38 research outputs found

    The Contribution of Self-Concept, Independence, and Creativity to the Literacy Competency of the Fourth-Grade Elementary School Students

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    This research is quantitative with an ex-post-facto design. It aims to determine the contribution of self-concept, independence, and creativity to the literacy competence of fourth-grade elementary school students in Gugus IV, Abiansemal District. The population of this study was 131 students, while the sample was 97 students, and was determined by using the Proportional Stratified Random Sampling Technique. Data were collected by using a questionnaire and a test. All in all, the results showed: 1) there was a significant contribution of self-concept to students' literacy competence with a contribution of 51.9% and an effective contribution of 25.38%, 2) there was a significant contribution of independence to competence student literacy with a contribution of 43.5% and contribution of 23.51%, 3) there was a significant contribution of creativity to students' literacy competence with a contribution of 41.5% and contribution of 20%. 4) Simultaneously, there was a significant contribution of self-concept, independence, and creativity to students' literacy competence with a contribution of 68.9%

    Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Wajib Pajak Pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Gianyar (KPP Gianyar)

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    Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan wajib pajak pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Gianyar (KPP Gianyar), maka dengan sampel 100 responden, dilakukan penelitian mengunakan  kuesioner. Data yang diperoleh  dari hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan kuesioner, dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Dalam menentukan katagori indeks kepuasan masyarakat maka harus dicari kepuasan maksimum dan minimum. Rentang skor kepuasan masyarakat di dapat adalah 800.000-(-800.000)=1.600.000, oleh karena tingkat kepuasan diklasifikasikan menjadi 5 (lima), maka interval skor untuk setiap klasifikasi adalah 1.600.000 : 5 = 320.000. Berdasarkan pengukuran indek kepuasan total dengan menggunakan rumus skor kualitas jasa dari Fandy Tjiptono, 2008 : 100, maka didapat indeks kepuasan wajib pajak pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Gianyar (KPP Gianyar) sebesar 647.292 dimana point terletak antara 480.000 sampai dengan 800.000 yang artinya sangat puas


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    This study aims to prove empirically the effect of internal control elements on the efficiency of credit distribution in LPD Abiansemal District. The data used in this study is primary data in the form of questionnaire answers. The population used in this study were all LPD employees in Abiansemal District as many as 305 people. Sampling used purposive sampling method so that 109 people were obtained as samples. The first instrument test and classical assumption test were carried out,nextanalyzed using multiple linear regression analysis, determination, t test and F test.Based on the results of the analysis, it can be said that control, control activities, information and communication have a significant effectt on the efficiency of credit distribution and have no significant effect on the efficiency of credit distribution


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    ABSTRAK Sukaregang merupakan nama desa yang berposisi di Kecamatan Garut Kota. Mayoritas pengrajin yang bergelut dibidang industri kulit terpusat di Sentra Industri Penyamakan Kulit Sukaregang Kabupaten Garut. Industri Kulit Sukaregang terbagi menjadi 2 kegiatan yaitu industri penyamakan kulit dan industri kerajinan barang-barang dari kulit. Jaket kulit merupakan salah satu komoditas andalan dari pengrajin kulit di Kabupaten Garut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perkembangan produksi jaket kulit, mengetahui faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi produksi jaket kulit di Sentra Industri Kulit Sukaregang Kabupaten Garut serta mengetahui bagaimana elastisitas input terhadap output dan bagaimana skala hasil produksi pada industri jaket kulit di Sentra Industri Kulit Sukaregang Kabupaten Garut. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode analisis fungsi Cobb-Douglas. Hasil regrsi fungsi Cobb-Douglas menunjukkan bahwa variabel jam kerja (X1), upah (X2), Unit Mesin (X3) dan Bahan Baku (X4) bepengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap produksi jaket kulit di Sentra Indsutri Kulit Sukaregang Kabupaten Garut. Besarnya elastisitas jam kerja sebesar 0,528, upah 0,102, unit mesin 0,050 dan bahan baku sebesar 0,609. Hasil elastisitas masing-masing variabel menunjukkan kurang dari 1 artinya elastisitas dari masing-masing variabel bersifat inelastis. Nilai retun to scale sebesar 1,289 menunjukkan bahwa industri jaket kulit mengalami increasing return to scale. Kata Kunci : Jaket Kulit, Produksi, Jam Kerja, Upah, Unit Mesin dan Bahan Baku

    Comparison on Shear Bond Strength between Precoated and Non-Precoated Adhesive Technique (an in vitro Study)

