33 research outputs found

    NotĂ­cias do IPHAN

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    NotĂ­cias do IPHA


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    Kegiatan yang ditinjau adalah kegiatan pedagang kaki lima di daerah Taman Siring 0 Km Kota Banjarmasin, tepatnya di tepi Jalan Jendral Sudirman dengan panjang jalan yang terpakai oleh kegiatan pedagang kaki lima sepanjang ±140 meter dengan lebar bahu jalan ±1 meter dan lebar badan jalan ±1 meter. Kegiatan pedagang kaki lima cukup berpengaruh terhadap kinerja arus lalu lintas. Akibat adanya kegiatan pedagang kaki lima di Taman Siring berupa meningkatnya kepadatan lalu lintas dan kecepatan sehingga dapat menimbulkan kemacetan. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh kegiatan pedagang kaki lima terhadap arus lalu lintas Jalan Jendral Sudirman. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah survei lapangan untuk mencari data volume dan kecepatan pada ruas jalan. Survei dilakukan pada dua kondisi yaitu kondisi dengan adanya pedagang kaki lima dan kondisi tidak adanya pedagang kaki lima. Gunanya yaitu agar dapat dilihat besar pengaruhnya. Perhitungan yang digunakan yaitu dengan metode konvensional, dan didapatkan hubungan model terbaik dengan menggunakan model Greenshield. Dari hasil perhitungan terjadi sedikit penurunan pada volume maksimum yaitu sebesar 2,41%, pada kecepatan rata-rata terjadi penurunan sebesar 6,64%, dan kepadatan maksimum terjadi kenaikan sebesar 4,53%


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    Arus divergent yang ditimbulkan pada u-turn saat kendaraan melakukan gerakan putar balik dapat mempengaruhi kinerja lalu lintas, terutama pada jam padat. Permasalahan ini juga terjadi pada u-turn ruas Jalan A. Yani Km. 35 Banjarbaru. Oleh karena, itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh yang ditimbulkan oleh arus divergent terhadap kinerja lalu lintas. Penelitian dilakukan pada kondisi yang terpengaruh oleh u-turn dan yang tidak terpengaruh oleh u-turn. Dari hasil analisis, model yang terpilih saat u-turn beroperasi secara normal adalah model Underwood dengan hasil Sm = 16,707 km/jam dan FC = 1392,209 smp/jam. Sedangkan model yang terpilih saat u-turn tidak beroperasi (ditutup) adalah model Greenshields dengan hasil Sm = 26,383 km/jam dan FC = 4576,975 smp/jam. Saat terpengaruh oleh u-turn, nilai Sm mengalami penurunan sebesar 36,68% dan nilai FC mengalami penurunan sebesar 69,58%

    Analysis of the Impact of Generation of Housing on the Performance of Soekarno-Hatta Street in Kasongan City

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of housing generation on the performance of Soekarno-Hatta Street in Kasongan City. The independent variable that is used as a factor that influences the generation is the number of family members who work, the number of family members who attend school, the number of family members who do not work and do not attend school, the size of the household, the number of car ownership in the vehicle unit, the number of motorcycle ownership, the number of bicycle ownership, total ownership of vehicles in one house, total income per family per month, and type of house. The research sample was taken at Wengga Housing, Katingan Karya Citra Housing, and Griya Cipta Housing. Analysis is using multiple regression methods. From the results of the research, it was found that the trip generation produced by a housing (pcu / hour) was influenced by the average of total ownership of vehicles in one house and the number of houses occupied in one housing. The form of the generation equation is y = -165,791 + 41,850 x (average of total ownership of vehicles in one house) + 0,321 x (number of occupied houses). To maintain the performance of Jalan Soekarno-Hatta is still stable (LOSC) with the assumption that the external traffic flow growth is 3.5%, then in the fifth year housing development should not exceed 1.8 times (2350 units) or addition of houses can only be 1002 units


