522 research outputs found

    La Comunicació de risc, més enllà dels mitjans: i els periodistes?

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    En el context de la societat del risc global, el poder comunicatiu es manifesta constitutivament i reflexiva. Primer, es proposa una aproximació a l'estudi del risc com una forma de comunicació. Segon, l'anàlisi institucional de la UE com a comunitat de comunicació de risc, ens serveix per exemplificar la mediatització creixent d'aquest camp. En tercer lloc, es revisa críticament la investigació dels mitjans que, tot i continuar essent essencial en els processos de comunicació de risc, ara ho és no mediacèntricament. Finalment, es plantegen algunes reflexions obertes per avaluar les cultures professionals del periodisme i llurs pràctiques productives associades amb la comunicació de risc, camp d'acció els trets del qual conviden a una plena configuració comunicativa.Today, in the context of the global risk society, communicative power has shown itself to be constitutive and reflexive. Firstly, the study of risk is approached as a form of communication. Secondly, the institutional analysis of the EU as a risk communication community is used to exemplify the growing mediatisation of the field of risk communication. Thirdly, media research is analysed critically as, whilst still being essential in risk communication processes, it is now essential in a non-media-centric way. Finally, some open-ended questions are posed to assess journalistic professional cul-tures and their productive practices associated with risk communication, a field of action that calls for a complete communicative configuration in light of its characteristics

    La Comunicació de risc, més enllà dels mitjans: i els periodistes?

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    En el context de la societat del risc global, el poder comunicatiu es manifesta constitutivament i reflexiva. Primer, es proposa una aproximació a l'estudi del risc com una forma de comunicació. Segon, l'anàlisi institucional de la UE com a comunitat de comunicació de risc, ens serveix per exemplificar la mediatització creixent d'aquest camp. En tercer lloc, es revisa críticament la investigació dels mitjans que, tot i continuar essent essencial en els processos de comunicació de risc, ara ho és no mediacèntricament. Finalment, es plantegen algunes reflexions obertes per avaluar les cultures professionals del periodisme i llurs pràctiques productives associades amb la comunicació de risc, camp d'acció els trets del qual conviden a una plena configuració comunicativa.Today, in the context of the global risk society, communicative power has shown itself to be constitutive and reflexive. Firstly, the study of risk is approached as a form of communication. Secondly, the institutional analysis of the EU as a risk communication community is used to exemplify the growing mediatisation of the field of risk communication. Thirdly, media research is analysed critically as, whilst still being essential in risk communication processes, it is now essential in a non-media-centric way. Finally, some open-ended questions are posed to assess journalistic professional cul-tures and their productive practices associated with risk communication, a field of action that calls for a complete communicative configuration in light of its characteristics

    Connexin-Based Channels and RhoA/ROCK Pathway in Angiotensin II-Induced Kidney Damage

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    The incidence of chronic kidney diseases is increasing worldwide, and there is no efficient therapy to reduce this phenomenon. The main therapies currently available focus on the control of blood pressure and the optimization of the blockade of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). In addition, it is known that in several models of kidney damage, the amounts of connexins are altered. On the other hand, fasudil, a selective ROCK blocker, has shown renoprotective effects. The beneficial effects of blocking the RhoA/ROCK pathway in renal function may be related to its action of reducing macrophage infiltration, inflammation, and oxidative stress (OS), its expression of extracellular matrix genes and proteinuria, or to its effects on connexin abundance. Even though a correlation has been found between renal damage, caused by an increase in the RAS activity, connexins, and the RhoA/ROCK signaling pathway, it has not yet been possible to clearly determine its functional significance. Moreover, it has not been possible to identify the preponderance of this signaling pathway in the development of chronic kidney diseases. Here, we describe the advances in this subject

    Localized Refractive Changes Induced by Symmetric and Progressive Asymmetric Intracorneal Ring Segments Assessed with a 3D Finite-Element Model.

