301 research outputs found

    The Alert Period in the Residency of Bogor-Indonesia (Bogor around the Proclamation for Independent)

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    Masa Bersiap The Alert Period was the post Proclamation of Indonesian Independence period august 1945 January 1946 This sort period of alertness was very critically and decision it was describe as a very disordered time laden with numerous acts of violent looting even massacres Bogor is one of example that reflected this situation Ki Nariya who was known as jawara from Leuwiliang Bogor had tried to seized the power He tried to capture all the official government at this residency Ki Nariya s and followers nearly were acknowledged by the government of the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta who did received little information the social development around the Jakarta Bogor area and had nearly acknowledged his leadership But after a report was obtained from Bogor the leaders in Jakarta gave instruction to the TKR to immediately take strong action against the Ki Nariya movement After obtaining that instruction one combined groups of the Bogor regiment were successful to surround and intercept Ki Nariya cs in Dermag

    Medium Access Control Protocol for High Altitude Platform Based Massive Machine Type Communication: -

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    Massive Machine Type Communication (mMTC) can be used to connect a large number of sensors over a wide coverage area. One of the places where mMTC can be applied is in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). A WSN consists of several sensor nodes that send their sensing information to the cluster head (CH), which can then be forwarded to a high altitude platform (HAP) station. Sensing information can be sent by the sensor nodes at the same time through the same medium, which means collision can occur. When this happens, the sensor node must re-send the sensing information, which causes energy wastage in the WSN. In this paper, we propose a Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol to control access from several sensor nodes during data transmission to avoid collision. The sensor nodes send Round Robin, Interrupt and Query data every eight hours. The initial slot for transmission of the Round Robin data can be either randomized or reserved. Analysis performance was done to see the efficiency of the network with the proposed MAC protocol. Based on the series of simulations that was conducted, the proposed MAC protocol can support a WSN system-based HAP for monitoring every eight  hours. The proposed MAC protocol with an initial slot that is reserved for transmission of Round Robin data has greater network efficiency than a randomized slot

    Medium Access Control Protocol for High Altitude Platform Based Massive Machine Type Communication: -

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    Massive Machine Type Communication (mMTC) can be used to connect a large number of sensors over a wide coverage area. One of the places where mMTC can be applied is in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). A WSN consists of several sensor nodes that send their sensing information to the cluster head (CH), which can then be forwarded to a high altitude platform (HAP) station. Sensing information can be sent by the sensor nodes at the same time through the same medium, which means collision can occur. When this happens, the sensor node must re-send the sensing information, which causes energy wastage in the WSN. In this paper, we propose a Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol to control access from several sensor nodes during data transmission to avoid collision. The sensor nodes send Round Robin, Interrupt and Query data every eight hours. The initial slot for transmission of the Round Robin data can be either randomized or reserved. Analysis performance was done to see the efficiency of the network with the proposed MAC protocol. Based on the series of simulations that was conducted, the proposed MAC protocol can support a WSN system-based HAP for monitoring every eight  hours. The proposed MAC protocol with an initial slot that is reserved for transmission of Round Robin data has greater network efficiency than a randomized slot

    Desain dan Analisis Artificial Exoskeleton pada Prajurit TNI

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    Soldier’s activities resulted in too much workload received by the body, especially in the back and waist. These conditions produce a high risk of musculoskeletal disorders especially if conducted continuously. The soldiers must carry a backpack containing supplies during training weighing up to 40 kg on average. All activities are conducted manually until the training is finish. Thus, the purposes of this study are to reduce spinal injury by identifying factors resulting from lifting loads that exceed the limits of the body, calculate the maximum load limit that can be carried by a soldier, and produce artificial exoskeleton as a tool for the Indonesian Armed Forces. The study used anthropometry, biomechanics, and physiological approach in solving the problem. The results show that the safe load can be carried by the soldiers is 30.46 kg. The body parts that feel the complaint are the upper neck, back, shoulder, buttocks. In addition, this study can produce a design of an artificial exoskeleton with the following dimensions: chest thickness 23 cm, chest width 32 cm, back length 52 cm. The soldiers can increase the force load by 9% of the initial weight of the load using this design

