1,383 research outputs found


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    The coercive properties of magnetically uniaxial liquid-phase epitaxy garnet films were investigated between 10 K and the Neel temperature (T(N) less-than-or-equal-to 500 K). Two independent methods, the results of which are nearly identical (magnetical response of oscillating domain walls and the method of coercive loops measured in a vibrating sample magnetometer), were used. Besides the usual domain-wall coercive field, H(dw), the critical coercive pressure, p(dw), was also introduced as it describes in a direct way the interactions of the domain walls with the wall-pinning traps. Both H(dw) and p(dw) were found to increase exponentially with decreasing temperature. Three different types of wall-pinning traps were identified in the sample and their strength, their rate of change with temperature, and their temperature range of activity were determined

    Biological surface properties in extracellular vesicles and their effect on cargo proteins

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    Ultracentrifugationon sucrose density gradientappears to be the best purification protocol for extracellular vesicle (EVs) purification. After this step, to reduce disulfide bridges linking exogenous proteins to the vesicles, the collected samples are routinely washed and treated with dithiothreitol (DTT). Such incubations are performed at temperatures ranging from room temperature up to 95\u2009\ub0C, with either Tris or PBS as buffers. We re-investigated these steps on both exosomes and microvesicles purified from blood (serum) and urine by electrophoretic separation, silver staining and western blots analysis. Data confirm that an extra centrifugation on a sucrose cushion can effectively eliminate contaminants. Tris buffer (50 Mm) and \u3b2-mercaptoethanol as a reducing agent at room temperature dramatically improved either sample cleaning. By contrast, especially for exosomes PBS buffer and DTT, above 37\u2009\ub0C, caused massive protein aggregations, yielding blurred SDS-PAGE gels in both samples. Immuno-blot analyses demonstrated that in PBS-DTT contamination with albumin (in serum) or with uromodulin (in urine) occurs. DTT, likely due to its two-SH groups, might form scrambled SS-bonds promoting EVs interaction with environmental macromolecules via disulphide bridges. Therefore, to obtain maximum vesicle purity for biomarker investigations and to maximize both presence of EVs proteins and their accessibility, use of DTT is not recommended

    Web conversations about complementary and alternative medicines and cancer: Content and sentiment analysis

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    Background: The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) among cancer patients is widespread and mostly self-administrated. Today, one of the most relevant topics is the nondisclosure of CAM use to doctors. This general lack of communication exposes patients to dangerous behaviors and to less reliable information channels, such as the Web. The Italian context scarcely differs from this trend. Today, we are able to mine and analyze systematically the unstructured information available in the Web, to get an insight of people's opinions, beliefs, and rumors concerning health topics. Objective: Our aim was to analyze Italian Web conversations about CAM, identifying the most relevant Web sources, therapies, and diseases and measure the related sentiment. Methods: Data have been collected using the Web Intelligence tool ifMONITOR. The workflow consisted of 6 phases: (1) eligibility criteria definition for the ifMONITOR search profile; (2) creation of a CAM terminology database; (3) generic Web search and automatic filtering, the results have been manually revised to refine the search profile, and stored in the ifMONITOR database; (4) automatic classification using the CAM database terms; (5) selection of the final sample and manual sentiment analysis using a 1-5 score range; (6) manual indexing of the Web sources and CAM therapies type retrieved. Descriptive univariate statistics were computed for each item: absolute frequency, percentage, central tendency (mean sentiment score [MSS]), and variability (standard variation Ò). Results: Overall, 212 Web sources, 423 Web documents, and 868 opinions have been retrieved. The overall sentiment measured tends to a good score (3.6 of 5). Quite a high polarization in the opinions of the conversation partaking emerged from standard variation analysis (δ≥1). In total, 126 of 212 (59.4%) Web sources retrieved were nonhealth-related. Facebook (89; 21%) and Yahoo Answers (41; 9.7%) were the most relevant. In total, 94 CAM therapies have been retrieved. Most belong to the "biologically based therapies or nutrition" category: 339 of 868 opinions (39.1%), showing an MSS of 3.9 (δ=0.83). Within nutrition, "diets" collected 154 opinions (18.4%) with an MSS of 3.8 (δ=0.87); "food as CAM" overall collected 112 opinions (12.8%) with a MSS of 4 (δ=0.68). Excluding diets and food, the most discussed CAM therapy is the controversial Italian "Di Bella multitherapy" with 102 opinions (11.8%) with an MSS of 3.4 (δ=1.21). Breast cancer was the most mentioned disease: 81 opinions of 868. Conclusions: Conversations about CAM and cancer are ubiquitous. There is a great concern about the biologically based therapies, perceived as harmless and useful, under-rating all risks related to dangerous interactions or malnutrition. Our results can be useful to doctors to be aware of the implications of these beliefs for the clinical practice. Web conversation exploitation could be a strategy to gain insights of people's perspective for other controversial topics

