937 research outputs found

    Still standing, still here, still dancing.

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    A personal narrative is presented which explores the author's experiences on teaching-learning process and her insights on language, culture and learning

    Scaffolding Reflection: Prompting Social Constructive Metacognitive Activity in Non-Formal Learning

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    The study explores the effects of three different types of non-adaptive, metacognitive scaffolding on social, constructive metacognitive activity and reflection in groups of non-formal learners. Six triads of non-formal learners were assigned randomly to one of the three scaffolding conditions: structuring, problematising or epistemological. The triads were then asked to collaboratively resolve an ill-structured problem and record their deliberations. Evidence from think-aloud protocols was analysed using conversational and discourse analysis. Findings indicate that epistemological scaffolds produced more social, constructive metacognitive activity than either of the two other scaffolding conditions in all metacognitive activities except for task orientation, as well as higher quality interactions during evaluation and reflection phases. However, participants appeared to be less aware of their activities as forming a strategic, self-regulatory response to the problem. This may indicate that for learning transfer, it may be necessary to employ an adaptive, facilitated reflection on learners' activities


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    Sharia BPRS have an important role in supporting the economy in Indonesia through financing for the small and medium sectors. West Java is the province with the largest number of BPRS (27) besides Central Java (27), with the highest working capital, investment, and consumption values compared to other provinces. This study aims to examine the effect of bank reputation and service innovation on the performance of BPRS in West Java. This study used a quantitative approach using a cross-sectional survey design. The questionnaire was designed using a 5-point Likert Scale. Samples were taken from as many as 50 respondents. The data is then processed using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method with SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results of the hypothesis testing show that only service innovation has proven to have a significant effect on the performance of BPRS in West Java, while bank reputation has no significant effect. The results of this study have implications for BPRS management banks to pay more attention to the development of service innovations aimed at creating products with special characteristics that are different from conventional BPRs, coupled with a wide variety of products that can be chosen by customers with superior benefits. Excellence in service delivery is also an important factor in making customers satisfied with BPRS services. Better utilization of information and communication technology is needed in providing services so that customers can interact more quickly and easily with the bank

    Analisis Bahasa untuk Kajian Sosial: Pemaknaan Kritis terhadap Praktek Berwacana sebagai Praktek Sosial

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    Social structure and dynamics are to a large extent evidenced in linguistic data. Moreover, linguistic technologisation can serve as an agent of social change. Unfortunately, linguistic data and the accompanying analytical methods developed by linguists appear to be largely ignored by social analists. This article attempts to demonstrate that linguistic analysis, more specifically discourse analysis, can be used as one of the methods of social investigation. This contribution is illustrated through several research studies dealing with hierarchy, bias, and identity. This article also discusses some implications of critical analysis of texts, especially for citizenship and education

    Penerapan Regresi Linier Ganda untuk Mengukur Efisiensi Pola Penggunaan Air Tanah System Rice Intensification (SRI) di Kabupaten Bandung, Subang, dan Karawang

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    This paper discusses the application of multiple linear regression to measure the efficiency and success of the pattern of groundwater using System of Rice Intensification. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the procedures and the use of multiple linear regression analysis and to measure the impact of independent variables (habits of farmers P3A) in the use of groundwater. Multiple Linear Regression analysis is used to examine the relationships and dependencies between farmers habits P3A to the efficiency of water use patterns of SRI. The results show that the success and efficiency groundwater use is recommended in SRI pattern depends on the habits and behavior of the P3A farmers use ground water for their farming needs

    Kepemimpinan Transformasional Kepala Sekolah

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    Kepala sekolah merupakan pemimpin pada satuan pendidikan. Keberhasilan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah disandarkan kepada salah satu teori atau model kepemimpinan. Salah satu model kepemimpinan adalah kepemimpinan transformasional. Kepemimpinan transformasional adalah kepemimpinan mampu mengubah energi sumber daya, baik manusia, instrumen, maupun situasi untuk mencapai tujuan. Kepemimpinan transformasional memiliki sifat-sifat: kharismatik, kekuatan membangkitkan inspirasi, kemahiran merangsang intelektual para bawahan secara aktif, bersifat tenggang rasa secara individu. Kepemimpinan transformasional memiliki ciri-ciri: memiliki visi, indviidualized consideration, inspirational motivation, intelektual simulation. Penerapan gaya kepemimpinan transfomasional Kepala sekolah terlihat pada: kemampuan merumuskan visi, misi, dan program sekolah, menjadi agen Perubahan, memiliki kharisma, memiliki empatik, merangsang intelektualitas dan menumbuhkan kreativitas, memberi kesempatan kepada semua unsur di sekolah. Penerapan kepemimpinan transformasional kepala sekolah membawa pengaruh kepada menyelenggarakan proses pembelajaran yang secara profesional. Tercipta budaya dan iklim sekolah yang kondusif, tercapainya prestasi belajar siswa yang tinggi


