2,137 research outputs found

    Teletreball i subjectivitat

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    Una tesi doctoral llegida a la UAB ha estudiat, mitjançant diverses entrevistes, com el treball a distància, o teletreball, dóna un marge més gran d'autonomia en l'organització d'horaris al treballador però, a la vegada, provoca situacions de estrès atès quan s'utilitzen les noves tecnologies per treballar, es pot arribar a un estat de treball constant. Aquesta investigació analitza els processos de subjectivació implicats en el teletreball, estudiant la modificació dels patrons establerts respecte a l'esfera espai-temporal, al cos, l'estètica, els objectes, les formes d'interacció i comunicació i també, els significats construïts al voltant del treball, la família, la casa, la tecnologia i l'individu.Una tesis doctoral leída en la UAB ha estudiado, mediante diversas entrevistas, cómo el trabajo a distancia, o teletrabajo, da un mayor margen de autonomía en la organización de horarios al trabajador pero, a la vez, provoca situaciones de estrés dado que cuando se utilizan las nuevas tecnologías para trabajar, se puede llegar a un estado de trabajo constante. Esta investigación analiza los procesos de subjetivación implicados en el teletrabajo, estudiando la modificación de los patrones establecidos respecto a la esfera espacio-temporal, al cuerpo, la estética, los objetos, las formas de interacción y comunicación y también, los significados construidos alrededor del trabajo, la familia, la casa, la tecnología y el individuo.A UAB doctoral thesis has found, by means of several interviews, that teleworking gives the worker a greater degree of autonomy in organising schedules but, in turn, causes stress because when using new technologies to work, it is possible to reach a state of constant work. This research analyzes the processes of subjectivation involved in telework, studying the modification of established patterns regarding space-time field, body, aesthetic, objects, forms of interaction and communication and also meanings built around work, family, home, technology and the individual

    Portraying Irish working-class women in love : the consequences of patriarchy in Roddy Doyle's "The woman who walked into doors"

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    Roddy Doyle presents the story of Paula Spencer, the narrator of The Woman Who Walked into Doors (1996). Paula is the mother of four children, an alcoholic, long-term unemployed and battered by her husband Charlo. My aim is to consider Roddy Doyle's narrative difficulties as a male author in writing a novel about a battered working-class woman. I will analyze the way in which Doyle turns Paula, a woman without a voice and without means to write her own story, into a plausible character. Love, shaped by a patriarchal Irish culture and society, is crucial to understand Paula's story.Roddy Doyle ens presenta la història de la Paula Spencer, la narradora de The Woman Who Walked into Doors (1996), traduïda al català com "La dona que ensopegava amb les portes". La Paula és mare de quatre fills, alcohòlica, desocupada i maltractada pel seu marit Charlo. El meu objectiu és tenir en compte les dificultats narratives que té Doyle com a home escriptor en escriure una novel·la sobre una dona maltractada de classe treballadora. Analitzaré la manera en que Doyle converteix la Paula, una dona sense mitjans per escriure la seva pròpia història, en un personatge versemblant. L'amor, configurat a través de la cultura irlandesa patriarcal, és essencial per entendre la història del personatge

    Examining the right-wing extremism in the EU: a comparison between the origins and development o far-right extremism in Ireland, Spain, and Romania

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    The right-wing extremismhas been having a significant presencein the European Union in the last couple of years. This study aims to analyse the origins and development of the right-wing extremism in the European Union after the World War II, while examining the cases of Ireland, Spain and Romania. This analysis isfocused on countries with different historical backgrounds,social contexts and amplitudes of right-wing extremist activity. Considering the heterogeneity of the right-wing extremism and its manifestations, it is expected a diversity of criteria of exclusion (such as nationalism, xenophobia, racism, etc.), shaped within the national context.L'extremisme de dretes ha tingut una presència important a la Unió Europea en els darrers dos anys. Aquest estudi té com a objectiu analitzar els orígens i el desenvolupament de l'extremisme de dretes a la Unió Europea després de la Segona Guerra Mundial, tot examinant els casos d'Irlanda, Espanya i Romania. Aquesta anàlisi se centra en països amb diferents antecedents històrics, contextos socials i amplituds d'activitat extremista de dretes. Tenint en compte l'heterogeneïtat de l'extremisme de dretes i les seves manifestacions, s'espera una diversitat de criteris d'exclusió (com el nacionalisme, la xenofòbia, el racisme, etc.), configurats dins del context nacional

