129 research outputs found

    Trends in Gastro-enteritis in Nederland. Notitie met betrekking tot 2007

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    Nationwide outbreak of STEC O157 infection in the Netherlands, December 2008-January 2009: continuous risk of consuming raw beef products.

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    The Netherlands experienced a nationwide outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O157 with onset of symptoms from the end of December 2008 until the end of January 2009. A total of 20 laboratory-confirmed cases were linked to the outbreak strain, serotype O157: H-, stx1, stx2, eae and e-hly positive. The investigation into the source of this outbreak is still ongoing, but evidence so far suggests that infection occurred as a result of consuming contaminated raw meat (steak tartare)

    Архітектурна спадщина Закарпаття під натиском новобуду

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    Multilocus sequence types (STs) were determined for 232 and 737 Campylobacter jejuni/coli isolates from Dutch travellers and domestically acquired cases, respectively. Putative risk factors for travel-related campylobacteriosis, and for domestically acquired campylobacteriosis caused by exotic STs (putatively carried by returning travellers), were investigated. Travelling to Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Southern Europe significantly increased the risk of acquiring campylobacteriosis compared to travelling within Western Europe. Besides eating chicken, using antacids, and having chronic enteropathies, we identified eating vegetable salad outside Europe, drinking bottled water in high-risk destinations, and handling/eating undercooked pork as possible risk factors for travel-related campylobacteriosis. Factors associated with domestically acquired campylobacteriosis caused by exotic STs involved predominantly person-to-person contacts around popular holiday periods. We concluded that putative determinants of travel-related campylobacteriosis differ from those of domestically acquired infections and that returning travellers may carry several exotic strains that might subsequently spread to domestic populations even through limited person-to-person transmission

    Zoonotic Diseases Report 2014

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    De Staat van zoönosen geeft jaarlijks een overzicht van infectieziekten die overgaan van dier op mens, de zogenoemde zoönosen. Het gaat om de mate waarin meldingsplichtige zoönosen voorkomen en de ontwikkelingen daarvan op de lange termijn. Hierbij betreft het zowel het aantal ziektegevallen bij mensen als het voorkomen van deze ziekteverwekkers bij dieren. Ook worden elk jaar opmerkelijke voorvallen uitgelicht en wordt een thema behandeld. Voor de meeste zoönosen zijn in 2014 geen uitgesproken veranderingen waargenomen. Wel is het aantal mensen met leptospirose (waarvan de bekendste vorm de ziekte van Weil is) aanmerkelijk hoger dan het vorige jaar, van gemiddeld 30 gevallen in de afgelopen jaren naar 97 in 2014. Ook steeg het aantal Hantavirusinfecties (van gemiddeld 13 in de voorgaande jaren naar 36 in 2014). UItgelicht Een opmerkelijke gebeurtenis in 2014 is dat twee patiënten in een ziekenhuis zijn opgenomen met een ernstige longontsteking na een infectie met Chlamydia caviae. Beide patiënten bleken thuis cavia's te houden die een luchtweginfectie hadden doorgemaakt. Verder was er sinds 2003 weer een uitbraak van vogelgriep bij pluimveebedrijven veroorzaakt door een hoogpathogeen virus. Hierbij zijn vier van de vijf besmette bedrijven onafhankelijk van elkaar besmet geraakt. Het virus was vermoedelijk afkomstig van trekkende watervogels. Het is onbekend of dit virustype overdraagbaar is op de mens; wereldwijd zijn daar geen gevallen van bekend. Vogels Het thema van dit jaar is 'Onze gevleugelde vrienden' en gaat over zoönosen die via vogels kunnen worden overgebracht, zoals de papegaaienziekte. Hierbij wordt onder andere beschreven op welke vliegroutes van trekvogels gezamenlijke broed- en voederplaatsen liggen waar ze elkaar kunnen treffen en zoönoseverwekkers aan elkaar zouden kunnen overdragen.The Zoonotic Diseases Report provides an annual overview of infectious diseases transmitted from animals to humans, so-called zoonotic diseases or zoonoses. It focuses on the degree to which notifiable zoonoses occur and how they develop over the long term. Specifically, this concerns both the number of human cases and the occurrence of these pathogens in animals. Noteworthy incidents of zoonoses are also highlighted each year and a particular theme is discussed. For most zoonoses, no pronounced changes were observed in 2014. Nonetheless, the number of people with leptospirosis (of which the most well-known form is Weil's disease) was considerably higher than in the previous year, rising from an average of 30 cases in recent years to 97 cases in 2014. The number of Hantavirus infections also rose (from an average of 13 cases in the previous years to 36 cases in 2014). A closer look A notable event in 2014 is the admission of two patients to hospital with serious lung infections after being infected with Chlamydia caviae. Both patients kept guinea pigs at home that suffered from respiratory infections. There was also the first outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza since 2003 affecting five poultry farms. Four of the five farms became contaminated independently of each other. It is thought that the virus was transmitted from waterfowls. It is not known whether the particular virus strain can be transmitted to humans; worldwide no cases of such transmission have been reported. Birds This year's theme is 'Our winged friends'. It focuses on zoonoses that can be transmitted by birds, such as psittacosis (parrot fever). The migratory routes that coincide with shared breeding and feeding locations where migratory birds can come into contact with one another and thereby possibly transmit zoonotic pathogens to each other are also described.NVW

