738 research outputs found

    Carbon and ecological footprints as tools for evaluating the environmental impact of coal mine ventilation air

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    Coal mines ventilation gases are an important source of methane emissions. Common ventilation systems are designed to ensure safe working conditions in the shafts, leading to huge ventilation gas flow rates. Traditionally, low attention has been paid to such emissions because of their low methane concentration. However, it is necessary to take into account that although the concentration of methane is very low (typically <1%), the volume of air that ventilation systems move is large, and therefore these emissions constitute the largest source of greenhouse gases from underground coal mines. This work proposes the use of ecological and carbon footprints approaches as a tool for determining the relative importance of these emissions in comparison to the other direct and indirect environmental impacts from the coal mining activity. The study has been performed in the main ventilations shafts of the mining company HUNOSA, located at NW Spain (bituminous coal). Results indicate that ventilation air methane is a key fraction of the total emissions of greenhouse gases releases in this activity (60–70%)

    Energy demand and efficiency measures in polymer processing: comparison between temperate and Mediterranean operating plants

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    Polymer processing is an energy-intensive industry. The plastification of polymers requires a high volume of electric power for thermal energy. Electricity based power is the common form of energy in polymer processing and provides obvious potential for a reduction in energy use and costs. Measures to avoid production-based conversion losses, total conversion and transportation losses in energy used all have social, national, economic and business relevance. A bottom-up evaluation of four different production factories in this study assesses the potential for energy use improvements. The resulting theoretical assessment suggested that reducing primary energy demand is the most powerful target for reducing energy intensity in the polymer industry followed by the introduction of improved technologies to raise energy efficiency. The transferability of the conclusions was supported by the comparison between two different geographic locations for polymer production in Germany and Western Australia. The findings of this research suggest potential in their use in ‘green’ decision-making in the plastics industry

    The high costs of conserving Southeast Asia\u27s lowland rainforests

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    Mechanisms that mitigate greenhouse-gas emissions via forest conservation have been portrayed as a cost-effective approach that can also protect biodiversity and vital ecosystem services. However, the costs of conservation - including opportunity costs - are spatially heterogeneous across the globe. The lowland rainforests of Southeast Asia represent a unique nexus of large carbon stores, imperiled biodiversity, large stores of timber, and high potential for conversion to oil-palm plantations, making this region one where understanding the costs of conservation is critical. Previous studies have underestimated the gap between conservation costs and conversion benefits in Southeast Asia. Using detailed logging records, cost data, and species-specific timber auction prices from Borneo, we show that the profitability of logging, in combination with potential profits from subsequent conversion to palm-oil production, greatly exceeds foreseeable revenues from a global carbon market and other ecosystem-service payment mechanisms. Thus, the conservation community faces a massive funding shortfall to protect the remaining lowland primary forests in Southeast Asia. © 2011 The Ecological Society of America

    Education and Disaster Vulnerability in Southeast Asia: Evidence and Policy Implications

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    This article summarizes the growing theoretical and empirical literature on the impact of education on disaster vulnerability with a focus on Southeast Asia. Education and learning can take place in different environments in more or less formalized ways. They can influence disaster vulnerability as the capacity to anticipate, cope with, resist, and recover from natural hazard in direct and indirect ways. Directly, through education and learning, individuals acquire knowledge, abilities, skills and perceptions that allow them to effectively prepare for and cope with the consequences of disaster shocks. Indirectly, education gives individuals and households access to material, informational and social resources, which can help reducing disaster vulnerability. We highlight central concepts and terminologies and discuss the different theoretical mechanisms through which education may have an impact. Supportive empirical evidence is presented and discussed with a particular focus on the role of inclusiveness in education and challenges in achieving universal access to high-quality education. Based on situation analysis and best practice cases, policy implications are derived that can inform the design and implementation of education and learning-based disaster risk reduction efforts in the region

    A direct CO2 control system for ocean acidification experiments: testing effects on the coralline red algae Phymatolithon lusitanicum

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    Most ocean acidification (OA) experimental systems rely on pH as an indirect way to control CO2. However, accurate pH measurements are difficult to obtain and shifts in temperature and/or salinity alter the relationship between pH and pCO(2). Here we describe a system in which the target pCO(2) is controlled via direct analysis of pCO(2) in seawater. This direct type of control accommodates potential temperature and salinity shifts, as the target variable is directly measured instead of being estimated. Water in a header tank is permanently re-circulated through an air-water equilibrator. The equilibrated air is then routed to an infrared gas analyzer (IRGA) that measures pCO(2) and conveys this value to a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller. The controller commands a solenoid valve that opens and closes the CO2 flush that is bubbled into the header tank. This low-cost control system allows the maintenance of stabilized levels of pCO(2) for extended periods of time ensuring accurate experimental conditions. This system was used to study the long term effect of OA on the coralline red algae Phymatolithon lusitanicum. We found that after 11 months of high CO2 exposure, photosynthesis increased with CO2 as opposed to respiration, which was positively affected by temperature. Results showed that this system is adequate to run long-term OA experiments and can be easily adapted to test other relevant variables simultaneously with CO2, such as temperature, irradiance and nutrients

    Energy Technology Progress for Sustainable Development

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    Energy security is a fundamental part of a country`s national security. Access to affordable, environmentally sustainable energy is a stabilizing force and is in the world community`s best interest. The current global energy situation however is not sustainable and has many complicating factors. The primary goal for government energy policy should be to provide stability and predictability to the market. This paper differentiates between short-term and long-term issues and argues that although the options for addressing the short-term issues are limited, there is an opportunity to alter the course of long-term energy stability and predictability through research and technology development. While reliance on foreign oil in the short term can be consistent with short-term energy security goals, there are sufficient long-term issues associated with fossil fuel use, in particular, as to require a long-term role for the federal government in funding research. The longer term issues fall into three categories. First, oil resources are finite and there is increasing world dependence on a limited number of suppliers. Second, the world demographics are changing dramatically and the emerging industrialized nations will have greater supply needs. Third, increasing attention to the environmental impacts of energy production and use will limit supply options. In addition to this global view, some of the changes occurring in the US domestic energy picture have implications that will encourage energy efficiency and new technology development. The paper concludes that technological innovation has provided a great benefit in the past and can continue to do so in the future if it is both channels toward a sustainable energy future and if it is committed to, and invested in, as a deliberate long-term policy option

    Integrated spatial technology to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in grain production

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    The causes and implications of climate change are currently at the forefront of many researching agendas. Countries that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol are bound by agreements to focus on and reduce greenhouse gas emissions which impact on the natural and anthropogenic environment. Internationally agriculture contributes to environmental impacts such as land use change, loss of biodiversity, greenhouse gas emissions, increased soil salinity, soil acidity and soil erosion. To combat and control the greenhouse gas emissions generated during agricultural production, methodologies are being developed and investigated worldwide. Agriculture is the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases in Australia and consequently the integrated spatial technology was developed using data from a crop rotation project conducted by the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia. The aim of the integrated spatial technology was to combine remote sensing, geographical information systems and life cycle assessment, to ascertain the component or system within the agricultural production cycle, generating the most greenhouse gases. Cleaner production strategies were then used to develop mitigation measures for the reduction of greenhouse gases within the integrated spatial technology