    Abu Daun Bambu Sebagai Bahan Subtitusi Semen Terhadap Kinerja Beton Normal

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    Hasil pembakaran daun bambu akan menghasilkan abu yang mengandung silika (SiO2) yaitu suatu bahan yang juga ada pada semen. Silika berfungsi sebagai pengikat material penyusun beton. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui karakteristik beton yang optimal dengan variasi penambahan abu daun bambu. Beton dirancang dengan mutu beton fc’20 MPa dengan variasi penambahan abu daun bambu 0%, 8%, 12%, dan 16% dari campuran semen. Pengujian kuat tekan beton dilakukan pada umur 7 dan 28 hari berbentuk silinder ukuran 10 cm x 20 cm dan pengujian kuat lentur beton dilakukan pada umur 28 hari berbentuk balok ukuran 15 cm x 15 cm x 60 cm. Dari hasil pengujian diperoleh bahwa beton yang optimal terdapat pada variasi penambahan abu daun bambu 8% dengan kuat tekan dan kuat lentur beton sebesar 11,51 MPa dan 2,12 MPa


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    Purpose of the study: The purpose of this research is to unearth English teaching, delivering and translating the holy book of instructional design in Pesantren Budi Utomo (PBU) which is the Indonesian moderate religious-based school of East Java, Indonesia in terms of kind of syllabus, learning objectives, materials instruction, evaluation, teaching designs, vigor and its debility of instructional design in English teaching. Methodology: It is qualitative research with ethnographic design. The data conducted in this research are the intended activities in the teaching-learning process, informants, and essential documents relied on the teaching-learning process. The data is collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The collected data are analyzed through data reduction, categorization of data, and synthesis and arrange work hypothesis. Main Findings: The syllabus that applies as a reference for preparing lesson plans is based on the National Curriculum and the Pesantren (religious-based school) Curriculum. The learning objective includes general learning and specific learning purpose. The learning objective of English learning at PBU is in line with English for Specific Purposes (ESP). The application of curriculum is 50% for the religious-based school curriculum and 50% for the government curriculum. There are many instructional teaching materials such as print, audio, and visual and non-printed. Class activities are another sketch to make students spend their full attraction and attention. Evaluations are conducted periodically. Applications of this study: The syllabus produced from this study is used by the religion-based Islamic school at the secondary level. It has a function to become a bridge for language learning to ease the students for English acquisition. Novelty/Originality of this study: Some similar researches were done to find out more about translation but it has not found yet research that focused on creating a syllabus to facilitate the student in learning the holy book of Islam through translation

    ANALISIS HUKUM ISLAM TERHADAP METODE PENERAPAN NILAI TANAH WARIS DI PULAU BAWEAN (Studi Kasus di Desa Sungai Rujing Dusun Tajung Barat Kecamatan Sangkapura)

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    Skripsi yang berjudul Analisis Hukum Islam Terhadap Metode Penerapan Nilai Tanah Waris Di Pulau Bawean (Studi Kasus di Desa Sungai Rujing Dusun Tajung Barat Kecamatan Sangkapura). Ini merupakan penelitian lapangan guna menjawab pertanyaan sebagai berikut: Bagaimana metode penerapan nilai tanah waris di pulau Bawean ? Bagaimana analisis hukum Islam terhadap metode penerapan nilai tanah waris di pulau Bawean desa sungai rujing dusun tajung barat. Data penelitian ini dihimpun melalui wawancara dan telaah pustaka. Teknik analisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif analitis yang bertujuan untuk membuat deskripsi atau gambaran mengenai objek penelitian secara sistematis, faktual dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta di lapangan, sifat-sifat serta hubungan antara fenomena yang akan di teliti. Kemudian data tersebut diolah dan di analisis dengan pola pikir deduktif. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disebutkan bahwasanya Masyarakat Desa Sungai Rujing khsusnya Dusun Tajung Barat melakukan metode penerapan tanah waris yang di tukarkan dengan ringgit (kepingan emas) tidak lain adalah bertujuan untuk menjaga nama baik keluarga dan juga status tanah waris yang di tukarkan dengan ringgit (kepingan emas) yang belum di pastikan dan belum di sepakati nilai kadarnya di pulau Bawean, serta tidak adanya suatu mufakat dari ahli waris yang lain, juga dapat memberikan ganjaran kepada orang yang telah melakukan penerapan ini. walaupun dalam prakteknya ada suatu kesepakatan antara salah satu ahli waris yang berhak atas tanah waris tersebut dengan orang yang mempunyai ringgit (kepingan emas), akan tetapi dalam praktek penerapan ini tidak adanya suatu kejelasan terkait dengan nilai ringgit (kepingan emas) yang menjadi alat untuk menukarkan tanah waris tersebut, dan tidak adanya mufakat dari ahli waris yang lain. Hal ini di karenakan adanya keinginan dari salah satu ahli waris untuk menguasai harta tersebut. Kepada Masyarakat Desa Sungai Rujing khususnya Dusun Tajung Barat seharusnya ada teguran positif bagi masyarakat yang masih melakukan penerapan seperti itu dengan mengadakan penyuluhan masalah pengetahuan soal ke agamaan, khususnya dalam hal hukum waris, dan juga bagaimana cara pembagiannya. Bahwa betapa pentingnya suatu metode dalam menjalankan perintah Allah dan setiap masyarakat hendaknya taat pada hukum yang berlaku, yakni hukum Islam dan hukum yang telah ditetapkan oleh negara republik Indonesia. Begitu juga dalam masalah hukum waris, hendaknya bagi setiap muslim melaksanakan apa yang telah di tetapkan dalam alQuran tentang bagaimana tata cara pembagian waris dan membagikan harta waris kepada orang yang berhak menerimanya, juga tidak ada niat untuk menguasai harta waris tersebut. Sehingga dalam kehidupannya dapat hidup tenang, tentram, dan dapat menjaga hubungan tali persaudaraan juga menjaga hubungan silaturrahim dalam keluarga dan masyarakat

