24 research outputs found

    Gnargoo: a possible 75 km-diameter post-Early Permian - pre-Cretaceous buried impact structure, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia

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    The Gnargoo structure is located on the Gascoyne Platform, Southern Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia, and is buried beneath about 500 m of Cretaceous and younger strata. The structure is interpreted as being of possible impact origin from major geophysical and morphometric signatures, characteristic of impact deformation, and its remarkable similarities with the proven Woodleigh impact structure, about 275 km to the south on the Gascoyne Platform. These similarities include: a circular Bouguer anomaly (slightly less well-defined at Gnargoo than at Woodleigh); a central structurally uplifted area comprising a buried dome with a central uplifted plug; and the lack of a significant magnetic anomaly. Gnargoo shows a weakly defined inner 10 km-diameter circular Bouguer anomaly surrounded by a broadly circular zone, ∼75 km in diameter. The north-south Bouguer anomaly lineament of the Giralia Range (a regional topographic and structural feature) terminates abruptly against the outer circular zone which is, in turn, intersected on the eastern flank by the Wandagee Fault. A < 28 km-diameter layere sedimentary dome of Ordovician to Lower Permian strata, surrounding a cone-shaped, central uplift plug of 7-10 km diameter, are inferred from the seismic data, Seismic-reflection data indicate a minimum central structural uplift of 1.5 km, as compared to a model uplift of 7.3 km calculated from the outer structural diameter, An interpretation of Gnargoo in terms of a plutonic or volcanic caldera/ring origin is unlikely as these features display less regular geometry, are typically smaller and no volcanic rocks are known in the onshore Gascoyne Platform. An interpretation of Gnargoo as a salt dome is likewise unlikely because salt structures tend to have irregular geometry, and no extensive evaporite units are known in the Southern Carnarvon Basin. Morphometric estimates of the rim-to-rim diameter based on seismic data for the central dome correspond to the observed diameter deduced from gravity data, and fall within the range of morphometric parameters of known impact structures. The age of Gnargoo is constrained between the deformed Lower Permian target rocks and unconformably overlying undeformed Lower Cretaceous strata. Because of its large dimensions, if Gnargoo is an impact structure, it may have influenced an environmental catastrophe during this period

    Bedout: A possible End-Permian Impact Crater Offshore of Northwestern Australia

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    The Bedout High, located on the northwestern continental margin of Australia, has emerged as a prime candidate for an end-Permian impact structure. Seismic imaging, gravity data, and the identification of melt rocks and impact breccias from drill cores located on top of Bedout are consistent with the presence of a buried impact crater. The impact breccias contain nearly pure silica glass (SiO2), fractured and shock-melted plagioclases, and spherulitic glass. The distribution of glass and shocked minerals over hundreds of meters of core material implies that a melt sheet is present. Available gravity and seismic data suggest that the Bedout High represents the central uplift of a crater similar in size to Chicxulub. A plagioclase separate from the Lagrange-1 exploration well has an Ar/Ar age of 250.1 ± 4.5 million years. The location, size, and age of the Bedout crater can account for reported occurrences of impact debris in Permian-Triassic boundary sediments worldwide

    Woodleigh, Southern Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia: history of discovery, Late Devonian age, and geophysical and morphometric evidence for a 120 km-diameter impact structure

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    The discovery of the Woodleigh impact structure, first identified by R. P. lasky, bears a number of parallels with that of the Chlcxulub impact structure of K-T boundary age, underpinning complications inherent in the study of buried impact structures by geophysical techniques and drilling. Questions raised in connection with the diameter of the Woodleigh impact structure reflect uncertainties in criteria used to define original crater sizes in eroded and buried impact structures as well as limits on the geological controls at Woodleigh. The truncation of the regional Ajona - Wandagee gravity ridges by the outer aureole of the Woodleigh structure, a superposed arcuate magnetic anomaly along the eastern part of the structure, seismic-reflection data indicating a central > 37 km-diameter dome, correlation of fault patterns between Woodleigh and less-deeply eroded impact structures (Ries crater, Chesapeake Bay), and morphometric estimates all indicate a final diameter of 120 km. At Woodleigh, pre-hydrothermal shock-induced melting and diaplectic transformations are heavily masked by pervasive alteration of the shocked gneisses to montmorillonite-dominated clays, accounting for the high MgO and low K2O of cryptocrystalline components. The possible contamination of sub-crater levels of the Woodlelgh impact structure by meteoritic components, suggested by high Ni, Co, Cr, Ni/ Co and Ni/Cr ratios, requires further siderophile element analyses of vein materials. Although stratigraphic age constraints on the impact event are broad (post-Middle Devonian to pre-Early Jurassic) high-temperature (200-250 degrees C) pervasive hydrothermal activity dated by K-Ar isotopes of illite - smectite indicates an age of 359 +/- 4 Ma. To date neither Late Devonian crater fill, nor impact ejecta fallout units have been identified, although metallic meteoritic ablation spherules of a similar age have been found in the Conning Basin

    Microchemistry and microstructures of hydrothermally altered shock-metamorphosed basement gneiss, Woodleigh impact structure, Southern Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia

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    Hydrothermally altered shock-metamorphosed gneisses consisting of relic igneous biotite-K-feldspor-Na-rich alkali feldspar - plagioclase - quartz assemblages ( accessory garnet, corundum, titanite, monazite, zircon), and showing extensive replacement by montmorillonite, illite, sericite, and to a lesser extent chlorite, calcite, epidote, zoisite and pyrite, occur in the basement core uplift of the Woodleigh impact structure, Western Australia. The rocks display extensive hydrothermal clay alteration, complicating identification of pre-hydrothermal and pre-impact textures and compositions. Analysis of quartz-hosted planar deformation features (PDFs) indicates a majority of indexed sets parallel to omega{10 (1) over bar3}, a lesser abundance of sets parallel to pi{10 (1) over bar2}, and some sets parallel to the basal plane (0001) and r,z {10 (1) over bar1}, consistent with pressures about or over 20 GPa. Feldspar-hosted FDFs form reticulate vein networks displaying checkerboard-like to irregular and serrated patterns attributable to preferential replacement of shock-damaged PDFs and/or perthitic twin lamella by clay minerals. The gneisses are pervaded by clay-dominated intergranular and intragranular veins of cryptocrystalline material that display marked departures from bulk-rock chemistry and from mineral compositions. XRD analysis identifies the cryptocrystalline components as illite - montmorillonite, illite and chlorite, while laser Raman analysis identifies high-fluorescence sub-micrometre clay assemblage, feldspar, quartz and minor mica. SEM/EDS-probe and laser-ICPMS analysis indicate low-K high-Mg clay mineral compositions consistent with montmorillonite. Quartz PDF-hosted cryptocrystalline laminae display distinct enrichments in Al, Mg, Ca and K. Altered intergranular veins and feldspar-hosted cryptocrystalline components show consistent enrichment in the relatively refractory elements (Al, Cc, Mg, Fe) and depletion in relatively volatile elements (Si, K, Na). The clay alteration retards determination whether clay-dominated vein networks represent altered shock-induced pseudotachylite veins, diaplectic zones and/or shock-damaged twin lamella, and/or result from purely mineralogical and chemical differentiation affected by hydrothermal fluids, Overall enrichment of the shocked gneiss and of the cryptocrystalline components in Mg and trace ferromagnesian elements (Ni, Cc, Cr) may be attributed alternatively to introduction of siderophile element-rich fluid from the projectile, or/and contamination of hydrothermal fluids by MgO from dolomites surrounding the basement uplift. High Ni/Co and Ni/Cr and anomalous DGE (platinum group elements) may support the former model