1,011 research outputs found

    Integrasi Aspek Legal Dan Moral Dalam Hukum Islam

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    Dengan detail Al-Qur`an membahas isu-isu fundamental untuk membedakan mana yang hak dan mana yang batil, baik dan buruk, mana yang sesuai kaidah moral dan mana yang imoral. Prinsip-prinsip ajaran Al-Qur`an ditempatkan sebagai standar prilaku yang dapat diterima dan tidak dapat diterima, meskipun -dalam perspektif lebih sempit- hukum Islam tidak spesifik membedakan moral dan peraturan hukum. Kaidah hukum dan kaidah moral memiliki perbedaan tujuan. Hukum bertujuan untuk menciptakan ketertiban dan ketenteraman masyarakat, sedangkan moral mempunyai tujuan untuk menyempurnakan kehidupan individu seseorang. Kaidah hukum terjabarkan dari kaidah moral, karena kaidah moral merupakan kaidah terpenting dari semua kaidah yang ada. Hubungan hukum dan moral adalah moralitas; suatu perbuatan menyatakan bahwa perbuatan itu sesuai dengan kaidah moral, legalitas suatu perbuatan menyatakan bahwa perbuatan itu sesuai dengan kaidah hukum. Pada prinsipnya, distingsi antara hukum dan moral terletak pada perbedaan dalam tuntutan-tuntutan yang diajukan oleh kedua jenis kaidah itu dalam konteks huku

    Trends in the Use of Wireless Fidelity on Campus among Undergraduates in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto

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    This study investigates the trends in the use of wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) on campus among undergraduates in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (UDUS). Four objectives were formulated at the onset of this study. Survey research design was adopted, and simple random sampling technique was used to select three hundred and ninety-six (396) students as sample using questionnaire as instrument for data collection. It was found that undergraduate make use of wireless fidelity available to them basically for academic purposes. Amount of time students spend carrying textbooks is reducing drastically because of access to wide variety of materials on the internet through Wi-Fi. Also, abuse of the wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) for illicit purpose is low based on the findings of the study. It was also found that some students don’t have access to internet enabled devices. Usage of wireless fidelity has positively influenced the undergraduates’ academic performance. The students faced a lot of challenges such as power failure; low internet bandwidth; poor computer operating skills; unreliability of internet connection and small area coverage. Hence, the study concluded that there is a healthy usage of wireless fidelity on campus by undergraduates in the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Thus, it was recommended among others, that management of UDUS should increase their broadband network in order to enable the students have free flow of information access on the internet

    Conductivity Study on Plasticized Solid bio-electrolytes CMC-NH4Br and Application in Solid-state Proton Batteries

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    This paper present the development of plasticized solid bio-electrolytes (PSBs) which has been accomplished by incorporating various composition of plasticizer namely ethylene carbonate (EC) with carboxy methylcellulose doped NH4Br via solution casting method. The plasticized polymer–salt ionic conduction of PSBs has been analyzed by electrical impedance spectroscopy. Plasticization using EC in PSBs system assists the enhancement of NH4Br dissociation and therefore increases the protonation process in the system. The highest ionic conductivity obtained for CMC−NH4Br containing with 25 wt. % NH4Br was achieved at 1.12 x 10-4 Scm-1 and improved to 3.31 x 10-3 Scm-1 when EC was added in PSBs system. The ionic conductivity-temperature for PSBs system was found to obey the Arrhenius relationships where the ionic conductivity increases with temperature. The solid-state proton batteries were assembled with the formation of Zn + ZnSO4.7H2O || highest conducting PSBs system || MnO2 and achieve with a maximum open circuit voltage (OCV) of 1.48 V at room temperature and showed good in rechargeablity performance with more than 10 cycles

    Proses dan Bentuk Motivasi Belajar Geografi SMA Unggulan Kota Malang (Perspektif Etnometodologi)