    Current status and trends of african migration to Spain

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    Una versió de l'article va ser presentada al Congrés Beyond Plurality in the African Diaspora: Ethnicity, Congregation, Networking and Citizenship. Keele University, del 25 al 27 de setembre de 2008.From the beginning of the 21st Century, Spain has experienced a migratory boom reaching the top of the European Union's destination countries, not only with respect to inflows - with more than three million people from 2000 to 2006- but to population stocks with 4,519,554 non-native residents in 2007 (10 percent of the registered population). The recent migratory wave -led by Latin-Americans- has changed the foreign population's composition traditionally dominated by Moroccans. African origin migrants, who represent 19 percent (860,217 people) of the immigrant population in 2007, have experienced a double effect during the same period. First, positive discrimination favoring LatinAmericans has apparently compromised the settlement process of African nationals. Second, restrictive immigration policies have also affected the composition of African inflows. Traditionally composed by Moroccans (13.75 percent of the 2007 foreign population), Gambians (0.31 percent) or Senegalese (0.79 percent) nationals, new sending countries have emerged during the last years. That is the case of Algeria (1.11 percent), Nigeria (0.66 percent) and Equatorial Guinea (0.44 percent). The aim of this paper is to analyze and contextualize the recent heterogeneous African diaspora in Spain under the socio-demographic point of view. Our findings will shed some light to the differential demographic behaviors of this group, particularly with respect to fertility and reproductive behavior.Des de començaments del segle XXI, Espanya ha experimentat un increment migratori notable, fins a situar-se com un dels principals països de destinació de la Unió Europea, no només pel que fa a les entrades (més de tres milions de persones, de 2000 a 2006) sinó també pel nombre de població de nacionalitat estrangera (al 2007, 4.519.554 persones, un 10% de la població de dret). L'actual onada immigratòria, encapçalada pels llatinoamericans, ha fet canviar la composició tradicional de la població estrangera que, fins feia poc, estava dominada pels marroquins. Els immigrants d'origen africà, que representen el 19% (860.217 persones) de la població immigrant al 2007, han experimentat un doble efecte: en primer lloc, la discriminació positiva cap a la població llatinoamericana no ha afavorit el seu procés d'integració; en segon lloc, les polítiques d'immigració restrictives també han afectat a la composició dels fluxos d'africans. La composició de la població africana estava formada per marroquins (13,75% de la població estrangera al 2007), gambians (0,31%) i senegalesos (0.79 %). En els darrers anys, nous països han entrat en escena, com Algèria (1,11%), Nigèria (0,66%) i Guinea Equatorial (0,44%). Davant aquest escenari, l'article analitza i contextualitza l'actual i heterogènia diàspora africana a Espanya, des del punt de vista sociodemogràfic. Els resultats permeten entendre els actuals comportaments demogràfics diferencials d'aquest grup, en particular pel que fa a la fecunditat i al comportament reproductiu.Desde inicios del siglo XXI, España ha experimentado un incremento migratorio notable, situándose como uno de los principales países de destino de la Unión Europea, no sólo en cuanto a las entradas (más de tres millones de personas, de 2000 a 2006) sino también por el número de población de nacionalidad extranjera (en 2007, 4.519.554 personas, un 10% de la población de derecho). La actual ola migratoria, encabezada por los latinoamericanos, ha hecho cambiar la composición tradicional de la población extranjera, hasta hace poco dominada por los marroquíes. Los inmigrantes de origen africano, que representan el 19% (860.217 personas) de la población inmigrante en 2007, han experimentado un doble efecto: en primer lugar, la discriminación positiva hacia la población latinoamericana no ha favorecido su proceso de integración; en segundo lugar, las políticas de inmigración restrictivas también han afectado a la composición de los flujos de africanos. La composición de la población africana estaba formada por marroquíes (13,75% de la población extranjera en 2007), gambianos (0,31%) i senegaleses (0.79%). En los últimos años, nuevos países han entrado en escena, como Argelia (1,11%), Nigeria (0,66%) y Guinea Ecuatorial (0,44%). Ante este escenario, el artículo analiza y contextualiza la actual y heterogénea diáspora africana en España desde el punto de vista sociodemográfico. Los resultados permitirán entender los actuales comportamientos demográficos diferenciales de este grupo, en particular en cuanto a la fecundidad y al comportamiento reproductivo

