la resistencia térmica de la envolvente del edificio, que dependen de la zona climática donde se ubica. Esta comunicación presenta una metodología que permite identificar, desde el punto de vista ambiental y económico, la ecoeficiencia del uso de materiales de aislamiento para cumplir las exigencias normativas en materia de ahorro de energía establecidas por el CTE y realizar una comparativa para las diferentes zonas climáticas del territorio español. La metodología se aplica a una vivienda unifamiliar en la que se comparan un total de once materiales de aislamiento térmico, tanto convencionales como emergentes derivados de productos naturales, y cinco zonas climáticas con diferente severidad climática de invierno