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    Public t ra nsport in Ba njar masin is p rovided not o nly b y la nd tra nspo rta t io n b ut a lso b y wate r t ra nspor tat io n. Rive r t ra nspor tat io n is a n inseparab le pa rt o f Ba nja r masin, widely know as the c ity of a thousa nd r ivers. Howe ver, rece nt deve lop me nt s hows t hat t he soc iet y’ s inte rest in us ing r ive r tra nspo rta t io n is grad u a lly dec lin ing, co mpar e to us ing la nd tra nsporta tion. I n order to restore the soc iet y’s interes t in us ing r iver t ra nspor tat io n, it is necess ar y to impro ve t he s er vic e of sa id tra nsportation as a for m of r e vita lization. Mode choice model is needed to obser ve t he co mpet it ive le ve l. The a fore me nt io ned mode l take s bo t h s tr uc t ura l fa ctor s (soc io- demography, tr ip, a nd tra nspo rta t io n s yste m) a nd ps yc ho lo gica l fa ctor s into co ns ide rat io n. Soc ia l interac t io n ( life st yle in ‘conditional’ dimension) and me nta l result or huma n perspective ( lifestyle in ‘co gnit ive ’ d i me n s io n) are t he fo r ms o f t he late r fac tors. This st ud y is a imed to acq uire r iver tra nsporta t io n re vita lizat io n po lic y mode l by obser ving the influence of lifestyle a tt r ib ut es, tra ve l t ime, cos t, a nd (t yp ica l) mod e o f r ive r t ra nspor tat io n in mode c ho ice mode l. The b luep r int o f t yp ica l boa t des ign is p roc ured based o n Nat io na l Tra nspor tat io n S ys te m ( Sistranas) by using AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) me thod approac h. Lifest yle att r ib utes a ffect ing r iver mode c ho ice as a ttr ib ute s in c ho ice mode l is reso lved t hro ugh SEM- PLS (Str uc t ura l Eq uat io n Mode l – Part ia l Leas t Sq uar es) approac h. The mode c hoic e mod e l a na lys is uses MN L (Mult ino mia l Lo git Mode ls) app roac h. F r o m this AHP a na lysis, the sought a fte r boat design typica l is double hullboat type with front or back e ntr y/e xit acce ss, sta ndard speed, port a nd starboard whic h are possibly designed to c lose or open, accommodation for sta nding passe ngers dur ing the r ide, space fo r b ic yc les, pass e ngers ’ lowe r pos it io n abo ve t he wate r s ur face, a nd t he capt a in’ s pos it io n a t t he upper midd le back. Based o n S EM- PLS ana lysis result, in response to both the e xisting boat a nd on design boat model, the co mmute rs a re a ffected b y pre stige, reputation, ar roga nce, skeptic ism, a nd soc ia l status, as we ll a s the influence from the commuter s’ re latives a nd surrounding. Based o n MNL a na lys is res ult, life st yles t hat ca n be mode led are o nly 5 ( five) : (a ) prest ige; (b) rep utat io n; (c) arro ga nce; (d) skept ic is m; a nd (e) s ur ro und ing’ s influe nc e. The o utco me o f mode c ho ice mode l co ns ide r ing t he co mb ina t io n o f life st yle in ‘co nd it io na l’ d ime ns io n a nd li fest yle in ‘co gnit ive’ d ime ns io n r es ults in better model. The mode l acc urac y le ve l s ho ws t he increa se in ρse udo - R score up to 2,97% and o vera ll t he c hoice ac c urac y le ve l a r ise s up to 1,09%. Re vita lizat io n of r iver t ra nspor tatio n ca n be co nst r ucted b y res tr uc t ur ing o f r iver tra nsport, imple me nting a double hull prototype, prepar ing inte grated infras tr uc t ure wit h road tra nspo rt, actively introduc ing as we ll a s promoting the idea by t he resp ect ive a ut ho r it y (stakeholder), change of negative lifestyle image to positive, a nd tra ve l time a nd ta r iff no d iffere nt from road tra nsport. Keywords: boa t design, lifes t yle, r iver tra nsporta t io n, re vita lizat io

