88 research outputs found

    第2章 カンボジアの選挙をめぐる改革

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    第1章 2014年選挙の制度と管理

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    Importance of Islamic and Christian parties in Indonesia

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    Artykuł poświęcony jest roli partii religijnych w indonezyjskim systemie politycznym. W artykule zostało wykazane istotne znaczenie partii islamskich i zarazem wyjaśnione postępujące w ostatnich kilkunastu latach zanikanie znaczenia partii chrześcijańskich. W warunkach głębokiej religijności społeczeństwa indonezyjskiego partie religijne rozumiane są jako partie polityczne, które spełniają następujące kryteria: 1) tworzone są przez i dla wyznawców odpowiednio islamu lub chrześcijaństwa, 2) służą realizacji ich interesów (a konkretnie interesów artykułowanych przez polityczne i religijne elity wspólnot religijnych) i 3) budują swoje programy w oparciu o zasady i wartości wiary oraz propagują je i chronią.This paper deals with the role of religious parties in the Indonesian political system. It demonstrates the importance of Islamic parties and explains the declining significance of Christian parties in the last dozen or so years. In the conditions of deep religiosity in Indonesian society, religious parties are understood as political parties that meet the following criteria: 1) are created by and for the followers of Islam or Christianity, respectively, 2) serve to pursue their interests (specifically the interests articulated by the political and religious elites of religious communities) and 3) build their programs based on the principles and values of faith, and also promote and protect them

    Pemaknaan Demokrasi Di Era Reformasi (Opini Masyarakat Jawa Tengah Terhadap Demokrasi Saat Ini)

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    Political reform affects a lot of changes in the socio-political life of society, both in the political understanding and implementation. This study aims to understand how the understanding and implementation of democratic in Central Java at this time. The study used a descriptive approach to the analysis, and involves about 500 informants in Central Java. The conclusion of this study is that the substance of democracy and its implementation in the community is experiencing a change for a new form, where there is a clash of democratic values ​​which sided constructive and destructive. Democracy constructively interpreted by structuring the system of government, social and political systems, the creation of an atmosphere of equality, freedom of togetherness and involvement of people in decision-making, the use of political procedures that allow broad participation. Democratic forms of destructive behavior such intervention against state institutions, violate the rights of others, and are not tolerant of difference

    Information Guide: Sweden. January 2017

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    A guide to information sources on the Kingdom of Sweden, with hyperlinks to information within European Sources Online and on external websites (For other language versions of this record click on the original url

    Parlamentary elections in the Republic of Moldova

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    Polis. - ISSN 0872-8208. - S. 2, n. 4 (Julho-Dezembro 2021). - p. 179-183

    El diseño de cédulas electorales en el Perú

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    El desarrollo de cualquier proyecto de diseño implica tomar una serie de decisiones que se verán reflejadas en un producto final y para tomar las mejores decisiones es importante investigar y analizar con detenimiento el problema a resolver. Así se podrá plantear una estrategia de comunicación adecuada y orientada al usuario final

    An Assessment of Bougainville's President Toroama Part Three: A Candidate in Four Elections 2010-20

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    This is the third of three linked In Briefs discussing the little-known record and the leadership attributes of the newly elected (September 2020) President of Bougainville, Ishmael Toroama. This part discusses his candidature in four elections in Bougainville since 2010 and considers the extent of, and the likely reasons for, his success in the 2020 ABG presidential election. It concludes with brief comment on how his record has prepared him for the role of president, particularly in relation to post-referendum consultations with the PNG government about the future political status of Bougainville.Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trad

    Vénus tunisina: o impacto da Primavera Árabe no estatuto social e político das mulheres na Tunísia, o artigo 28º, a lei da família e o ativismo partidário

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    A Primavera Árabe, enquanto fenómeno económico e social, foi o desencadeador de várias revoltas e manifestações da população do Médio Oriente e Norte de África, levando à queda de regimes ditatoriais, como foi o caso da Tunísia e do Egipto, ou as reformas constitucionais feitas em países como Marrocos e a Jordânia, para que não perdessem as suas monarquias. Desde a queda do governo de Ben Ali em janeiro de 2011, a Tunísia tem tentado afirmar-se como uma democracia, respeitando a liberdade, a igualdade e a justiça, focando-se principalmente em recuperar a sua economia (abalada pela crise mundial e pelo terrorismo que tem afetado o turismo) e em desenvolver e proteger os direitos das mulheres. Um dos países pioneiros da igualdade de género na região, principalmente depois da elaboração do Código de Estatuto Pessoal em 1956, a Tunísia escreveu, em 2014, uma das constituições mais progressistas, sendo apelidada de um exemplo de compromisso entre islamitas e seculares, consagrando a igualdade de género e a liberdade de religião. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo demonstrar a dimensão do impacto da Primavera Árabe no estatuto social e político das mulheres na Tunísia, tendo em conta a nova constituição, a desatualização da Lei da Família face ao contexto atual do país e a emergência do ativismo partidário.The Arab Spring, as an economic and social phenomenon, was the trigger of several popular revolts and demonstrations in the Middle East and North Africa, leading to the fall of dictatorial regimes, as in Tunisia and in Egypt, or the constitutional reforms made so that countries like Morocco and Jordan did not lose their monarchies. Since the fall of Ben Ali’s regime in January 2011, Tunisia has been trying to establish itself as a democracy, respecting freedom, equality and justice, focusing mainly on recovering its economy (shaken by the global crisis and the terrorism that has affected tourism lately) and to develop and protect women’s rights. As a pioneer on gender equality in the region, especially after the development of the Personal Status Code in 1956, Tunisia wrote in 2014, one of the most progressive constitutions, dubbed to be an example of compromise between Islamist and secular, enshrining gender equality and freedom of religion. This paper aims to demonstrate the extent of the impact of the Arab Spring in the social and political status of women in Tunisia, taking into account the new constitution, the downgrading of the Family Law in relation to the current context of the country and the emergence of party activism