392 research outputs found

    A cross-cultural study of cereal foods' quality perception

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    Cereal foods' production and use show substantial heterogeneity across Europe. For a category central in most EU diets, cereal foods' quality perception is, nevertheless, surprisingly understudied. With this in mind, 357 Danish, Lithuanian and Portuguese citizens were inquired about the importance of several cues and dimensions in their evaluation of the perceived quality of bread, cookies, breakfast cereals, pasta and vodka. Portuguese and Lithuanians consistently gave a significantly higher average importance to all the cues and quality dimensions considered, for all products, than their Danish counterparts. Nevertheless, respondents in all three samples found expected quality dimensions to be much more important than both extrinsic and intrinsic cues across almost all product categories. Dimensions and cues like taste and country - of- origin were the most relevant to Lithuanians, while taste , label information and price were the most important for Danes. The cues and dimensions Portuguese found relevant were fairly different and more category- dependent. Cues like store type for bread, brand for breakfast cereals, pasta and vodka, country - of- origin for vodka , and price for cookies, pasta and vodka were more often assessed by the Portuguese as relevant for decision- making at the point - of- purchase. This highlights the need for further cross - cultural research on food quality perception.Cereal Foods, Consumer Quality Perception, Total Food Quality Model, Cross - cultural Study, Consumer/Household Economics, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    On Markov operators preserving polynomials

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    The paper is concerned with a special class of positive linear operators acting on the space C(K) of all continuous functions defined on a convex compact subset K of R^d, d \geq 1, having non-empty interior. Actually, this class consists of all positive linear operators T on C(K) which leave invariant the polynomials of degree at most 1 and which, in addition, map polynomials into polynomials of the same degree. Among other things, we discuss the existence of such operators in the special case where K is strictly convex by also characterizing them within the class of positive projections. In particular we show that such operators exist if and only if ∂K is an ellipsoid. Furthermore, a characterization of balls of R^d in terms of a special class of them is furnished. Additional results and illustrative examples are presented as well

    Marketing Systems of Calf Bali

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    Maintenance calf breeders Bali less profitable for farmers may even affect revenues and increase production costs so that the habit of selling livestock farmers owned calf after the age of 6-8 months with relatively low prices because there is the determinant of the price of the middleman (broker). This can happen because the knowledge of the marketing of livestock products, especially on the price of calf Bali is not known with certainty and easily by livestock farmers. Knowing the purpose of this study is the cause farmers to sell, as well as the motivation of farmers to produce and market a calf Bali. Analyze marketing channels, as well as the impact on the income of farmers. Finding the calf Bali marketing system that is able to increase the income of farmers. Problems in this study are why farmers tend to sell calves? How marketing channels, income, motivation, as well as the government's role in helping farmers to increase their income from the sale calf? This research is explorative through surveys designed as a research explanations (explanatory research design) As well as this study is a combination of qualitative and quantitative with the main approaches used in solving the problem in this research is the quantitative approach, the complex is formulated as a quantitative model that is formulated in mathematics. This research was conducted on the calf Bali marketing system and market and Orion spread across two districts in the island namely: Badung and Buleleng. Locations were selected intentionally (purposive sampling) based on the population of Bali that most cows. Instrument or a measuring tool that is used as a research interview guide to help obtain answers from respondents is structured questionnaires and covered equipped open question. Data used in the form of quantitative and qualitative data. Qualitative data includes the characteristics of respondents, channel and marketing functions performed by any individual or institution related marketing, and analyzed descriptively. Quantitative data includes the margin and marketing costs as well as the farmer's share were analyzed to measure the efficiency of marketing. The collected data is then analyzed by means of simplified tabulation for easy counting. The results showed that farmers sell calf because there is an urgent need that must be met as school children (70%), 20 % because there are no cages and 10 % for not more than one calf want to look after. Marketing channels and Orion involving breeders and animal markets . There are four channels are formed from marketing agencies , namely : marketing channel I ( farmers - livestock market 10 % ) , marketing channels II ( Breeders - Orion - Animal Market 75 % ) , Channel III ( Breeders - groups of 5 % ) . And channels to IV (breeder to another breeder to breeder maintained in accordance purposes 10 %

    Development Zoning of Bindu River Ecotourism based on Eco Culture

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    Bindu River Ecotourism is a tourist attraction that has natural potential as a place of recreation in the Denpasar City area. Apart from the potential offered by Bindu River Ecotourism, there are still problems that exist in Bindu River Ecotourism including river water which has a lot of sediment, the lack of public awareness to care about the surrounding environment, and the lack of exposure by the public makes only the surrounding community aware of it. If zoning is not carried out in its development, the natural potential of the Bindu River Ecotourism area that has been arranged can be reduced, for this reason, zoning is needed in its development to determine areas in the Bindu River Ecotourism area that are in accordance with the land use and development potential. Based on the delineation and the existing potential, the Bindu River Ecotourism area is divided into a conservation zone and a recreation zone. For the conservation zone, it can be developed into several more zones in the upstream part, it can be developed into a zone for the development of the function of protecting water resources, a zone for the development of the function of protecting flora and fauna as well as limited recreational functions. While the recreation zone can also be developed into several more zones. The upstream recreation zone can be developed into a recreation function development zone and the downstream recreation zone can be developed into an educational function development zone

