5,759 research outputs found

    Design, construction and evaluation of a 3D printed electrochemical flow cell for the synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles

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    A 3D-printed prototype of an electrochemical flow cell for the synthesis of superparamagnetic magnetite nanoparticles of medium size between 15 and 30 nm was constructed and its performance was evaluated. The cell consists of a series of rectangular channels in a parallel electrode arrangement. Electrolyte flows through the channels as the electric current is supplied to the system and a combination of electrochemical and chemical reactions create the appropriate conditions for magnetite precipitation. Different electric configurations were evaluated and both energy and production efficiencies were calculated to determine the best configuration. Different flow and current values were also investigated, and all the materials were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, Mossbauer spectroscopy and magnetization curve measurements to determine their effect on particle morphology, composition and magnetic behavior. The best results were obtained for a parallel monopolar configuration, with 100 mA (3 mA cm−2) passing in each two electrodes and a flow value of 30 mL min−1, yielding an energy efficiency of 5.9 kJ g−1 and a production rate of 12.1 mg min−1, approximately 6 times higher than the 100 mL standard cell previously used. Magnetic saturation was 77.3 emu g−1, slightly lower than the bulk material (92–100 emu g−1)The authors gratefully acknowledge the scholarship for doctoral studies of Gerardo Ivan Lozano Gutierrez granted by the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACyT). The authors are also grateful to the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for the project MAT2015-67557-C2-2-P. Support for a sabbatical leave for NCS from the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico and Exportadora de Postes S.A. de C.V. are greatly appreciate

    Stability of sterols in phytosterol-enriched milk under different heating conditions

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    Commercially available phytosterol-enriched milk was subjected to usual and drastic heating conditions to evaluate the stability of the sterols at different treatments. Products showed 422.2 mg of phytosterols/100 g of milk and 132 microg of sterol oxidation products (SOPs)/g of fat (277 microg of SOPs/100 g of milk). Schaal oven conditions (24 h/65 degrees C, equivalent to 1 month of storage at room temperature) reduced the phytosterol content by only 4%. Drastic heating treatments (2 min of microwave heating at 900 W or 15 min of electrical heating at 90 degrees C) led to a 60% decrease of total phytosterol content, with a significant increase of TBARs. The oxysterol amount under those conditions (which was higher in microwave-treated samples) was lower than expected, probably because of the degradation of the oxidation products. Usual heating conditions (1.5 min of microwaves) maintained phytosterol content on physiologically active values (301 mg/100 g of milk) with oxidation percentages around 0.12-0.40% for phytosterols and 1.13% for cholesterol

    Validation of a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method for the analysis of sterol oxidation products in serum

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    A validated gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) detection method for the quantitative analysis of sterol oxidation products (SOPs) in serum is described. After a lipid extraction procedure with chloroform-methanol, a cold saponification and purification by solid phase extraction, oxysterols were derivatized to form trimethyl-sylil-ethers which were subjected to GC-MS analysis. Calibration curves for cholesterol oxidation products showed determination coefficient (R(2)) of 1.0, with low values for the coefficient of variation of the response factors (< 1%). Detection and quantification limits were below 5 ng/mL and 10 ng/mL, respectively. Recovery data were between 77.65% and 110.29% (CV < 10% for all compounds). Good results were obtained for within- and between-day repeatability, with values below 10%. In conclusion, the method performed is suitable for the determination and quantification of SOPs in serum

    Oxysterols: A world to explore

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    Oxysterols (oxidized derivatives of cholesterol and phytosterols) can be generated in the human organism through different oxidation processes, some requiring enzymes. Furthermore, oxysterols are also present in food due to lipid oxidation reactions caused by heating treatments, contact with oxygen, exposure to sunlight, etc., and they could be absorbed from the diet, at different rates depending on their side chain length. In the organism, oxysterols can follow different routes: secreted into the intestinal lumen, esterified and distributed by lipoproteins to different tissues or degraded, mainly in the liver. Cholesterol oxidation products (COPs) have shown cytotoxicity, apoptotic and pro-inflammatory effects and they have also been linked with chronic diseases including atherosclerotic and neurodegenerative processess. In the case of phytosterol oxidation products (POPs), more research is needed on toxic effects. Nevertheless, current knowledge suggests they may also cause cytotoxic and pro-apoptotic effects, although at higher concentrations than COPs. Recently, new beneficial biological activities of oxysterols are being investigated. Whereas COPs are associated with cholesterol homeostasis mediated by different mechanisms, the implication of POPs is not clear yet. Available literature on sources of oxysterols in the organism, metabolism, toxicity and potential beneficial effects of these compounds are reviewed in this paper

    Historical earthquake parameters by geological and seismic site analysis: the 1908 Cerbon earthquake (Spain)

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    Seismic catalogues summarize information mainly on recent earthquakes and seismic events, recorded by means of relatively new instruments. Hence, this information, although being of high quality and quantitative value, sometimes is rather incomplete, since historical earthquakes are neglected in many cases. An example is the 1908 Cerbón earthquake (in Spain). This shake caused a good number of effects in the epicentre and surrounding area, triggering a huge landslide among some other effects. A complete geological and seismic site analysis, accompanied by a historical review of testimonies and journals of the time describing this particular earthquake, has been carried out, along with a deep field investigation to identify the mechanism of this landslide and the characteristics of the involved materials. A retrospective pseudo-static numerical simulation has been carried out to calculate the most probable range of peak horizontal accelerations during the earthquake. The results demonstrate the moderate relevance of this shake, also allowing us to quantify its objective importance. The presented methodology can be easily extended to some other similar cases, if seismic catalogues are to be completed for future designs accounting for seismic considerations

