8 research outputs found

    The Muslim headscarf and face perception: "they all look the same, don't they?"

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    YesThe headscarf conceals hair and other external features of a head (such as the ears). It therefore may have implications for the way in which such faces are perceived. Images of faces with hair (H) or alternatively, covered by a headscarf (HS) were used in three experiments. In Experiment 1 participants saw both H and HS faces in a yes/no recognition task in which the external features either remained the same between learning and test (Same) or switched (Switch). Performance was similar for H and HS faces in both the Same and Switch condition, but in the Switch condition it dropped substantially compared to the Same condition. This implies that the mere presence of the headscarf does not reduce performance, rather, the change between the type of external feature (hair or headscarf) causes the drop in performance. In Experiment 2, which used eye-tracking methodology, it was found that almost all fixations were to internal regions, and that there was no difference in the proportion of fixations to external features between the Same and Switch conditions, implying that the headscarf influenced processing by virtue of extrafoveal viewing. In Experiment 3, similarity ratings of the internal features of pairs of HS faces were higher than pairs of H faces, confirming that the internal and external features of a face are perceived as a whole rather than as separate components.The Educational Charity of the Federation of Ophthalmic and Dispensing Opticians

    Shape similarity, better than semantic membership, accounts for the structure of visual object representations in a population of monkey inferotemporal neurons

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    The anterior inferotemporal cortex (IT) is the highest stage along the hierarchy of visual areas that, in primates, processes visual objects. Although several lines of evidence suggest that IT primarily represents visual shape information, some recent studies have argued that neuronal ensembles in IT code the semantic membership of visual objects (i.e., represent conceptual classes such as animate and inanimate objects). In this study, we investigated to what extent semantic, rather than purely visual information, is represented in IT by performing a multivariate analysis of IT responses to a set of visual objects. By relying on a variety of machine-learning approaches (including a cutting-edge clustering algorithm that has been recently developed in the domain of statistical physics), we found that, in most instances, IT representation of visual objects is accounted for by their similarity at the level of shape or, more surprisingly, low-level visual properties. Only in a few cases we observed IT representations of semantic classes that were not explainable by the visual similarity of their members. Overall, these findings reassert the primary function of IT as a conveyor of explicit visual shape information, and reveal that low-level visual properties are represented in IT to a greater extent than previously appreciated. In addition, our work demonstrates how combining a variety of state-of-the-art multivariate approaches, and carefully estimating the contribution of shape similarity to the representation of object categories, can substantially advance our understanding of neuronal coding of visual objects in cortex

    A Comparison of Accuracy between A New Commercial ELISA Test, GenediaTM Test and Other Commercial ELISA Tests for Serological Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori Infection in Korea

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    Background/Aims : A new commercial enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test using Korean Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) as an antigen, GenediaTM test, was compared to other serologic tests for H. pylori infection. Methods: Among two hundred seventy three subjects, H. pylori-positive group was consisted of 132 patients (50 peptic ulcer diseases, 52 chronic gastritis, and 30 gastric cancers) and H. pylori-negative group was consisted of 141 patients (121 adults and 20 pediatric patients). Endoscopic antral biopsy specimens were obtained for microscopy and rapid urease test (CLOTM test). We also performed GenediaTM IgG, IgA ELISA, G.A.P IgG, IgA ELISA, and Cobas-core IgG EIA. H. pylori infection was defermined when H. pylori was detected histologically or the results of CLOTM tests were positive. Results : The sensitivities and specificities of the serologic tests were 96.2% and 46.1% in GenediaTM IgG, 91.7% and 52.5% in GenediaTM IgA, 81.8% and 46.8% in G.A.P IgG, 25.0% and 85.1% in G.A.P IgA, 96.9% and 38.6% in Cobas-core test, respectively. In H. pylori-negative pediatric patients, the specificity of the tests was 80% in GenediaTM IgG, 95% in GenediaTM IgA, 60% in G.A.P. IgG, 100% in G.A.P IgA, and 75% in Cobas-core test. Conclusions: In Korea, GenediaTM test was comparable or superior to general serologic tests used for diagnosing H. pylori infection. However, it is necessary to improve the specificity of the GenediaTM test. (Kor J Gastroenterol 2000;36:20 - 28)ope

    Fast responses to images of animate and inanimate objects in the nonhuman primate amygdala

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    Visual information reaches the amygdala through the various stages of the ventral visual stream. There is, however, evidence that a fast subcortical pathway for the processing of emotional visual input exists. To explore the presence of this pathway in primates, we recorded local field potentials in the amygdala of four rhesus monkeys during a passive fixation task showing images of ten object categories. Additionally, in one of the monkeys we also obtained multi-unit spiking activity during the same task. We observed remarkably fast medium and high gamma responses in the amygdala of the four monkeys. These responses were selective for the different stimulus categories, showed within-category selectivity, and peaked as early as 60 ms after stimulus onset. Multi-unit responses in the amygdala were lagging the gamma responses by about 40 ms. Thus, these observations add further evidence that selective visual information reaches the amygdala of nonhuman primates through a very fast route.status: publishe