3,385 research outputs found

    More About Discrete Gauge Anomalies

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    I discuss and extend several results concerning the cancellation of discrete gauge anomalies. I show how heavy fermions do not decouple in the presence of discrete gauge anomalies. As a consequence, in general, cancellation of discrete gauge anomalies cannot be described merely in terms of low energy operators involving only the light fermions. I also discuss cancellation of discrete gauge anomalies through a discrete version of the Green-Schwarz (GS) mechanism as well as the possibility of discrete gauge R-symmetries and their anomalies. Finally, some phenomenological applications are discussed. This includes symmetries guaranteeing absence of FCNC in two-Higgs models and generalized matter parities stabilizing the proton in the supersymmetric standard model. In the presence of a discrete GS mechanism or/and gauge R-symmetries, new possibilities for anomaly free such symmetries are found.Comment: 25 pages CERN-TH.6662/92 (replaced version contains additional tex-macros

    Z3Z_3 orbifold construction of SU(3)3SU(3)^3 GUT with sin⁥2ΞW0=3/8\sin^2\theta_W^0=3/8

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    It is argued that a phenomenologically viable grand unification model from superstring is SU(3)3SU(3)^3, the simplest gauge group among the grand unifications of the electroweak hypercharge embedded in semi-simple groups. We construct a realistic 4D SU(3)3SU(3)^3 model with the GUT scale sin⁥2ΞW0=38\sin^2\theta_W^0= \frac38 in a Z3Z_3 orbifold with Wilson line(s). By two GUT scale vacuum expectation values, we obtain a rank 4 supersymmetric standard model below the GUT scale, and predict three more strange families.Comment: Latex file of 13 page

    An Orbifold Compactification with Three Families from Twisted Sectors

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    We obtain a three generational SU(3)c×SU(3)w×U(1)4×[SO(12)×U(1)2]â€ČSU(3)_c\times SU(3)_w \times U(1)^4\times [SO(12)\times U(1)^2]^\prime model from an orbifold construction with the requirement that three generations arise from twisted sectors. There exist supersymmetric vacua realizing the standard model. In one example the anomalous U(1)U(1) breaks the gauge symmetry down to SU(3)c×SU(2)w×U(1)Y×SO(12)â€ČSU(3)_c\times SU(2)_w\times U(1)_Y\times SO(12)^\prime.Comment: 11pages, phyzzx.tex, SNUTP 92-8

    Conjunctive queries with negation over DL-Lite: a closer look

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    While conjunctive query (CQ) answering over DL-Lite has been studied extensively, there have been few attempts to analyse CQs with negated atoms. This paper deepens the study of the problem. Answering CQs with safe negation and CQs with a single inequality over DL-Lite with role inclusions is shown to be undecidable, even for a fixed TBox and query.Without role inclusions, answering CQs with one inequality is P-hard and with two inequalities CoNP-hard in data complexity

    Duality Anomaly Cancellation, Minimal String Unification and the Effective Low-Energy Lagrangian of 4-D Strings

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    We present a systematic study of the constraints coming from target-space duality and the associated duality anomaly cancellations on orbifold-like 4-D strings. A prominent role is played by the modular weights of the massless fields. We present a general classification of all possible modular weights of massless fields in Abelian orbifolds. We show that the cancellation of modular anomalies strongly constrains the massless fermion content of the theory, in close analogy with the standard ABJ anomalies. We emphasize the validity of this approach not only for (2,2) orbifolds but for (0,2) models with and without Wilson lines. As an application one can show that one cannot build a Z3{\bf Z}_3 or Z7{\bf Z}_7 orbifold whose massless charged sector with respect to the (level one) gauge group SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1)SU(3)\times SU(2) \times U(1) is that of the minimal supersymmetric standard model, since any such model would necessarily have duality anomalies. A general study of those constraints for Abelian orbifolds is presented. Duality anomalies are also related to the computation of string threshold corrections to gauge coupling constants. We present an analysis of the possible relevance of those threshold corrections to the computation of sin⁥2ΞW\sin^2\theta_W and α3\alpha_3 for all Abelian orbifolds. Some particular {\it minimal} scenarios, namely those based on all ZN{\bf Z}_N orbifolds except Z6{\bf Z}_6Comment: 69 page

    Capacity analysis of suburban rail networks

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    As is well known, capacity evaluation and the identification of bottlenecks on rail networks are complex issues depending upon several technical elements. This is even more perceptible in metropolitan areas where different services (freight, long distance, metro/regional, etc.) are operated using the same limited infrastructures; as a consequence, these facilities may represent bottlenecks of the rail system since they are often highly utilized and congested. This paper tries to explore the issue of capacity evaluation of complex rail networks, proposing synthetic indicators and analyses for feasibility studies or strategic planning. The presented methodology suggests taking into account the main differences in infrastructure characteristics (e.g. single or double lines, signalling systems, terminus or passing stations, etc.) and rail services (e.g. diverse rolling stock, various frequencies, average distances and number of stops, etc.) in order to propose a general approach applicable for capacity analysis of a network as a whole, hence evaluating the utilization rate and the congestion on both lines and stations. To better explore and validate the methodology, an application to a line of the Naples’ suburban network is presented. The results confirm the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed approach; the outcomes indicate the capacity utilization rate of the considered facilities, pointing out likely bottlenecks and possible actions to improve the system efficiency

    Standard-like Models as Type IIB Flux Vacua

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    We construct new semi-realistic Type IIB flux vacua on Z2×Z2Z_2\times Z_2 orientifolds with three- and four- Standard Model (SM) families and up to three units of quantized flux. The open-string sector is comprised of magnetized D-branes and is T-dual to supersymmetric intersecting D6-brane constructions. The SM sector contains magnetized D9-branes with negative D3-brane charge contribution. There are large classes of such models and we present explicit constructions for representative ones. In addition to models with one and two units of quantized flux, we also construct the first three- and four-family Standard-like models with supersymmetric fluxes, i.e. comprising three units of quantized flux. Supergravity fluxes are due to the self-dual NS-NS and R-R three-form field strength and they fix the toroidal complex structure moduli and the dilaton. The supersymmetry conditions for the D-brane sector fix in some models all three toroidal K\"ahler moduli. We also provide examples where toroidal K\" ahler moduli are fixed by strong gauge dynamics on the ``hidden sector'' D7-brane. Most of the models possess Higgs doublet pairs with Yukawa couplings that can generate masses for quarks and leptons. The models have (mainly right-) chiral exotics.Comment: 31 page
