195 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Konsumsi Makanan Kariogenik Dan Status Gizi Anak Sekolah Dasar Yang Menderita Karies Gigi Dan Tidak Menderita Karies Gigi Di Sekolah Dasar Banyuanyar III Surakarta

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    Latar Belakang : Karies gigi banyak terjadi pada usia anak sekolah. Makanan sangat berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Makanan yang disukai anak antara lain adalah permen, kue berisi krim, kue kering, dan minuman manis yang dapat dengan mudah menimbulkan karies. Berdasarkan data awal pemeriksaan gigi Puskesmas Banyuanyar dari siswa-siswi kelas 1-3 yang diperiksa kesehatan giginya mengalami karies gigi adalah 81%. Selain itu status gizi berdasarkan BB/TB berstatus gizi normal adalah 60%, berstatus gizi gemuk 25%, dan kurus 15%. Tujuan : Mengetahui perbedaan konsumsi makanan kariogenik dan status gizi anak sekolah dasar yang menderita karies gigi dan tidak menderita karies gigi di sekolah dasar Banyuanyar III Surakarta. Metode Penelitian : Sampel penelitian ini adalah 31 anak yang menderita karies gigi dan yang tidak menderita karies gigi. Data konsumsi makanan kariogenik diperoleh dari food frequency. Data status gizi diperoleh melalui pengukuran antropometri. Data karies gigi didapatkan dari pemeriksaan gigi yang dibantu oleh petugas Puskesmas Banyuanyar Surakarta. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji chi square. Hasil : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan frekuensi konsumsi makanan kariogenik adalah sebesar 60% (37 anak) sering mengkonsumsi makanan kariogenik dan 40% (25 anak) tidak sering mengkonsumsi makanan kariogenik. Status gizi anak sekolah responden berstatus gizi normal 24 subjek (40%) dan berstatus gizi tidak normal sebesar 38 subjek dengan (60%). Hasil uji beda frekuensi konsumsi makanan kariogenik anak yang menderita karies gigi dan yang tidak menderita karies gigi nilai p = 0,001. Hasil uji beda status gizi anak yang menderita karies gigi dan yang tidak menderita karies gigi nilai p = 0.002. Kesimpulan : Terdapat perbedaan konsumsi makanan kariogenik anak yang menderita karies gigi dan yang tidak menderita karies gigi. Terdapat perbedaan perbedaan status gizi anak yang menderita karies gigi dan yang tidak menderita karies gigi

    Development of Web and Cloud Computing-Based Chatbot Services for Enhancing Academic Services at Panca Budi University

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    This research aims to develop web and cloud-computing-based chatbot services that can enhance academic services at Panca Budi University. The study highlights the importance of information and communication technology in education and the challenges universities face, such as less interactive academic services and long waiting times. The proposed solution is the development of a web and cloud-computing-based chatbot that can provide quick and accurate responses to student inquiries. Cloud computing in chatbot management also offers additional benefits, such as efficiency and continuous service availability. The research methodology employed a waterfall-based development approach, outlining the stages of chatbot development. Implementing the web-based chatbot utilized Amazon Lex services and integration with other AWS services. Testing results showed that the chatbot improved accessibility to academic information, reduced waiting times, and enhanced the quality of student interactions. The adoption of AWS cloud computing services enabled the chatbot to be accessed online 24/7. The successful development of the chatbot will help meet student needs and enhance academic services at Panca Budi Universit

    Adolescentes em restrição de liberdade na unidade de internação de Santa Maria e o direito a educação : desafios e perspectivas

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (especialização)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Curso de Especialização em Educação em e para os Direitos Humanos, no contexto da Diversidade Cultural, 2015.O Direito à Educação caracteriza-se como um direito de empoderamento que confere ao indivíduo as condições necessárias para o seu desenvolvimento enquanto ser humano. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar como os professores do NUEN/UISM avaliam a promoção desse direito aos adolescentes em cumprimento de medida de internação estrita na instituição, elencando os desafios e apontando as perspectivas para a sua garantia. A metodologia utilizada a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa teve início na pesquisa bibliográfica, passando pela análise de documentos que norteiam a socioeducação no Brasil e no Distrito Federal, incorporando como fonte de pesquisa o histórico da instituição e entrevistas semiestruturadas com os professores que atuam diretamente com esse grupo de sujeitos. Outrossim, demonstra a necessidade de adaptação e aperfeiçoamento das ações educativas para que o adolescente privado de sua liberdade não seja privado, também, do direito fundamental à educação, sobretudo a educação formal, que pode ser determinante ao processo de ressocialização desses jovens. Além disso, foi realizada uma oficina pedagógica de formação com os professores como proposta de pesquisa-intervenção, entendendo-a como importante momento de construção coletiva e de estreitamento de relações profissionais na escola.The Right to Education is characterized as a right of empowerment allowing individuals to porsue the necessary conditions for their development as human beings. This paper aims to analyze how teachers from NUEN/UISM evaluate the promotion of this right to adolescents in compliance with strict detention order in the institution, listing the challenges and prospects for pointing its warranty. The methodology from a qualitative approach began in literature, through the analysis of documents that guide the socio-educational model in Brazil and the Federal District, incorporated as a source of research the history of the institution and semi-structured interviews with teachers who work directly with this group of individuals. Furthermore, it demonstrates the need for adaptation and improvement in educational activities for the adolescents deprived of their liberty, for them not to be deprived also of their fundamental right to education, especially formal education, which can be crucial to the rehabilitation process of these young people. In addition, an educational training workshop with teachers was held as a proposal for intervention-research, understanding it as an important moment of collective construction and closer working relationships at school

