158 research outputs found

    A miniature mass analyser for in-situ elemental analysis of planetary material-performance studies

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    The performance of a laser ablation mass analyser designed for in-situ exploration of the chemical composition of planetary surfaces has been investigated. The instrument measures the elemental and isotopic composition of raw solid materials with high spatial resolution. The initial studies were performed on NIST standard materials using IR laser irradiance (< 1 GW cm−2) at which a high temporal stability of ion formation and sufficiently low sample consumption was achieved. Measurements of highly averaged spectra could be performed with typical mass resolution of m/Δm ≈ 600 in an effective dynamic range spanning seven decades. Sensitive detection of several trace elements can be achieved at the ~ ppm level and lower. The isotopic composition is usually reproduced with 1% accuracy, implying good performance of the instrument for quantitative analysis of the isotopic fractionation effects caused by natural processes. Using the IR laser, significant elemental fractionation effects were observed for light elements and elements with a high ionization potential. Several diatomic clusters of major and minor elements could also be measured, and sometimes these interfere with the detection of trace elements at the same nominal mass. The potential of the mass analyser for application to sensitive detection of elements and their isotopes in realistic samples is exemplified by measurements of minerals. The high resolution and large dynamic range of the spectra makes detection limits of ~100ppb possible. Figure The mass spectrum of Allende meteorite measured by a miniature laser ablation mass spectrometer. Similar mass spectra of planetary materials in-situ could be measured with spatial resolution of 10-100 μm (white circles) providing means for chemical analysis of planetary surface

    Sonoelectrochemical degradation of formic acid using Ti/Ta2O5-SnO2 electrodes

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    AbstractAdvanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are modern methods using highly reactive hydroxyl radicals for the oxidation of persistent organic (sometimes inorganic) compounds in aqueous phase. Among AOPs, sonoelectrochemical degradation is a technique employing electrochemistry and ultrasound as the main source of energy without the need for additional chemicals for the process. The annual production of formic acid (FA) is around 800,000tons and is a constituent in wastewaters from tannery, chemical, pharmaceutical, dyeing industries etc. Thus far sonoelectrochemical methods have never been applied to FA decomposition. The aim of this paper is to investigate the sonoelectrochemical decomposition of FA, optimize the sonochemical and electrochemical parameters involved in FA degradation and compare the results with other existing AOPs. Sonoelectrochemical degradation of FA was found to be either comparable or better than other AOPs in terms of time and degradation efficiency. The highest 97% mineralization of FA was obtained using 1176kHz ultrasonic irradiation combined with 20mA electrolysis in 120min. The fastest FA degradation kinetics with a rate constant of 0.0374min−1 were generated at 381kHz at 20mA at an ultrasonic power of 0.02W/cm3

    Iakovleva Functional characterization of Littorina littorea blood cells

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    The main functional characteristics of haemocytes from the common periwinkle Littorina littorea (phagocytic ability, acid phosphatase activity, cytotoxic properties and generation of reactive oxygen intermediates) were investigated. The blood cells of L. littorea demonstrated phagocytic activity for zymozan particles in both plasma and seawater. However, the level of phagocytosis in plasma was higher than in seawater, suggesting the presence of some soluble factors with opsonizing activity for yeast cell walls in the snail haemolymph. Acid phosphatase was detected in haemocytes following phagocytosis of zymosan. Zymosan particles as well as soluble inducers of respiratory burst (mannan, phorbol-myristate acetate, lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli) were shown to trigger superoxide anion production in L. littorea blood cells as evidenced by nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction. Haemocytes exposed simultaneously to both inducer and the superoxide scavenger enzymeösuperoxide dismutase demonstrated a lower ability to reduce nitrobluetetrazolium. Periwinkle blood cells showed plasma-independent cytotoxic activity for human erythrocytes which may be due to the release of superoxide intermediates into the extracellular environment. These results, together with previously obtained data, suggest that haemocytes are the main e¡ectors in the internal defence system of L. littorea, with humoral factors playing an accessory role in recognition and elimination of pathogens