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    The aim of this study was comparing shear bond strength between precoated adesif and non-precoated adhesive on metal bracket. Thirty extracted human maxillary first premolar were randomly divided into three groups (10 per group). The group 1 was bonded with metal bracket with precoated adhesive technique. The group 2 was bonded with metal bracket with non-precoated adhesive technique, and group 3 was a control. Testing shear bond strength was done 30 minutes after bracket bonding with Autograph universal testing machine with cross-head speed of 0,5 mm/min. It took significantly (p < 0.05) shear bond strength between with precoated adhesive technique and non-precoated adhesive technique. The precoated adhesive technique had greater shear bond strength (11,575 MPa) than non-precoated adhesive technique (10,061 MPa). The control group had the greatest shear bond strength (12.158 MPa). There were difference in shear bond strength between precoated adhesive technique and non-precoated adhesive technique

    Perlindungan Hukum Pemegang Hak Cipta Terhadap Pembajakan Potongan Film Pada Aplikasi Tiktok

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    Pembajakan film yang kini merambah ke aplikasi TikTok. Diperlukannya perlindungan pemegang hak cipta akan tindakan pelanggaran hak cipta khususnya pembajakan film. Penjelasan tersebut terciptanya rumusan masalah yaitu bagaimana pengaturan hukum mengenai pembajakan film dalam peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia serta bagaimana perlindungan hukum pemegang hak cipta terhadap pembajakan potongan film pada aplikasi TikTok. Penulisan ini menggunakan jenis penelitian Normatif yaitu dengan pendekatan penelitian perundang-undangan dan pendekatan penelitian konseptual. Penulisan ini mengkaitkan dengan asas perlindungan, asas kepastian hukum, dan asas lex specialis derogate legi generalis. Selain itu menggunakan teori perlindungan hukum dan teori hak kekayaan intelektual. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pengaturan peraturan yang mengatur tentang pembajakan film terdapat pada Undang-Undang Hak Cipta dan Undang-Undang Perfilman, akan tetapi pada pembajakan potongan film pada aplikasi TikTok menggunakan Undang-Undang Hak Cipta. Dibandingkan pada Undang-Undang Perfilman yang hanya mengatur pembajakan film pada film tanpa lulus sensor. Adapun bentuk perlindungan pemegang hak cipta dimuat film pada aplikais TikTok berupa perlindungan preventif dan represif

    Struktur Histologis Hepar, Intestinum, dan Ren Burung Cerek Jawa (Charadrius javanicus Chasen 1938) Dengan Kontaminasi DDT di Delta Sungai Progo Yogyakarta

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    Residues of DDT (Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane) in the river environment can get into the Bird's body through an intermediary Javan Plover natural feed. Residues of DDT will experience biomagnification and biotransformation in the body organism. The purpose of this research was to determine residue of DDT in the Progo’s mudflat region, several organs of birds, and their impact on liver, intestine, and kidney Javan Plover. This research was located in Progo’s downstream. The method of environment and feed sampling done directly on site. The bird sampling using mist nets. Detection of residues DDT in environment samples by gas chromatography. Measurement of DDT residues in feed and organs of birds with spectrophotometer. Preparation of histological slide from liver, intestine, and kidney using paraffin method (with Hematoxilin & Eosin and Mallory Acid Fuchsin staining). Quantitative Data obtained from the measurement results of environment, feed,and organs of Javan Plover samples. Qualitative data analize by descriptively. The analysis showed DDT residues detected in area’s Progo downstream, natural feed and Javan plover’s organ. Analysis shows chronic effects posed by DDT residue on the histological structure of liver, intestine, and kidney of Javan Plover.Keywords: DDT (Dichloro Diphenyl trichloroethane), histological structure, Javan Plover(Charadrius Javanicus Chasen 1938), Progo’s Rive

    Implementation of Green Practices in Improving Service Quality of Food & Beverage Department at Hotel Indigo Bali Seminyak Beach

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    Purpose: This study aims to determine the implementation of green practices in improving the quality of service in the food &amp; beverage department at Hotel Indigo Bali Seminyak Beach. Research methods: The data collection methods used in this study were observations, questionnaires, interviews and literature studies. The analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative, namely explaining systematically the data obtained during the study, so as to describe the state or status of a problem clearly and descriptively quantitatively using a 4-level likert scale. The number of respondents used was 12 respondents from the food &amp; beverage department staff. Findings: Overall the application of green practices in service quality has been applied optimally. There are several stages in the process of improving service quality which in the application of green action the average value is 3.11 which means that it has been maximally applied, green food average value is 3.06 which means it is quite optimally applied, green dionation with an average value of 2.86 which is quite optimally applied. Implication: There is a need to evaluations, conducting SOP training and conducting supervision while working