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    To build a representative 3D finite element model (FEM) for intracorneal ring segment (ICRS) implantation and to investigate localized optical changes induced by different ICRS geometries, a hyperelastic shell FEM was developed to compare the effect of symmetric and progressive asymmetric ICRS designs in a generic healthy and asymmetric keratoconic (KC) cornea. The resulting deformed geometry was assessed in terms of average curvature via a biconic fit, sagittal curvature (K), and optical aberrations via Zernike polynomials. The sagittal curvature map showed a locally restricted flattening interior to the ring (Kmax -11 to -25 dpt) and, in the KC cornea, an additional local steepening on the opposite half of the cornea (Kmax up to +1.9 dpt). Considering the optical aberrations present in the model of the KC cornea, the progressive ICRS corrected vertical coma (-3.42 vs. -3.13 µm); horizontal coma (-0.67 vs. 0.36 µm); and defocus (2.90 vs. 2.75 µm), oblique trefoil (-0.54 vs. -0.08 µm), and oblique secondary astigmatism (0.48 vs. -0.09 µm) aberrations stronger than the symmetric ICRS. Customized ICRS designs inspired by the underlying KC phenotype have the potential to achieve more tailored refractive corrections, particularly in asymmetric keratoconus patterns

    Platform of Citizen Interaction: the contribution to the governability of New TIC´s and Citizen Relational Management

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    Understanding "governability" as an interaction process among government and society, the New Technologies of Information and Communications (NTICs) can contribute as a strategy of improvement and conversion in the type of communication between both actors. This article introduces concepts referred to Customer Relationship Management applications turned into Citizen Relationship Management tools. The plus of a modeling of the multiplatforms functionalities that this solution offers and a protocol of implementation and system migration is a step forward in the achievement of obtaining an electronic government with civil democratic interaction and transparency in the management. The idea of a Platform of Citizen Interaction that auspice as a repository of the communication between public and civil entities allows having a unique and centralized database capable of being segmented of different ways to attend to a great diversity of subject matters.VIII Workshop Innovación en Sistemas de Software (WISS).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Platform of Citizen Interaction: the contribution to the governability of New TIC´s and Citizen Relational Management

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    Understanding "governability" as an interaction process among government and society, the New Technologies of Information and Communications (NTICs) can contribute as a strategy of improvement and conversion in the type of communication between both actors. This article introduces concepts referred to Customer Relationship Management applications turned into Citizen Relationship Management tools. The plus of a modeling of the multiplatforms functionalities that this solution offers and a protocol of implementation and system migration is a step forward in the achievement of obtaining an electronic government with civil democratic interaction and transparency in the management. The idea of a Platform of Citizen Interaction that auspice as a repository of the communication between public and civil entities allows having a unique and centralized database capable of being segmented of different ways to attend to a great diversity of subject matters.VIII Workshop Innovación en Sistemas de Software (WISS).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    ¿Por qué no nos gustan algunos compañeros? Razones de los escolares de primero y segundo curso de educación primaria

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    El objetivo de este artículo es estudiar por qué a los niños/as de 6-7 años no les gustan otros compañeros/as de su misma aula. El trabajo profundiza en el fundamento y la definición de cada categoría de motivos de desagrado propuesta por García Bacete, Marande, Carrero y Musitu (2017), y en el significado de motivos específicos, lo que permite ser más precisos en la identificación de similitudes y diferencias en las comparaciones constantes motivo-motivo, motivo-categoría y categoría-categoría. Esto ha permitido construir un mapeo completo de los motivos y elaborar una guía que orienta de forma integrada la comprensión y la clasificación de los motivos en ocho categorías: conductas agresivas, conductas de dominancia, conductas sociales y escolares problemáticas, molestias al bienestar, identidad personal, identidad social, falta de intercambios y no sabe/no contesta. Y aunque han emergido algunos cambios, el resultado refuerza la taxonomía original. De cada categoría se ofrece su definición, fundamentos y ejemplos representativos. Se concluye que los juicios de desagrado son diversos, suelen ser encubiertos, tienen base grupal y revelan fallos en la inclusión. Finalmente se ofrecen pautas para la prevención y la intervención en las aulas.Why do we dislike some classmates? Reasons of first and second graders elementary school. The aim of this work is to study why children aged 6-7 do not like other classmates. The article goes in depth in the rationale and definition of each category of reasons for disliking proposed by García Bacete, Marande, Carrero and Musitu (2017), and in the meaning of specific reasons, so that we can identify more accurately similarities and differences in the constant comparisons reason-reason, reason-category and category-category. This has led to the construction of a complete mapping of the reasons and a guide to facilitate an integrated way of understanding and classifying the reasons in eight categories: aggressive behaviors, dominance behaviors, problematic social and school behaviors, inconvenience to well-being, personal identity, social identity, lack of exchanges and “do not know / no answer”. Although some changes did emerge, the outcome reinforces the original taxonomy. A definition for each category, as well as theoretical basis and representative examples, are provided. The conclusion is that the motives for disliking are diverse and usually not put on display, that they have a group basis and reveal failures in inclusion. Finally, guidelines for prevention and intervention in classrooms are offered

