460 research outputs found

    Design Thinking en un clin d\u27oeil (Le)

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    Cet abrégé présente de manière rapide la méthode du Design Thinking et montre comment elle peut être appliquée et donner des résultats en une journée

    Karakterisasi Mataair di Kecamatan Gedangsari, Kabupaten Gunungkidul

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    Mataair yang telah diteliti terletak pada Perbukitan Baturagung di Kecamatan Gedangsari, Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengetahui karakter dari mata air dan daerah tangkapan air dari mata air, (2) mengetahui faktor makrorelief yang mempengaruhi debit dan fluktuasi mata air di daerah penelitian sehingga mengetahui tipe mata air. Metode pengambilan sampel adalah non probability sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah melalui observasi, wawancara, dan membaca peta. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif, asosiatif, dan analisiskausatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mata air di daerah penelitian adalah mata air retakan danmataair kontak. Mayoritas mata air memiliki <1 l/detik debit, dan lainnya memiliki debit >1 l/detik. Mataair yang memiliki debit >1 l/detik berada pada Formasi Kebobutak. Ketebalan formasi ini mempengaruhi jumlah air yang cukup besar meskipun kurangnya resapan dari air hujan. Faktor utama yang mempengaruhi debit dan fluktuasi mata adalah patahan dan arah perlapisan batua

    Design Thinking en bibliothèque (Le)

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    Le design thinking est une nouvelle méthode centrée sur les usagers, qui permet de mettre en place, en bibliothèque ou ailleurs,des services innovants. L’objectif de ce kit est de présenter une nouvelle façon de travailler qui permet d’impliquer davantage les usagers et de mieux répondre à leurs besoins. Il a été financé grâce au programme Global Libraries de la fondation Bill & Melinda Gates. IDEO l’a conçu en collaboration avec la Bibliothèque Publique de Chicago aux États-Unis et avec la Bibliothèque Publique d’Aarhus au Danemark

    Design Thinking en bibliothèque - Livret d\u27activités (Le)

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    Ce livret d\u27activités complète le guide méthodologique intitulé "Le Design Thinking en bibliothèque" publié par IDEO

    Management of the Sequelae of a Sport-Related Traumatic Dental Injury Using Ultrasound Examination in the Diagnosis and Follow-Up

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    About a quarter of all oral pathologies involving the oral cavity and dental apparatus are traumatic injuries, and a substantial number of these cases are the result of sports injuries affecting adolescents and young adults. Here, we report the case of a 25-year-old healthy female referred to the department of Endodontics for the evaluation and management of teeth 1.2 and 1.1 because of a chronic apical abscess in an area involved in a sport-related dental trauma in the past. A multi-modular diagnostic assessment, comprising conventional periapical radiographs, CBCT imaging, ultrasound, and histopathologic examination, led to a final diagnosis of an apical granulomatous lesion connected to both teeth, and an associated sinus tract. During the follow-up period of three years, the patient was reviewed twice a year and showed progressive healing of the bone and absence of the sinus tract. The present report shows the challenges of diagnosing complications arising from past dental trauma. Furthermore, it is the first documented traumatic case where ultrasound examination was fruitfully used. Emphasis should be put on introducing diagnostic ultrasound for the management of both apical periodontitis and the related sinus tract

    Complex Implant-Prosthetic Rehabilitation Following Sports Trauma with 14 Years of Follow-Up: Case Report

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    : Tooth loss after traumatic dental injuries (TDI) often requires rehabilitation with a multidisciplinary treatment plan. In growing patients, the therapeutic approach may be different than in adults; the scientific literature offers alternative solutions even if they involve long, complex and uncomfortable treatments. Among the possible therapeutic options, implant-prosthetic treatment through the use of mini-implants is presented in this complex case report with a 14-year follow-up

    Study of glycosylation of prostate-specific antigen secreted by cancer tissue-originated spheroids reveals new candidates for prostate cancer detection

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    Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is the most frequently used biomarker for the screening of prostate cancer. Understanding the structure of cancer-specific glycans can help us improve PSA assay. In the present study, we analysed the glycans of PSA obtained from culture medium containing cancer tissue-originated spheroids (CTOS) which have similar characteristics as that of the parent tumour to explore the new candidates for cancer-related glycoforms of PSA. The glycan profile of PSA from CTOS was determined by comparing with PSA from normal seminal plasma and cancer cell lines (LNCaP and 22Rv1) using lectin chromatography and mass spectrometry. PSA from CTOS was mostly sialylated and the content of Wisteria floribunda agglutinin reactive glycan (LacdiNAc) was similar to that of PSA derived from seminal plasma and 22Rv1. Conversely, concanavalin A (Con A)-unbound PSA was definitely detected from the three cancer origins but was almost negligible in seminal PSA. Two novel types of PSA were elucidated in the Con A-unbound fraction: one is a high molecular weight PSA with highly branched N-glycans, and the other is a low molecular weight PSA without N-glycans. Furthermore, the existence of Lewis X antigen group on PSA was indicated. These PSAs will be candidates for new cancer-related markers


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    Mataair yang telah diteliti terletak pada Perbukitan Baturagung di Kecamatan Gedangsari, Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengetahui karakter dari mata air dan daerah tangkapan air dari mata air, (2) mengetahui faktor makrorelief yang mempengaruhi debit dan fluktuasi mata air di daerah penelitian sehingga mengetahui tipe mata air. Metode pengambilan sampel adalah non probability sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah melalui observasi, wawancara, dan membaca peta. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif, asosiatif, dan analisiskausatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mata air di daerah penelitian adalah mata air retakan danmataair kontak. Mayoritas mata air memiliki <1 l/detik debit, dan lainnya memiliki debit >1 l/detik. Mataair yang memiliki debit >1 l/detik berada pada Formasi Kebobutak. Ketebalan formasi ini mempengaruhi jumlah air yang cukup besar meskipun kurangnya resapan dari air hujan. Faktor utama yang mempengaruhi debit dan fluktuasi mata adalah patahan dan arah perlapisan batua

    Barcellona e Madrid

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    La Catalogna mediterranea \ue8 una lunga striscia fertile di quasi 700 chilometri che, nella parte centrale, ha alle spalle la Castiglia (oggi Castilla - La Mancha) che era e per molti versi resta un deserto sia geologico sia demografico. Basta prendere un brevissimo volo da Valencia a Madrid in una giornata di sole (sono infinite) per cogliere il brusco cambiare dal verde vivo valenciano alla terra riarsa di Cuenca e Albacete. Ma la Pancatalogna va oltre lo stato spagnolo. Vi sono infatti il Rossiglione e la Cerdagna, territori pirenaici ceduti dalla Spagna alla Francia nel 1659. I pancatalanisti chiamano quella regione Catalogna del Nord. Inoltre vi \ue8 il principato di Andorra e la citt\ue0 sarda di Alghero, la storia linguistica della quale molto racconta della propensione mediterranea dei catalani. Ma quante Catalogne esistono? Quali sono i limiti della Catalogna in senso spaziale, geografico