    Evaluation and Performance Improvement of Antasari Intersection Banjarmasin City

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    The problem of signalized intersection is caused by the traffic volume continually increasing each year, automatically contributing high delay and frequent congestion and One indicator of traffic congestion at the roundabout is a decrease in vehicle speed [1]. Today's operated traffic lights have not yet capable of overcoming congestion which often occurs in the peak hours. The existing condition on intersection has not yet been able to accommodate the populous traffic volume; it can be seen from each of intersection foot while experiencing the vehicles daley. The imprecised existing condition on the Antasari intersection in Banjarmasin, is seen from the 4-phase control with the cycle time at 177 seconds, the degree of saturation is ≄ 0.85, and the delay is ≄ 60 seconds; making it categorized as the intersection with F-level of service (the worst). This research aims to analyse the existing condition of the Antasari intersection's performance, and to obtain some handling alternatives of Antasari intersection, with some approaches. To increase the performance of Banjarmasin's Antasari intersection, some handling alternatives are executed, such as: the control of Cycle Time, the control of phase direction (phase simulation), and the phase change by using KAJI program. Based on the field data, obtained the performance of Banjarmasin's Antasari intersection in existing condition: the cycle time is 177 seconds, degree of saturation is 2,879 or ≄ 0.85, delay is 963 seconds/pcu or ≄ 60 seconds/pcu, and the worst service level (F-level). In some intersection handling alternative results, there comes one alternative that is able to increase the intersection performance: through the phase simulation stages, with the phase adjustment of the north – south of KolonelSugiono streetamd the east – west of PangeranAntasari street, then the acquired results of the Service Level-C are: the delay value (D) is 23.33 seconds/pcu or ≀ 25 seconds/pcu, the degree of saturation (DS) is 0.671 or ≀ 0.85, and the cycle time (CT) is 67 seconds or ≀ 80 seconds

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Identifikasi Arus Lalu Lintas pada Simpang Tiga Menggunakan Database NoSQL

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    T-junction is one of the types of intersections that often results in congestion, and long queues. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the traffic flow to determine vehicles per hour, Passenger Car Unit (PCU) per hour, traffic fluctuations, vehicle composition, trip composition and traffic flow at peak hours at T-junction. The process of identifying traffic flow is  complex and involves many variables. The process is currently still using Microsoft Excel which requires a lot of time and energy and allows for human error. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to design and build a traffic flow identification system at T-junction using NoSQL database. NoSQL is useful for complex data because NoSQL eliminates repetitive data. The results of this research are the traffic flow identification system at T-junction using NoSQL database which consists of vehicles per hour, PCU per hour, traffic fluctuations, vehicle composition, trip composition, and traffic flow during peak hours

    Participation in biocultural diversity conservation : insights from five Amazonian examples

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    Unidad de excelencia MarĂ­a de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MThe past three decades have seen the emergence of myriads of initiatives focused on conserving, revitalizing, and maintaining Indigenous and Local Knowledge (ILK) as part of biocultural approaches to conservation. However, the extent to which these efforts have been participatory has been often overlooked. In this chapter, we focus on five prominent ILK conservation initiatives in the Amazon Basin to examine the participation of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) in ILK conservation. Our review illustrates several examples of ILK conservation initiatives offering substantial opportunities for meaningful IPLC participation over the long term. Overall, our case studies suggest that the development of robust and inclusive decision-making processes is essential to optimize IPLC participation in ILK conservation, thereby increasing the legitimacy of these initiatives. Our review is not an exhaustive account of the breadth and depth of all initiatives promoting participatory biocultural conservation in this region, but it illustrates that there are many strategies that can help foster IPLC engagement and lead the participatory turn in biocultural conservation