180 research outputs found

    Visions d'Antígona : l'imperatiu de la transgressió de Sòfocles a Marguerite Yourcenar

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    Antígona, víctima destacada d'una forma molt concreta de violència masculina, se'ns presenta, tant en Sòfocles, com en el cinema grec del segle XX o en el relat breu de Marguerite Yourcenar, com una heroïna ferma i convençuda de la seva raó moral, lliure -davant el poder establert- de donar sepultura al germà condemnat i, per tant, fonamentalment transgressora. És un exemple d'amor total amb desenllaç tràgic, i la seva actuació mostra la solitud del qui estima en solitud. Com altres heroïnes de la tragèdia grega -Electra, Clitemnestra-, assumeix completament el seu destí i refusa de jugar la carta social que li podria haver estat adjudicada. En el cas de l'Antígona de Yourcenar, tot i que manté la seva essència, fa un salt en el temps i s' adapta al segle en què fou escrita.Antígona, víctima destacada de una forma muy concreta de violencia masculina, se nos presenta, tanto en Sófocles, como en el cine griego del siglo XX, o en el relato breve de Marguerite Yourcenar, como una heroína firme y convencida de su razón moral, libre -frente al poder establecido- de dar sepultura al hermano condenado y, por lo tanto, fundamentalmente transgresora. Es un ejemplo de amor total con desenlace trágico, y su actuación muestra la soledad de quien ama en soledad. Como otras heroínas de la tragedia griega -Electra, Clitemnestra-, asume completamente su destino y se niega a jugar la carta social que le podría haber sido adjudicada. Aun manteniendo su esencia, la Antígona de Yourcenar ha efectuado un salto en el tiempo y se ha adaptado al siglo en que ha sido escrita.Antigone, the paradigmatic victim of a very concrete form of male violence, is presented to us, in Sophocles, the Greek cinema of the 20th century, as well as in Marguerite Yourcenar's short story, as a firm woman, convinced of her righteousness. Her decision to bury her condemned brother, in opposition to the established powers that be, makes her a transgressive heroine. Hers is an example of total love with a tragic conclusion, and her actions show the loneliness of those who love alone. As other heroines of Greek tragedies -Electra, Clytaemnestra-, she completely embraces her destiny and refuses to play the social ace that she might have been dealt. Keeping her essence, Yourcenar's Antigone has jumped forward in time and has adapted to the century in which it was written

    Yourcenar traductora : el seu Kavafis

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    Translation is the only way to fight the myth of Babel. The one sole language which this myth invents has never existed anywhere, and diversity is not a punishment at all, on the contrary, it is a natural condition among people. This article deals with translation of poetry, a practice which, as far as critique is concerned, has two poles: it is either brought to a superior level, or it is reduced to great contempt, because it often remains subordinated to other literary genres. And, more specifically, the article presents one particular case of translation: Yourcenar's Kavafis

    Els Ensenyaments d'ordenació del territori i urbanisme a les universitats catalanes : Societat Catalana d'Ordenació del Territori-Institut d'Estudis Catalans (setembre de 2000-juny de 2001)

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    La Societat Catalana d'Ordenació del Territori, conjuntament amb alguns departaments de les universitats públiques catalanes, va organitzar, al llarg del curs acadèmic 2000-2001, un debat a l'entorn dels ensenyaments de l'ordenació del territori i l'urbanisme a les llicenciatures de ciències ambientals, geografia, arquitectura, enginyeria, economia, dret i paisatgisme. A més, es va considerar que calia parar atenció en els màsters que tenien implicacions en l'ordenació del territori. L'objectiu era, d'una banda, analitzar i reflexionar sobre la situació actual i, de l'altra, plantejar estratègies de futur.La Societat Catalana d'Ordenació del Territori, conjuntamente con algunos departamentos de las universidades públicas catalanas, organizó, a lo largo del curso académico 2000- 2001, un debate sobre la enseñanza de la ordenación del territorio y el urbanismo en las licenciaturas de ciencias ambientales, geografía, arquitectura, ingeniería, economía, derecho y paisajismo. Además, se consideró que también era conveniente atender a los másters que tienen implicaciones en la ordenación del territorio. El objetivo era, por una parte, analizar y reflexionar sobre la situación actual y, por otra, plantear estrategias de futuro.La Societat Catalana d'Ordenació del Territori, a organisé, pendant le cours académique 2000-2001, avec quelques départements des universités publiques de la Catalogne, un débat sur l'enseignement de l'aménagement du territoire et l'urbanisme dans les études des sciences de l'environnement, géographie, architecture, génie, économie, droit et paysage. On fait aussi attention vers les masters impliqués sur l'aménagement du territoire. L'objectif était, d'abord, analyser et réfléchir sur la situation actuelle et aussi proposer des stratégies futures.Over the academic year 2000-2001, the Societat Catalana d'Ordenació del Territori organised, together with other departments of Catalan public universities, a debate on the teaching of regional and urban planning within the following disciplines: environmental science, geography, architecture, engineering, economy, law and landscape management. Moreover it was considered that attention should be paid to urban and regional planning related to postgraduate degrees. The aim was on one hand to analyse present situation, and on the other, to propose future strategies