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    This research aims to to describe the kinds of motivational guides in learning geography of the students in SMA N 5 Malang, and to describe the forming process and students' motivation in learning geography by using Etnomethodology perspective. The research results of the motivation guide in learning geography of the students in SMA N 5 Malang are the enthusiasm of achievement, to participate in geography Olympiad, geography as a preferred subject, actively to learn geography in class, apprehension to get the bad score, the study preparation before geography test, to make the parents proud, learning geography at home, the confidence to have a good score in geography, to join the study activity outside the school, taken a decisively thinking when geography lesson held, competing with fellow students, sense of challenge in learning geography, and feel of benefit in learning geography. The second result of the motivation guide in learning geography of the students in SMA N 5 Malang is geography subject is unique and attractive because the subject has rich of materials, not only experiencing about nature phenomenon, but also social occurrence.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk dan proses pemahaman motivasi siswa belajar geografi siswa menggunakan prespektif Etnometodologi. Hasil penelitian bentuk motivasi belajar geografi siswa SMA Negeri 5 Malang yaitu merasakan manfaat belajar geografi, cita-cita yang terinspirasi dari pelajaran geografi, keinginan yang kuat menjadi siswa yang berprestasi, mengikuti kelas olimpiade geografi, merasa senang saat pelajaran geografi, aktif pelajaran geografi dikelas, takut mendapatkan nilai ulangan yang jelek, belajar sungguh-sungguh sebelum ulangan geografi, mempunyai tanggung jawab belajar dan ingin membanggakan orang tua, mempunyai kebiasaan belajar georafi secara rutin di rumah, yakin mendapatkan nilai geografi yang bagus, mengikuti kelas tambahan belajar di luar rumah, berfikir kritis saat pelajaran geografi, mempunyai perasaan bersaing dengan teman-teman sekelas, merasa tertantang ingin lebih banyak belajar geografi. Hasil penelitian ke dua pemahaman motivasi belajar geografi siswa SMA Negeri 5 Malang bahwa pelajaran geografi menarik dan unik karena di mata pelajaran tersebut kaya akan materi-materi, bukan hanya mengenai fenomena alam namun juga fenomena sosial

    Technique for early reliability prediction of software components using behaviour models

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    Behaviour models are the most commonly used input for predicting the reliability of a software system at the early design stage. A component behaviour model reveals the structure and behaviour of the component during the execution of system-level functionalities. There are various challenges related to component reliability prediction at the early design stage based on behaviour models. For example, most of the current reliability techniques do not provide fine-grained sequential behaviour models of individual components and fail to consider the loop entry and exit points in the reliability computation. Moreover, some of the current techniques do not tackle the problem of operational data unavailability and the lack of analysis results that can be valuable for software architects at the early design stage. This paper proposes a reliability prediction technique that, pragmatically, synthesizes system behaviour in the form of a state machine, given a set of scenarios and corresponding constraints as input. The state machine is utilized as a base for generating the component-relevant operational data. The state machine is also used as a source for identifying the nodes and edges of a component probabilistic dependency graph (CPDG). Based on the CPDG, a stack-based algorithm is used to compute the reliability. The proposed technique is evaluated by a comparison with existing techniques and the application of sensitivity analysis to a robotic wheelchair system as a case study. The results indicate that the proposed technique is more relevant at the early design stage compared to existing works, and can provide a more realistic and meaningful prediction

    Pengaruh Pelatihan Terhadap Kemampuan Kerja Yang Berdampak Pada Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Pesero) Tbk Cabang Lumajang)

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    The research aimed to explain the effect of the variable Training Method, Training Material, on Employees Working Ability, and the partial effect of Training Method, Training Material, Employees Working Ability, on Employees Performance. The Kind of research is explanatory research with quantitative approach. Sample in this study are saturated sample or all employee of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Branch Lumajang (71 employees). Analysis of this data is descriptive analysis and path analysis. The result of Training Method is negative and not it has significant effect on the Employees Working Ability with the value of path coefficient for -0,055. The result of Training Material has a significant effect on Employees Working Ability with the value of path coefficient 0,675. The result of Training Methods has a significant effect on Employees Performance with the value of path coefficient 0,184. The result of Training Material has a significant effect on Employees Performance with the value of path coefficient 0,230. The result of Employees Working Ability has a significant effect on Employees performannce with the value of path coefficient 0,562

    Lentiviral vector transduction of spermatozoa as a tool for the study of early development

