94 research outputs found

    Factors determining the risk of diabetes foot amputations - a retrospective analysis of a tertiary diabetes foot care service

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    Aims: To identify which factors predict the need for minor or major amputation in patients attending a multidisciplinary diabetic foot clinic. Methods: A retrospective analysis of patients who attended over a 27 month period were included. Patients had to have attended ≥3 consecutive consultant led clinic appointments within 6 months. Data was collected on HbA1c, clinic attendance, blood pressure, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), and co-morbidities. Patients were followed up for 1 year. Results: 165 patients met the inclusion criteria. 121 were male. 33 patients had amputations. There was an association between poor glycaemic control at baseline and risk of amputation when adjusted for other factors, with those patients having HbA1c ≤58 at less risk of amputation with an odds of 0.14 (0.04 to 0.53) of amputation(p = 0.0036). Other statistically significant factors predictive of amputation were: missing clinic appointments (p = 0.0079); a high Charlson index (p = 0.03314); hypertension (p = 0.0216). No previous revascularisation was protective against amputation (p = 0.0035). However PAD was not seen to be statistically significant, although our results indicated a lower risk of amputation with no PAD. Overall, 34.9% (n = 58) of patients had good glycaemic control (HbA1c <58 mmol/mol) at baseline & 81.3% (n = 135) had improved their glycaemic control at their last follow up appointment. Conclusions: In this cohort poor glycaemic control, poor attendance, previous revascularisation & hypertension were associated with higher risk of amputation, with PAD showing a trend. Moreover, we demonstrated benefits in glycaemic control achieved by attending this DFC, which is likely to translate to longer term diabetes related health benefits

    Are the results from the 2014 UK national survey on the management of diabetic ketoacidosis applicable to individual centres?

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    Background: In 2013 the Joint British Diabetes Societies published an update to their 2010 guideline on the management of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). In 2014 a national survey was conducted to assess the management of DKA across the UK using the JBDS or local guidelines. Hospitals were invited to submit data on 5 people presenting with DKA. These data were published in 2016. However, whether those national results were applicable to individual hospitals remains unknown. Aim: To assess the management of people presenting with DKA at a single hospital and compare the results with the national dataset. Methods: Using the identical data collection tool as used in the national survey we collected information on 40 subjects (a total of 52 admissions) admitted with DKA between April 2014 and July 2015. Results: The data collected locally were very similar to those found in the national dataset. The management of DKA was best during the first few hours after admission, then biochemical and physical monitoring frequency decreased. The number of people who developed hypokalaemia and hypoglycaemia were very similar to the national data. Rates of biochemical improvement were slightly better locally. Conclusions: The data from the national DKA survey, even though based on a maximum of 5 people per hospital from across the UK are applicable at a hospital level

    5 year retrospective follow-up of new cases of Charcot neuroarthropathy - A single centre experience

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    Background: Few data describe the natural history of Charcot neuroarthropathy treated with a total contact plaster cast (TCC). Methods: A 5 year retrospective analysis of 50 patients presenting with an acute CN, Assessing time to clinical resolution into appropriate footwear and assessing if initial immobilisation device influenced resolution time. Results: During the study period 42 patients (84%) of patients went into remission, 2 died during their treatment, 4 had major amputations, in 2 patients treatment was ongoing. 36 patients were treated with combination offloading devices, 6 were treated with one modality only. Median time to resolution for patients initially treated with a TCC was not significantly shorter than for those treated with a removable below knee boot. 34.9% required re-casting due to clinical deterioration in the removable device. Conclusions: More precise measures of resolution of CN are needed to assess the impact of initial treatment modality on time to resolution

    Comprehensive Comparison of Various Techniques for the Analysis of Elemental Distributions in Thin Films

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    The present work shows results on elemental distribution analyses in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films for solar cells performed by use of wavelength-dispersive and energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX) in a scanning electron microscope, EDX in a transmission electron microscope, X-ray photoelectron, angle-dependent soft X-ray emission, secondary ion-mass (SIMS), time-of-flight SIMS, sputtered neutral mass, glow-discharge optical emission and glow-discharge mass, Auger electron, and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, by use of scanning Auger electron microscopy, Raman depth profiling, and Raman mapping, as well as by use of elastic recoil detection analysis, grazing-incidence X-ray and electron backscatter diffraction, and grazing-incidence X-ray fluorescence analysis. The Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films used for the present comparison were produced during the same identical deposition run and exhibit thicknesses of about 2 μm. The analysis techniques were compared with respect to their spatial and depth resolutions, measuring speeds, availabilities, and detection limit

    Population genetics of cancer cell clones: possible implications of cancer stem cells

