347 research outputs found

    Evolution of a localized electron spin in a nuclear spin environment

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    Motivated by recent interest in the role of the hyperfine interaction in quantum dots we study the dynamics of a localized electron spin coupled to many nuclei. An important feature of the model is that the coupling to an individual nuclear spin depends on its position in the quantum dot. We introduce a semi-classical description of the system valid in the limit of a large number of nuclei and analyze the resulting classical dynamics. Contrary to a natural assumption, the correlation functions of electron spin with an arbitrary initial condition show no decay in time. Rather, they exhibit complicated undamped oscillations. This may be attributed to the fact that the system has many integrals of motion and is close to an integrable one. The ensemble averaged correlation functions do exhibit a slow decay (1/ln(t)) for t -> \infty.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, revtex4 styl

    Evidence for Induced Magnetization in Superconductor-Ferromagnet Hetero-structures: a Scanning Tunnelling Spectroscopy Study

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    We performed scanning tunneling spectroscopy of c-axis oriented YBCO films on top of which ferromagnetic SRO islands were grown epitaxially in-situ. When measured on the ferromagnetic islands, the density of states exhibits small gap-like features consistent with the expected short range penetration of the order parameter into the ferromagnet. However, anomalous split-gap structures are measured on the superconductor in the vicinity of ferromagnetic islands. This observation may provide evidence for the recently predicted induced magnetization in the superconductor side of a superconductor/ ferromagnet junction. The length scale of the effect inside the superconductor was found to be an order of magnitude larger than the superconducting coherence length. This is inconsistent with the theoretical prediction of a penetration depth of only a few superconducting coherence lengths. We discuss a possible origin for this discrepancy

    Pengembangan Literasi di Taman Bacaan Masyarakat (TBM) Sangkuriang, Kelurahan Rancaekek, Kabupaten Bandung

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    Introduction to literacy for children will impact the improvement of creativity, quality of life, competitiveness, and good thinking skills. Sangkuriang Reading Centre is a reading park located in Rancaekek Village, Bandung Regency. The existing book collection is not attractive enough to encourage children to engage in literacy activities. This community service activity aims to help provide information, knowledge, and facilities that can support the improvement of children's literacy interest in Sangkuriang Reading Centre. This community service activity is carried out offline. The team directly visited the location and conducted several stages of activities there. Some of the program activities carried out in this activity are book donation, book inventory, numbering, installation of bookshelves, banners, posters, and literacy and games to support the improvement of children's reading interest. After all community service activities were carried out at Sangkuriang Reading Centre, several changes were observed, including changes in knowledge, attitudes, and skill


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    This field activity was conducted from May to July 2023 at the technical services unit Cibiru Fish Seed Center (Cibiru FSC), located in Pasir Biru Village, Cibiru District, Bandung City. The primary aim of this activity is to gain insights into consumption fish cultivation activities and the community-oriented role of the Cibiru FSC. The methodology involves active participation in the FSC's activities, field observations, discussions with field supervisors, and consultations with experts at Cibiru FSC. “Nirwana” tilapia spawning was conducted semi-naturally, employing 3 nets of 4x4 m hapa nets in Pond D Cibiru FSC, which spans 30x30 m. Each hapa net accommodates 100 fish, comprising 25 males and 75 females, with a male-to-female parent ratio of 1:3. Water quality assessments indicate favorable conditions at the Cibiru Fish Seed Center, with a pH level of 8.05, a temperature of 28℃, and dissolved oxygen at 7.8, meeting the prerequisites for optimal tilapia cultivation. The Cibiru FSC plays a pivotal role as both a producer and distributor of fish seeds and fish broodstock, particularly tilapia. Consequently, the FSC engages in distributing fish seeds to various groups, including farmers, without charge. The notable aspect of Cibiru FSC is its commitment to providing fish seeds and distribution services at no cost to the recipients, showcasing its dedication to supporting local fish farming initiatives


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    The golden apple snail (Pomaceacanaliculata) is a freshwater species introduced to Asia for consumption and commercial purposes. This study analyzed the chemical composition and nutritional content of raw and boiled golden snail meat through proximate analysis.Raw snail meat contained 78.10% water, 15.62% protein, 0.8% fat, 2.60% ash, and 2.88% carbohydrates. Boiled snail meat had 77.40% water, 13.67% protein, 0.4% fat, 4.1% ash, and 4.43% carbohydrates.Boiling significantly affected protein and fat content, leading to denaturation and reduced extractability. Unsaturated lipids were prone to oxidation during boiling, lowering fat content.Ash content variation was influenced by sample preparation and testing procedures, representing inorganic residues left after combustion.Carbohydrate content was determined by difference, with raw snail meat at 2.88% and boiled at 4.43%, influenced by decreased water and nutrients during boiling.The study provides insights into golden snail meat's chemical composition and nutritional value, essential for consumers and industries utilizing this species as a source of animal protein and nutrients. Golden snails offer nutritional richness and versatile use, making them valuable resources for communities

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Prestasi Belajar Akuntansi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi prestasi belajar akuntansi siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 1 Malang dan faktor yang paling dominan dalam mempengaruhi prestasi belajar akuntansi siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri 1 Malang, dan subjek penelitiannya adalah siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 1 Malang tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dan instrumen yang digunakan berupa kuisioner dan dokumentansi sedangkan teknik analisis datanya menggunakan Pearson Product Moment untuk uji validitas, Alpha Cronbanch untuk uji reliabilitas, dan analisis faktor menggunakan SPSS 16 for window untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi prestasi belajar akuntansi. Dari hasil analisis data diketahui bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi prestasi belajar akuntansi siswa yaitu motivasi, lingkungan sosial yang terdiri dari relasi antaranggota keluarga dan relasi siswa dengan siswa, psikologi yang terdiri dari EQ, kebiasaan belajar, perhatian, modernitas individu, sikap dan kesiapan serta faktor I

