201 research outputs found

    Parametrizations and dynamical analysis of angle-integrated cross sections for double photoionization including nondipole effects

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    Similarly to differential cross sections for one-electron photoionization, the doubly differential cross section for double photoionization (DPI) may be conveniently described by four parameters: the singly differential (with respect to energy sharing) cross section (σ0), the dipole asymmetry parameter (β), and two nondipole asymmetry parameters (Y and δ). Here we derive two model-independent representations for these parameters for DPI from a S01 atomic bound state: (i) in terms of one-dimensional integrals of the polarization-invariant DPI amplitudes and (ii) in terms of the exact two-electron reduced matrix elements. For DPI of He at excess energies, Eexc, of 100 eV, 450 eV, and 1 keV, we present numerical results for the asymmetry parameters within the framework of the convergent close-coupling theory and compare them with results of lowest-order (in the interelectron interaction) perturbation theory (LOPT). The results for Eexc=1keV exhibit a nondipole asymmetry that is large enough to be easily measured experimentally. We find excellent agreement between our LOPT results and other theoretical predictions and experimental data for total cross sections and ratios of double to single ionization cross sections for K-shell DPI from several multielectron atoms

    Relativistic parsec-scale jets: I. Particle acceleration

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    We develop a theory of particle acceleration inside relativistic rotating electron-positron force-free jets with spiral magnetic fields. We considered perturbation of the stationary magnetic field structure and found that acceleration takes place in the regions where the Alfven resonant condition with the eigenmodes in the jet is fulfilled, i.e. where the local Alfven speed is equal to the phase speed of an eigenmode. The acceleration mechanism is regular acceleration by the electric field of the electromagnetic wave, which is the eigenmode of the force-free cylindrical jet: particles drift out of the region of the large wave amplitude near the Alfven resonant surface and gain energy. Acceleration in the strong electric field near the Alfven resonance and synchrotron losses combine to form a power-law energy spectrum of ultra-relativistic electrons and positrons with index between 2 and 3 depending upon the initial energy of the injected particles. The power law distribution ranges from 10 MeV to 1000 MeV.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures; Astron. Astrophys. in pres

    Military Deterrence vs Foreign Interference? Record of the Cold War

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    Academic literature is largely skeptical regarding the role of military deterrence in addressing low-level coercion. The stability-instability paradox suggests that increasing destructiveness of the armed forces (especially with the emergence of nuclear weapons) diminishes their utility in response to limited wars, proxy conflicts or economic sanctions. Recent debates often extend the same logic to foreign interference in internal affairs, as they position it as a supplement for forcible rivalries. This article seeks to advance understanding of the linkage between military deterrence and foreign interference in internal politics by exploring the record of the early Cold War starting from 1948 to the mid-1950s. The analysis attests that concern over the Soviet military capabilities had a major restraining effect on Washington. As a result, the US pursued more cautious activities against the Soviet Union in comparison to the campaigns targeting less capable states. This historical record reveals that interference is more amenable to military deterrence than other types of low-level coercion. It differs from them, as covert operations produce an existential danger to the political leaders of a target state, inciting overreaction on their behalf. Therefore, they create escalation risks when threatening a great power. Interference exacerbates confrontation even between adversaries that perceived each other as malign beforehand. Apart from signaling hostile intentions, it aggravates a sense of urgency on finding a response. Although military capabilities do not provide a direct solution to political threats, they serve as a repellent against potential subversive activities. These conclusions do not depend on the specific type of interference pursued by external agents. The findings of the article demonstrate that cross-domain deterrence is more prevalent than stability-instability paradox envisages

    Relativistic parsec-scale jets: II. Synchrotron emission

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    We calculate the optically thin synchrotron emission of fast electrons and positrons in a spiral stationary magnetic field and a radial electric field of a rotating relativistic strongly magnetized force-free jet consisting of electron-positron pair plasma. The magnetic field has a helical structure with a uniform axial component and a toroidal component that is maximal inside the jet and decreasing to zero towards the boundary of the jet. Doppler boosting and swing of the polarization angle of synchrotron emission due to the relativistic motion of the emitting volume are calculated. The distribution of the plasma velocity in the jet is consistent with the electromagnetic field structure. Two spatial distributions of fast particles are considered: uniform, and concentrated in the vicinity of the Alfven resonance surface. The latter distribution corresponds to the regular acceleration by an electromagnetic wave in the vicinity of its Alfven resonance surface inside the jet. The polarization properties of the radiation have been obtained and compared with the existing VLBI polarization measurements of parsec-scale jets in BL Lac sources and quasars. Our results give a natural explanation of the observed bimodality in the alignment between the electric field vector of the polarized radiation and the projection of the jet axis on the plane of the sky. We interpret the motion of bright knots as a phase velocity of standing spiral eigenmodes of electromagnetic perturbations in a cylindrical jet. The degree of polarization and the velocity of the observed proper motion of bright knots depend upon the angular rotational velocity of the jet. The observed polarizations and velocities of knots indicate that the magnetic field lines are bent in the direction opposite to the direction of the jet rotation.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, Astron. Astroph. in pres

    Logical-mathematical Evaluation Model of Blast-furnace Melting Operation

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    The logical-mathematical evaluation model of blast-furnace melting operation is represented. The model provides an opportunity to evaluate the normal operation mode of blast furnace and further deviations from this mode such as overdeveloped gas flows (peripheral and central), violation of thermal melting conditions (hot and cold course of melt), violation of smooth descent of burned materials in the furnace (tight furnace operation, higher and lower suspension of burden). The functional capabilities of developed software are represented. Keywords: blast-furnace production, information logical system, software development, blast-furnace melting operation diagnostic

    «Partnership for Modernization» between Russia and EU

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    Topological phase separation in 2D quantum lattice Bose-Hubbard system away from half-filling

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    We suppose that the doping of the 2D hard-core boson system away from half-filling may result in the formation of multi-center topological inhomogeneity (defect) such as charge order (CO) bubble domain(s) with Bose superfluid (BS) and extra bosons both localized in domain wall(s), or a {\it topological} CO+BS {\it phase separation}, rather than an uniform mixed CO+BS supersolid phase. Starting from the classical model we predict the properties of the respective quantum system. The long-wavelength behavior of the system is believed to remind that of granular superconductors, CDW materials, Wigner crystals, and multi-skyrmion system akin in a quantum Hall ferromagnetic state of a 2D electron gas. To elucidate the role played by quantum effects and that of the lattice discreteness we have addressed the simplest nanoscopic counterpart of the bubble domain in a checkerboard CO phase of 2D hc-BH square lattice. It is shown that the relative magnitude and symmetry of multi-component order parameter are mainly determined by the sign of the nnnn and nnnnnn transfer integrals. In general, the topologically inhomogeneous phase of the hc-BH system away from the half-filling can exhibit the signatures both of s,ds,d, and pp symmetry of the off-diagonal order.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure