569 research outputs found

    Detection of Functional Significance of Coronary Stenoses Using Dynamic 13N-Ammonia Stress-PET/CT with Absolute Values of Myocardial Blood Flow and Coronary Flow Reserve

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    Objectives. The aim of the study was to compare the values of myocardial blood flow (MBF) at stress, MBF at rest and coronary flow reserve (CFR) obtained by 13Nammonia stress-PET/CT in patients with various degrees of coronary stenosis and in healthy patients. And thus to estimate the possible contribution of the stress-PET/CT quantitative data to the detection of functionally significant coronary stenoses in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Materials and methods. 63 patients (mean age 64±9 years) with known CAD underwent dynamic 13N-ammonia stress-PET/CT followed by calculation of MBF both at stress and at rest in absolute units and CFR. We compared quantitative values in two groups of patients with coronary artery stenosis: 1) ≥75% (n = 36) and 2) <75% (n = 27) confirmed by invasive coronary angiography and in group of healthy patients (n = 11). Results. MBF at stress was significantly lower in group with ≥75% diameter stenoses (median 1,44 [1,21; 1,85] mL/min per g) compared with group with <75% diameter stenoses (2,42 [1,75; 2,89] mL/min/g) and the normal group (2,54 [2,31; 2,86] mL/min/g), (p <0,001). There was no reliable difference in MBF at rest between the three groups (p = NS). CFR was significantly lower in the group of patients with severe ≥75% stenoses (1,85 [1,54; 2,31]) in comparison with patients group with stenoses of intermediate <75% severity (2,73 [2,19; 3,21]), and also in comparison with the normal group (3,12 [2,75; 3,23]), (p <0,001). Conclusion. The values of MBF at stress and CFR are significantly lower in patients with severe coronary arteries stenoses comparing with the group of patients with mild and moderate stenoses. The value of MBF at rest used independently has no diagnostic utility for detection of functional significance of coronary artery stenoses. Keywords: myocardial blood flow, coronary flow reserve, PET/CT, 13N-ammonia, coronary stenosis

    Novel high-speed monolithic silicon detector for particle physics

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    This contribution presents simulation results, implementation, and first tests of a monolithic detector developed at KIT. It consists of a sensor diode tightly integrated with an analogue front-end based on SiGe (Silicon-Germanium) SG13G2 130 nm BiCMOS technology produced at the Leibniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics (IHP). The pixel size is 100 μm × 100 μm, and the nwell charge collection node dimensions were reduced to 10 μm × 10 μm. We investigate the influence of this approach on sensor performance, spatial resolution via charge sharing and timing behaviour

    11C-Choline Pet/Ct in the Detection of Prostate Cancer Relapse in Patients After Radical Treatment With Psa Level < 10 Ng/Ml

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    Purpose: To evaluate the usefulness of 11C-Choline PET/CT in the detection of recurrent prostate cancer (PCa) in patients with biochemical relapse after radical treatment. Materials and methods: This retrospective study included 217 PCa patients who underwent 11C-Choline PET/CT in the Department of Nuclear Medicine of Bakoulev Scientific Centre. All patients had biochemical relapse 3±2 years after radical treatment for locally advanced PCa (T1–3 N0–1 M0): radical prostatectomy (n = 159) and radiation therapy (n = 58). The mean PSA value in the group was 2.1±2.5 (0.2–9.7) ng/ml, median – 1.9 ng/ml. Imaging was performed on PET/CT scanner (Biograph-64, Siemens) 10 min after injection of 11C-Choline (400–550 Mbq). Results: Overall, according to 11C-Choline PET/CT results PCa relapse was detected in 56% (121/217) of cases: in 50% (80/159) after radical prostatectomy and in 71% (41/58) after radiation therapy. The mean PSA value in PET-positive cases was 3.1±2.2 (0.2–9.7) ng/ml, while in PETnegative cases – 1.8±1.7 (0.2–4.6) ng/ml. The majority – 68% (65/96) patients with PET-negative scan had low PSA levels (&lt; 2 ng/ml). PET/CT results were positive in 43% (50/115) patients with PSA of &lt; 2 ng/ml, in 63% (45/72) with PSA of 2 to 5 ng/ml, and in 87% (26/30) with PSA of &gt; 5 ng/ml. Local relapse was detected in 51% (62/121) patients, distant metastases – in 28% (34/121) of cases, both local and distant metastases – in 21% (25/121) of cases. Lymph node metastases were detected in 38% (86/217) of all patients included in the analysis, of which 28% (24/86) had lesions in lymph node of normal size (median 7 mm). Of all PET-positive patients bone metastases were detected in 33% (40/121), of which 60% (24/40) had isolated skeletal involvement. Importantly, that 27% (11/40) of PETpositive patients with bone metastases had no structural abnormalities on CT images (CT-negative cases), corresponding to isolated involvement of bone marrow. And half of these CT-negative patients (5/11) had single lesions. The mean PSA value in patients with bone metastases was 5.0±3.7 (0.4–9.1) ng/ml, median – 3.8 ng/ml. According to 11C-Choline PET/CT results oligometastatic PCa recurrence was revealed in 38% (82/217) of all patients, of which 62% (51/82) had local relapse only. Distant oligometastatic lesions were detected in 38% (31/82), of which 13% (4/31) were presented by normal-size lymph nodes and 19% (6/31) – by early bone marrow metastases. 48% (58/121) of PET-positive results were confirmed by data of repeated PET/CT examinations. Conclusion: 11C-Choline PET/CT has been shown to be a single noninvasive accurate technique for detection of recurrent PCa in patients with rising PSA after radical treatment, which allows to differentiate patients with local and distant metastases in one study, as well as identify oligometastatic process, and therefore was useful in determining the further personalized therapeutic approach. Keywords: prostate cancer, PET/CT, 11C-Choline, biochemical recurrence, PSA