    Farmer Share and Efficiency of Breeding Cow Marketing Channels in Bali

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    Experts have widely carried out research on cattle since 1960. However, regarding the efficiency of the cattle marketing channel in Bali, especially in the livestock group in the village of Ayunan, it is necessary to study its efficiency for that researcher conducted research to know the efficiency of marketing cattle in Bali. Using the census method, 40 farmers consisted of two livestock groups, namely the Karang Ayu livestock group and the Karya livestock group, each consisting of 20 people. Instruments or measuring tools used in the interview guide to help obtain answers from respondents are structured and closed questionnaires for open-ended questions. The results showed four channels formed from the marketing system of cattle breeds in Bali, namely marketing channel i. Breeders sell livestock to other farmers in one village (12.5%), Marketing Channel ii. Breeders sell directly to animal markets (7.5%). %), Channel iii Farmers sell livestock to blank in the cattle barn (74.5%), and IV Farmers sell livestock to blank in the animal market (5.5%). With marketing efficiency for male seeds for each channel of 0; 2.57; 1.18, and 1.61, while the marketing efficiency in each channel for female cattle is: 0;3.53; 1.50, and 1.92. It is said that the most effective marketing channel for cattle breeds in Bali is through my marketing, namely the breeders selling the cow breeds in the stables and those who buy them around the farm because they do not incur marketing costs

    Teknologi Pengelolaan dan Pengemasan Produk Hasil Peternakan

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    Proses pengolahan hasil peternakan dilakukan dengan cara pengemasan untuk mengawetkan dan memperpanjang umur dari produk-produk pangan atau makanan yang terkandung di dalamnya

    Effect of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) Leaf Meal Supplementation in Broiler Chicken Ration on Weight of Internal Organs, HDL and Triglyceride Levels

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    This study aims to examine the effect of Moringa leaf meal on broiler chicken ration to the weight of internal organs, triglyceride levels and HDL. The material used in the study was 60 broiler chicken age 2 weeks strain CP707. The design used Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with five treatments and four replications in each treatment. The five treatments are 100% commercial rations without moringa leaf meal as control and 100% commercial rations with 3%, 6%, 9% and 12% moringa leaf meal. Parameters observed included, liver weight, gizzard weight, meat triglyceride levels, and HDL levels of meat. The data obtained were analyzed by completely randomized design. If among the treatments showed significant differences, then the study will be continued by Duncan's multiple-range test. From the results of this study it can be concluded that the addition of moringa leaf meal at level 10% in the ration is the optimal level to decrease the triglyceride of meat without disturbing the HDL content in the meat and the addition of moringa leaf meal up to 12% in the ration does not give a negative effect on the weight of internal organs. Keywords: Broiler Chickens, HDL, Internal Organ, Triglyceride

    Supplementation of Moringa (Moringa oliefera) Powder into Ration in Increasing the Quality of Broiler’s Meat

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    Guaranteed broiler meat in term of health aspect is necessary currently. Fat and cholesterol contents on broilers are one of quality aspects that should be considered, in which high fat and cholesterol levels would give direct impact on the health of the consumer. Therefore efforts to reduce fat and cholesterol levels of broiler meat are considered to be important. One of the alternatives that could be carried is by supplementing Moringa leaves powder to the chicken ration. Active substances contained by Moringa leaves are expected reduce the fat and cholesterol levels. This research aimed to measure carcass weight, carcass percentage, sub-cutaneous fat and cholesterol contents of the broiler meats, which feed by the supplemented ration. The research used 60 strain CP 707 broiler chickens at an age of 2 weeks, for 5 weeks. The research applied Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method with 5 treatments and 4 repetitions. Those treatments are feeding chickens without Moringa leaves powder supplementation (P0), feeding with 3% Moringa leaves powder supplementation (P1), feeding with 6% Moringa leaves powder supplementation (P2), feeding with 9% Moringa leaves powder supplementation (P3) and with 12% moringa leaves powder supplementation (P4). Each treatment was repeated 4 times, in which each repetition consisted of 3 broiler chickens. The research lasted for five weeks. The variables that were measured were carcass weight, carcass percentage, subcutaneous fat, and cholesterol content of the meat. Base on a result of the research, it could be concluded that supplementation of Moringa leaves powder to the ratio could reduce a subcutaneous fat content of upper thigh and cholesterol of the meat, but did not reduce the weight and percentage of the carcasses. From the research, it could be suggested that research which aimed to lower the fat and cholesterol content of broiler meat may use 12% Moringa leaf meal as the supplement


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