62 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Adanya Invasi yang dilakukan oleh Amerika Serikat dan gabungan Negara lainnya ke Negara Irak yang di mulai tahun 2003, dengan tudingan bahwa Irak mempunyai senjata pemusnah massal dan untuk memerangi terorisme, menimbulkan banyaknya penderitaan bagi masyarakat sipil, pihak militer, maupun para tawanan perang. ICRC sebagai organisasi kemanusiaan yang bersifat netral dan mandiri, yaitu untuk melindungi kehidupan dan martabat para korban perang serta berusaha untuk mencegah penderitaan dengan mengemban tugas menegakkan Hukum Humaniter Internasional, dengan memberikan bantuan berupa materi maupun moril kepada para korban perang agar penderitaan dapat di cegah atau terminimalisir. Hal yang menarik perhatian penulis untuk meneliti adalah: upaya apa yang dilakukan oleh ICRC dalam misi kemanusiaan pada konflik Amerika Serikat-Irak? Dan apakah bantuan tersebut dapat mengurangi penderitaan pada saat invasi dan pasca invasi? Adapun tujuannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui, mengeksplorasi dan mendeskripsikan peran ICRC dalam memberikan bantuannya kepada korban perang, selanjutnya untuk mengetahui, memahami dan mendeskripsikan sejauhmana upaya ICRC dalam mengurangi penderitaan yang terjadi di Irak. Sedangkan manfaat atau kegunaan penelitian ini adalah secara teoritis, penelitian ini diharapkan berguna untuk menambah khasanah pengembangan ilmu Hubungan Internasional, khususnya yang menyangkut isyu-isyu global dan Hukum Humaniter Internasional. Selanjutnya secara praktis, penelitian ini diharapkan berguna dan bermanfaat bagi seluruh masyarakat dunia dalam menyikapi dan menangani pelanggaran dan penderitaan yang terjadi di dunia ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam melakukan penelitian ini adalah deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan suatu fenomena dalam hal ini perkembangan terhadap implementasi Hukum Humaniter Internasional dalam memberikan bantuan terhadap seluruh korban perang secara sistematis untuk diteliti dan dicari pemecahan jawabannya. Deskripsi adalah upaya untuk menjawab pertanyaan siapa, apa, dimana, kapan, atau berapa; jadi merupakan upaya melaporkan apa yang terjadi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: untuk mengurangi penderitaan yang menimpa kepada seluruh korban konflik Amerika Serikat-Irak. ICRC dalam menjalankan misi kemanusiaannya menemukan banyak berbagai kendala yang dihadapi, memberikan bantuan berupa materi maupun moril kepada para korban yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi penderitaan. Sejak invasi Amerika Serikat yang dimulai tahun 2003 banyak sekali korban yang berjatuhan dari kedua belah pihak maupun penduduk sipil, oleh karena itu ICRC sebagai organisasi kemanusiaan memberikan bantuannya dengan mengerahkan segala kemampuannya guna mengurangi penderitaan yang terjadi, ICRC juga mengimplementasikan bantuannya tersebut dengan bekerjasama dengan berbagai organisasi agar bantuan tersebut dapat berjalan lebih intensif. Kata Kunci: Bantuan ICRC, Penderitaan Para Korban Konflik AS-Irak

    Activities of health teams as a factor of the youth’ socialization

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    The article discusses activities of health teams from the time of their appearance up to the present day. The emphasis has been put on training health teams among students

    La forma e l'impronta del dolore. Percorsi nella fotografia della sofferenza.

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    L'articolo discute l'uso dell imagine da part di alcune ONG nei logo website e gallery. Oggi, infatti, le ONG sono diventate uno dei soggetti principali di enunciazione del discorso dei diritti umani e della sua retorica. Questa retorica risulta strettamente connessa ad un'esperienza visiva delle atrocità e ad una rappresentazione "concerned" della sofferenza umana. L'espressione “concerned photography” si riferisce così a tutte quelle immagini che ritraggono le violazioni dei diritti umani attraverso una messa in scena del dolore e della sofferenza. Per quanto riguarda l'uso di fotografie "concerned" da parte delle ONG, queste immagini rappresentano una sorta di "genere" che assolve principalmente a tre obiettivi: "far conoscere" al mondo le sofferenze degli altri (livello cognitivo), "far sentire" il loro dolore (livello passionale) e "far agire" (livello pragmatico). Il nostro contributo si focalizza in particolare su un aspetto di questo complesso "genere testuale" (la relazione tra "ritratti della sofferenza" e paesaggio) e su due casi studio (una fotografia di 3 bambini pachistani scattata durante l'inondazione del 2010 e le immagini delle vittime di Srebrenica)

