3,137 research outputs found

    Radiative coupling and weak lasing of exciton-polariton condensates

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    In spite of having finite life-time exciton-polaritons in microcavities are known to condense at strong enough pumping of the reservoir. We present an analytical theory of such Bose-condensates on a set of localized one-particle states: condensation centers. To understand physics of these arrays one has to supplement the Josephson coupling by the radiative coupling caused by the interference of the light emitted by different centers. Combination of these couplings with the one-site interaction between the bosons leads to a rich nonlinear dynamics. In particular, a new regime of radiation appears. We call it weak lasing: the centers have macroscopic occupations and radiate coherently, but the coupling alone is sufficient for stabilization. The system can have several stable states and switch between them. Moreover, the time reversal symmetry in this regime is, as a rule, broken. A number of existing experimental puzzles find natural interpretation in the framework of this theory.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Gaussian-State Theory of Two-Photon Imaging

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    Biphoton states of signal and idler fields--obtained from spontaneous parametric downconversion (SPDC) in the low-brightness, low-flux regime--have been utilized in several quantum imaging configurations to exceed the resolution performance of conventional imagers that employ coherent-state or thermal light. Recent work--using the full Gaussian-state description of SPDC--has shown that the same resolution performance seen in quantum optical coherence tomography and the same imaging characteristics found in quantum ghost imaging can be realized by classical-state imagers that make use of phase-sensitive cross correlations. This paper extends the Gaussian-state analysis to two additional biphoton-state quantum imaging scenarios: far field diffraction-pattern imaging; and broadband thin-lens imaging. It is shown that the spatial resolution behavior in both cases is controlled by the nonzero phase-sensitive cross correlation between the signal and idler fields. Thus, the same resolution can be achieved in these two configurations with classical-state signal and idler fields possessing a nonzero phase-sensitive cross correlation.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Experimental Quantum Imaging exploiting multi-mode spatial correlation of twin beams

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    Properties of quantum states have disclosed new and revolutionary technologies, ranging from quantum information to quantum imaging. This last field is addressed to overcome limits of classical imaging by exploiting specific properties of quantum states of light. One of the most interesting proposed scheme exploits spatial quantum correlations between twin beams for realizing sub-shot-noise imaging of the weak absorbing objects, leading ideally to a noise-free imaging. Here we discuss in detail the experimental realization of this scheme, showing its capability to reach a larger signal to noise ratio with respect to classical imaging methods and, therefore, its interest for future practical applications

    Duality Between Spatial and Angular Shift in Optical Reflection

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    We report a unified representation of the spatial and angular Goos-Hanchen and Imbert-Fedorov shifts that occur when a light beam reflects from a plane interface. We thus reveal the dual nature of spatial and angular shifts in optical beam reflection. In the Goos-Hanchen case we show theoretically and experimentally that this unification naturally arises in the context of reflection from a lossy surface (e.g., a metal).Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Signal-to-noise ratio of Gaussian-state ghost imaging

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    The signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) of three Gaussian-state ghost imaging configurations--distinguished by the nature of their light sources--are derived. Two use classical-state light, specifically a joint signal-reference field state that has either the maximum phase-insensitive or the maximum phase-sensitive cross correlation consistent with having a proper PP representation. The third uses nonclassical light, in particular an entangled signal-reference field state with the maximum phase-sensitive cross correlation permitted by quantum mechanics. Analytic SNR expressions are developed for the near-field and far-field regimes, within which simple asymptotic approximations are presented for low-brightness and high-brightness sources. A high-brightness thermal-state (classical phase-insensitive state) source will typically achieve a higher SNR than a biphoton-state (low-brightness, low-flux limit of the entangled-state) source, when all other system parameters are equal for the two systems. With high efficiency photon-number resolving detectors, a low-brightness, high-flux entangled-state source may achieve a higher SNR than that obtained with a high-brightness thermal-state source.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. This version incorporates additional references and a new analysis of the nonclassical case that, for the first time, includes the complete transition to the classical signal-to-noise ratio asymptote at high source brightnes

    Decoherence-free preparation of Dicke states of trapped ions by collective stimulated Raman adiabatic passage

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    We propose a simple technique for the generation of arbitrary-sized Dicke states in a chain of trapped ions. The method uses global addressing of the entire chain by two pairs of delayed but partially overlapping laser pulses to engineer a collective adiabatic passage along a multi-ion dark state. Our technique, which is a many-particle generalization of stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP), is decoherence-free with respect to spontaneous emission and robust against moderate fluctuations in the experimental parameters. Furthermore, because the process is very rapid, the effects of heating are almost negligible under realistic experimental conditions. We predict that the overall fidelity of synthesis of a Dicke state involving ten ions sharing two excitations should approach 98% with currently achievable experimental parameters.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Feelings of dual-insecurity among European workers: A multi-level analysis

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    This article analyses European Social Survey data for 22 countries. We assess the relationship between feelings of employment and income insecurity (dual-insecurity) among workers and national flexicurity policies in the areas of lifelong learning, active labour market policy, modern social security systems and flexible and reliable contractual arrangements. We find that dual-insecurity feelings are lower in countries that score better on most flexicurity polices, but these effects are in all cases outweighed by levels of GDP per capita. Thus feelings of insecurity are reduced more by the affluence of a country than by its social policies. However, affluence is strongly correlated with the policy efforts designed to reduce insecurity, especially active labour market policies and life-long learning, two policy areas that are threatened with cuts as a result of austerity

    Robust creation of arbitrary-sized Dicke states using a single laser pulse

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    We propose a novel technique for the creation of maximally entangled symmetric Dicke states in an ion trap using adiabatic passage, which requires only a pair of chirped pulses from a single laser and is applicable to any number of ions and excitations. By utilising a particular factorisation of the Hilbert space for multi-level ladders we show that the problem can be reduced to `bow-tie' configuration energy-level crossings. This technique is naturally robust against fluctuations in the laser intensity and the chirp rate. Even when realistic heating rates are considered, we estimate that the overall fidelity should remain high (e.g. 98% for a ten-ion Dicke state), which represents a significant improvement over traditional approaches.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Minor changes. Journal Ref Adde

    Photon-added coherent states as nonlinear coherent states

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    The states ∣α,m>|\alpha,m>, defined as a†m∣α>{a^{\dagger}}^{m}|\alpha> up to a normalization constant and mm is a nonnegative integer, are shown to be the eigenstates of f(n^,m)a^f(\hat{n},m)\hat{a} where f(n^,m)f(\hat{n},m) is a nonlinear function of the number operator n^\hat{n}. The explicit form of f(n^,m)f(\hat{n},m) is constructed. The eigenstates of this operator for negative values of mm are introduced. The properties of these states are discussed and compared with those of the state ∣α,m>|\alpha,m >.Comment: Rev Tex file with two figures as postscript files attached. Email: [email protected]

    Quantum Monte Carlo study of ring-shaped polariton parametric luminescence in a semiconductor microcavity

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    We present a quantum Monte Carlo study of the quantum correlations in the parametric luminescence from semiconductor microcavities in the strong exciton-photon coupling regime. As already demonstrated in recent experiments, a ring-shaped emission is obtained by applying two identical pump beams with opposite in-plane wavevectors, providing symmetrical signal and idler beams with opposite in-plane wavevectors on the ring. We study the squeezing of the signal-idler difference noise across the parametric instability threshold, accounting for the radiative and non-radiative losses, multiple scattering and static disorder. We compare the results of the complete multimode Monte Carlo simulations with a simplified linearized quantum Langevin analytical model
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