    Innovating Responsibly—Challenges and Future Research Agendas

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    Innovation involves creating value from ideas, but this raises the question of for whom is the value created? Especially when there is growing recognition of global challenges such as poverty, inequality, aging population or availability of quality healthcare [1], responsible research and innovation (RRI) is suggested to govern innovation development. The core principles of RRI suggest broader stakeholder inclusion during the decisionmaking process, the anticipation of societal needs and reflection of concerns and a capacity to build flexibility into innovation wherever possible [2–4]. Aligning with these principles calls for new innovation policies [5,6] without which there may be problems; in particular the failure of institutions to include all layers of society into decision-making processes can lead to a sense of an individual powerlessness. While Sustainability 2021, 13, 3215. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13063215 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability Sustainability 2021, 13, 3215 2 of 6 several researchers claim that RRI is advantageous for businesses [14], other studies point to the negative effects of RRI on innovation processes [15]. With this background, we suggest that responsibility lies with individual actors [10] and that responsible decisions need to be undertaken at the firm level [16]. We suggest there is scope for ‘responsible innovation’ (RI) approach, which has a more fine-grained focus on the innovation itself [17,18] and may be more amenable to operationalization. In this SI we invited theoretical and empirical contributions that focus on how firms organize their entrepreneurial and innovation process to ensure responsible outcomes.publishedVersio

    Heavy metal composition in the Plantago major L. from center of the Murmansk City, Kola Peninsula, Russia

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    Plantago major is an indicator of environmental pollution in the city. The plant grows along the traversed paths, close to the sidewalks. Contaminating substances accumulate on the leaves of the plantain. In the summer of 2016, samples of plants were collected in the central Murmansk region for analysis using a scanning electron microscope to identify dust particles on their surface, and to study leaves using the ICP-MS method to determination of heavy metals content. A relatively serious concentration of lead, zinc, copper, nickel as well as high arsenic and chromium content has been demonstrated in the city center, along with ties with human activities (vehicular traffic). High iron content is associated with peat soils used in the city for fertilization. The remaining metal content is relatively low

    Heavy metal composition in the Plantago major L. from center of the Murmansk City, Kola Peninsula, Russia

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    Plantago major is an indicator of environmental pollution in the city. The plant grows along the traversed paths, close to the sidewalks. Contaminating substances accumulate on the leaves of the plantain. In the summer of 2016, samples of plants were collected in the central Murmansk region for analysis using a scanning electron microscope to identify dust particles on their surface, and to study leaves using the ICP-MS method to determination of heavy metals content. A relatively serious concentration of lead, zinc, copper, nickel as well as high arsenic and chromium content has been demonstrated in the city center, along with ties with human activities (vehicular traffic). High iron content is associated with peat soils used in the city for fertilization. The remaining metal content is relatively low. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.146106

    A Home-Based eHealth Intervention for an Older Adult Population With Food Insecurity: Feasibility and Acceptability Study

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    Background: Food insecurity is a global public health challenge, affecting predominately the most vulnerable people in society, including older adults. For this population, eHealth interventions represent an opportunity for promoting healthy lifestyle habits, thus mitigating the consequences of food insecurity. However, before their widespread dissemination, it is essential to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of these interventions among end users. Objective: This study aims to explore the feasibility and acceptability of a home-based eHealth intervention focused on improving dietary and physical activity through an interactive television (TV) app among older adults with food insecurity. Methods: A pilot noncontrolled quasi-experimental study was designed with baseline and 3-month follow-up assessments. Older adult participants with food insecurity were recruited from 17 primary health care centers in Portugal. A home-based intervention program using an interactive TV app aimed at promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors was implemented over 12 weeks. Primary outcomes were feasibility (self-reported use and interest in eHealth) and acceptability (affective attitude, burden, ethicality, perceived effectiveness, and self-efficacy), which were evaluated using a structured questionnaire with a 7-point Likert scale. Secondary outcomes were changes in food insecurity (Household Food Insecurity Scale), quality of life (European Quality of Life Questionnaire with five dimensions and three levels and Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue), physical function (Health Assessment Questionnaire, Elderly Mobility Scale, grip strength, and regularity of exercise), and nutritional status (adherence to the Mediterranean diet). Results: A sample of 31 older adult individuals with food insecurity was enrolled in the 12-week intervention program with no dropouts. A total of 10 participants self-reported low use of the TV app. After the intervention, participants were significantly more interested in using eHealth to improve food insecurity (baseline median 1.0, IQR 3.0; 3-month median 5.0, IQR 5.0; P=.01) and for other purposes (baseline median 1.0, IQR 2.0; 3-month median 6.0, IQR 2.0; P=.03). High levels of acceptability were found both before and after (median range 7.0-7.0, IQR 2.0-0.0 and 5.0-7.0, IQR 2.0-2.0, respectively) the intervention, with no significant changes for most constructs. Clinically, there was a reduction of 40% in food insecurity (P=.001), decreased fatigue (mean −3.82, SD 8.27; P=.02), and improved physical function (Health Assessment Questionnaire: mean −0.22, SD 0.38; P=.01; Elderly Mobility Scale: mean −1.50, SD 1.08; P=.01; regularity of exercise: baseline 10/31, 32%; 3 months 18/31, 58%; P=.02). No differences were found for the European Quality of Life Questionnaire with five dimensions and three levels, grip strength, or adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Conclusions: The home-based eHealth intervention was feasible and highly acceptable by participants, thus supporting a future full-scale trial. The intervention program not only reduced the proportion of older adults with food insecurity but also improved participants’ fatigue and physical function.publishedVersio