    Mineralogía y ceramicidad de las arcillas del yacimiento de Sitjar, Onda (Castellón)

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    Este trabajo tiene por objeto la caracterización mineralógica y físico-química de las arcillas terciarias explotadas en el yacimiento de Sitjar, cercano a la localidad de Onda (Castellón), utilizadas comomateria prima por la industria ceramica castellonense. Se estudian también algunas propiedades ceramicas de estas arcillas, incidiendo en el comportamiento térmico, para su correcta aplicación. a composición química y mineralógica posibilita su utilización como aditivo para la fabricaci6n de materiales porosos y refractarios

    Visiones de Antígona: el imperativo de la transgresión de Sófocles a Marguerite Yourcenar

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    Antígona, víctima destacada d’una forma molt concreta de violència masculina, se'ns presenta, tant en Sòfocles, com en el cinema grec del segle XX o en el relat breu de Marguerite Yourcenar, com una heroïna ferma i convençuda de la seva raó moral, lliure —davant el poder establert— de donar sepultura al germà condemnat i, per tant, fonamentalment transgressora. És un exemple d’amor total amb desenllaç tràgic, i la seva actuació mostra la solitud del qui estima en solitud. Com altres heroïnes de la tragèdia grega —Electra, Clitemnestra—, assumeix completament el seu destí i refusa de jugar la carta social que li podria haver estat adjudicada. En el cas de l’Antígona de Yourcenar, tot i que manté la seva essència, fa un salt en el temps i s'adapta al segle en què fou escrita.p class="MsoNormal"span lang="EN-US"Antigone, the paradigmatic victim of a very concrete form of male violence, is presented to us, innbsp;/spanSophocles, the Greek cinema of the 20th century, as well as in Marguerite Yourcenar's short story,nbsp;as a firm woman, convinced of her righteousness. Her decision to bury her condemned brother,nbsp;in opposition to the established powers that be, makes her a transgressive heroine. Hers is an example of total love with a tragic conclusion, and her actions show the loneliness ofnbsp;those who love alone. As other heroines of Greek tragedies mdash;Electra, Clytaemnestramdash;, shenbsp;completely embraces her destiny and refuses to play the social ace that she might have beennbsp;dealt. Keeping her essence, Yourcenarrsquo;s emAntigone/em has jumped forward in time and has adaptednbsp;to the century in which it was written./pp class="MsoNormal"Antiacute;gona, viacute;ctima destacada de una forma muy concreta de violencia masculina, se nos presenta,nbsp;tanto en Soacute;focles, como en el cine griego del siglo XX, o en el relato breve de Margueritenbsp;Yourcenar, como una heroiacute;na firme y convencida de su razoacute;n moral, libre mdash;frente al podernbsp;establecidomdash; de dar sepultura al hermano condenado y, por lo tanto, fundamentalmentenbsp;transgresora.nbsp;Es un ejemplo de amor total con desenlace traacute;gico, y su actuacioacute;n muestra la soledad de quiennbsp;ama en soledad. Como otras heroiacute;nas de la tragedia griega mdash;Electra, Clitemnestramdash;, asumenbsp;completamente su destino y se niega a jugar la carta social que le podriacute;a haber sido adjudicada.nbsp;Aun manteniendo su esencia, la emAntiacute;gona/em de Yourcenar ha efectuado un salto en el tiempo y senbsp;ha adaptado al siglo en que ha sido escrita./pp class="MsoNormal"nbsp;/