    Lumbar vertebral canal stenosis due to marked bone overgrowth after routine hemilaminectomy in a dog

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    Bone overgrowth after decompressive surgery for lumbar stenosis resulting in recurrence of neurological signs has not been reported in veterinary literature. However, there are few cases described in human medicine. A 13-month-old entire female dog, a crossbreed between a Springer Spaniel and a Border Collie, weighing 24 kg, was referred with a 5-day history of progressive spastic paraplegia, indicative of a T3-L3 myelopathy. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging revealed a right-sided L2-L3 compressive extradural lesion, compatible with epidural haemorrhage, which was confirmed by histopathology. The lesion was approached via right-sided L2-L3 hemilaminectomy and was successfully removed. One-year postoperatively the dog re-presented with pelvic limb ataxia. MR and computed tomography (CT) images demonstrated excessive vertebral bone formation affecting the right articular processes, ventral aspect of the spinous process of L2-L3, and contiguous vertebral laminae, causing spinal cord compression. Revision surgery was performed, and histopathology revealed normal or reactive osseous tissue with a possible chondroid metaplasia and endochondral ossification, failing to identify a definitive reason for the bone overgrowth. Nine-month postoperatively, imaging studies showed a similar vertebral overgrowth, resulting in minimal spinal cord compression. The patient remained stable with mild proprioceptive ataxia up until the last follow-up 18 months post-revision surgery. This is the first report in the veterinary literature of bone overgrowth after lumbar hemilaminectomy which resulted in neurological deficits and required a revision decompressive surgery

    8. Effect of iron supplementation and malaria prophylaxis in infants on Plasmodium falciparum genotypes and multiplicity of infection

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    During a randomized placebo-controlled trial of chemoprophylaxis against Plasmodium falciparum malaria and iron supplementation, in infants living under conditions of intense transmission, all samples of P. falciparum obtained from children aged 5 and 8 months were genotyped by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis for the msp2 locus. One hundred and six blood samples were analysed for the number of concurrent infections (multiplicity), and the allelic family of each msp2 genotype was determined. Mean multiplicity of infection was, overall, 2·76 infections/child, and it was significantly reduced in infants receiving chemoprophylaxis. This finding might help to explain the rebound effect in morbidity observed after prophylaxis was ended. Iron supplementation did not affect multiplicity of infection. In infants receiving placebo only, or placebo and iron supplementation, a significant positive association was observed between the number of infections and parasite densities (Spearman's ϱ = 0·25, P − 0·047). This association was lost in the group receiving chemoprophylaxis alone, or in combination with iron. This study showed a significant association of FC27-like msp2 alleles with prospective risk of clinical malaria in children (relative risk = 1·487, P = 0·013). Such an association was also found for the present risk of clinical malaria in infants receiving prophylaxis (odds ratio = 3·84, P = 0·026), which might imply that chemoprophylaxis may impair the development of premunitio

    Determination of non-polar and mid-polar monomeric oxidation products of stigmasterol during thermo-oxidation

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    Oxidation products of stigmasterol were characterised by their polarity and molecular size using solid phase extraction (SPE) and high-performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) methods. Monomeric oxides were studied further by GC–MS and GC–FID. The focus was on identifying and quantifying non-polar and mid-polar monomeric oxides after SPE fractionation. Commercial stigmasterol was subjected to 180 °C up to 3 h. Six oxidation products were identified by GC–MS in the non-polar and mid-polar monomeric fractions; all appeared during the first hour of heating. Quantification by GC–FID showed an increase in the non-polar and mid-polar oxidation products during the heating time, and their amounts reached values of 6.1 and 47.0 g/kg of commercial stigmasterol, respectively. Polar oxidation products commonly measured reached a value of 193 g/kg after 1 h of heating, while after 3 h of heating their concentration was only 164 g/kg. Since as much as 550 g/kg of stigmasterol was decomposed, the monomeric products explained only partly the stigmasterol loss. Dimeric and polymeric products contributed to 165 g/kg of the loss showing the importance of polymerisation reactions at 180 °C

    Sterols heating: Degradation and formation of their ring-structure polar oxidation products

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    Cholesterol and phytosterols can be oxidised under heating conditions to give sterol oxidation products (SOPs), known by their toxic effects. This paper studied the degradation of cholesterol and three plant sterols during a 360min heating treatment (180°C). The formation and further degradation of SOPs was also analysed by GC-MS. Results revealed a sterol susceptibility to degradation according to the following decreasing order: campesterol≈β-sitosterol⩾stigmasterol>cholesterol. The degradation curve fit (R(2)=0.907-0.979) a logarithmic model. SOPs increased their concentration during the first 5-10min and thereafter, their degradation rate was higher than their formation rate, resulting in a decrease over time. Irrespective of the sterol from which they had derived, 7-keto derivatives presented the highest levels throughout the entire process, and also SOPs with the same type of oxidation followed a similar degradation pattern (R=0.90-0.99)
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