186 research outputs found

    Important bioindicators for health management in Romania

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    Performance measurement is a coherent, robust, integrated, purposeful, comprehensive, efficient and transparent system. The evaluation of healthcare performance in Romania is based on four categories of bioindicators: human resources, use of services, economic and financial aspects, as well as quality. In this work, we were mainly interested in analyzing and describing these parameters. In order to illustrate the applicability of the hospital performance indicators, we considered the results obtained for these indices from the managers of three hospitals of the same level from Romania, the “Filişanilor” Hospital from Filiaşi, the Rovinari City Hospital and the Şegarcea City Hospital, and herein present them

    Comparative Study of Bacterial Cellulose Film Dried Using Microwave and Air Convection Heating

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    An investigation was conducted to analyze and compare the properties of bacterial cellulose (BC) films dried using microwave and air convection heating. Prior to the drying process, 90% of the water content inside the BC pellicles was removed through vacuum filtration. After that, the required drying time was only 3-5 min using microwave heating, 95% shorter than that observed for air convection heating. The properties of the BC sheets were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), X-ray diffractometer (XRD), color difference meter, and tensile tester machine. The results showed that the structure of the BC films was the same for the BC films dried by microwave and air convection heating, i.e. cellulose I, as observed from FTIR spectra and XRD diagrams. Moreover, their color (L*, a*, and b* values) and mechanical properties were also almost identical. However, a slightly lower crystallinity and a higher swelling degree were observed for the BC film dried using microwave heating. These results suggest that microwave heating could be an alternative method of drying BC pellicles in order to shorten the processing time and reduce energy consumption when compared to air convection heating


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    ABSTRAK Layanan Go-Food merupakan sebuah fitur layanan food delivery pesan antar makanan yang dikembangkan oleh aplikasi Go-Jek pada Maret 2015. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak Layanan Go-Food terhadap jumlah pelanggan, omzet penjualan, dan biaya operasional rumah makan di Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada rumah makan yang sudah bergabung dengan Layanan Go-Food yang tersebar di kecamatan-kecamatan di Kota Bandung dengan menggunakan data primer pada bulan Desember 2017 dengan jumlah responden 79 rumah makan. Penelitian ini menggunkan metode penelitian kuantitatif primer dengan menggunakan teknik analisis data statistik deskriptif dan statistik parametris yaitu uji validitas, uji reliabilitas dan uji beda Independent-test. Dari survey para pelaku usaha rumah makan sebanyak 79 orang rata-rata mengatakan bahwa jumlah pelanggan, omzet penjualan, dan biaya operasional rumah makan mereka meningkat jadi lebih banyak setelah bergabung dengan Layanan Go-Food dibandingkan dengan sebelum bergabung dengan Layanan Go-Food, hal ini dikarenakan bahwa salah satu estimasi Go-Food adalah mempromosikan makanan hasil karya industri UKM. Dari hasil pengujian statistik dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan positif terhadap jumlah pelanggan, omzet penjualan, dan biaya operasional rumah makan setelah bergabung dengan layanan Go-Food dibandingkan sebelum bergabung dengan layanan Go-Food, rata-rata jumlah pelanggan dari 125 orang per hari menjadi 173 orang per hari, rata-rata omzet penjualan dari Rp 6.070.886 per hari menjadi Rp. 8.132.911 per hari, dan rata-rata biaya operasional dari Rp 2.758.227 per hari menjadi Rp. 3.608.227 per hari, kenaikan biaya operasional yaitu kenaikan biaya produksi dan penambahan biaya administrasi. Kenaikan biaya operasional tersebut tidak merugikan usaha rumah makan karena diiringi dengan kenaikan jumlah pelanggan dan omzet penjualan maka para pelaku usaha rumah makan tetap untung. Alpha yang digunakan dalam perhitungan ini adalah α = 0,05 atau (5%). Kata kunci: Dampak Go-Food, Jumlah Pelanggan, Omzet Penjualan, dan Biaya Operasional Usaha Rumah Makan

    Penggunaan Contract Forward Hedging Secara Konvensional Dan Syariah Dalam Meminimalkan Risiko Nilai Tukar (Studi Kasus Pada PT Indofood Cbp Sukses Makmur, Tbk Dan Anak Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di JII)

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    Thissstudyxaimsxtoxdeterminexthexexchangexrate risk to bexfaced by PTxIndofoodxCBPII(ICBP) Sukses Makmur,xTbkxinx2015,xhowxthexusexofxcontract forward hedgingxof conventionalxand syar'i xonxxtotalxxnet liability in foreign exchange (forex), and the differences in corporate profits after the second calculation hedging. Differences forward contract conventional and Islamic heding located at the forward exchange rate calculations. Conventional forward exchange rate is calculated based on the foreign currency interest rate, while for sharia hedging forward exchange rate is calculated based on the value of the foreign exchange rate fluctuation risk. The results showed that both the forward hedging contract conventional and Islamic both provide positive changes in the financial statements of ICBP in 2015 in the form of foreign exchange earnings respectively Rp57,13 billion and Rp18,35 billion. Therefore, ICBP as a company whose shares are listed in the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) may use forward hedging contract with this concept as a means to protect total net liabilities in foreign currency on the foreign exchange risk

    B-ShareAplikasi Bank Darah untuk Mempercepat Penyediaan Informasi Darah sebagai Pendukung Terciptanya Smart City

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    Lack of information about the availability of blood to be a problem that is not uncommon in the daily life, there are many medical cases that require blood transfusion procedure. Practically, the hospital will entrust the patient\u27s family to find blood bags with the required blood type. Families with little knowledge about where to find blood will encounter confusing situations. Whereas they have to find it fast. if a blood transfusion is done too late, then even death may occur, because of this it is expected that the existence of a public service that can provide information quickly and accurately blood that can be utilized by the community