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    Penelitian ini berfokus pada analisis gerak teknik tendangan shooting futsal dan pengaruhnya terhadap kecepatan bola dengan menggunakan aplikasi kinovea untuk melakukan analisis gerak. Ada dua hal yang di analisis dalam penelitian ini, yaitu knee angular velocity dan force (gaya). Sampel penelitian adalah atlet futsal putra dari UKM futsal UPI Bandung. Data penelitian didapat dengan melakukan analisis video menggunakan software kinovea. Hasil dari analisis ini didapatkan data kecepatan bola, kecepatan sudut dan besar gaya. Hasil Uji statistik person corelasi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara data kecepatan bola dengan knee angular velocity dan force. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang besar dari knee angular velocity terhadap kecepatan bola sebesar 62 persen dan force (gaya) sebesar 68 persen kemudian sisanya dipengaruhi oleh factor lain, Kemudian di dapat temuan dalam penelitian yang menunjukan bahwa ada dua faktor lain yang mempengaruhi kecepatan bola yaitu power dan moment inertia, pada prakteknya memang kedua hal tersebut juga mempengaruhi kecepatan bola. Kata kunci : futsal, kinovea, knee angular velocity, force, This study focuses on shooting techniques motion analysis footsal and its effect on the speed of the ball by using kinovea applications for motion analysis. There are two things in the analysis in this study, the knee angular velocity and force (force). The samples were men's athletes from UKM footsal UPI Bandung. The research data obtained by analyzing the video using software kinovea. The results of the analysis data obtained the ball velocity and angular velocity then force. Statistical test results corelasi person indicates that there is a significant relationship between the data speed of the ball with the knee angular velocity and force. The results also showed a great influence of knee angular velocity of the ball speed by 62 percent and force (force) by 68 percent and then the rest is influenced by other factors, and Then findings in the study that shows there are two other factors who give affect to velocity of the ball, that is the power and moment of inertia, in practice it is both of these also affect the speed of the ball. Keywords : futsal, kinovea, knee angular velocity, force


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    AbstractLegal protection of wholesale workers means discussing the rights of workers after fulfilling their obligations, while employers have always regarded workers  as weak, while workers are less aware of their rights and responsibilities. The issues in this study are simple forms of employment that are not based on written agreements and how legal protections against working wholesale workers are not based on written agreements. Wholesale labor is work that counts results. Legal protection for workers has a legal basis that is protected by Law No. 13 of 2003 on Employment. The method used in this study uses the normative juridical research method. According to the research results, the protection of workers / workers who are not working under a written agreement has a legal basis that is protected by Law No. 13 of 2003 on Employment. 3 (three) types of protection covers economic protection, technical protection and social protection. Forms of employment that are not under written agreement are permanent and occupations that have a maximum period of 3 (three) months. Workers are given protection in the form of health and safety, morals and morals, treatment of human dignity and dignity and religious values

    Concerns Based Adoption Model (Cbam) dan Inovation Profile dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (sebuah Gagasan dalam Implementasi Kurikulum D-3 Teknik)

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    Implementasi kurikulum dalam dunia pendidikan tak habis-habisnya untuk selalu dibahas,karena kurikulum sebagai jantungnya pendidikan selalu berubah sesuai dengan karakteristik, sifat,dan perkembangan komponen-komponennya. Banyak faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terbentuknyadinamika perkembangan kurikulum.Sejalan dengan dinamika perkembangan tersebut, para pakar kurikulum telah banyakmenggali dan mencoba melakukan berbagai penyempurnaan, diantaranya adalah membuat modelmodelimplementasi kurikulum. Model ini banyak manfaatnya untuk mengidentifikasi kesulitankesulitandalam strategi implementasi dan pengembangan kurikulum.Beberapa model yang dikembangkan dalam implementasi kurikulum diantaranya :Pertama, Model Concerns-Based Adoption Model CBAM), yang dikembangkan oleh Hall dan Loucks(1978), bertujuan mengidentifikasi berbagai tingkatan guru yang berhubungan dengan inovasiinovasinyadalam kelas. Model ini merupakan model deskriptif, sehingga dapat membantu pekerjakurikulum dan guru mengembangkan strategi implementasinya.Kedua, Model Profil Inovasi, yang dikembangkan oleh Leithwood (1982), model ini jugamemusatkan perhatiannya pada guru. Model ini memberikan kesempatan kepada guru dan pekerjakurikulum untuk mengembangkan suatu profil, tantangan terhadap Perubahan, sedemikian sehinggapara guru dapat menghilangkan hambatan-hambatan yang terjadi. Model ini tidak hanya deskriptif,akan tetapi memberikan strategi kepada guru untuk menghilangkan/memperkecil hambatan-hambatandalam implementasi kurikulum

    Determining the Excitation Voltage of Axial Flux Wound Rotor Synchronous Generator

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    The axial flux wound rotor generator has field winding that must be connected to a dc voltage source. By varying the excitation voltage, its electric performance might  be controlled to meet the need of a load voltage attached to its terminal. The designed generator is small-scale capacity which has 1 kW, 380 V and 750 rpm. The generator has a single double-sided slotted wound stator sandwiched between twin rotor. The effect of excitation voltage changes on its performance can be seen from the result of calculations using the given equations. The calculation results reveal electric quantities suited with respect to performance of the machine. If the voltages increase, the losses will decrease; but higher the excitation voltage, higher the efficiency and the terminal voltage. It has been found out that for the excitation voltage11 V, the efficiency and the terminal voltage are 85.12 % and 380V respectively