    Неформальное образование: обзор современных исследований

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    Introduction. Non-formal education is gaining a new impetus in the establishment of a sustainable knowledge society. The article reveals major concerns of non-formal education as an element of life-long learning and adult education policies as well as its effective implementation into the national educational mainstream. Aim. The aim of the research is to conduct a detailed overview of various current studies, exemplifying the international experience in non-formal education and the case-studies of its adoption along with the mechanisms for its validation in different countries. Methodology and research methods. The work was based on the methodology of comparative analysis and qualitative content analysis of official UNESCO, CEDEFOP, etc. international statistical and analytical reports, academic and empirical studies. An analytical review shows policy changes towards the development of non-formal education as well as an international and available in individual countries experience of its studying and implementation. Results. Based on the compatibility scopes principle, three levels of analysis of non-formal education (macro-level/global, meso-level/institutional, micro-level/personal) were identified so that the key issues and trends in its development could be pinpointed at every stage. The conducted research leads to the conclusion that non-formal education practices are acquiring institutional forms. The level of non-formal education development in different countries varies. However, there are general trends towards solving a number of similar social problems by means of non-formal education, such as bridging the supply and demand for competencies in the labour market, social inclusion of different segments of the population, and others. Scientific novelty and practical significance. The novelty of this study is seen in the resource capacity of non-formal education, the potential of its implementation for the vocational re-skilling, upskilling and further training of various socio-demographic groups, its global development trends and prospects. The practical significance lies in the application of mechanisms for recognising non-formal education outcomes. The highlighted trends and the best international experience can provide non-formal education integration into the educational mainstream, create experimental learning platforms and accelerate practical educational policy measures.Введение. Неформальное образование приобретает новый импульс в контексте построения устойчивого и высокотехнологичного общества. Статья раскрывает актуальные проблемы развития неформального образования как элемента системы lifelong learning и образования взрослых. Цель. Целью настоящей работы является проведение аналитического обзора современных исследований, раскрывающих международный опыт изучения неформального образования, практик его применения в разных странах, а также механизмов признания его результатов. Методология и методы. Работа базировалась на методологии сопоставительного анализа и качественного контент-анализа международных статистических и аналитических отчетов ЮНЕСКО, CEDEFOP и др., академических и эмпирических исследований. В ходе аналитического обзора были рассмотрены изменения политики в отношении развития неформального образования, международный и имеющийся в отдельных странах опыт его изучения и реализации. Результаты. На основе принципа совмещения масштабов выделены три уровня анализа неформального образования (макроуровень/глобальный, мезоуровень/институциональный, микроуровень/личностный). На каждом из них выявлены и описаны ключевая проблематика и тренды в развитии неформального образования. Проведенное исследование дает основание полагать, что практики неформального образования приобретают институциональные формы. Уровень развития неформального образования в разных странах отличается, однако существуют общие тенденции к решению ряда схожих социальных задач за счет ресурсов неформального образования, таких как синхронизация спроса и предложения на рынке труда, социальная инклюзия разных категорий населения и др. Научная новизна и практическая значимость. Научная новизна исследования заключается в том, что аналитический обзор раскрывает ресурсный потенциал неформального образования, возможности его применения для переквалификации разных социально-демографических групп населения, глобальные тренды и перспективы его развития. Практическая значимость состоит в том, что показаны механизмы признания результатов неформального образования. Выявленные тренды и лучший международный опыт можно использовать для интеграции формального и неформального образования, создания экспериментальных площадок обучения, акселерации практических мер образовательной политики