    Teknologi Formulasi Rhizobakteria Berbasis Bahan Lokal dalam Menunjang Bioindustri Pertanian Berkelanjutan

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    Food as the main of human needs. So, all the sectors that could suppport the advance of plant productivity should be concerned, such as by using the right applied methods. Plant productivity could be increased by fixing their physicology responses to spur plant growth. The using of chemical substances to spur the plant growth have to be switched by using biofertilizer as an alternative through formulation technology of Rhizobacteria based on local materials to support agricultural bioindutry. In the root there are beneficials bacteria which are involved in Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) that could increase the ability of root to absorb soil nutrient and plant hormones synthesis naturally. Endophytics bacteria are founded in the certain of plants root could be isolated and manipulated into biofertilizer product. Generally there are 3 steps in the making process of PGPR : starter making, nutrient making, and fermentation. In this reasearch the endophytics bacteria are isolated from leguminosae root which has a symbiotic with Rhizobium sp., maize (Zea mays sp.) root and bamboo (Bambusa sp.) root which has a symbiotic with Bacillus sp. dan Pseudomonas sp. PGPR utilizes microbacteria as a biological agens that could keep the availability of soil nutrients and increase quality and healthy of soil (soil remediator). In addition of the microbacteria function are : to produce antibiotics, patogen competitor, and to produce plant growth hormone which support plant physicological process

    Deteksi Arteri Karotis pada Citra Ultrasound B-Mode Berbasis Convolution Neural Network Single Shot Multibox Detector

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    Detection of vascular areas (blood vessels) using B-Mode ultrasound images is needed for automatic applications such as registration and navigation in medical operations. This study developed the detection of the carotid artery area using Convolution Neural Network Single Shot Network Multibox Detector (SSD) to determine the bounding box ROI of the carotid artery area in B-mode ultrasound images. The data used are B-Mode ultrasound images on the neck that contain the carotid artery area (primary data). SSD method result is 95% of accuracy which is higher than the Hough transformation method, Ellipse method, and Faster RCNN in detecting carotid artery area in the B-Mode ultrasound image. The use of image enhancement with Gaussian filter, histogram equalization, and Median filters in this method can increase detection accuracy. The best process time of the proposed method is 2.09 seconds so that it can be applied in a real-time system.Deteksi area vaskular (pembuluh darah) menggunakan citra ultrasound B-Mode diperlukan untuk aplikasi otomatis seperti registrasi dan navigasi dalam operasi medis. Penelitian ini melakukan kajian deteksi area arteri karotis menggunakan Convolution Neural Network Single Shot Multibox Detector (SSD) untuk menentukan RoI area arteri karotis dengan fitur bounding box pada citra ultrasound B-Mode. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah citra ultrasound B-Mode pada bagian leher yang mengandung area arteri karotis (data primer). Hasil metode SSD memiliki akurasi 95% dan akurasi yang lebih tinggi dari metode transformasi Hough, metode Ellipse dan Faster RCNN dalam mendeteksi area arteri karotis pada citra ultrasound B-Mode. Penerapan image enhancement dengan filter Gaussian, histogram equalization dan filter Median memberikan pengaruh dalam peningkatan akurasi deteksi. Waktu proses terbaik dari metode yang diusulkan adalah 2,09 detik sehingga dapat diterapkan dalam sistem yang bersifat real-time

    An acceptor-substrate binding site determining glycosyl transfer emerges from mutant analysis of a plant vacuolar invertase and a fructosyltransferase

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    Glycoside hydrolase family 32 (GH32) harbors hydrolyzing and transglycosylating enzymes that are highly homologous in their primary structure. Eight amino acids dispersed along the sequence correlated with either hydrolase or glycosyltransferase activity. These were mutated in onion vacuolar invertase (acINV) according to the residue in festuca sucrose:sucrose 1-fructosyltransferase (saSST) and vice versa. acINV(W440Y) doubles transferase capacity. Reciprocally, saSST(C223N) and saSST(F362Y) double hydrolysis. SaSST(N425S) shows a hydrolyzing activity three to four times its transferase activity. Interestingly, modeling acINV and saSST according to the 3D structure of crystallized GH32 enzymes indicates that mutations saSST(N425S), acINV(W440Y), and the previously reported acINV(W161Y) reside very close together at the surface in the entrance of the active-site pocket. Residues in- and outside the sucrose-binding box determine hydrolase and transferase capabilities of GH32 enzymes. Modeling suggests that residues dispersed along the sequence identify a location for acceptor-substrate binding in the 3D structure of fructosyltransferases

    Violence and local development in Fortaleza, Brazil: A spatial regression analysis

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    Fortaleza is the fifth largest city of Brazil, and has become the most violent state capital in the last years. In this paper, we investigate whether violent crime rates are associated with the local development of the city. Using an unexplored data source about georeferenced murders and deaths due to bodily injury and theft, we show that violent crime rates exhibit a positive spatial dependence across clusters of census tracts. In other words, small urban areas with high (low) violent crime rates have neighbors, on average, with similar pattern of violent crime rates. Investigating the relationship between violent crime rates and variables associated with local development, spatial regressions suggest that high violent crime rates are related with low-income neighborhood, with high spatial isolation of poor households, low access to urban infrastructure, and high prevalence of illiterate adolescents and young black males. The study also provides important evidence about spillover effects that helps to understand how the absence of local development can expose neighbors to violence