    Islam Fobi dan Aksi-aksi Radikal

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    During the Dutch colonial government, social protests under the leadership of some Islamic ulamas were suppressed ruthlessly. In 1710, during the time of the East India Company (VOC), some farmers from Jampang, Sukabumi led by two ulamas rebelled against the Company. Even after the Diponegoro war in Java in 1883, in 1885-1888 there were farmers fighting against the colonial government in Ciomas, Banten and the war was named a holy war, fi sabililah war, and so were in 1904 in Aceh and in 1919 in Cimareme, Garut. Since Islamophobia became a modern phenomenon, and it did not only happen in recent occurrence of the post World Trade Center tragedy, it has been taken place even in the past. The general colonial policy was cautious against Islam and it barred the growth of pesantren, or the religious schools, and marginalized them for its anti-modernist stand. Indonesia, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia indirectly labeled Islam as terrorists

    Pembuatan virgin coconut oil (vco) secara enzimatis menggunakan enzim papain kulit pepaya

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    ABSTRAK: Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) merupakan produk olahan kelapa yang di proses secara enzimatis menggunakan kulit papaya dengan mengupas bagian pigmen hijau pada kulit terluarnya. Enzim papain yang terdapat dalam kulit papaya memiliki kandungan terbesar diantara bagian lain dari papaya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi penambahan enzim papain dan lama inkubasi terhadap kualitas VCO yang dihasilkan. Pembuatan VCO dilakukan dengan variasi penambahan konsentrasi enzim 10%, 20%, dan 30% dengan variasi lama inkubasi 2 jam, 4 jam dan 6 jam. VCO yang dihasilkan dihitung hasil rendemen dan dilakukan analisis mutu yang meliputi uji kadar air dan uji asam lemak bebas. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, didapatkan hasil untuk rendemen terbaik pada perlakuan penambahan konsentrasi enzim papain 30% dengan lama inkubasi 6 jam sebanyak 24,71 %, sedangkan untuk asam lemak bebas dan kadar air terbaik pada perlakuan konsentrasi enzim 20% dan lama inkubasi 4 jam sebesar 0,18% dan 0,19%. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh untuk rendemen, asam lemak bebas memenuhi SNI 7381: 2008. Namun hasil kadar air tidak memenuhi SNI 7381: 2008. Uji dilanjutkan menggunakan GC-MS dan didapatkan hasil asam lemak Kaproat 1,15%, Kaprilat 8,42%, Kaprat 9,34%, Laurat 76,17%, Miristat 4,56%, dan Palmitat 0,35%. ABSTRACT: Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is one of the processed products from fresh coconut which the majority of people in the village scope are not very aware of the quality and function of this processed product from coconut. The use of young papaya skin that has been processed by peeling the green pigment on the outer skin can be used to assist the process of making Virgin Coconut Oil using the enzymatic method. The enzymatic method used involves the papain enzyme. The papain enzyme contained in papaya skin is considered to have the largest content among other parts of papaya. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of papain enzyme concentration and incubation time by separation using the centrifugation method on the manufacture of VCO. The VCO was made by adding 10 mL of enzyme concentration in 90 mL of coconut cream, 20 mL of enzyme concentration in 80 mL of coconut cream, and 30 mL of enzyme concentration in 70 mL of coconut cream. and using variations in incubation time of 2 hours, 4 hours and 6 hours. The resulting VCO is calculated from the yield and quality analysis is carried out which includes a water content test and a free fatty acid test. Based on the research that has been carried out, the results obtained for the best yield in the treatment of adding 30% papain enzyme concentration with an incubation period of 6 hours as much as 24,71%, while for free fatty acids and water content the best in the treatment of adding 20% enzyme concentration with an incubation time of 4 hours by 0,18% and 0,19%. Based on the results obtained for the yield, free fatty acids complied with SNI 7381: 2008. However, the results of the water content do not meet SNI 7381:2008. The test was continued using GC-MS and obtained the results of fatty acids Caproic 1,15%, Caprylic 8,42%, Capric 9,34%, Lauric 76,17%, Myristate 4,56%, and Palmitate 0,35%. مستخلص البحث: . جاتن نم دحأ يه ةليجران تيز لىا ملعي لا ةيرقلا ةرئاد فى سانلا ةيبلغأ يرطلا ةليجرانلا نم ةيجرالخا ءارضلخا ةغبصلا ةرشبب ةعونصلما ةيبابشلا ةليجرانلا ةرشب لامعتسإ .ةليجرانلا هذبه ةيجرالخا جاتن نم ة ةقيرطب بابشلا اياببلا ةرشبب ةيلمعلا فى ةدعاسملل اهمادختسإ نكيم ةيجرالخا ةرشب فى ييمزنلأا ةقيرط .ييمزنلأا ضرغلا .اياببلا نم رخلآا ءازجلأا ينب بركلأا تايوتمح كليم اياببلا ةرشب فى ينئافف يمزنأ .ينئافف ايمزنأ ن .ةليجران تيز ةعانص فى ةناضلحا لوط و ينئافف يمزنلأا ةدايز ثاتركإ يرثأت ةفرعلم وه ثحبلا اذه نمتم عنص VCO ةفاضإب 10 لم نم زيكرت يمزنلإا في 90 لم نم يمرك زوج دنلها ، و 20 لم نم زيكرت يمزنلإا في 80 لم نم يمرك زوج دنلها ، و 30 لم نم زيكرت يمزنلإا في 70 لم نم يمرك زوج دنلها. ابوسمح ةدولولما ةليجران تيز . لصاح نم Rendemen .ةرلحا ةينهدلا ضاحملأا رابتحإ و ءالما يوتسم رابتخإب طيلمحا ةيعونلا ليلتح ءازجإ و ّ مهم و ةدوج ّ مضتت لومعلما ا اذه ىلع ءانبل اهيلع لوصلحا ّ تم جئاتنلا ثحبل ينئافف يمزنلأا ثاتركإ ةدايز ةلماعم فى نسحلأا30 لوطب % لصو تاعاس ةتس ةناضلحا24،71نسحلأا ءالما يوتسم و ةرلحا ةينهدلا ضاحملأا لب % ثاتركإ ةدايز ةلماعم فى ينئافف يمزنلأا20 نىعي تاعاس ةعبرأ ةناضلحا لوطب %0,18 % و0,19% لوصلحا ّ تم تىلا جئاتنلا ىلع ءانب ل اهيلع Rendemen ةيسنودنلأا ةينطولا يرياعلما غرفي ءالما يوتسم و ةرلحا ةينهدلا ضاحملأا ،7381:2008 لامعتسإب رابتخلإا ّ رمتسي Gc-ms لصيح و ةينهدلا ضاحملأا ةجيتن ىلع تاورفاك1,15%تلايرفاك ، 8,42%تارفاك ، 9.34%تاتسييرم ، 76,17%تاتيلماف و ،0,35%

    Sebastian Rodrigues' apostasy from Christianity in Silence by Shusaku Endo

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    This study is conducted to analyze the novel by Shusaku Endo entitled Silence. The method of the research is descriptive qualitative method to explain more details about the analysis. The researcher uses psychoanalysis theory especially personality dynamic with the concept of id, ego, and superego by Sigmund Freud and new criticism to analyze the causes and the effects of Sebastian Rodrigues’ apostasy. To conduct this study, the researcher takes the data from the novel Silence by Shusaku Endo. Furthermore, the researcher uses library research and online sources in order to get more information in doing analysis. The result of the study shows that Sebastian’s characteristics made him apostatize his Christianity. Besides, there are some factors that influence him. The factors are he felt the feeling of uncertainty about his Christianity, because he felt that God has abandoned him. Furthermore, the other factor is caused by the constant persuasion from his apostate former teacher, Ferreira, and the Japanese government. The apostasy of Sebastian also has some effects towards his social life. Since his apostasy, he lived in Japan for 30 years until he died. He also became a Japanese by took a Japanese name and the government took a good care of him