    Apolipoprotein A-I inhibits the increased activities of chitotriosidase and β-glucosaminidase in the liver of mice with BCG-induced tuberculosis inflammation

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    The aim of the investigation was to study the activity of lysosomal chitinases (chitotriosidase and β-glucosaminidase) in the liver of mice using a model of BCG-induced tuberculous inflammation after intravenous administration of apolipoprotein A-I. Material and methods. The study was carried out on male CBA mice weighing 20–22 g. Disseminated tuberculous inflammation was modeled by a single intraperitoneal injection of 0.5 mg of BCG vaccine. The activity of chitinases was determined using fluorescent substrates 4-methylumbelliferyl β-D-N,N′,N′′-triacetylchitotrioside and 4-methylumbelliferyl N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminide. Results and discussion. BCG-infection of animals after 4 weeks caused a significant increase in the activity of endogenous chitinases in comparison with the control group: chitotriosidase – 3.05 times (p <0.001), β-glucosaminidase – 1.76 times (p <0.01). Intravenous administration of apolipoprotein A-I to animals against the background of BCG infection inhibited the increased enzyme activity, values did not significantly differ from the control values. Conclusions. The results of these studies indicate the ability of apolipoprotein A-I to reduce the increased activity of endogenous lysosomal chitinases in the liver of mice with BCG-induced tuberculous inflammation

    Ethylene and expansin biosynthesis related genes polymorphism in local apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivars from VIR Collection of plant genetic resources

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    At Pushkin and Pavlovsk Laboratories of the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR) a diverse collec tion of local apple cultivars is maintained. Some of the cultivars are widely used in breeding programs for their ecological plasticity, increased adaptation to abiotic stress and disease resistance, still there have been no large-scale studies of these local cultivars for fruit storage ability. Fruit softening during storage is an important problem for apple production. Retention of desirable firmness after prolonged storage is one of the key requirements for new apple cultivars. Expansin and ethy lene biosynthesis related genes are known to be involved in control of fruit softening in apple, and gene specific molecular markers have been reported. In this study the polymorphism and allelic configuration of ethylene and expansin biosynthesis related genes Md-ACS1, Md-ACO1 and Md-Exp7 involved in control of fruit softening in 87 local apple cultivars from VIR Collection of Plant Genetic Resources were analyzed. PCR markers Md-ACS1, Md-ACO1 and SSR-marker Md-Exp7 were used in the study. The allele frequencies in the collection generally coincided with the data from previous studies. Md-ACS1 allele 2 associated with reduced ethylene production was found only in three local cultivars, while all the studied local cultivars were heterozygous for the Md-ACO1 locus, as well as most modern Russian apple cultivars. Half of the studied local cultivars were heterozygous for Md-Exp7 (198 : 202). Thirteen local cultivars with rare Md-Exp7 alleles (206, 210 and 212) were detected. No association was found between the Md-Exp7 genotype and the cultivars’ maturation time. The obtained results can be used for additional evaluation of the cultivars’ potential for breeding

    Adult education ecosystem: Terminological field and interdisciplinary thesaurus modelling