    Reduction of sodium and increment of calcium and ω-3 PUFA in dry fermented sausages: effects on the mineral content, lipid profile and sensory quality

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    BACKGROUND: A combined technological approach was applied in the development of healthier dry fermented sausages: a partial substitution of the pork back fat by pre-emulsified linseed oil and a partial replacement of sodium chloride with calcium ascorbate at two different levels, leading to low amounts of salt (14gSalt and 10gSalt, with 14 g and 10 g NaCl per kg of mixture, respectively). RESULTS: The developed products (14gSalt and 10gSalt) showed adequate results for a(w) (0.85 and 0.87) and pH (4.98 and 5.21), and low lipid oxidation values (1.4 × 10(-4) and 1.5 × 10(-5) g malondialdehyde (MDA) kg(-1) ). The lipid modification led to a significantly higher supply of ω-3 (23.3 g kg(-1) ) compared to the control (3.2 g kg(-1) ). Simultaneously, reductions of 38% and 50% in sodium content and a calcium supply of 4 and 5.2 g kg(-1) were achieved in the 14gSalt and 10gSalt formulations, respectively, compared to the control products (26 g salt and 0.87 g kg(-1) Ca). Instrumental analysis of colour and texture and sensory studies demonstrated that the organoleptic quality of the new formulations was similar to that of traditional products. CONCLUSIONS: The developed dry fermented sausages showed healthier properties than traditional ones owing to their reduced sodium and higher calcium content and a significant supply of ω-3 fatty acid

    Diversidad de Myxomycetes en zonas áridas de Perú, parte II: el cardonal y las zonas de transición

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    The results obtained from a second survey for Myxomycetes in the arid areas of Peru are reported. A total of 37 localities from the cactus belt (‘cardonal’), between 1500 and 3000 m a.s.l., were sampled over six years. This survey is based on 601 identifiable collections of myxomycetes, developed in the field under natural conditions or those that were recovered from moist chamber cultures. In total, 84 taxa representing 19 genera were recorded. One new species, Cribraria spinispora Lado & D.Wrigley sp. nov., is described, three species new to South America and 22 additional new species for Peru are reported as well. Endemic plants, expecially cacti, had a particular relevance as myxomycete substrates. The predominance of the order Physarales T.Macbr. in arid areas is reinforced. Comments are included on some collections, as well as SEM micrographs of several species. A statistical evaluation of the diversity of myxomycetes in the cardonal area and a comparison of this area with the dry coastal desert of Peru and other Neotropical xeric environments are also included. Results show that the arid areas are rich in myxomycetes, and that each area has a unique assemblage. The differences appear to be related to the host plants.Se presentan los resultados de un segundo estudio sobre Myxomycetes de zonas áridas de Perú. Un total de 37 localidades del cardonal, situadas entre 1500 y 3000 m s.n.m., fueron muestreadas durante seis años. Este estudio está fundamentado en 601 recolecciones de mixomicetes, obtenidas en el campo o por cultivo en cámara húmeda. En total, se han identificado 84 táxones que corresponden a 19 géneros. Se describe una nueva especie, Cribraria spinispora Lado & D.Wrigley sp. nov., además se registran por primera vez tres especies para Sudamérica y 22 para Perú. Las plantas endémicas, especialmente los cactus, han tenido una especial importancia como substrato para los mixomicetes. Se reafirma el predominio del orden Physarales T.Macbr. en zonas áridas. Se incluyen comentarios sobre algunas recolecciones, así como micrografías al MEB de algunas especies. Se realizó una evaluación estadística de la diversidad de mixomicetes en el cardonal y una comparación entre esta zona, la costa seca de Perú y otros ambientes neotropicales xéricos. Los resultados muestran que las zonas áridas son ricas en mixomicetes y que cada una tiene un conjunto exclusivo de especies. Las diferencias parecen estar relacionadas con las plantas anfitrionas

    Effect of lyophilized water extracts of Melissa officinalis on the stability of algae and linseed oil-in-water emulsion to be used as a functional ingredient in meat products