    Twitterbot : robot de Twitter per a la generació de notícies

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    Des de sempre l'ésser humà ha tingut la necessitat de conèixer i comprendre el que succeeix al seu voltant. Primàriament es pot veure clarament com un mètode de supervivència al saber com interacciona el nostre entorn i com podem nosaltres anticipar-nos a aquest. Des de sempre l'ésser humà ha tingut la necessitat de conèixer i comprendre el que succeeix al seu voltant. Primàriament es pot veure clarament com un mètode de supervivència al saber com interacciona el nostre entorn i com podem nosaltres anticipar-nos a aquest. Des de sempre l'ésser humà ha tingut la necessitat de conèixer i comprendre el que succeeix al seu voltant. Primàriament es pot veure clarament com un mètode de supervivència al saber com interacciona el nostre entorn i com podem nosaltres anticipar-nos a aquest.Humans have always had the need to know and understand what is happening around them. That point can clearly be seen primarily as a method of survival in how it interacts with our environment and how we can anticipate this. Humans have always had the need to know and understand what is happening around them. That point can clearly be seen primarily as a method of survival in how it interacts with our environment and how we can anticipate this. Humans have always had the need to know and understand what is happening around them. That point can clearly be seen primarily as a method of survival in how it interacts with our environment and how we can anticipate this.Desde siempre el ser humano ha tenido la necesidad de conocer y comprender lo que sucede a su alrededor. Primariamente se puede ver como un método de supervivencia al saber cómo interacciona nuestro entorno y cómo podemos nosotros anticiparnos a este. Desde siempre el ser humano ha tenido la necesidad de conocer y comprender lo que sucede a su alrededor. Primariamente se puede ver como un método de supervivencia al saber cómo interacciona nuestro entorno y cómo podemos nosotros anticiparnos a este. Desde siempre el ser humano ha tenido la necesidad de conocer y comprender lo que sucede a su alrededor. Primariamente se puede ver como un método de supervivencia al saber cómo interacciona nuestro entorno y cómo podemos nosotros anticiparnos a este

    Soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibition to face neuroinflammation in Parkinson's disease: a new therapeutic strategy

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    Neuroinflammation is a crucial process associated with the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's disease (PD). Several pieces of evidence suggest an active role of lipid mediators, especially epoxy-fatty acids (EpFAs), in the genesis and control of neuroinflammation; 14,15-epoxyeicosatrienoic acid (14,15-EET) is one of the most commonly studied EpFAs, with anti-inflammatory properties. Soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) is implicated in the hydrolysis of 14,15-EET to its corresponding diol, which lacks anti-inflammatory properties. Preventing EET degradation thus increases its concentration in the brain through sEH inhibition, which represents a novel pharmacological approach to foster the reduction of neuroinflammation and by end neurodegeneration. Recently, it has been shown that sEH levels increase in brains of PD patients. Moreover, the pharmacological inhibition of the hydrolase domain of the enzyme or the use of sEH knockout mice reduced the deleterious effect of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) administration. This paper overviews the knowledge of sEH and EETs in PD and the importance of blocking its hydrolytic activity, degrading EETs in PD physiopathology. We focus on imperative neuroinflammation participation in the neurodegenerative process in PD and the putative therapeutic role for sEH inhibitors. In this review, we also describe highlights in the general knowledge of the role of sEH in the central nervous system (CNS) and its participation in neurodegeneration. We conclude that sEH is one of the most promising therapeutic strategies for PD and other neurodegenerative diseases with chronic inflammation process, providing new insights into the crucial role of sEH in PD pathophysiology as well as a singular opportunity for drug development

    Resveratrol Induces Brain Resilience Against Alzheimer Neurodegeneration Through Proteostasis Enhancement

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    Resveratrol is a natural compound that mimics the antioxidant and antiaging effects of caloric restriction, mainly mediated through SIRT1, a deacetylase that induces longevity and neuroprotection. We aimed to analyze the effects of resveratrol on the brain status of control non-transgenic (NoTg) and AD transgenic (3xTg-AD) mice to discern the mechanisms involved in a potential inducement of resilience against age-related neurodegeneration and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Mice were fed with a diet supplemented with 100 mg/kg of resveratrol from 2 months of age during 10 months. Resveratrol administration induced complete protection against memory loss and brain pathology in 3xTg-AD mice, and also induced cognitive enhancement in healthy NoTg mice. Resveratrol improved exploration and reduced anxiety in both mouse strains, indicative of well-being. Resveratrol reduced the presence of Aβ and p-tau pathology in the hippocampus of the 3xTg-AD mouse. Proteostasis analysis showed the following in both NoTg and 3xTg-AD mice: (i) increased levels of the amyloid-degrading enzyme neprilysin, (ii) reduction of the amyloidogenic secretase BACE1, and (iii) increase of proteasome protein levels and enhancement of proteasome activity. Resveratrol also increased AMPK protein levels, then upregulating the SIRT1 pathway, as shown by the activation of PGC-1α and CREB in both mice, resulting in further beneficial changes. Our data demonstrated that resveratrol induces cognitive enhancement and neuroprotection against amyloid and tau pathologies. Improvement of proteostasis by resveratrol, in both healthy and AD mice, suggests that it is a mechanism of brain resilience and defense against neurodegeneration caused by the accumulation of aberrant proteins