    Using an online survey of healthcare-seeking behaviour to estimate the magnitude and severity of the 2009 H1N1v influenza epidemic in England

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    Background : During the 2009 H1N1v influenza epidemic, the total number of symptomatic cases was estimated by combining influenza-like illness (ILI) consultations, virological surveillance and assumptions about healthcare-seeking behaviour. Changes in healthcare-seeking behaviour due to changing scientific information, media coverage and public anxiety, were not included in case estimates. The purpose of the study was to improve estimates of the number of symptomatic H1N1v cases and the case fatality rate (CFR) in England by quantifying healthcare-seeking behaviour using an internet-based survey carried out during the course of the 2009 H1N1v influenza epidemic. Methods : We used an online survey that ran continuously from July 2009 to March 2010 to estimate the proportion of ILI cases that sought healthcare during the 2009 H1N1v influenza epidemic. We used dynamic age- and gender-dependent measures of healthcare-seeking behaviour to re-interpret consultation numbers and estimate the true number of cases of symptomatic ILI in 2009 and the case fatality rate (CFR). Results : There were significant differences between age groups in healthcare usage. From the start to the end of the epidemic, the percentage of individuals with influenza-like symptoms who sought medical attention decreased from 43% to 32% (p < 0.0001). Adjusting official numbers accordingly, we estimate that there were 1.1 million symptomatic cases in England, over 320,000 (40%) more cases than previously estimated and that the autumn epidemic wave was 45% bigger than previously thought. Combining symptomatic case numbers with reported deaths leads to a reduced overall CFR estimate of 17 deaths per 100,000 cases, with the largest reduction in adults. Conclusions : Active surveillance of healthcare-seeking behaviour, which can be achieved using novel data collection methods, is vital for providing accurate real-time estimates of epidemic size and disease severity. The differences in healthcare-seeking between different population groups and changes over time have significant implications for estimates of total case numbers and the case fatality rate

    Hepatitis A outbreak disproportionately affecting men who have sex with men (MSM) in the European Union and European Economic Area, June 2016 to May 2017

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    Free PMC Article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6205254/Between 1 June 2016 and 31 May 2017, 17 European Union (EU) and European Economic Area countries reported 4,096 cases associated with a multi-country hepatitis A (HA) outbreak. Molecular analysis identified three co-circulating hepatitis A virus (HAV) strains of genotype IA: VRD_521_2016, V16-25801 and RIVM-HAV16-090. We categorised cases as confirmed, probable or possible, according to the EU outbreak case definitions. Confirmed cases were infected with one of the three outbreak strains. We investigated case characteristics and strain-specific risk factors for transmission. A total of 1,400 (34%) cases were confirmed; VRD_521_2016 and RIVM-HAV16-090 accounted for 92% of these. Among confirmed cases with available epidemiological data, 92% (361/393) were unvaccinated, 43% (83/195) travelled to Spain during the incubation period and 84% (565/676) identified as men who have sex with men (MSM). Results depict an HA outbreak of multiple HAV strains, within a cross-European population, that was particularly driven by transmission between non-immune MSM engaging in high-risk sexual behaviour. The most effective preventive measure to curb this outbreak is HAV vaccination of MSM, supplemented by primary prevention campaigns that target the MSM population and promote protective sexual behaviour.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Overview of the Proton-coupled MCT (SLC16A) Family of Transporters: Characterization, Function and Role in the Transport of the Drug of Abuse γ-Hydroxybutyric Acid