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    Abstract Background The population dynamics of the various clones of cancer cells existing within a tumour is complex and still poorly understood. Cancer cell clones can be conceptualized as sympatric asexual species, and as such, the application of theoretical population genetics as it pertains to asexual species may provide additional insights. Results The number of generations of tumour cells within a cancer has been estimated at a minimum of 40, but high cancer cell mortality rates suggest that the number of cell generations may actually be in the hundreds. Such a large number of generations would easily allow natural selection to drive clonal evolution assuming that selective advantages of individual clones are within the range reported for free-living animal species. Tumour cell clonal evolution could also be driven by variation in the intrinsic rates of increase of different clones or by genetic drift. In every scenario examined, the presence of cancer stem cells would require lower selection pressure or less variation in intrinsic rates of increase. Conclusions The presence of cancer stem cells may result in more rapid clonal evolution. Specific predictions from theoretical population genetics may lead to a greater understanding of this process.</p

    Pre-Whaling Genetic Diversity and Population Ecology in Eastern Pacific Gray Whales: Insights from Ancient DNA and Stable Isotopes

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    Commercial whaling decimated many whale populations, including the eastern Pacific gray whale, but little is known about how population dynamics or ecology differed prior to these removals. Of particular interest is the possibility of a large population decline prior to whaling, as such a decline could explain the ∼5-fold difference between genetic estimates of prior abundance and estimates based on historical records. We analyzed genetic (mitochondrial control region) and isotopic information from modern and prehistoric gray whales using serial coalescent simulations and Bayesian skyline analyses to test for a pre-whaling decline and to examine prehistoric genetic diversity, population dynamics and ecology. Simulations demonstrate that significant genetic differences observed between ancient and modern samples could be caused by a large, recent population bottleneck, roughly concurrent with commercial whaling. Stable isotopes show minimal differences between modern and ancient gray whale foraging ecology. Using rejection-based Approximate Bayesian Computation, we estimate the size of the population bottleneck at its minimum abundance and the pre-bottleneck abundance. Our results agree with previous genetic studies suggesting the historical size of the eastern gray whale population was roughly three to five times its current size

    Ecological and evolutionary consequences of alternative sex-change pathways in fish

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    Sequentially hermaphroditic fish change sex from male to female (protandry) or vice versa (protogyny), increasing their fitness by becoming highly fecund females or large dominant males, respectively. These life-history strategies present different social organizations and reproductive modes, from near-random mating in protandry, to aggregate- and harem-spawning in protogyny. Using a combination of theoretical and molecular approaches, we compared variance in reproductive success (V k*) and effective population sizes (N e) in several species of sex-changing fish. We observed that, regardless of the direction of sex change, individuals conform to the same overall strategy, producing more offspring and exhibiting greater V k* in the second sex. However, protogynous species show greater V k*, especially pronounced in haremic species, resulting in an overall reduction of N e compared to protandrous species. Collectively and independently, our results demonstrate that the direction of sex change is a pivotal variable in predicting demographic changes and resilience in sex-changing fish, many of which sustain highly valued and vulnerable fisheries worldwide

    Males and Females Contribute Unequally to Offspring Genetic Diversity in the Polygynandrous Mating System of Wild Boar

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    The maintenance of genetic diversity across generations depends on both the number of reproducing males and females. Variance in reproductive success, multiple paternity and litter size can all affect the relative contributions of male and female parents to genetic variation of progeny. The mating system of the wild boar (Sus scrofa) has been described as polygynous, although evidence of multiple paternity in litters has been found. Using 14 microsatellite markers, we evaluated the contribution of males and females to genetic variation in the next generation in independent wild boar populations from the Iberian Peninsula and Hungary. Genetic contributions of males and females were obtained by distinguishing the paternal and maternal genetic component inherited by the progeny. We found that the paternally inherited genetic component of progeny was more diverse than the maternally inherited component. Simulations showed that this finding might be due to a sampling bias. However, after controlling for the bias by fitting both the genetic diversity in the adult population and the number of reproductive individuals in the models, paternally inherited genotypes remained more diverse than those inherited maternally. Our results suggest new insights into how promiscuous mating systems can help maintain genetic variation

    Male mating biology

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    Before sterile mass-reared mosquitoes are released in an attempt to control local populations, many facets of male mating biology need to be elucidated. Large knowledge gaps exist in how both sexes meet in space and time, the correlation of male size and mating success and in which arenas matings are successful. Previous failures in mosquito sterile insect technique (SIT) projects have been linked to poor knowledge of local mating behaviours or the selection of deleterious phenotypes during colonisation and long-term mass rearing. Careful selection of mating characteristics must be combined with intensive field trials to ensure phenotypic characters are not antagonistic to longevity, dispersal, or mating behaviours in released males. Success has been achieved, even when colonised vectors were less competitive, due in part to extensive field trials to ensure mating compatibility and effective dispersal. The study of male mating biology in other dipterans has improved the success of operational SIT programmes. Contributing factors include inter-sexual selection, pheromone based attraction, the ability to detect alterations in local mating behaviours, and the effects of long-term colonisation on mating competitiveness. Although great strides have been made in other SIT programmes, this knowledge may not be germane to anophelines, and this has led to a recent increase in research in this area