35 research outputs found

    Les nouvelles teсhniques de production de gazon en rouleaux en Ukraine

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    L'industrie de paysage en Ukraine a débuté il y a environ dix ans. Aujourd'hui, selon les experts, il existe un intérêt accru et une demande croissante pour les activités paysagères et l‘aménagement paysager du territoire des maisons privées dont les propriétaires souhaitent voir autour d‘eux la beauté. Les professionnels peuvent satisfaire cette demande en proposant le gazon de pelouse qui est la base et le fondement de la conception de paysage. La pelouse donne un excellent fond et une très belle vue pour les parterres de fleurs, les espaces verts plantés d‘arbres et d‘arbustes, décorés d‘haies de plantes et pour les petites formes architecturales


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    This article highlights some aspects of practice-oriented training of future teacher of primary school teachers in the study of pedagogical subjects. The practice-oriented (raining of primary school teachers see as a system based on the fact that education is the result of a focused, organized, planned mastering a subject of  future teachers, together elements of the system of objective human experience and social acceptance has on educational qualification of professional training.The purpose of the article is to highlight features of practice-oriented training of future teacher in primary school in teaching pedagogical subjects. While working on the article studied the issue of professional training of future elementary school teacher, raised in studies Ukrainian and foreign scientists. Outlined problem is considered in the context of active, personal, competency approaches.It was found that the practice-oriented training future teachers provided targeted sampling objective experience, learning in the process of training and formation of new educational quality.The article deals with the essential features of the project technology with regard to progress in stages. Method of projects consider due to the fact that it enables the implementation of effective practice-oriented training of future elementary school teacher.Posted author's experience in the use of educational projects, disciplines "Fundamental: of Education" and "Theory and Methods of Education. "Results of seeking ways practice oriented training students field of study "Primary education" for professional work in project technology have both scientific and practical significance.The essence of the algorithm and the implementation of technology projects in the practice of the educational process of higher education. The implementation of educational projects with pedagogical disciplines enables upload of future primary school teachers to practice. Especially a cost component of the project is the motivation of the individual which promotes spiritual and moral formation of future teachers.В статье освещены некоторые аспекты практико ориентированой подготовки будущего учителя начальной школы в процессе изучения педагогических дисциплин. Представлен авторской опыт использования учебных проектов, в частности, в дисциплинах «Основы педагогики» и «Теория и методика воспитания». Раскрывается специфика реализации в образовательном процессе ВУЗ деятельного, личностного, компетентносного подходов.В статті висвітлено деякі аспекти практико орієнтованої підготовки майбутнього вчителя початкової школи в процесі вивчення педагогічних дисциплін засобами проектної діяльності. Подано авторський досвід використання навчальних проектів, зокрема, з дисциплін «Основи педагогіки» та «Теорія і методика виховання». Розкрито особливості реалізації в освітньому процесі ВНЗ діяльнісного, особистісного, компетентнісного підходів

    Computer screening of peptidomimetics and small-molecule ligands of B-cell membrane proteins for therapy of Burkitt lymphoma

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    The capabilities of molecular modelling and docking allow for the discovery of new potential drug agents to improve the treatment of diseases, which is a current concern. The objective of this study was to conduct in silico screening for antibody mimetics to B-cell membrane proteins for the treatment of Burkitt lymphoma through virtual screening. In this work, a standard protocol for structure-based virtual screening was employed, with the distinction that pharmacophores for screening were built not based on small-molecule ligands but on selected amino acid residues of antibodies. Based on literature data and the presence of a mechanism of direct cytotoxic action, as well as the availability of 3D structures of complexes, three monoclonal antibodies were selected: obinutuzumab, epratuzumab, and atezolizumab. The identification of biological targets was carried out by searching for 3D structures of selected complexes with target proteins in the Protein Data Bank. For virtual screening, the web service Pharmit was chosen. Using the Molecular Operating Environment program, pharmacophore models were constructed for three complexes: CD20 and obinutuzumab, CD22 and epratuzumab, and PD-L1 and atezolizumab. Docking with the CD20, CD22, and PD-L1 proteins was conducted at the binding sites recognised by the original antibody. Through in silico virtual screening using the Molecular Operating Environment software, a search for antibody mimetics to B-cell membrane proteins for Burkitt lymphoma treatment was conducted, resulting in the selection of 5 potential anti-lymphoma agents: CHEMBL505179 for the CD20 receptor, an antagonist of the melanocortin receptor for CD20 (PubChem-44406884), an inhibitor of blood clotting Factor Xa for CD22 (PubChem-136510605), and a blocker of epithelial Na+ channels for CD22 (PubChem-126761430), and an agonist of the melanocortin receptor for PD-L1 (PubChem-25078192). The obtained results can be applied in the pharmaceutical industry and oncological practice to enhance therapeutic outcomes in the treatment of patients with Burkitt lymphom