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    The transport of monocarboxylates, such as lactate and pyruvate, is mediated by the SLC16A family of proton-linked membrane transport proteins known as monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs). Fourteen MCT-related genes have been identified in mammals and of these seven MCTs have been functionally characterized. Despite their sequence homology, only MCT1–4 have been demonstrated to be proton-dependent transporters of monocarboxylic acids. MCT6, MCT8 and MCT10 have been demonstrated to transport diuretics, thyroid hormones and aromatic amino acids, respectively. MCT1–4 vary in their regulation, tissue distribution and substrate/inhibitor specificity with MCT1 being the most extensively characterized isoform. Emerging evidence suggests that in addition to endogenous substrates, MCTs are involved in the transport of pharmaceutical agents, including γ-hydroxybuytrate (GHB), 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A reductase inhibitors (statins), salicylic acid, and bumetanide. MCTs are expressed in a wide range of tissues including the liver, intestine, kidney and brain, and as such they have the potential to impact a number of processes contributing to the disposition of xenobiotic substrates. GHB has been extensively studied as a pharmaceutical substrate of MCTs; the renal clearance of GHB is dose-dependent with saturation of MCT-mediated reabsorption at high doses. Concomitant administration of GHB and l-lactate to rats results in an approximately two-fold increase in GHB renal clearance suggesting that inhibition of MCT1-mediated reabsorption of GHB may be an effective strategy for increasing renal and total GHB elimination in overdose situations. Further studies are required to more clearly define the role of MCTs on drug disposition and the potential for MCT-mediated detoxification strategies in GHB overdose

    Comparative costs and activity from a sample of UK clinical trials units

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    Background: The costs of medical research are a concern. Clinical Trials Units (CTUs) need to better understand variations in the costs of their activities. Methods: Representatives of ten CTUs and two grant-awarding bodies pooled their experiences in discussions over 1.5 years. Five of the CTUs provided estimates of, and written justification for, costs associated with CTU activities required to implement an identical protocol. The protocol described a 5.5-year, nonpharmacological randomized controlled trial (RCT) conducted at 20 centres. Direct and indirect costs, the number of full time equivalents (FTEs) and the FTEs attracting overheads were compared and qualitative methods (unstructured interviews and thematic analysis) were used to interpret the results. Four members of the group (funding-body representatives or award panel members) reviewed the justification statements for transparency and information content. Separately, 163 activities common to trials were assigned to roles used by nine CTUs; the consistency of role delineation was assessed by Cohen's κ. Results: Median full economic cost of CTU activities was £769,637 (range: £661,112 to £1,383,323). Indirect costs varied considerably, accounting for between 15% and 59% (median 35%) of the full economic cost of the grant. Excluding one CTU, which used external statisticians, the total number of FTEs ranged from 2.0 to 3.0; total FTEs attracting overheads ranged from 0.3 to 2.0. Variation in directly incurred staff costs depended on whether CTUs: supported particular roles from core funding rather than grants; opted not to cost certain activities into the grant; assigned clerical or data management tasks to research or administrative staff; employed extensive on-site monitoring strategies (also the main source of variation in non-staff costs). Funders preferred written justifications of costs that described both FTEs and indicative tasks for funded roles, with itemised non-staff costs. Consistency in role delineation was fair (κ = 0.21-0.40) for statisticians/data managers and poor for other roles (κ < 0.20). Conclusions: Some variation in costs is due to factors outside the control of CTUs such as access to core funding and levels of indirect costs levied by host institutions. Research is needed on strategies to control costs appropriately, especially the implementation of risk-based monitoring strategies