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    Previous work pointed out the possibility to enhance the nutritional value of meat products using long chain omega-3 PUFA enriched emulsions. Oil-in-water emulsions elaborated with a mixture of algae and linseed oils (15:10) in order to be used as functional ingredient were stabilized with BHA (butylhydroxyanisol) or with a lyophilized water extract of Melissa officinalis L. (Lemon balm). The lipid profile of the oil mixture showed a high amount of DHA (31.7%), oleic (25.4%) and alpha-linolenic acid (12.7%) resulting in a very low omega-6/omega-3 ratio (0.12). The lyophilized extract of M. officinalis showed a high antioxidant activity (being 62ppm of the lyophilized water extract of Melissa equivalent to 200ppm of BHA, using the DPPH assay as reference), and high total phenolic content. Studying the oxidation process in the emulsions during 15days at room temperature, it could be concluded that this extract was as efficient as BHA in order to control the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) formation

    Akt inhibitors induce apoptosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells

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    Background: The phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase/Akt pathway has been described to be critical in the survival of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells. In this study we analyzed the effect of two selective chemical inhibitors of Akt (Akti-1/2 and A-443654) on the survival of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells. Design and Methods: Using cytometry we studied the cytotoxic effects of Akt inhibitors on peripheral B and T lymphocytes from patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia and from healthy donors. We studied the changes induced by Akti-1/2 and A-443654 at the mRNA level by performing reverse transcriptase multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. We also studied the changes induced by both Akt inhibitors in some BCL-2 protein family members on chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells by western blotting. Moreover, we analyzed the cytotoxic effect of Akt inhibitors in patients' cells with deleted/mutated TP53. Results: Both inhibitors induced apoptosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, B cells from patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia were more sensitive to Akt inhibitors than T cells from leukemic patients, and B or T cells from healthy donors. Survival factors for chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells, such as interleukin-4 and stromal cell-derived factor-1 alpha, were not able to block the apoptosis induced by either Akt inhibitor. Akti-1/2 did not induce any change in the mRNA expression profile of genes involved in apoptosis, while A-443654 induced some changes, including an increase in NOXA and PUMA mRNA levels, suggesting the existence of additional targets for A-443654. Both inhibitors induced an increase in PUMA and NOXA protein levels, and a decrease in MCL-1 protein level. Moreover, Akti-1/2 and A-443654 induced apoptosis irrespective of TP53 status. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that Akt inhibitors induce apoptosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells and might be a new therapeutic option for the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia

    The inclusion of functional foods enriched in fibre, calcium, iodine, fat-soluble vitamins and n-3 fatty acids in a conventional diet improves the nutrient profile according to the Spanish reference intake

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    Objective The growing interest in maintaining good health status through optimal nutrition has boosted the launch of a number of functional foods on the market. The objective of the present study was to theoretically evaluate the nutritional relevance of incorporating selected enriched foods in the diet. Design A 28 d dietary plan, designed to be balanced under the recommended macronutrients criteria, was used as a basal diet. Some conventional foods were exchanged with foods enriched in fibre, calcium, iodine, vitamins A, D, E or n-3 fatty acids. Setting Nutritional composition of basal and modified diets was derived and compared to the Spanish recommended intakes (RI). Results The basal diet covered the recommendations for fibre and calcium with mean intake of 28 g and 1241 mg, respectively. The current intake of salt, if iodized, or bread elaborated with this salt, allowed reaching the daily intake of iodine every day, with a mean supply of 216 μg/d and 278 μg/d, respectively. The deficient supply of vitamin E in the basal diet (mean = 8 mg/d) was covered by including enriched margarine and dairy products (mean = 15 mg/d). The low n-3 fatty acids intake in the basal diet (1·1 g/d) increased up to 1·9 g/d after the use of enriched margarine, butter and biscuits and soya drink instead of milk. Conclusions In order to improve the accomplishment of the RI iodine, vitamin E and n-3 fatty acids, interesting strategies dealing with the incorporation of enriched foods in the diet were successfully initiated

    Marianna von Martínez. : Biografia d'una música ignorada

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    Aquest article tracta la vida i l'entorn de la compositora Marianna von Martínez, del context europeu i el vienès en el qual s'inscriu, les relacions amb familiars, coneguts, i altres músics, i breument, les seves obres més importants. Persegueix l'objectiu d'acostar la seva obra i vida a un públic més ampli, i reivindicar l'estudi de les compositores femenines per tal d'aconseguir entendre millor el món musical del segle XVII
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