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    Introduction. The relevance of the study is provoked by the rapid expansion of the educational environment, the emergence of new actors and educational service providers, which indicate changes in the institutional landscape of adult education and the development of educational ecosystems. Both in the world and in Russia, there is a growing demand for bridging the qualification gap and retraining a significant part of adults. Therefore, a comprehensive study of continuing adult education, including formal and informal education, that is inseparable from the demands of the platform economy, is becoming extremely important. There is a tendency to transform the idea of an educational ecosystem for lifelong adult learning into a well-thought-out educational policy. However, the problem is that the scientific and methodological substantiation of the ecosystem approach and the subsequent development of managerial work to develop the quality of human capital education are impossible without a unified terminological language of description. Aim. The article is aimed at theoretical substantiation of the terminological field and interdisciplinary thesaurus modelling of the adult education ecosystem. Methodology and research methods. The methodological basis is framed by evolutionary, systematic and interdisciplinary approaches to analyse adult education with regard to complex socio-economic and digital transformations. Using theoretical methods, such as critical, conceptual, comparative, thematic content analysis of Russian and foreign publications, the authors described the categorical field of the problem under investigation. Results. The authors have found that the conceptual and terminological field of the adult education ecosystem is shaped at the intersection of four disciplinary areas (ecology, economy, education, digital technologies). Based on the results, the authors identified the concepts and categories that reveal the processes in adult education; and proposed the idea of an interdisciplinary thesaurus and its conceptual model. Using the developed thesaurus, the authors gave a theoretical explanation for new phenomena and processes in adult education, carried out comparative analysis of the ecosystem with the traditional system of adult education. The authors define the adult education ecosystem as an open multidimensional self-regulating educational environment, where different types of education (formal, informal, corporate training) integrate via modern digital tools, providing symbiosis and co-evolution of participants, new patterns of links aimed at making a valuable offer for learners. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the idea and model of the interdisciplinary thesaurus have been proposed to describe transformation processes in adult education; the concept of “adult education ecosystem” has been revealed; the peculiarities of the adult education ecosystem in comparison with the traditional education system have been identified. The adult education ecosystem is explained as a theoretical construct, a socio-economic phenomenon and a management paradigm. Practical significance. The proposed thesaurus provides a unified description language that is in demand in pedagogical, managerial and scientific discourses. This is of particular importance for practitioners, designers of educational programmes, methodologists, managers, providers of various educational forms in the context of reforming the national adult education system, synchronising supply and demand in the labour market, developing tools for regulation and support of lifelong learning.Введение. Актуальность обусловлена стремительным расширением образовательного пространства, появлением новых акторов, поставщиков образовательных услуг, что свидетельствует об изменении институционального ландшафта образования взрослых и формирования образовательных экосистем. Как в мире, так и в России растет запрос на преодоление квалификационного разрыва и переобучение значительной части взрослого населения, в связи с чем чрезвычайно важным становится комплексное изучение непрерывного образования взрослых, включая формальное и неформальное образование, в сопряженности с запросами платформенной экономики. Наблюдается тенденция преобразования идеи образовательной экосистемы непрерывного образования взрослых в продуманную образовательную политику. Однако проблема заключается в том, что научно-методическое обоснование экосистемного подхода и последующая разработка управленческих действий по развитию качества образования, человеческого капитала невозможны без единого терминологического языка описания. Цель. Статья нацелена на теоретическое обоснование и конструирование терминологического поля, междисциплинарного тезауруса экосистемы образования взрослых. Методология, методы и методики. Методологическую основу составили эволюционный, системный и междисциплинарный подходы, позволяющие анализировать образование взрослых в контексте комплексных социально-экономических и цифровых трансформаций. Исследование базировалось на теоретических методах анализа отечественной и зарубежной литературы (критический анализ содержаний публикаций, понятийный, сравнительно-сопоставительный анализы, тематический контент-анализ), которые позволили описать категориальное поле изучаемой проблемы. Результаты. Авторами установлено, что понятийно-терминологическое поле экосистемы образования взрослых формируется на стыке четырех дисциплинарных областей (экология, экономика, образование, цифровые технологии). По результатам критического анализа научной литературы из каждой дисциплинарной области выделены понятия для описания экосистемы образования взрослых, обоснована концепция междисциплинарного тезауруса, предложена его модель. С помощью разработанного тезауруса дано теоретическое объяснение новым явлениям и процессам в сфере образования взрослых, проведен сопоставительный анализ экосистемы с традиционной системой образования взрослых. Она трактуется авторами как открытое многомерное саморегулируемое образовательное пространство, где возможна интеграция разных видов образования (формального, неформального, корпоративного обучения) за счет современных цифровых решений, что обеспечивает симбиоз и коэволюцию участников, новые конфигурации связей для создания ценностного предложения для обучающихся. Научная новизна. Новизна результатов заключается в том, что впервые предложена концепция междисциплинарного тезауруса, позволяющего описывать трансформационные процессы в образовании взрослых; раскрыт концепт «экосистема образования взрослых»; выявлена специфика элементов экосистемы образования взрослых в сравнении с традиционной системой образования. Экосистема образования взрослых рассмотрена как теоретический конструкт, социально-экономическое явление, управленческая парадигма. Практическая значимость. Практическая значимость состоит в том, что предложенный тезаурус обеспечивает единый язык описания, востребованный в педагогическом, управленческом, научном дискурсах; особую значимость это имеет для педагогов-практиков, дизайнеров образовательных программ и методистов, управленцев, провайдеров разных форм образования в контексте реформирования национальной системы образования взрослых, синхронизации спроса и предложения на рынке труда, разработки инструментов регулирования и сопровождения обучения на протяжении всей жизни.The research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 23- 78-10085, https://rscf.ru/project/23-78-10085/.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда № 23- 78-10085, https://rscf.ru/project/23-78-10085/