    Merepresentasikan Kejutan sebagai Tema dalam Rancangan Galeri Kuliner di Kawasan Tunjungan Surabaya

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    Globalisasi menyebabkan perkembangan di segala bidang tanpa terkecuali bidang kuliner. Di sisi lain, produksi makanan lokal dan regional serta tradisi memasak dan makan bersama semakin menghilang. Masyarakat lebih memilih makanan cepat saji yang didominasi produk makanan dari luar negeri. Kuliner khas Jawa Timur semakin lama semakin terdesak dan beberapa bahkan menghilang. Kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat dalam melestarikan kuliner Jawa Timur serta kurangnya perhatian dari pemerintah merupakan penyebab semakin memudarnya kuliner khas Jawa Timur. Dengan adanya Galeri Kuliner Khas Jawa Timur ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu sarana yang dapat mewadahi kegiatan kuliner khususnya kuliner Jawa Timur.Dalam kaitannya dengan spesifikasi objek rancangan berupa sebuah galeri kuliner yang mewadahi beragam kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan kuliner, tema kejutan dipilih karena melihat menjamurnya bisnis kuliner saat ini sehingga diperlukan konsep yang berbeda dan unik sehingga Galeri Kuliner tetap dapat dikunjungi. Kejutan sendiri dapat diperoleh dari sesuatu yang berbeda atau diluar hal dari biasanya. Sesuatu di luar hal yang biasa dalam arsitektur adalah sesuatu yang berbeda. Perbedaan yang muncul bisa dari ukuran, orientasi, lokasi, tampang, konfigurasi, warna, bahan dan tekstur. Kejutan juga dapat terjadi karena Perubahan suasana secara tiba-tiba. Definisi tersebut berusaha direpresentasikan dalam rancangan Galeri Kuliner melalui berbagai aspek arsitektural, sehingga objek rancang dapat hadir sebagai sesuatu yang berbeda dan baru. Konteks lingkungan yang berada di Tunjungan yang merupakan kawasan cagar budaya menjadi tantangan tersendiri dalam proses merancang. Karena kawasan Tunjungan memiliki keterikatan yang sangat jelas terhadap aspek kesejarahanny

    Pengaruh Media Pendingin Pada Proses Hardening Terhadap Strukturmikro Baja Mangan Hadfield AISI 3401 PT Semen Gresik

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    Baja Mangan Hadfield termasuk dalam kategori baja mangan austenitic dengan kandungan Mn (mangan) yang tinggi, antara 12-14% Mn dan 0.8-1.25% C. Baja mangan hadfield memiliki kekerasan, kekuatan, ketangguhan, serta ketahanan terhadap aus yang tinggi. Proses hardening diberikan dengan melakukan pendinginan yang relatif cepat dengan menggunakan media pendingin air, oli, polivinylalcohol 10%, dan polyvinylalcohol 40% bertujuan untuk mendapatkan nilai kekerasan yang lebih tinggi yakni dengan pendinginan air 275VHN sedangkan tanpa perlakuan 206VHN. Viskositas dari media pendingin yang berbeda-beda berpengaruh terhadap laju pendinginan pada baja mangan hadifield.. Jenis media pendingin yang bervariasi mempengaruhi Perubahan austenit menjadi martensit. Strukturmikro yang terbentuk pada baja mangan hadfield yang mengalami proses hardening tampak butir-butir kristal yang seluruhnya martensit, sedangkan pada baja mangan hadfield yang tanpa mendapatkan perlakuan tampak karbida mangan lamellar dengan matriks austenit

    Examine The Constitutionality Of Regulations Under Laws That Are Not Contrary To The Law But Contrary To The Constitution

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    Kewenangan untuk memeriksa UU terhadap Konstitusi dilakukan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi dan pengujian hukum dan peraturan berdasarkan Undang-Undang tentang Hukum dilaksanakan oleh Mahkamah Agung sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 24 A paragraf 1 dan 24 C paragraf 1 Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Namun, dalam perumusan pasal a quo ternyata masih menyisakan masalah, yaitu belum mengatur mekanisme pengujian norma yang terkandung dalam undang-undang di bawah undang-undang jika ternyata tidak bertentangan dengan undang-undang tetapi bertentangan dengan konstitusi. Tulisan ini membahas pengujian norma-norma undang-undang melalui Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 tentang kewenangan peradilan di casu a quo pasal 24 A ayat 1 dan 24 C ayat 1 Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Kata kunci: otoritas, hukum, konstitusi. Abstract The authority to examine the Law against the Constitution is carried out by the Constitutional Court and the testing of the laws and regulations under the Law on the Law is carried out by the Supreme Court as regulated in article 24 A paragraph 1 and 24 C paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. However, in the formulation of the article a quo it turns out still leaves a problem, namely not yet regulating the norm testing mechanism contained in the legislation under the legislation if it turns out it is not contrary to the law but contrary to the constitution. This paper analyzes the testing of the norms of the legislation through the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Republic IX concerning judicial authority in casu a quo article 24 A paragraph 1 and 24 C paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Keyword: authority, law, the constitution