    Magnetic force microscopy of atherosclerotic plaque.

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    In this work by methods of scanning probe microscopy, namely by atomic force microscopy and magnetic force microscopy the fragments of atherosclerotic plaque section of different nature were investigated. The fragments of atherosclerotic vessels with elements of immature plaque were taken during the coiled artery bypass surgery by alloprosthesis. As the result of investigation we found magnetically ordered phase of endogenous origin in the fragment of solid plaque of mixed structure. This phase is presents biogenic magnetic nanoparticles and their clusters with average size characteristic of 200-400 nm

    Effect of Mesenchimal Stem Cells on Apoptosis Indices in Renal Parenchyma during Experimental Stress

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    Background. Kidneys are extremely sensitive to various environmental factors. Stress disturbs prooxidant-antioxidant balance, causes hyperproduction of reactive oxygen species, changes activity of the nitroxidergic system components, regulating apoptosis. The use of mesenchymal stem cells can normalize functioning of damaged organs in the pathological process.Aim: to assess the effectiveness of mesenchymal stem cells in a single 24-hour immobilization according to the dynamics of apoptosis indices in renal tissue – nitric oxide (NO) and fragmented DNA.Materials and methods. The study included male nonlinear white rats aged 3 to 4 months and weighing 225 ± 25 grams. Experimental stress was modeled by the immobilization of animals in the fixation chambers within 24 hours. The efficacy of cell therapy was determined by the change in the concentration of the tested substances at 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 30 days of the experiment.Results. There was a sharp increase in the total amount of nitrates / nitrites and the level of DNA fragmentation in the homogenates of the renal parenchyma after the action of an acute stressor, which may indicate the induction of apoptosis. It was proved that in animals, receiving mesenchymal stem cells as a treatment, the restoration of the studied parameters in the kidney tissue was significantly accelerated in comparison with the controls values.Conclusion. Mesenchymal stem cells protect cells from self-destruction and activate reparation, which makes them promising for further study

    Fragment-aided recognition of images under poor lighting and additive impulse noises

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    On the base of the first-order integral disproportion functions, two algorithms recognizing fragments of standard images are proposed. Due to the disproportion functions techniques, the algorithms have special advantages when processing poorly lighted images, as well as with signals transmitted in the presence of additive impulse noises