    InstanceCollage: a tool for the particularization of collaborative IMS-LD scripts

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    Current research work in e-learning and more specifically in the field of CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) deals with design of collaborative activities, according to computer-interpretable specifications, such as IMS Learning Design, and their posterior enactment using LMSs (Learning Management Systems). A script that describes such collaborative activities is typically designed beforehand in order to structure collaboration, and defines the features that determine the behavior of the LMS, for instance, the sequence of activities or the groups/role distribution. In CSCL settings, group management and composition are especially relevant and affect the chances of achieving the expected learning outcomes. This paper presents a software tool, named InstanceCollage, which aims at facilitating the configuration and population of groups for IMS-LD scripts created with the authoring tool Collage, and discusses the implications of the IMS-LD specification with respect to this task. InstanceCollage is designed to process collaboration scripts based on CLFPs (Collaborative Learning Flow Patterns). Using this type of patterns, InstanceCollage focuses on the importance of understanding the function of groups within the learning strategy of the script. This paper describes the approach taken in InstanceCollage to facilitate this understanding for non-expert users. Additionally, two case studies are presented, which represent complex authentic collaborative learning scenarios, as a proof of concept of the functionality of this tool. The case studies are also used to illustrate the requirements of group configuration tools and to show that InstanceCollage complies to such requirements

    Engineering a new vaccine platform for heterologous antigen delivery in live-attenuated Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Live vaccines are attractive vehicles for antigen delivery as a strategy to immunize against heterologous pathogens. The live vaccine MTBVAC is based on rational attenuation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with the objective of improving BCG protection against pulmonary tuberculosis. However, the development of recombinant mycobacteria as antigen-presenting microorganisms has been hindered due to their fastidious genetic manipulation. In this study, we used MTBVAC as a genetic platform to deliver diphtheria, tetanus, or pertussis toxoids, which are the immunogenic constituents of the DTP vaccine. When using nonoptimal genetic conditions, the expression of these immunogens was barely detectable. Accordingly, we pursued a rational, step-by-step optimization of the genetic components to achieve the expression and secretion of these toxoids. We explored variants of the L5 mycobacteriophage promoter to ensure balanced antigen expression and plasmid stability. Optimal signal sequences were identified by comparative proteomics of MTBVAC and its parental strain. It was determined that proteins secreted by the Twin Arginine Translocation pathway displayed higher secretion in MTBVAC, and the Ag85A secretion sequence was selected as the best candidate. Because the coding regions of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis toxoids significantly differ in G + C content relative to mycobacterial genes, their codon usage was optimized. We also placed a 3xFLAG epitope in frame with the C-terminus of these toxoids to facilitate protein detection. Altogether, these optimizations resulted in the secretion of DTP antigens by MTBVAC, as demonstrated by western blot and MRM-MS. Finally, we examined specific antibody responses in mice vaccinated with recombinant MTBVAC expressing DTP antigens

    Parkinsonian motor impairment predicts personality domains related to genetic risk and treatment outcomes in schizophrenia

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    Identifying endophenotypes of schizophrenia is of critical importance and has profound implications on clinical practice. Here we propose an innovative approach to clarify the mechanims through which temperament and character deviance relates to risk for schizophrenia and predict long-term treatment outcomes. We recruited 61 antipsychotic naïve subjects with chronic schizophrenia, 99 unaffected relatives, and 68 healthy controls from rural communities in the Central Andes. Diagnosis was ascertained with the Schedules of Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry; parkinsonian motor impairment was measured with the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale; mesencephalic parenchyma was evaluated with transcranial ultrasound; and personality traits were assessed using the Temperament and Character Inventory. Ten-year outcome data was available for ~40% of the index cases. Patients with schizophrenia had higher harm avoidance and self-transcendence (ST), and lower reward dependence (RD), cooperativeness (CO), and self-directedness (SD). Unaffected relatives had higher ST and lower CO and SD. Parkinsonism reliably predicted RD, CO, and SD after correcting for age and sex. The average duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) was over 5 years. Further, SD was anticorrelated with DUP and antipsychotic dosing at follow-up. Baseline DUP was related to antipsychotic dose-years. Further, ‘explosive/borderline’, ‘methodical/obsessive’, and ‘disorganized/schizotypal’ personality profiles were associated with increased risk of schizophrenia. Parkinsonism predicts core personality features and treatment outcomes in schizophrenia. Our study suggests that RD, CO, and SD are endophenotypes of the disease that may, in part, be mediated by dopaminergic function. Further, SD is an important determinant of treatment course and outcome