    Propuesta de un Manual de Procedimientos para Trámite de Licencia en Materia de Higiene, Seguridad y Ambiente del Trabajo, del Departamento de Normación del Ministerio del Trabajo para el Sector Comercio de Nicaragua en el Período Agosto-Noviembre del 2015

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    La Dirección General de Higiene y Seguridad del Trabajo es uno de los departamentos del MITRAB que brinda una serie de servicios a los empleadores y trabajadores con el objetivo de promover las mejoras de las condiciones de trabajo en materia de Higiene y Seguridad Ocupacional y así garantizarles la restitución de los derechos laborales de las personas trabajadoras. Cuenta con dos sub-direcciones en Materia de Higiene y Seguridad del Trabajo, en la cual la dirección especifica de Higiene es la encargada de brindar el servicio para trámite de Licencia en cual el departamento de Normacion es quien ejecuta esta tarea. Actualmente el proceso del trámite ha sido modificado dando paso a que las empresas no tienen las herramientas necesarias para llevar paso a paso el nuevo método de gestión que se ha implementado. Debido a lo antes mencionado, Con la elaboración del manual de Procedimientos, las empresas podrán ser más eficientes y eficaces en la obtención de la licencia en materia de Higiene y Seguridad del Trabajo, ya que se contaría con un procedimiento más preciso y conciso para la elaboración de los diferentes documentos claves

    Progress Report to AGM on Restructuring ISNAR

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    This note was prepared by the informal ISNAR transitional team and IFPRI in response to the conclusions and recommendations reached by ExCo 5 in September 2003. It also includes detailed financial requirements and implications.This note was presented at the Business Meeting during AGM 2003

    Implementasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keuangan dan Inventaris pada Serikat Tolong Menolong (STM) Desa Kota Pari

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    This research aims to implement a financial and inventory management information system for the Serikat Tolong Menolong (STM) Desa Kota Pari, a community organization engaged in social activities. The organization currently relies on manual systems for financial and inventory management, resulting in difficulties in data management, inaccurate decision-making, and a lack of structured and integrated financial reports. To address these issues, the researcher developed a web-based application consisting of several modules, including member management, inventory management, transaction management, and report management. The application was implemented and tested at STM Desa Kota Pari. The testing results indicated that the application could help STM Desa Kota Pari manage financial and inventory data more effectively and efficiently. The application enables faster and more accurate access to information, structured and integrated financial and inventory reporting, and improved decision-making. Additionally, the application can minimize human errors and increase productivity. Thus, this research offers benefits for STM Desa Kota Pari in enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of financial and inventory management, as well as for other researchers interested in conducting similar studies. The study concludes that the implementation of an information system can help STM Desa Kota Pari overcome challenges faced by traditional manual systems

    Restructuring ISNAR : Report of the CGIAR Team

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    This report was prepared by Grant Scobie, Chair of the ISNAR Restructuring Team. It sets forth recommendations for the restructuring of ISNAR and proposes a new IFPRI-governed ISNAR program with an office in Sub-Saharan Africa with close links to national research systems and sub-regional organisations. The report includes the cover letter from Grant Scobie to the CGIAR Chairman. It also includes seven appendices, and tables and figures. This report was presented during the Business Meeting at AGM 2003

    Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Akuntansi Keuangan Melalui Penerapan Project Based Learning In High School (Pblhs) Siswa Kelompok Belajar Kelas Xi Akl 1 Smk Negeri 1 Sragen

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    This study aims to find out with the application of Project Based Learning whether it can improve the achievement of learning financial accounting students of class XI AKL 1 SMK Negeri 1 Sragen. This research was conducted by class action research method (PTK) carried out as many as 2 cycles, where each cycle is carried out two meetings each consisting of four stages: : 1. Planning, 2. Implementation, 3. Observation, 4. Reflection.. The subjects in this study were 15 students in a study group of 32 students who were all female students. This research was carried out with the collaboration of teachers of financial accounting subjects class XI AKL 1. Data collection techniques using observation, documentation and tests. The results of the study by applying Project Based Learning in financial accounting subjects showed an increase in learning achievement. The improvement of learning achievement can be seen from students who get more grades than the Minimum Completed Criteria (KKM). As evidenced before the percentage action of student learning achievement (40%), after the action of cycle I at the first meeting increased to (53, 33%) and at the second meeting by (66.67%). On the action cycle II at the first meeting (73.33%) the second meeting (86.67%). Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that the application of Project Based Learning learning model can improve the financial accounting learning achievement of students of class XI AKL 1 SMK Negeri 1 Sragen

    Reinsertion of traumatic avulsion of the superficial and deep flexor tendons of the little finger using the pull-out technique

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    Simultaneous closed traumatic avulsion of both the deep flexor tendon and the superficial flexor tendon of the fingers is rare, and only nine cases have been reported in the literature since 1984. Several surgical procedures for repairing flexor tendon lesions have been described, but there is no consensus on the best approach to reinsert the tendon. We report the case of a patient who suffered a traumatic avulsion of the superficial flexor tendon and the deep flexor tendon of the fifth finger, which was surgically treated using the pull-out technique
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