    Ферритин и биоминерализация биогенных магнитных наночастиц в микроорганизмах

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    Виходячи з того, що генетична основа механізму біомінералізації біогенних магнітних наночастинок є спільною для прокаріот й еукаріот, у роботі перевірено гіпотезу про обов’язкову участь молекули феритину в процесі біомінералізації біогенних магнітних наночастинок. Для цього методами порівняльної геноміки досліджено, чи всі магнітотаксисні бактерії мають у своєму геномі гени феритину. Проведено вирівнювання відомих трансльованих білків бактеріального феритину та феритинподібних білків з повними геномами МТБ, використовуючи програму blastn “BLAST on-line” за стандартних параметрів. В результаті встановлено, що механізм біомінералізації біогенних магнітних наночастинок, як у прокаріотах, так і в еукаріотах, не пов’язаний із наявністю феритину та феритинподібних білків. Також методами скануючої зондової мікроскопії проілюстровано неможливість коагуляції феритину в культурі Escherichia coli під дією зовнішніх магнітних полів напруженостей, достатніх для коагуляції біогенних та екзогенних феритових наночастинок у клітинах. Оскільки білок феритину включає кристал феригідриту, який є антиферомагнетиком, магнітні поля помірної напруженості, які змінюють наноструктурну локалізацію феритових біогенних та екзогенних наночастинок, не можуть призвести до утворення агломератів молекул феритину.In this paper, we verify the hypothesis on obligatory participation of ferritin molecules in the biomineralization process of biogenic magnetic nanoparticles assuming that the genetic mechanism of biogenic magnetic nanoparticles is consistent for prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Using comparative genomic methods, we seek to reveal whether all the magnetic bacteria have ferritin genes in their genome. Well known proteins (ferritin and ferritin-like proteins) are compared with compiling magnetotactice bacteria genomes using the blastn “BLAST on-line” under standard program parameters. This program is free software presented by National Center of Biotechnological Information. We establish that the biogenic magnetic nanoparticle biomineralization in eukaryotes and prokaryotes is not connected with availability of ferritin and ferritin like-proteins. Although we show the ferritin coagulation impossibility in Escherichia coli under the exposure of magnetic field with voltage which is enough for coagulation of biogenic and exogenous magnetic nanoparticals in cells by scanning probe microscopy method. Since protein contains ferrihydrite (antiferromagnet) crystals, magnetic fields of moderate voltage can change nanostructure localization of ferrite biogenic and exogenous magnetic nanoparticles, but cannot cause the ferritin molecules agglomerates formation.Исходя из того, что генетическая основа механизма биоминерализации биогенных магнитных наночастиц является совместной для прокариот и эукариот, в этой работе проверено гипотезу об обязательном участии молекул ферритина в процессе биоминерализации биогенных магнитных наночастиц. Методами сравнительной геномики исследовано, все ли магнитотаксисные бактерии имеют в своем геноме гены ферритина. В работе было проведено выравнивание известных белков бактериального ферритина и ферритинподобных белков с транслированными геномами магнитотаксисными бактериями, используя программу blastn “BLAST on-line” при стандартных параметрах. В результате установлено, что механизм биоминерализации биогенных магнитных наночастиц, как в эукариотах, так и в прокариотах, не связанный с наличием ферритина или ферритинподобных белков. Также методами сканирующей зондовой микроскопии показана невозможность коагуляции ферритина в культуре Escherichia coli под воздействием внешних магнитных полей напряженностей, достаточных для коагуляции биогенных и экзогенных ферритовых наночастиц в клетках. Поскольку белок ферритина содержит кристалл ферригидрита (антиферромагнетик), магнитные поля умеренного напряженности, которые меняют наноструктурную локализацию ферритовых биогенных и экзогенных наночастиц, не могут вызвать образование агломератов молекул ферритина

    Field scouts application: the statement of problem

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    To sum up it is necessary to mention that the problem is being studied intensively in both theoretical and practical aspects. Growing interest from the farmers‘ side shows marketing potential of the idea and provides the stimulus for further research. The designs which have been developed and are being tested have their advantages and disadvantages. Next step in the current research could include choosing the optimal design of the scout and detailed analysis of possible ways for its improvement according to the farmers‘ need

    Structural features and physico-mechanical properties of AlN-TiB2-TiSi2 amorphous-like coatings

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    The coating of the AlN–TiB2–TiSi2 system has been produced by the magnetron sputtering of a target. At the hightemperature (900 and 1300°C) actions the coating crystallization to form crystallites of sizes 11–25 nm has been observed. It has been defined that the amorphouslike structure is promising for the use of these coatings as diffusion barriers both as the independent elements and a contacting layer in multilayer wearresistant coatings. It has been shown that the use of the resultant composite as an effec tive protective coating for cutting tools will make it possible to increase the tools wear resistance by more than 30% at the temperature up to 1300°C in the cutting zone