23 research outputs found

    Structure of characteristic Lyapunov vectors in spatiotemporal chaos

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    We study Lyapunov vectors (LVs) corresponding to the largest Lyapunov exponents in systems with spatiotemporal chaos. We focus on characteristic LVs and compare the results with backward LVs obtained via successive Gram-Schmidt orthonormalizations. Systems of a very different nature such as coupled-map lattices and the (continuous-time) Lorenz `96 model exhibit the same features in quantitative and qualitative terms. Additionally we propose a minimal stochastic model that reproduces the results for chaotic systems. Our work supports the claims about universality of our earlier results [I. G. Szendro et al., Phys. Rev. E 76, 025202(R) (2007)] for a specific coupled-map lattice.Comment: 9 page

    Van Kampen's expansion approach in an opinion formation model

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    We analyze a simple opinion formation model consisting of two parties, A and B, and a group I, of undecided agents. We assume that the supporters of parties A and B do not interact among them, but only interact through the group I, and that there is a nonzero probability of a spontaneous change of opinion (A->I, B->I). From the master equation, and via van Kampen's Omega-expansion approach, we have obtained the "macroscopic" evolution equation, as well as the Fokker-Planck equation governing the fluctuations around the deterministic behavior. Within the same approach, we have also obtained information about the typical relaxation behavior of small perturbations.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, submited to Europ.Phys.J.

    Theory and computation of covariant Lyapunov vectors

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    Lyapunov exponents are well-known characteristic numbers that describe growth rates of perturbations applied to a trajectory of a dynamical system in different state space directions. Covariant (or characteristic) Lyapunov vectors indicate these directions. Though the concept of these vectors has been known for a long time, they became practically computable only recently due to algorithms suggested by Ginelli et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 2007, 130601] and by Wolfe and Samelson [Tellus 59A, 2007, 355]. In view of the great interest in covariant Lyapunov vectors and their wide range of potential applications, in this article we summarize the available information related to Lyapunov vectors and provide a detailed explanation of both the theoretical basics and numerical algorithms. We introduce the notion of adjoint covariant Lyapunov vectors. The angles between these vectors and the original covariant vectors are norm-independent and can be considered as characteristic numbers. Moreover, we present and study in detail an improved approach for computing covariant Lyapunov vectors. Also we describe, how one can test for hyperbolicity of chaotic dynamics without explicitly computing covariant vectors.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Antibiotic resistance: a physicist鈥檚 view

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    The problem of antibiotic resistance poses challenges across many disciplines. One such challenge is to understand the fundamental science of how antibiotics work, and how resistance to them can emerge. This is an area where physicists can make important contributions. Here, we highlight cases where this is already happening, and suggest directions for further physics involvement in antimicrobial research.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Scaling properties of spatially extended chaotic systems

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    We investigate the scaling properties of Lyapunov eigenvectors and exponents in coupled-map lattices exhibiting space-time chaos. A deep interrelation between spatiotemporal chaos and kinetic roughening of surfaces is postulated. We show that the logarithm of unstable eigenvectors exhibits scale-invariance with roughness exponents that can be predicted by a simple scaling conjecture. We argue that these scaling properties should be generic in spatially homogeneous extended systems with local diffusive-like couplings

    Spatial correlations of synchronization errors in extended chaotic systems

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    We discuss the temporal evolution of correlations of synchronization errors in spatially extended chaotic systems near (and below) the synchronization transition. We exploit the fact that, by construction, synchronization errors are finite perturbations of the coupled system in order to analyze the dynamics of the error and how their properties are determined by the nearby phase transition. We introduce a novel diagram plot that allows us to identify the transition universality class in a very intuitive and computationally inexpensive way