    National Mine Action Plan for Completion - Mauritania

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    The National Mine Action Plan developed by the Government of Mauritania, written in 2007, to achieve goals and outcomes sought by the Mine Ban Treaty and Ottawa Convention


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    This study is entitled “Legal Protection of International Humanitarian Law against Indonesian Peacekeeping Forces in an Armed Conflict in Darfur Sudan”. This study aims to determine the Legal Protection for the Indonesian Peacekeeping Forces that provided by the Humanitarian Law for the safety of all Indonesian forces. This research was conducted using normative method. The data used primary data and supported by secondary data. The data obtained from interviewees will be analyzed qualitatively. This study concludes that the safety of all peacekeeping forces whether Indonesian or any other Nation has been guaranteed by the Status of Force Agreement (SOFA) and also by Mutual Defense Treaty. Indonesian Foreign Ministry are also provide Legal Protection for the Indonesian Peacekeeping Forces that assigned to Darfur, Suda

    Earthquake Recovery Process in Nepal ( A Comparative Analysis with Haiti)

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    ABSTRACT: This paper is a comparative analysis of earthquake recovery processes in Nepal and Haiti. The disaster preparedness plan of both countries is influenced by socioeconomic, political and geographical factors. Effective planning and smoother implementation of earthquake response/recovery and rehabilitation efforts could have saved many lives and properties. The study is undertaken to evaluate the hampering and counteracting factors in both countries in view of generating lessons for the government of Nepal, currently tasked with rebuilding the nation following the earthquake of April 25, 2015 and aftershock of May 12, 2015. Reviewing secondary data, this study has identified that both countries have common and country-specific hampering factors. Common hampering factors include lack of preparedness, transportation obstacles and lack of government efficiency. Unique hampering factors concern each country\u27s unique topography, weather, culture, corruption, security and casualty effects on relief workers. The obstacles faced in both countries could be overcome by enhancing managerial efficiency, improving methods of relief delivery, and relief coordination. Also, the government of Nepal is currently implementing reconstruction policies and building codes for ensuring safer buildings and settlements. Although it is too early to assess the impacts, these reconstruction policies promise to ensure that Nepal can iii increase its resilience towards earthquake disasters. To further increase resiliency, this study recommends that Nepal needs to have at least one helipad at each village, keep updated preparedness plans and run capacity development programs to institutionalize earthquake resistant building construction on the village level so that the loss of lives and property damage could be reduced. Keywords: Earthquake; Nepal and Haiti; Response/relief and rehabilitation; Hampering factors; Mitigation factors, Reconstruction policies, Disaster, Effort

    Development Of A Nutritionallybalanced, Cost-Effective, Socially Acceptable And Sustainable Emergency Food Aid Design For Disaster Relief And Preparedness

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    Introduction: Addressing immediate food requirement, alleviating hunger and ensuring survival of the disaster victims remains the primary aim of emergency food aid. The lack of standardised emergency food aid policy in the country has led to the provision of inconsistent emergency food aid in terms of food type, energy and micronutrient content, and overall cost of food aid. The lack of transparent standard operating procedures involving food procurement, distribution and preparation also places the country at risk during disaster. Provision of emergency food aid targeting populations with diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease is lacking and requires immediate attention. The objective of the study was to design a nutritionally-appropriate, cost-effective, socially-acceptable and sustainable emergency food aid. Methodology: Mixed methodology approach was employed in developing the emergency food aid plan targeting the following population: healthy, diabetes mellitus (DM), cardiovascular disease (CVD) and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Phase I primarily focused on developing 3-day emergency food menu using principles of dietetics and Nutritionist Pro software which addressing three scenarios: immediate food requirement (IFR); emergency food basket (EFB); and congregate feeding (CF) at the evacuation shelters

    Inter-Organizational Factors, Coordination Mechanism Initiatives, And Performance: Study Of Humanitarian Supply Chains

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    Hasil daripada peningkatan dramatik yang berpunca daripada bencana alam dan manusia telah membawa kepada kerugian yang besar. Pembuat dasar, aktivis kemanusiaan, dan ahli-ahli akademik di seluruh dunia mencari cara yang berkesan dan cekap untuk mengatasi atau meminimumkan kerugian besar tersebut. As a result of the dramatic increase in natural and man-made disaster losses, humanitarian practitioners and academicians are seeking effective and efficient means of minimizing the tremendous losses. Although various theoretical underpinnings are beneficial to understand the importance of supply chain in a humanitarian context, the management of coordination mechanism along the humanitarian supply chain has yet to be explore

    Haiti 2010 earthquake—How to explain such huge losses?

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