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    Spermatozoa and lentiviruses are two of nature’s most efficient gene delivery vehicles. Both can be genetically modified and used independently for the generation of transgenic animals or gene transfer/therapy of inherited disorders. Here we show that mature spermatozoa can be directly transduced with various pseudotyped lentiviral vectors and used in in vitro fertilisation studies. Lentiviral vectors encoding Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) were shown to be efficiently processed and expressed in sperm. When these transduced sperm were used in in vitro fertilisation studies, GFP expression was observed in arising blastocysts. This simple technique of directly transducing spermatozoa has potential to be a powerful tool for the study of early and pre-implantation development and could be used as a technique in transgenic development and vertical viral transmission studies

    Strategi Pengembangan Puri Agung Kendran sebagai Daya Tarik Wisata Unggulan Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali

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    Salah satu objek wisata di Bali terletak di Puri Agung Kendran, Desa Kendran, Kecamatan Tegalalang, Gianyar Bali. Puri ini memiliki objek wisata seperti seni arsitektur tradisional Bali, serta penerapan konsep Sanga Mandala dan Asta Kosala Kosali yang masih lestari sampai sekarang. Selain itu, kegiatan di lokasi tersebut tetap mencerminkan budaya kental Bali, apalagi di lingkungan yang sejuk dan dekat dengan tempat wisata terkenal lainnya seperti Ubud, Tegalalang, dan Tampak Siring. Wisatawan dapat melakukan berbagai hal di puri Kendran seperti berwisata keliling lingkungan puri, berfoto, menikmati hidangan tradisional, dan menikmati pernikahan kerajaan Bali. Para wisatawan dapat berkeliling Desa Kendran dengan bersepeda atau berjalan di sepanjang sawah yang sejuk dan pemandangan yang indah. Wawancara dilakukan dengan tokoh-tokoh Puri Agung.sebagai objek wisata unggulan di Kabupaten Gianyar dalam pelaksanaan penelitian. Data primer dan data sekunder diperoleh dan dianalisis dengan Analisis SWOT. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Puri Agung Kendran berada di Kwadran V, yang berarti menjaga dan mempertahankan (strategi tidak berubah) untuk terus dikembangkan sebagai objek wisata budaya unggulan di Kabupaten Gianyar. Pengembangan Daya tarik budaya dengan keberadaan Puri Agung Kendran harus dikaitkan dengan berbagai kegiatan wisata lainnya, baik di Desa Kendran maupun objek wisata terkenal lainnya seperti Ubud, Tampak Siring, Tegalalang dan lain-lain. Perkembangan daya tarik wisata budaya tidak hanya dari Puri Agung Kendran sendiri tapi juga lingkungan sekitar Desa Kendran pada umumnya

    Model Tarikan Pergerakan Dan Pola Sebaran Pergerakan Pada Kawasan Industri Agrobisnis Jabung

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    Industri agrobisnis yang beradadi Kecamatan Jabung, Kabupaten Malang menjadi bukti bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kecamatan Jabung harus didukung oleh adanya model tarikan pergerakan dan pola sebaran pergerakan yang akan berguna bagi pemerintah setempat untuk lebih mengembangkan kawasan industri agrobisnisdi Kecamatan Jabung. Dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan untuk tarikan pergerakan adalah Metode Analisis Regresi sedangkan untuk pola sebaran pergerakan adalah Metode Matriks Asal-Tujuan (MAT). Hasil analisis regresi menunjukan bahwa hubungan antara variabel terikat Y dengan variabel bebas X3 dan X5 pegawai memiliki hubungan yang sangat berpengaruh karena memiliki nilai R rendah yaitu 0,1311 dengan bentuk model Y= -49,9719 + 0,0010 X2 + 8,3935 X4 + 4,8555 X5dan hubungan antara variabel terikat Y dengan variabel bebas X2, X4, dan X5 pengunjung memiliki hubungan yang sangat berpengaruh karena memiliki nilai R tinggi yaitu 0,7157 dengan bentuk model Y= -10,4548 + 13,4527 X4 + 1,6248 X5. Sedangkan untuk pola sebaran pergerakan pegawai paling dominan yaitu internal Desa Slamparejo sebanyak 23,11% dan pola pergerakan untuk pengunjung yang paling dominan yaitu internal di Desa Jabung sebanyak 26,49%