    Impact of sex on the adaptation of adult mice to long consumption of sweet-fat diet

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    In rodents, the most adequate model of human diet-induced obesity is obesity caused by the consumption of a sweet-fat diet (SFD), which causes more pronounced adiposity in females than in males. The aim of this work was to determine the sex-associated effect of SFD on the expression of genes related to carbohydrate-lipid metabolism in adult mice. For 10 weeks, male and female С57Bl mice were fed a standard laboratory chow (Control group) or a diet, which consisted of laboratory chow supplemented with sweet cookies, sunflower seeds and lard (SFD group). Weights of body, liver and fat depots, blood concentrations of hormones and metabolites, liver fat, and mRNA levels of genes involved in regulation of energy metabolism in the liver, perigonadal and subcutaneous white adipose tissue (pgWAT, scWAT) and brown adipose tissue (BAT) were measured. SFD increased body weight and insulin resistance in mice of both sexes. Female mice that consumed SFD (SFD females) had a greater increase in adiposity than SFD males. SFD females showed a decreased expression of genes related to lipogenesis (Lpl) and glucose metabolism (G6pc, Pklr) in liver, as well as lipogenesis (Lpl, Slca4) and lipolysis (Lipe) in pgWAT, suggesting reduced energy expenditure. In contrast, SFD males showed increased lean mass gain, plasma insulin and FGF21 levels, expressions of Cpt1α gene in pgWAT and scWAT and Pklr gene in liver, suggesting enhanced lipid and glucose oxidation in these organs. Thus, in mice, there are sex-dependent differences in adaptation to SFD at the transcriptional level, which can help to explain higher adiposity in females under SFD consumtion

    Sporadic retroperitoneal aggressive fibromatosis

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    Catedra de chirurgie nr. 1 „Nicolae Anestiadi”, Laboratorul de chirurgie hepato-pancreato-biliară, USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu”, IMSP Institutul Onclogic, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința stiințifică „Nicolae Anestiadi – nume etern al chirurgiei basarabene” consacrată centenarului de la nașterea profesorului Nicolae Anestiadi 26 august 2016Introducere. Este descris un caz de fibromatoză retroperitoneală sporadică agresivă. Material şi metodă. Un pacient de 54 ani cu formaţiune tumorală abdominală palpabilă a fost internat pentru diagnostic şi tratament. Ecografia şi tomografia computerizată abdominală au pus în evidenţă o tumoră solidă cu margini delimitate, cu localizarea retroperitoneală stângă. Intraoperator a fost depistată o tumoră de (14x13x11 cm), cu origine retroperitoneală şi care implica peretele jejunal. Tumora a fost extirpată în totalitate. Examenul histopatologic a confirmat fibromatoză agresivă. Pacientul nu a urmat nici un tratament adjuvant. Rezultate. La doi ani postoperator pacientul nu prezintă semne de recidivă tumorală. Concluzii. Deşi extrem de rară, fibromatoza agresivă trebuie inclusă în diagnosticul diferenţial al tumorilor retroperitoneale. Excizia chirurgicală completă R0 este metoda primară de tratament. Supravegherea de durată este indicată deoarece recidiva poate apărea oricând în perioada postoperatorie.Introduction. We describe herein a case of sporadic retroperitoneal aggressive fibromatosis. Material & methods. A 54-year-old man with a palpable abdominal mass was referred to our hospital for investigation and treatment. Abdominal ultrasonography and computed tomography revealed a solid mass with relatively well-defined borders in the left abdominal retroperitoneum. At surgery, a large tumor (14x13x11 cm) was found, arising from the retroperitoneal space and involving the wall of jejunum. Complete removal was achieved. Histological examination of the resected specimen revealed the presence of changes consistent with aggressive fibromatosis. The patient was not scheduled for any further treatment. Results. Two years after surgery, the patient is without any signs of recurrent disease. Conclusion. Although extremely rare, aggressive fibromatosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of retroperitoneal masses. Complete surgical resection with negative pathological margins remains the first line management of these neoplasms. Careful follow-up is indicated because recurrence may occur every time after surgery