    An approach to assess flooding and erosion risk for open beaches in a changing climate

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    This paper examines the vulnerability to flooding and erosion of four open beach study sites in Europe. A framework for the quantitative estimation of present and future coastal flood and erosion risks is established using methods, data and tools from across a range of disciplines, including topographic and bathymetric data, climate data from observation, hindcast and model projections, statistical modelling of current and future climates and integrated risk analysis tools. Uncertainties in the estimation of future coastal system dynamics are considered, as are the consequences for the inland systems. Different implementations of the framework are applied to the study sites which have different wave, tidal and surge climate conditions. These sites are: Santander, Spain—the Atlantic Ocean; Bellocchio, Italy—the Adriatic Sea; Varna, Bulgaria—the Black Sea; and the Teign Estuary, UK—the northern Atlantic Ocean. The complexity of each system is first simplified by sub-division into coastal "impact units" defined by homogeneity in the local key forcing parameters: wave, wind, tide, river discharge, run-off, etc. This reduces the simulation to that of a number of simpler linear problems which are treated by applying the first two components of the Source–Pathway–Receptor–Consequence (S–P–R–C) approach. The case studies reveal the flexibility of this approach, which is found useful for the rapid assessment of the risks of flooding and erosion for a range of scenarios and the likely effectiveness of flood defences

    Analysis of factors affecting the accuracy of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography combined with computed tomography in case of suspected prosthetic valve infective endocarditis

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    Aim. To analyze the factors affecting the accuracy of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography combined with computed tomography (PET/CT) in case of suspected prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE).Material and methods. The results of PET/CT performed in 66 patients after heart valve replacement were analyzed: 55 patients with suspected PVE (≥3 months after surgery) and 11 comparison groups without PVE (2 months after surgery). In the group with suspected PVE (n=55) at the time of the study, 27% (15/55) had a normal body temperature, 85% (47/55) — no leukocytosis. In 16% (9/55), the examination was performed from 3 to 6 months after surgery and in 67% (37/55)  — against the background of long-term antibiotic therapy (ABT). The final diagnosis of PVE was made on the basis of clinical (including 6±3 followup), laboratory, instrumental, and intraoperative (n=40) data: confirmed  — in 37 patients; ruled out — in 29 patients. In order to determine the influence of factors on obtaining false PET/CT results, the odds ratio was calculated.Results. In the group with suspected PVE (n=55), the PET/CT results made it possible to establish and rule out PVE in 92% (34/37) and 67% (12/18) of patients, respectively. In 16% (9/55) of patients, false positive (n=6) and false negative (n=3) results. Thus, the sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy of PET/CT in the diagnosis of PVE were 92%, 67% and 84%, respectively; positive and negative predictive values — 85% and 80%. The analysis of the odds ratio did not reveal the relationship of low inflammatory activity, the interval between surgery and PET/CT from 3 to 6 months, and long-term ABT before PET/CT with false PET/CT results (p&gt;0,05). In the comparison group without PVE (n=11), 91% (10/11) received false positive PET/CT results, and one patient received a true negative result.Conclusion. The data obtained indicate the high informative value of PET/CT in the diagnosis of PVE. Interval &gt;2 months between surgery and PET/CT significantly reduces the accuracy of PET/CT results. Other factors analyzed in the presented group did not affect the accuracy of PET/CT results