    Efficient computation of partial elements in the full-wave surface-peec method

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    The partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) method provides an electromagnetic model of interconnections and packaging structures in terms of standard circuit elements. The surface-based PEEC (S-PEEC) formulation can reduce the number of unknowns compared to the standard volume-based PEEC (V-PEEC) method. This reduction is of particular use in the case of high-speed circuits and high-switching power electronics, where the bandwidth extends from low frequencies to the GHz range. In this article, the S-PEEC formulation is revised and cast in a matrix form. The main novelty is that the interaction integrals involving the curl of the magnetic and electric vector potentials are computed through the Taylor series expansion of the full-wave Green’s function, leading to analytical forms that are rigorously derived. Therefore, the numerical integration is avoided, with a consequent reduction of the computation time. The proposed formulas are studied in terms of the frequency, size of the mesh, and distance between the basis function domains. Three examples are presented, confirming the accuracy of the proposed method compared to the V-PEEC method and surface-based numerical methods from literature

    Balanced replacement of fish meal with Hermetia illucens meal allows efficient hepatic nutrient metabolism and increases fillet lipid quality in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)

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    In the present study, gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) was reared using sustainable feeds containing insect meal from Hermetia illucens larvae. Proteomics and proton nuclear magnetic resonance-based metabolomics analysis were used to assess the metabolic impact of the tested feeds in sea bream liver, whereas the composition of muscle fillets was characterized by means of metabolomics and gas chromatography of fatty acid methyl esters. Including 10% of insect meal while correspondingly reducing fish meal did not substantially alter the metabolism of dietary nutrients, leading to small but significant effects solely on lauric acid content of sea bream fillets. Furthermore, a few alterations in some markers of immune response, such as leukocyte elastase inhibitor-like, granzyme B (G, H)-like, and two associated ortholog groups, serpin B and chymase, were found. In the fish group fed with insect meal, liver morphology analysis showed no structural damage or inflammation and a lower amount of hepatic lipid deposition and accumulation

    Pinus mugo essential oil impairs STAT3 activation through oxidative stress and induces apoptosis in prostate cancer cells

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    Essential oils (EOs) and their components have been reported to possess anticancer properties and to increase the sensitivity of cancer cells to chemotherapy. The aim of this work was to select EOs able to downregulate STAT3 signaling using Western blot and RT-PCR analyses. The molecular mechanism of anti-STAT3 activity was evaluated through spectrophotometric and fluorometric analyses, and the biological effect of STAT3 inhibition was analyzed by flow cytometry and wound healing assay. Herein, Pinus mugo EO (PMEO) is identified as an inhibitor of constitutive STAT3 phosphorylation in human prostate cancer cells, DU145. The down-modulation of the STAT3 signaling cascade decreased the expression of anti-proliferative as well as anti-apoptotic genes and proteins, leading to the inhibition of cell migration and apoptotic cell death. PMEO treatment induced a rapid drop in glutathione (GSH) levels and an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) concentration, resulting in mild oxidative stress. Pretreatment of cells with N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), a cell-permeable ROS scavenger, reverted the inhibitory action of PMEO on STAT3 phosphorylation. Moreover, combination therapy revealed that PMEO treatment displayed synergism with cisplatin in inducing the cytotoxic effect. Overall, our data highlight the importance of STAT3 signaling in PMEO cytotoxic activity, as well as the possibility of developing adjuvant therapy or sensitizing cancer cells to conventional chemotherapy

    A diet enriched in omega-3 PUFA and inulin prevents type 1 diabetes by restoring gut barrier integrity and immune homeostasis in NOD mice

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    IntroductionThe integrity of the gut barrier (GB) is fundamental to regulate the crosstalk between the microbiota and the immune system and to prevent inflammation and autoimmunity at the intestinal level but also in organs distal from the gut such as the pancreatic islets. In support to this idea, we recently demonstrated that breakage of GB integrity leads to activation of islet-reactive T cells and triggers autoimmune Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). In T1D patients as in the NOD mice, the spontaneous model of autoimmune diabetes, there are alterations of the GB that specifically affect structure and composition of the mucus layer; however, it is yet to be determined whether a causal link between breakage of the GB integrity and occurrence of autoimmune T1D exists. MethodsHere we restored GB integrity in the NOD mice through administration of an anti-inflammatory diet (AID- enriched in soluble fiber inulin and omega 3-PUFA) and tested the effect on T1D pathogenesis. ResultsWe found that the AID prevented T1D in NOD mice by restoring GB integrity with increased mucus layer thickness and higher mRNA transcripts of structural (Muc2) and immunoregulatory mucins (Muc1 and Muc3) as well as of tight junction proteins (claudin1). Restoration of GB integrity was linked to reduction of intestinal inflammation (i.e., reduced expression of IL-1 beta, IL-23 and IL-17 transcripts) and expansion of regulatory T cells (FoxP3(+) Treg cells and IL-10(+) Tr1 cells) at the expenses of effector Th1/Th17 cells in the intestine, pancreatic lymph nodes (PLN) and intra-islet lymphocytes (IIL) of AID-fed NOD mice. Importantly, the restoration of GB integrity and immune homeostasis were associated with enhanced concentrations of anti-inflammatory metabolites of the omega 3/omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and arachidonic pathways and modifications of the microbiome profile with increased relative abundance of mucus-modulating bacterial species such as Akkermansia muciniphila and Akkermansia glycaniphila. DiscussionOur data provide evidence that the restoration of GB integrity and intestinal immune homeostasis through administration of a tolerogenic AID that changed the gut microbial and metabolic profiles prevents autoimmune T1D in preclinical models
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